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were any of them right?


Bane basically. Now the reason why it's portrayed as so chaotically is because Nolan is a liberal and so he portrayed the revolution as total chaos. There were interesting concepts like the people's tribune with scarecrow acting as judge who by the way judged cops.. I mean think about that. Also that scene where an army of cops fights a whole bunch of people that may or may not be Bane's soldiers. In any case Batman brought back the status quo by leading cops to crush a revolution. Let me remind you that even people like that police chief weren't attacked and stayed home with their family until Bats showed up and basically galvanized them to attack Bane's revolution which btw ended up with a bunch of dead cops so even Batman got a bunch of cops killed by getting them to go out there and crush a revolution lol.


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I mean if you wanted to do the whole entire revolution thing you could use Anarky. He's a bit more of unknown batman villain as he only appears, outside of the comics, in Arkham Origins and one batman cartoon show. You could make it either portray batman in a more negative light or a straight up villian whose methods are counter productive to his goals, ie ridding Gotham of crime.


No because writing any source of nuance, character complexity or compelling motivation is well beyond Nolans abilities. I think the reason Joker become so iconic, other than Ledgers performance, is the fact he is just an insane person who does evil for shit and giggles, and thus couldnt be ruined by bad writing.


>Ras al ghoul
Based. Struck at the heart of the capitalist system. Literally used fear bombs to make the pigs afraid.
Based. Established dictatorship of the proletariat. He was to nuke the pigs, so he would have been the most based.
Based. He wasn't crazy or evil. He wanted freedom. Society shaped him into what he was and that is why he wanted to destroy it. He understood that destroying is easy and fixing society is utopian.
>Two Face
Based. The bourgeois lawyer wasted his life upholding the status quo and it blew up in his face. He understood that, then embraced chaos and freedom from the Joker's teachings. He is a vulgar materialist: the coin decides, not subjective morality/law.
>the rest


What about Catwoman stealing from the rich?


in the nolan movies joker explicitly doesn't want anything, he's a crazy person with no past and no relation to gotham. he's more like a force of nature and that's why batman must use the superpower of violating everyone's rights with his immense wealth in order to stop him


He does want one thing though, to prove to the world that his perspective is correct that deep down everyone is like him.


Ras al Ghul was literally just Thanos snapping Gotham for consooming too many resources.


I think your confusing his comic version of with the movie version.


Bane made the most emse to me. Especially with his saying that hope and despair go hanf in hand.

His logic behind taking over Gotham was genius.

Joker is good but his edgelord antics are overfocused on as a virtue.
I do admire his orchestration of his crimes, though.


Don't forget Batman is literally a billionaire. Bane was so right that the only way Nolan could make him evil was by having him want to blow up the city out of spite


You know what ypure right.

Wayne Industries is a billion dollar i dustry. Youd thibk with all that money he'd at least buy out Gotham forces and make the city safer.


In the movie he says they were there every time civilization got too big to reset it.
3 minutes into this video


Because he's the only person who sees the impersonality of fate, as opposed to justifying savagery as "part of the system" like a liberal, or as "human nature" like the joker.
The joker manufactures chaos, whereas two-face embroils himself within the design of his own game with the coin flip


Is two face the ubermensch, a man who has created his own moral system?


No, he is still spooked by the spectre of "chaos", and only picks on easy targets.
For example, if he lined up people of all classes (like thanos) and rolled a dice to see who died that would be more "fair", but again, who gets to hold the gun? At least harvey holds it against his own head.
The ubermensch in transvaluating all values wouldnt be so fixated on "justice" but his own means of creating a new type of world

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