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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Recommend me anything to watch.


I'm a big Satoshi Kon fan. Saw it in theaters when it released. Maybe I should rewatch it tho.

Is that TV/Movie, or TV Movie?

How about film-length youtube videos like The Haircut?

Watch Showgirls. Jacques Rivette considered it Paul Verhoeven's best film about America. I agree with him.

Youtuber Quinton Reviews made a roughly 36 hours long iCarly cinematic multiverse video essay/review/recap, nothing of value but fun as a filler noise for background. He will likely do even more videos since iCarly, Victorious, sam and cat and Fred are only things he has done videos about and thats barely the half of nickelodeons shows that are in the same multiverse. I am not proud of the fact that I have watched these videos at least twice.

Vansploitation Movies

there can't be a "film about [x country]"
that's just an unrealistic claim

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