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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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How did you like it? I found it a lot better than the later seasons of Adventure Time.


I never heard of it, is this some anime?


I liked it a lot, it's more deep into the lore and episodes are longer, and they have really improved on a lot of things including the animation.


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so Finn x HW is all but confirmed now yes?


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also I found this on /co/


>seething OP


It’s fine. Not bad not great, but clearly targeted at children, even more so than the original series I’d argue.


but anon there's blood and stuff. plus Fionna's giantess fetish


This show that started out as a silly cartoon about a boy and his magic dog in a candy kingdom hits way harder than it needs to.


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Simon is a cute :)


Adventure Time was my childhood and now it’s gone. Newer shows just can’t compare, idk why, but they just feel shorter and less interesting. Time is cruel.


I enjoyed it, originally quite watching adventure time at like season 5 when it was airing but finished it to catch up recently. Very nostalgic feeling.


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>a lot better than the later seasons of Adventure Time
I blame homestuck


idk what you're talking about, Adventure Time only got better with the later seasons. Obsidian and Stakes were some of the best shit in the entire series. haven't watched Fionna and Cake yet though


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Haters said it wouldn't happen.


base show maintained quality throughout, it just went from episodic to more structured (Fiona and cake was not very good though)

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