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:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
128 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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pretty good vid
it's easy to imagine how it will go


>takes out axe


I used to want to be a choreographer

But then I had a motorbike smash my knee :(


Kek, nice reference

Reminds me a bit of Predator Dark Ages


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Two knights closely inspecting the grass.
Details unknown.


Kek literally an ancient Touch Grass meme



This sounds exactly like the kind of pun a Jester'd use before killing someone.


Shadiversity covered Dune's body shield tech in regards to HEMA type combat.


Maybe I'm stupid but wouldn't the shields from Dune just result in people using more blunt force? At least in the movie version the shield might stop the attack from connecting to your body, but we see the force still transfers with kicks and so on, so if you bop someone around with a maul or trip them with a staff it should still work, right? Maybe the dominant strat would be to wield a spear so you get reach and leverage to knock or trip someone to the ground and then maneuver the spearhead under the shield once they're off their feet. Shad thinks they'd use shorter blades for up close, but you can still keep someone at a distance with a spear. Maybe there would be some tension between the two methods, IDK.

He also makes the point at the beginning that if you just stop the blade at the barrier, then the speed is 0 and it doesn't take a lot of effort to move the blade slowly through the shield. It makes the shields seem kind of self-defeating if they don't at least make the blades bounce off, since the shield blocking the blade does the work for you of decelerating the swing, so you could just swing normally for the most part. I think it's just one of those things that has more of a thematic purpose and is difficult to really explain or portray in a way that makes sense.






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>slow penetration
Not really an option in a high-speed melee battle or at range. The opponent isn't just going to stand and let you do damage. In the Droideka of Star Wars this makes sense in terms of an exploitable weakness - roll EMP or HE grenades past the shield and fry/blast them.


Goblin Slayer is pretty interesting in its discussion of armor and arms in (essentially) spelunking of deep tight caverns.


I think the Dune shields have a fatal vulnerability.

If you put an explosive on a stick with a trigger in the tip, the shield would let the explosive pass through (if the stick is gingerly wielded) and then contain the fast moving blastwave within the shield, turning the shield wearer into instant mush. POP stick

There are variations of this method: A blowtorch/flamethrower on a stick( heat is fast moving particles and therefore the shield should also be a near perfect insulator, which should make for some crispy results). A compressed air hose on a stick or overpowered tazer on a stick would work as well. A spray of supercooled ethanol-dry-ice slurry would freeze the guy in the shield.

To make this into a ranged weapon you mount the stick on some kind of remote controlled vehicle or flying thing.

The dune universe also has artificial gravity generators, and like in any other scifi series this gets overlooked. If you switch it on and off with alternating polarity a few times per second, nobody will be able to fight because they are to busy smacking against the floor and sealing.


Complex hilted weapons, like basket hilts, are superior to beta no-hilt weapons.


>hilts virgin v chad mentality
Reassess your priorities and understandings


Anyone hear of Arnis before?


Yes I have, but I am skeptical of dual wielding weapons. Sounds like a great way to cut your own arm off


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>Yes I have, but I am skeptical of dual wielding weapons. Sounds like a great way to cut your own arm off


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True, it takes more skill (using swords) but they primarily use sticks in Arnis if I recall. Interestingly due to the care put into ATLA, Zuko's dual-blade style is a very good example of effective double blade usage.


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But y tho?


quarterstaff > any historical close combat weapon


It's pretty cool ngl

You have real cool stuff from german-ish sources which are double ended, italians and french just turned it into a big sword, then the whole ingerlan tradition.

Would recommend if peeps already tried japanese stuff.


also That's the Danish manual for you image source right?


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Based and Little-John-pilled.



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Just bros being bros.

Haven't been here in ages since the split. Seems like another thread was merged?



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>sword and soudani shield
That reminds me. I don't think I was here when last year's online Dreynevent dropped. Matt presented a section of indigenous sword & shield vs. sabre from one of Alfred Hutton's books. Some basic grappling included which is nice to see at such a late period.




Guess this is also the arms & armour thread now.

Been on a morningstar mood in Elden Ring. Think I found what this iteration is based on. Obviously, it's been downgraded to be utilitarian but the profile is still near identical. I prefer the original's smaller spikes and longer top spike.
The ones from DS1-3 are based on these (img#3).

With how simplistic souls combat is while being a medieval fantasy setting, it's fun to just pick a bonk weapon if I want full immersion just swinging away at the various armoured enemies. Love how it's not an issue in Bloodborne given the time period.


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Keep in mind morningstars come in various designs and lengths. Technically, the demi human club and spiked spear are also morningstars.

The spiked spear was a pleasant surprise for me. They're clearly based on the various peasant-made examples from the 17-18th century. I quite like the rustic look of them. Great choice for a peasant roleplay.


Shad makes his living off big tits and fetishists…
>reads the first post
Oh… lmao, not shadman, nevermind keeping this as is for the sheer laughs


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Something I found. So another sidearm archers would use besides swords were "mauls".

I'm no workman so I'm not really sure what they refer to in ye olde tymes or the present day. Seems to just be the everyday large working hammer repurposed/used for war. I read some threads asking if such things were used as weapons with replies amounting to "not really". I mean, if the artwork and records ain't lying, then I guess it's another case of overcorrection (the other end of the "not knowing wtf you're talking about" spectrum).

Curiously, Tod's selling a number of "archer's mauls" but they're simple one handed studded clubs weighted with lead. Not sure what they're based on or if they're an "educated guess" of something peasants could make. In any case, I do like the look of them.


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A Maul is another name for a specialised woodsplitting tool. In most of the contemporary sources they look like big mallets, which would be used in conjunction with wedges to split wood along the grain. Modern Mauls are a bit like a cross between a sledgehammer and an axe, and serve the same function.


how dangerous/effective are brass knuckles against an unarmed person? a lot of people on reddit seem to underestimate them, and idk if that's true or it's just typical reddit brainworm.


>Japanese swordsmaster reviews European Long-sword




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I really should just double post here as well anytime I post in /leftytrash/. I could make it longer and last as well.

Really late thanks.
I don't know if they realised what they were getting into. It's cute seeing everyone getting so excited add their input, Rawlings especially. He's just so giddy.


Lovely sparring with the rugger, bauernwehr, hauswehr or whatever kind of shorter messer everyday folk could carry. I guess they put in perspective what langes messer are. Some thoughts from my amateur eyes:
>long enough that cutting plays are +/- the same and maintaining the bind is still feasible
>possibly too short that your point can't reach opponent's body (go for arms?) if their arm is not in a shortened postion while in a bind (unless you have the strength/structure to collapse their extended arm?)
>which means more cutting or thrusting away from the bind and less point work with opposition?
>either way, offhand defense + grappling even more applicable simply from shorter distance
Been thinking of how much knife fighting can be derived from the sword so this is fascinating. Die Freifechter has more stuff with them:
https://youtu.be/MyjyWnpZWsE (same fight, different pov)
https://youtu.be/ve_MBYkXNbs (another sparring)
https://youtu.be/-ND1SpgJdL0 (glasgow messer plays with bauernwehr)

Love watching Oskar at play. His form and flow are just *chef's kiss*. Fencers like him are so enjoyable to watch.
Virtual Fechtschule (Oskar), Die Freifechter and Messering Around are good channels if you are interested in messer.


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I love how this video got so many sword-fags on youtube agitated.


v nice

I also got two new 2nd-hand copies of McBane today. Feeling pretty good rn


>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Buckler?
Lets Ask Seki Sensei is an interesting and informative channel IMO.


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I have an old book about Knight armor, it's pretty thick, I gotta find it and upload the contents sometime. Link is archived at archive.is if you want to avoid the actual site


The guy also did a video on fighting with a Rapier
>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Rapier?
The description has other such videos, such as analysis of use of a Longsword.


Channel is called World of Armor - Russian channel about making or analyzing armor, arms and shields
Vid rel is a multi-use shield from the late medieval-early renaissance period
>A shield which is also a sword breaker, a rondache, or a lantern shield - multitool of the Renaissance. This is a shield, a gauntlet, a blade, and even a sword.


Could I dual wield gauntlet shields?


It'd probably harder to manipulate quickly and skillfully than it looks. But theoretically yes.

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