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What do you guys think of this webcomic by Thomas Fischbach, Markiplier's brother? Btw, I never knew Markiplier had a brother until like yesterday.


Cute girls. brb r34


I honestly never knew Markiplier either had a brother nor that he was the author of this. I never got into Two-Kinds, mostly because there's a lot of toxic fans, maybe I oughta give it a read.


I used to love it when I was younger, I still read it now and then but they've introduced too many mega powerful characters (and too many characters in general) and it kind of seems to be meandering. Still the art is pretty, no reason not to give it a read if it appeals to you.

If you want a much better written furry comic though read Out of Placers.


I'm not a furry BUT…

Happens every time I see a furry anime girl tbh.


its cute but its been fan service for many years now


I swear I have seen this artstyle somewhere before


I found it entertaining and read a bunch of it until the story started taking a weird direction. Also it tries its hardest to psyop you into becoming a furry. I'm only moderately into furshit and I've coomed so hard to this comic


>read a bunch of it until the story started taking a weird direction
Can you tell me more about this 'direction'?


There's a furry comic about a catgirl or something that has sex with pokemon that looks very much like this.


Does he have a transformation fetish?


More than likely, a lot of furries do, but it's also just a staple of this kind of low-brow furry fantasy


>Also it tries its hardest to psyop you into becoming a furry
How can you get psyoped into becoming a furry? Sounds like yaoi psyoping you to become gay.


Someone's never watched the animated robin hood with the foxes


its channer brainrot


>Someone's never watched the animated robin hood with the foxes
I've seen the fox princess. She's literally just a fox, this comic is lewd at least. That makes even less sense.


You saw the website though, you read the first few pages, you knew what you were getting into here

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