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Why have movies and other franchises moved away from just doing normal sequels to doing prequels and side stories so much?
I don't buy that it's simply for the sake of fan buy-in and "I know what that is!" You can put references to other stories into a new one without making them literally connected. So what gives?

It's especially weird with Mad Max, where the continuity in the older movies was always vague. The way Road Warrior and Thunderdome made it seem like they could be retellings of the same events in an oral tradition. Why is that not good enough? And what is the point of telling the backstory of a character like Furiosa when the ending of Fury Road set up a more interesting scenario? They won, they overthrew the bad guys, but we don't get to see what the victory looks like? If you still need the action scenes, you could just have some opportunistic faction show up to do a siege during the transition.

In even worse cases, you have things like the Zelda timeline or Stephen King novels, where there wasn't originally a holistic canon, but one was rationalized later. (And in the case of Zelda, the most recent entries seem to contradict the "official" canon timeline in multiple ways.) Seriously, what is added by establishing an explicit canon for all these separate products? Why can't it just be a series of thematically connected works, like Dark Souls? Or the original middle ground where Zeldas were different incarnations of the same concept, but with no specific relationship between most of them?


You might not know this but the concept of a film getting a Sequel is newer than the concept of a film universe.

See: Universal monsters in the 1920s-40s


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>Why have movies and other franchises moved away from just doing normal sequels to doing prequels and side stories so much?
Because its been demonstrated that sequential films rarely are able to match their predecessor, and even if the 2nd film is good the 3rd usually flops (Terminator 3, Alien3, etc.). Instead of being pure sequels, the X-verse type building structure allows for movies to be only loosely connected to a prior film, meaning that while fans of a prior movie can be appealed to and exploited (theoretically) it also allows writers more freedom to just make up what they want (within certain small limits). The problem of this is that eventually it gets tiresome.
>what is the point of telling the backstory of a character like Furiosa when the ending of Fury Road set up a more interesting scenario? They won, they overthrew the bad guys, but we don't get to see what the victory looks like?
Because the audience wants to know more, even though they simultaneously don't want to know more. Furthermore its because Max is irrelevant. He's not a character in the Fury Road movie, he's a caricature, in part because Mel Gibson is too old and uninterested in playing him and no new actor can match that energy, so they decided to take the real main character of the previous film and prequel her. Thunderdome was meant as an old-school ending of "this was the legend of Mad Max, who still may wander the desert."
>Seriously, what is added by establishing an explicit canon for all these separate products?
Probably meant to solidify the story line so that in future stories/games they can comfortably reference prior games without being disruptive to canon (though they still failed).


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Personally I'm a big fan of the ELREU (Everybody Loves Raymond Expanded Universe)


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Back in my day we used to call them franchises or series I tell you what. Sometimes spinoffs. But we never said Frasier was part of the Cheers Cinematic Universe.


Dang I didn't even know there were 4 spinoffs.


> Cheers, a beloved sitcom, has spawned various spinoffs and crossovers like Frasier, Wings, The Tortellis, and St. Elsewhere, creating a Cheers cinematic universe.

> Frasier, a spinoff of Cheers, introduced the character Frasier Crane and entertained audiences for 20 years, showcasing his character development and ongoing storylines.
>Wings, although not a direct spinoff, is connected to Cheers through shared creators and occasional appearances by characters from the original show, giving it a subtle link to the Cheers universe.


How do crossover episodes work? Do they officially merge cinematic universe timelines?


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According to some people, yes.


You're already giving into the madness by thinking too hard of what role this serves within a franchise instead of just seeing it as a a great director doing what he does best.
Mad Max isn't like the MCU, like you yourself said it uses a vague continuity so who genuinely cares about "what happens next"? Miller just wants to tell a new story with his usual aesthetic and style, if it's good that's all that matters.
Unfortunately now he's probably never making another movie again because it's not gonna make a hundred billion dollars.


It's about more than the Mad Max series. That's just the most recent example of this kind of side-story expanding a franchise. It's not a good or bad thing inherently, but this approach seems to be favored by the industry. There are multiple failed attempts at cinematic universes lately, like rebooting the Universal monsterverse and the DC verse.


Furiosa is a good movie, we should talk about it morr


Why'd it flop though? Hard sell?


Because going to see a movie costs a hundred fucking dollars just to have some dipshit chewing and crackling their bags or checking their fucking cell phone or beating their kids


People went out for Top Gun and some other recent movies though.


Sexism clearly


I saw the first After Effects tier trailer and immediately lost interest. The acting and direction outside of the effects also looked stupid from the trailer. I think worst of all is when you compare it to Fury Road, the quality drop is immense.


Damn that's fucking sick. Thanks for posting. Wheres it from?


Supposedly the trailers used unfinished VFX which seems highly sus. Maybe the studio intentionally under-marketed it because these movies are relatively expensive and not usually that profitable so they want to kill the potential for the franchise to grow. It wouldn't be the first time they'd done something like that.


Back in my day when they wanted to make a teaser but the movie was unfinished, they just teased you with some sick visual that's not in the movie instead of showing us the whole movie in a half finished state.


>how can the titanic be sinking when there are parts of it still above water


media franchises are preferred by risk-averse executives who run the oligopolies like hollywood
that's it
it's not much deeper than that
no one's gonna bankroll the next kubrick (unless they force the project through a few dozen focus groups)

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