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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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No thread for the European Cup yet? First match tomorrow, Germany vs Scotland. Already met a bunch of drunk Scots on the train.
>hurr durr professional sports is capitalism
>hurr durr this is like the olympics 1936
>hurr durr cheering for national teams of capitalist states is fascism
>hurr durr it's called soccer
Let people have fun for once, this is called /hobby/. Political discussions are okay, shitting on some countries is okay, shitting on retards on and off the field is okay, but please none of the dumb stuff above.

Who do you think is gonna win? My bet is on Spain, but that's just a gut feeling. I hope none of the most boring teams amongst the faves, France and Portugal, wins. England has a decent shot this time with Bellingham. Austria could be the underdog that surprises.


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For me it's Brasil (Portugal), I didn't used to like them but they've grown on me.
Like a tumor.


Also the first austrian game is highly likely going to be a complete demontage like we've seen yesterday. Vive la France


Nah, still hate them, but tumor is an apt comparison.

>complete demontage
>against the boremeisters of the universe
Nah dude, watching France is like getting a sloppy blowjob/ruined orgasm. 1:0 after a penalty or corner or something after a dozen wasted Austrian chances.

Hope Spain wins against the Ustasha and Albania does something against the wops today. For some reason they have this weird vendetta against Albania in their fash minds because muh Istria or something.


Also I think we might have a chance this time after we botched the last two tournaments. I hope Nagelsmann isn't the retard I always thought he was.


At least Italy is a real country. Agree about España - Hrvatska of course.

Don't get overexcited after one match. It was more like Scotland imploded than anything.


He's back


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the multipolarista match coming soon


England played like shit. Serbia even had much more ball control. Undeserved.


And fuck Ukraine


Well, they got fucked.

Slovakia leads against Belgium by the way and plays pretty impressive. The perfomance by the so-called underdogs so far just underlines how fucking catastrophically Scotland collapsed in on itself, rather than Germany being really brilliant.


Austria wins against the Netherlands and gets first rank in a group with France, the Netherlands and Poland


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Late but that Croatia v Italy match was the worst officiated match I've seen. 8 fucking mins of extra time. England v Slovenia was probably the worst match so far. England needs to be investigated for football terrorism.


You're in the past playing football, we're in the future playing Southgateball


It's (never) coming home.


It's not about winning, it's about being the biggest meme


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What do these bums even do?


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They actually did it


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Thoughts on sports betting? been making some profit this euro's


it's risky and very addicting but if you're doing well, more power to you.


Be careful kid… The house always wins!…

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