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Thread for talking about webcomics. Share your favs, discuss latest updates.

I recently discovered "basket of guts"
A story about a lich that comes out of his crypt for world domination and find the world evolved and then quickly end on the run from a "modern" state security services.
Really liking it so far. Good mix of genres, starting from a standard fantasy world and instead of freezing it in time add societal and technomagical development. Also I find it pretty funny. Not everything translated yet sadly.

its on leftypol that I discovered Out Of Placers (apparently created by a furry artist, which explain the horniness)
Pretty interesting world building.

Finished since quite a while but at the time followed schlock mercenary. Goofy SF about a mercenary company.

On a more smutty side, I like alfie by incase.

For the non storyline webcomics, existential comics, oglaf and SMBC are my favs.



damn, started reading, that kid is really an insufferable, entitled little cunt. Well played to the author, now I have to keep reading in the hope of seeing the brat get some retribution.


I guess it doesn't bother me as much since I like brats.

Seriously though it gets better as it goes on IMO.


Been meaning to get back into https://www.sabrina-online.com/archive.html lately.

Also https://halo-head.com/ is fun, very colorful and solid characters.

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