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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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File: 1732072788877.jpg (117.68 KB, 1080x1061, 0krnalanpn391.jpg)


this is a thread for bloatmaxxers to discuss bloatmaxxing diet and exercise. NO TWINKS ALLOWED! (unless u want to start bloatmaxxing of course)

I’m admiring that bloat.
I hope to bloat as well as that bloater someday.

Achktually, proletarians throughout the history thinmaxxed, bloatmaxxing is bourgeouis

Jar of mayonnaise a day.

stfu twink


very good how many pounds?

Only girls should bloatmaxx imo

File: 1732582801910.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.26 KB, 226x254, 6969656534253_78.jpg)

categorically false

Women naturally bloat max when they get pregnant. They're naturally pros.

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