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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Write To Wight Women In Prison Program is program designed by Jordan Jereb supported by NSP to make sure Far Right NS Cares About White Women, especially to those who are currently in prison (in this case, Florida Prison).

Now… bad news is… that all of these White Women are sympathetic and are susceptible of the Far Right cause.

Now… good news is… These Women are unlike no other, and unlike other women, these women, aren't liberal feminists.

What's your response, Leftypol?

>white women


File: 1732381553521.mp4 (3.3 MB, 576x1024, white women.mp4)

you just know what they're all in for

When one gazes into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Imagine actually doing this, getting a "gf" waiting for her to come out of prison. And after 5 years she is released and she instantly dumps you cause she finally has options again. Grim.

Do they seriously spell it 'wight'?

I can't fuck women anymore cause there's absolutely no way of knowing if shes had sex with an animal or not.

That video is from some nazi youtube channel so I say they deserve it.

>you just need to be incredibly wealthy and come from an established lineage to nut inside a 29 year old woman with a minimum of 7 ex-partners

Less white people the better if this is all what life is.

shush schizo

the quesion is do the girls deserve it

Fascist women get the wall too

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