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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Absolutely no idea what board to post this thread to but let's have a thread on cleaning and tidying, and what tips and techniques are great for being domestic.

Just bought a reachy grabber to use around the house, i.e. the thing folk use for litter picking. I get that a lot of folk use them while being disabled but they legit makes tidying so much quicker and less tedious with getting stuff off the floor if you're ADHD like me and leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere during busy schedules. Also way more fun because it lets me pretend my grabber is a hungry monster, biting all mess within my path.

What the hell is that image? Is it really a decomposing corpse?

Why the hell did you have to post that, anon? You could have posted a nice anime maid cleaning or some shit like that instead of whatever the hell that is.

sorry life has its brutalities, just keep it clean

Brutal truth.

Well OP I've started to forcing this routine:
in rhythm with the paychecks / financial "have-to"s that usually occur towards the end of the month, I have those days (25th-31st) as generalized routine-repetitions (for things that take a couple of weeks and not a few days to before it needs to be redone ofc)
Example: Body hair grooming, washing bedsheets
You should do other stuff like vacuuming a bit more often, like weekly.
>getting stuff off the floor if [..] leave clothes and bits of paper and things everywhere
Make easier access to used clothes disposal and maybe get a smaller desk specifically for "need-to-do" paperwork. This way it's quicker to find and get done and you wont have to reach down so much.
Gl comrade, the struggle continues

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