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>Leninhat locks two missionaries into his house and debates them out of their reactionary beliefs
Absolute kino. Leninhat's performance was amazing. Anyone else watch any anti-spook movies recently?

The idea of those two girls actually being fundies makes it too implausible, skip

Actually both main actresses grew up in religious families; that's why they were casted.

'grew up in' sure, actually believed as adults, no

really not that unbelievable, plenty of flyover america has churches that are more "trendy", im sure if you checked you could find a ton of tiktoks from evangelical women who you wouldnt know were evangelicals if they didnt tell you. fundies have access to the internet, and especially the more active and successful missionary groups wont discourage young people from pursuing trends and being fashionable so long as its all reasonably halal

Listen, tons of retards who work in Hollywood claim they were raised in a Christian cults when their parents just made them go to church every Sunday. I'm an atheist in every sense, but I was deeply religious when I was younger, to the point where I wanted to go to Syria to fight to protect Shia shrines, and my entire family had to physically stop me. The biggest issue with Hollywood projects about religion is that they never had faith or any higher ideals, To them, religion is a shallow political identity and a choice. Even the Soviets had a better understanding than this; many of them didn't even respect religion, but they understood it because they grasped what basic belief is

>I wanted to go to Syria to fight to protect Shia shrine
What? Why would you think that? When did Assad ever persecute the Shia? Am I taking crazy pills? Weren't the Baathists super chill with religious minorities?

this was when ISIS was killing Shia's and other non-Sunni's in Iraq and Syria

People have differing levels of religious commitment. By your own standard, everyone in your family who professed to be Shia would actually be retroactively labeled as an atheist since they wanted to stop you from going to fight. The reality is that the number of people who have the level of zealotry that you would consider to be "true faith" are very few. ISIS themselves consider all other Muslims to be apostates.

That's not the point, I never doubted my family's faith, I knew that then and now they believed in their own interpretation of it, but these people never had faith, they went to a de facto secular Protestant church a few times gone and that is the extent of It, they've never held any sorts of higher ideals

whether or not hollywod is capable of convincingly portraying religious belief is a totally seperate question as to whether or not the girls in the trailer could concievably be fundies, all im saying is they easily could be based on the trailer

The guy has an enormous basement that the ladies fail to notice from the outside, I think any idea that this movie is meant to have any sense of verisimilutude is out the window from, like, the trailer

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