Stop consuming bourgeois food. Junk food, sodas, sweets, etc. are a bourgeois invention of the capitalist epoch made for addiction and profit that your body doesn't need. You must eat organic food, drink water and if you can, grow and hunt your own food.
>>7089I'll dake ur gake and eadit too fugging amerigan :—D
>>7085Yes, but take it a step further and go vegan.
>>7087>global dimming<an effect that won't actually have a visible impact for decades or even centuries
Ok idiot.
>>7097>ommunism is where you starveHow the fuck did you get THAT from the OP? Abundance doesn't mean you eat processed shite. And FYI real caviar is pretty fucking organic m8.
>>7095Not much, more often than not they used tobacco-based pesticides which were organic and relatively harmless after thoroughly washing the produce, unlike modern pesticides that you can claw off an apple-skin like fucking wax.
>>7096<Not eating processed shite is the same as not eating meat
Tell me have you ever barbecued meat?
>>7099>conspiracy theories about Monsanto and the Illuminati<satan trips and screaming about "conspiracy!!!!"
Found the glownigger.
There is no conspiracy to be found, there is a hard fact, Monsanto is a massive monopoly that exerts massive pressure on the scientific community and economy to push its products through. This is capitalist self-interest. As for the Illuminati. No-one is saying thy're magic aliens, but its just a giant monopolistic mafia at the highest level. It's not that fucking strange given that secret societies have existed for millenia.
Cage-free, free-range eggs are organic, compare their contents to that of a GMO chicken. The latter gets pumped with so many hormones and live in such squalor that the egg products are in and of themselves tainted by this.
>>7101Stop reddit spacing and do research. the "MEME" of organic food was not a common thing, but the actual concept existed.
Organic producers rely on natural substances and physical, mechanical, or biologically based farming methods to the fullest extent possible The USSR did just that. They didn't have cow pens where they would be raised in a 3x6 cage with shit running down their legs, or chickens that were kept in rigid boxes with their beaks set to a constant supply of food.
>>7085Organic food is more expensive so only the middle class and bourgeois can only eat like this everyday.
Also, you can only change a system through its relations of production, not through consumption.
That's why most organic-only eaters are often liberals or "anarcho"-lifestylists like you OP, anyway.
>>7102Cope kachinsky tard. People were already seeing effects of it in early corona lockdowns. But I have another one for you:
Who will handle nuclear reactors?
>>7131> early corona lockdownsLOL imagine actually using this as an argument
>who will handle nuclear reactors<state management and robotics don't exist
absolute brainlet
>>27041Fair question.
Get some heavy glass lunch containers with waterproof lids. They're like $10, borosilicate glass or whatever. Get plastic ones if you don't want to do this.
Fill it with healthy food you got in the supermarket during your weekly food shopping before you go out, or the night before.
Do what I do and throw that slop in there. Cooked pulses, nuts, raw chopped fruit and veg, leafy greens, piece of meat/fish/egg/cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sprinkle of seeds…..
Or do what others do and spend time making it pretty like a bento box, whatever…
Carry that with you during the day and stop eating the textured sugar hydrogenated oil that is in _everything_ in grocery stores. You will save so much money.
Carry small bags of unsalted mixed nuts for snacking. Cheap and healthy.
If this simple plan seems overwhelming, know that it becomes easy after a few weeks.
The health benefits are ridiculous.
You don't have to eat that grocery store shit made by people that won't let their kids eat it.
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