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Why does it make evreything feel fine?

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It does?

For a time yes

Cause you never tried drugs

Fuck off junkie this is a /clink/ thread

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I don't understand beer tbh. It is an above average drink in terms of taste, but afterwards it just makes you feel slightly retarded and then slightly shit. You get like an hour or two of wobbly movement and bursts of random laughter, but after that its just an entire day of feeling like your cheeks are burning up + a shit taste in your mouth. I guess I never got smashed, but I don't really find the idea of forgetting what I did the day after that appealing.

The real secret of beer is drinking one or two an hour while sitting around having the craic with a group of people or listening to music etc. not drinking to get fucked up, drinking to get drunk is always a bad idea but doing it with beer is especially bad because of all the calories and the gas in it making you feel incredibly terrible due to bloating and irritation along with the regular hangover

Also have a pint or so of water before going to bed and you won't get the horrible mouth feeling the next day, its a symptom of being dehydrated + having bits of stale beer stuck between your teeth


Me neither, anti-alcohol gang. I never got hammered but never understood the appeal. I don’t like the taste of alcohol at all. Like even the lightest sweetest wine tastes like shit to me. I went to a winery and they had grape juice made from the same vineyards, just without the alcohol and I liked that shit wayy better. I also love that nonalcoholic apple cider. Adding alcohol just makes a great drink worse.

People said you have to ‘get used to it,’ but why the fuck would I waste my time killing my tastebuds for some nasty ass drink?

>I never got hammered but never understood the appeal.
You feel happier and more talkative while hammed, you are willing to do (fun) shit you normally wouldn't do due to fear.
>I don’t like the taste of alcohol at all
If it's warm it tastes like shit, but your sposed to have beer ice cold.

I love beer. It tastes good and because the alcohol content is not that high you won't get the hangovers you would if you drank booze, and since it doesn't have as much sugar you won't get that gross feeling in your teeth if you are too drunk to brush your teeth. Plus it's the cheapest alcoholic drink in bars and pubs.
If you are alone drinking one is fine, but getting smashed by yourself is just depressing and creates a really bad habit.
If you want to avoid hangovers do as >>9179 said, drink plenty of water.
You just need to find a drink you enjoy (if you want to). I hate gin and vodka, plus I dislike wine, but I love beer, anisette and orujo de hierbas. Plenty of people who don't like alcohol enjoy bayleis, try that if you want.

Alcohol is more of a social lubricant than something to be consumed for its own sake, I'll drink at home very lightly when not with others but I only appreciate the taste because I'm used to using it to ease social interactions, to be very scientific and cold about it, it helps overcome social awkwardness and relax, I think its telling that the best nights out are ones where the drinking is relatively slow but the chat is fast

I've sometimes wondered how people from dry countries perceive western drinking cultures, I've been drinking and going into pubs since I was 15 and its so culturally baked in I can't really imagine life without that component, though it seems there are very few naturally dry places, even devout muslim countries have thriving underground drinking scenes so its seems to be a pretty universal thing

Also all alcohol doesn't taste and hit the same, I like beers and vodka, especially when ice cold as well as very occasionally whiskey but can't stand wine or schnapps for example and things like Tequila or liqours make me feel physically ill regardless of how little I have of them

I went dry for about 9 months and found it valuable but at the same time I did miss the social utility (and taste) of a good beer sat in the sun after hard excercise or a drink in the evening with friends

The lubricant thing is the main advantage, as long as you're careful its a great way to connect with a variety of people that you would normally struggle to deal with. Sure if you're gregarious enough you might be able to do it without but alcohol is a shortcut and a way for the less socially inclined to build a rapport.

People became alcoholics at home because it takes the edge off stress and makes pretty much everything more enjoyable.

>tfw nutritionist told me to stop drinking
I'm gonna do it, but I'm going to kill that bottle of Sake first, not wasting those dragon ball sake glasses

Few months to go till I'm the age what stuff should I get?

Mad Dog 20/20 or Four Loko, so the first hangover you get is as awful as possible

he should just begin making his own alcohol so its ready to drink when hes of age. that way he will get an even worse hangover

Prison wine gang


Запомните, Билли Бонс, запомните! Если вы не бросите ПИТЬ, то очень скоро УМРЁТЕ! Слово "РОМ" и слово "С-М-Е-Р-Т-Ь" для вас означают ОДНО И ТО ЖЕ! Вы меня поняли?
(Think, Billy Bones, think! If you do not stop DRINKING, then very soon you'll DIE! The word "RUM" and the word "D-E-A-T-H" for you are THE SAME! Do you understand me?)

Originally posted in a VK meme group "МеМы По ОсТрОвУ сОкРоВиЩ нА кАжДыЙ дЕнЬ" (Treasure Island memes for every day) on the 6th of May, 2021, author being "Memer Downie Jr."

Got hammered every time my relationships broke down. Best way to release the frustration without being depressed all the time.

I got based trips!
Source is from https://vk.com/doctorlivesey228

I only drink in social situations because it numbs the anxiety.

That's fine too, you do you man that's also kind of the point

I always drink to get drunk, but I have hangover prevention broken down to a science. I only drink plain good quality vodka, take electrolyte pills along with activated charcoal and 250ml/16oz of water for every two drinks I consume. I also finish the night with food (maybe) and/or something like Pedialyte. I never get seriously hungover anymore, at worst I might wake up with a headache. But that is cured immediately with some aspirin, coffee, and breakfast.


That all seems kind of stupid to me honestly. Just take some kind of gabergics that don't poison your body and cause physical side effects unrelated to the method of action that you have to counter.


more like garbag-egics, lol

What is a gaba-ergics?

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What's your favorite alcoholic (or non alcoholic) beverage? basically, say what you would order at a bar(note: merged from /roulette/)

>basically, say what you would order at a bar
Whatever fucks my shit up the hardest.

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do people still drink IPAs? seems like all the hipster drinks have morphed into fratty douchebags drinking white claws

rumchata and fireball maybe? a lemon drop? i don't understand how people drink dark liquors. everyone has to be lying about "growing into" them.

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>What's your favorite alcoholic (or non alcoholic) beverage? basically, say what you would order at a bar
Two different questions!
Go tos at a bar are probably rum, whiskey, flavored liquor. I've ordered drinks from a bar and confused the bartender because they didn't know what the drink was.

IPAs are disgusting. I don't get why people like them over other beer.

There's a really cheap beer, it's like 1 € a liter. It tastes much better than the IPA shit which Starts around 4 € per liter.

why do people even drink beer when you can drink liquor?

beer is better with a meal, i don't want to be drinking vodka with fried food

but why drink beer with food? you're not going to get drunk or even tipsy, especially if eating while drinking it. it tastes like shit, does nothing, it's a waste of money. maybe it's worth it if you're an especially tiny man or a woman.

the bitterness of alcohol really cuts the heavy flavor of certain fried foods in a way thats enjoyable. But at the same time you don't necessarily want to get totally shitfaced at a dinner or restaurant or w/e

Whisky & Ginger Ale
Gin & Tonic (wouldn't order that at a bar unless very cheap)

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I'll take the Cum cockail.

The cummycock tail cannot be purchased here due to food regulations.

>middle two

Beer tastes great, shuddup fag. You just need to drink it for a few years, then it will be one of the best drinks there is for you.

I was about to go to a bar for the first time with my parents right before the pandemic hit
I'm such a fucking baby and I'm supposed to be working on a personal project where I have to write several scenes in a bar

Costeña is the best beer of colombia but lately I been trying out whiskey on the rocks

i've been drinking beer for like 12 years, it never gets better, no matter the brand. fully believe your tastebuds are fucked or you guys are memeing yourselves into believing it's not piss.

I hope the hipsters have moved out of IPAs because they made them worse. New Belgium changing old school ranger to that awful "voodoo" ranger shit is evident of that.

Just get drunk by yourself to get an idea what being drunk is like then imagine It's like working retail except with drunk customers

Dude just go to a bar and Gonzo that shit. Have a DD or a way to get home though.

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At the bar? Whiskey and cola. Or water and ice. I get retarded very fast on alcohol so back when I would go clubbing I would drink until my teenage insecurity melted away and would drink a bit again when I start to feel too self conscious. The only times I have found alcohol to be worth it is when drinking with friends and so have a normie tier drug to use or doing dumb shit and making fun memories with random backpackers/interesting girls. I much prefer pregabalin as far as gabaergic depressants go. Stimulants were always my go to however. Now I'm sober most days and I prefer it

When I'm at a bar I generally will spend more time smoking, usually cigarillos than I do drinking, anyone else here smoke at bars?

opposite. i smoke cigarillos, but only at home. frankly embarrassed to smoke cigarillos or smoke at all in public, it's not a great habit and i feel like i reek when i do it. i also drink only at home. i don't think it's safe to be drunk outside and if i ever get drunk with the intention of being drunk outside, i go to the beach or park. don't really understand the bar meme period, you get to massively overpay and be drunk and vulnerable around loud strangers? unrewarding. been to all sorts of bars, high class ones and shitholes, it's all the same, it's all uncomfortable, even when you're trashed.

Beer is consistently cheap, so if I'm drinking at a bar and not at some get-together in a friends house, I go for that. Sadly beer tastes like shit and you can only learn to tolerate it and not like it.

Wine on its own is too bougie for me, I mainly drink to get drunk. Flavour's only purpose in an alcoholic drink is to get you drunk faster. Spritzers on the other hand are amazing. They are light, refreshing and go down easily. The perfect starting drink. It also makes cheap wine a lot more enjoyable. There is a saying here for things that are still tolerable: "it's fine with sparkling water".

Whiskey cola, vodka and orange, vodka on its own and Unicum or other similar herbal liqueurs are all amazing drinks, but pálinka tops all of them in my opinion. It's strong but comes with a very nice flavour. Sadly despite all the tax cuts it's still very expensive in the store, but sometimes there is that one guy who brings some homemade pálinka from this or that relative.

I'm also starting to like gin tonic. I don't think I like the flavour that much, but it feels very non-alcoholic if that makes sense.

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Makgeolli is my favorite alcoholic drink: it tastes kinda milky and is slightly sparkly.
It can be very deceiving since it almost tastes like a sweet non-alcoholic drink without being too sugary, and it can give you a terrible hangover, but it's so comfy. My friends either love it or hate it. I've heard it's pretty easy to make if you have glutinous rice and the right kind of yeast at hand.

My favorite liquor is Scottish peated whisky, like Laphroaig and Caol Ila. I don't really like whisky otherwise, but for some reason I love peat which is kinda reminiscent of charcoal and cough medicine. It's also the kind of liquor that I take time to appreciate and not chug 3/4 of the bottle in a night and end up completely wasted, unlike vodka.

Honorable mentions:
- Oude jenever: It's similar to gin, but you drink it straight because it's tamer. Too bad it's only available in the Netherlands and Belgium
- Cider: Very sugary but really comfy
- Chablis white wine: Expensive but worth it if you can find a good bottle, fruity while being pretty dry
- Picon with beer: It brings a perfect amount of bitterness and orange taste to a mediocre beer. This is what I typically get at a bar when I don't feel like spending too much money on some Belgian beers
- Italian spritz: Similar to Picon but for sparkling white wine, awesome to drink fresh when you are doing tourism in Italy
- Gentiane: A bitter from Auvergne, France, which has a pretty unique floral taste, goes great with tonic water
- Sake and Cheongju (served cold): Japanese sake is way too overpriced for what it is, but I still like the neutral taste. Cheongju is the exact same thing for half the price.

I could go on and on about ouzo, kir, sangria, caipirinha, IPAs, becherovka, absinthe… Alcoholism is destroying my life but holy shit there is nothing in the world like enjoying a good regional drink with some friends or hospitable strangers.

>I have wandered extensively in several great European cities, and I appreciated everything that deserved it. The catalogue on this subject could be vast. There were the beers of England, where mild and bitter were mixed in pints; the big schooners of Munich; and the Irish; and the most classical, the Czech beer of Pilsen; and the admirable baroquism of the Gueuze around Brussels, when it had its distinct flavour in each artisanal brasserie and did not travel well. There were the fruit liqueurs of Alsace; the rum of Jamaica; the punches, the aquavit of Aalborg, and the grappa of Turin, cognac, cocktails; the incomparable mezcal of Mexico. There were all the wines of France, the loveliest coming from Burgundy; there were the wines of Italy, and especially the Barolos of Langhe, the Chiantis of Tuscany; there were the wines of Spain, the Riojas of Old Castille or the Jumilla of Murcia.

>I would have had very few illnesses if alcohol had not in the end brought me some; from insomnia to vertigo, by way of gout. “Beautiful as the trembling of the hands in alcoholism,” said Lautréamont. There are mornings that are stirring but difficult.
>“It is better to hide one’s folly, but that is difficult in debauchery or drunkenness,” thought Heraclitus. And yet Machiavelli wrote to Francesco Vettori: “Anybody reading our letters . . . would think that sometimes we are serious people entirely devoted to great things, that our hearts cannot conceive any thought that is not honourable and grand. But then, as they turned the page, we would seem light, inconstant, lustful, entirely devoted to vanities. And even if someone judges this way of life shameful, I find it praiseworthy, for we imitate nature, which is changeable.” Vauvenargues formulated a rule too often forgotten: “In order to decide that an author contradicts himself, it must be impossible to conciliate him.”
>Moreover, some of my reasons for drinking are respectable. Like Li Po, I can indeed nobly claim: “For thirty years, I’ve hidden my fame in taverns.”
>The majority of wines, almost all spirits, and every one of the beers whose memory I have evoked here have today completely lost their tastes — first on the world market and then locally — with the progress of industry as well as the disappearance or economic re-education of the social classes that had long remained independent of large industrial production, and so too of the various regulations that now prohibit virtually anything that is not industrially produced. The bottles, so that they can still be sold, have faithfully retained their labels; this attention to detail provides the assurance that one can photograph them as they used to be, not drink them.
>Neither I nor the people who drank with me have at any moment felt embarrassed by our excesses. “At the banquet of life” — good guests there, at least — we took a seat without thinking even for an instant that what we were drinking with such prodigality would not subsequently be replenished for those who would come after us. In drinking memory, no one had ever imagined that he would see drink pass away before the drinker.
>t. Guy Debord

>>20123 (me)
I should have swapped sake/cheongju for vinho verde, a Portuguese wine which is light, fruity and slightly sparkly, it's better than champagne and most sparkling wines while being cheaper, and way more interesting to the palate than neutral tasting rice wine. I love them all tho.

Where can you smoke indoors?
I should get a hold of this Makgeolli. Becherovka, Jägermeister and variants are true terribleness.
Interesting post, however I feel I need to mention Debord drank himself to death.

Actually I made a mistake, he killed himself but he was very sick.

Why would anyone go to a bar just to get a drink that costs more? If i want something from a bar Im having them make me a cocktail.

If I wanted cheap drinks, I wouldn't be at a bar. I can drink a whole full bottle spirits for the price of 7 shots at a cheaper bar.

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the whole point of being at a bar is to be drunk and uninhibited and socialize with other people that are also uninhibited and get over your awkwardness. That's why people associate bars with getting laid because people have less inhibitions.

If you don't wanna pay for bar drinks drink some alcohol beforehand to get drinks and THEN go there (pregaming)

Yeah. That's why they also got games for people to play together, like billiards or darts. Back in the 70s, there also used to be arcade machines for couples to play.

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beer, i like to get a little tipsy, and beer is relatively cheap.

Apple cider.

What kind of beer?

generally, whiskeys and bourbons. I like to try new ones where I can. beyond that, I also enjoy rum and brandy. vodka, wine, dark ales, and ciders are fine too.

for non-alcoholic, probably hot teas. I like leaf teas more than fruity teas. also cola, non-alcoholic cider, and lemonade.

Bell's or M-43 beer. I don't like water beer and I stopped drinking liquor

geuze boon or rodenbach. mariage parfait or grand cru (respectively) if im feeling feisty. stella when i want pils. guess which country im from

having some low ABV beer and waiting for a video conference


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Not too much of a fan of alcoholic beverages In general, though I do like me some caipiroska/caipivodka (which is funny, given that I detest vodka), as well as a green apple gin I once drank that was deliciously sweet.

Just so y'all are aware

I prefer either drinking cheap vodka or heavy beer, neither really make me drunk unless in large doses. On thee other hand a Jack Daniels Whiskey of good quality drank after a Margarita is a real kicker if you have high tolerance.

Warm sake
microwave works fine

>microqave Sake
that's a terrible idea, even if your tastebuds are so busted they can't tell th difference in taste

Mods should merge this thread into the existing one on /hobby/ after September is over.

Nah, its a great idea
Its so much faster than using a boiling pot of water and the special cup thing
Just put the bottle in and its warm
Easier to rewarm also

Again you are irradiating the alcohol and fucking with the drink. Easier =/= Better

Also you can just drink it cold like it is supposed to be most of the time.

>tfw even Japanese pubs microwave sake

>Japs being cheap in pubs
Pubs water down alcohol too, is that good?
Also every japanese pub I've been to heats up the sake in pots, it's easy as fuck because you can just put in in a pot of cooking food on the side and kill 2+ birds with 1 stone.

ohh it's getting cold now
it's cider season

alcohol is a downer

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I'm not much of a drinker but I haven't been able to find this shit for years. I think about it every fall. :(

I got so drunk yesterday. I walked an hour back home, but I don't remember any of it. I woke up my neighbors at 6 am because I was trying to get into their apartment accidentally.

I am so embarrassed.

Had an amazing time though. Met a cute guy and was telling him nice things all night.

Stirner pretzel??

What's a good name for when you mic Sake with bloody Mary mix? I'm torn between "Bloody Marica" or "Bloody Yui" personally

awful logo

Alcohol gives me a headache and turns me into a depressed neurotic. Extremely overrated drug

I buy like 3.5 liters of vodka a week(I don't drink all of it, but most of it) and I've always been a stoner before I was an alcoholic. Why the fuck does weed have the reputation of killing your memory. Alcohol blanks out your memory like nothing else. Way more than weed for sure.

Also alcohol is way more expensive than weed. I wouldn't smoke $40+ of weed a week when I'm buying in bulk at least.

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I've been dry on weed for a couple weeks. I'm about to pick up some $150 an ounce Cali-grown shit this Thursday. I'm hyped. Gotta last these last two days. An ounce of good will probably last me a couple months.

why the fuck don’t liquor stores open at night

>why the fuck don’t liquor stores open at night
I was about to say based until I realized I made this post.

Youre lucky wherever you're from, late night off licences are a sure fire way to alcoholism. Stumbling into the middle of town for a 4 pack was a regular during covid. Fucking grim mate

Anyone tried Arrack? It's a strong drink from India and popular in southeast Asia and Indonesia that's kind of like rum in that it's fermented sugarcane, although sometimes coconut flowers and also rice. I wanna get my hands on some.

Drinking alone is valid.

No alienated teen alcoholics ever got delirium tremens from weed, fuck the drink all my homies hate

I dont get any of those post drinking symptoms tbh. Just drink enough water, don't get absolutely smashed, then I feel perfectly fine the next day.

Are you asian?

I dont really drink, and getting drunk itself isnt my cup of tea, but I sure do love going from an anti-social nervous wreck to a socialite after a single sip of beer

Try out Barbican if you like the taste but not the ethanol

I just did a full recovery from long-time alcoholism and maybe you are interested.

First, if you still get hangovers and are fine the day after you not endangered. This is not strong enough abuse to be really dangerous.

Secondly, DON'T listen to the quacks that tell you to do a cold withdrawal - alcohol is the most dangerous drug to withdraw from!

After 24 hours after your last consumption you fall into delirium tremens. This is the most dangerous part with a 30% death rate unless you under medical care which reduces the rate to 2%. Symptoms are shaking, cramps that leadt to epileptic episodes, hallucinations, horror visions, fear and paranoia, uncontrollable vomiting, vertigo, and so on. After 3-4 days, the worst is over. After 7 days under medical care you physically (!) fully restored. You need opiotes like benzos and distra to get you appetite back so you don't suffer from malnutrition and get Wernecke syndrome. After that you need therapy and maybe take medication to reduce the cravings.

It was a horrible experience I thought I was dying. Go easy on the booze guys.

>quacks that tell you to do a cold withdrawal
Holy moly, fuck no.
Like you said, people can physically die from acute alcohol withdrawal. Unlike some other addictive things, alcohol creates a chemical dependency.
To oversimplify a bit, alcohol is a depressant drug (mechanically calms you down) so GABA receptors adjust to the presence and respond less because their role is to calm the nervous system, by blocking certain nerve transmissions and slowing everything down. So when you suddenly take a regular dose of alcohol away, the GABA receptors don't immediately adjust to regulate your neuron excitation, hence all those extreme-stress symptoms.

Anyway, comrade, congratulations on overcoming a serious struggle!

>Holy moly, fuck no.
You'd be surprised how many decorated experts told me to do that. My therapist told me "just stop drinking immediately bro!" The CHIEF DOCTOR of an entire hospital didn't want to accept me when I had delirium tremens at the uttermost intensity because "well if you dehydrated and you need an infusion, just drink water, boy. And get sober." I WAS SOBER I WAS ON WITHDRAWEL YOU PRICK." Ambulance didn't want to take me because "he's just drunk, give him some water." Yeah bro if I drink water my stomach acid would immediately activate and I would cramps and vomit for 20 minutes straight.

People still don't know much enough alcohol addiction and the difference between being drunk, having a hangover and being in heavy withdrawal. But that doctor really infuriated me - how does he not know you can die from this? Well I got his name.

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>be human with alcohol dependency
>become delirious from being sober
<just sober up bro
I've had a crappy medical diagnosis or two, but this is extreme medical malpractice that could lead to death (~25% chance).

I'm glad you've got his name. You might actually save a life by reporting them. And same with the therapist, since I assume they'd be a first contact for many with addictive behavior.

Its a mild tranquilizer. It numbs your brain to the level you feel no stress.

I just finished my liquor and I live in a state with Sunday laws so I'm going to have to buy pussy booze like wine and beer today. I let this happen to me a bunch, I think some part of me keeps me from buying booze on Saturday when I still have it.


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I invented a drink

10mL bourbon
5ml lemon juice hand-squeezed and unfiltered for authentic grot
2mL any syrup you can find
(so essentially a whiskey sour that can fit in a shot glass)
20mL juice from a mixed bean can
shake it and serve in your daily drinking cup

i call it The Godfava
dont make it. just use aquafava instead so it doesn't taste like fucking kidney beans

variants include The Vanilla Bean - add vanilla extract to mask the taste (brings a 3/10 to a 5/10)

pairs excellently with mexican food

3 oz kraken rum
1 oz grand marnier
0.75 oz concentrated lemon
0.75 oz syrup water
2 tea spoons of grenadine

Slap together, stir for 10 seconds, add 4 dashes of agnostura.

Knock yourself. Also, drink responsibly.

They should invent booze that doesn't kill your organs, and cigarettes that don't give cancer. I can say that both have been a very mellow source of joy.

I wish they'd stop making IPAs though. They taste like ass. Bitter isn't a good flavor. I've had wheat beer that tasted semi-sweet and it didn't even had any flavors added, way better than the microbrew tongue shrivelers most places have.

>stop making things I don't like
ok ecofash

Depends on how you consume it, it's not mild. The alcohol industry wants you to believe it, and it's the most socially accepted drug out of all. It's highly addictive, leads to accidents, turns you into a cretin and may possibly kill you if you consume it excessively.

Two beers are harmless but if you keep consuming that every day you will eventually end up going for booze.

>two beers are harmless
I have two Colt 45 tallboys and I'm stumbling through dangerous parts of the city past midnight with no awareness

That's because those are 8% alcohol and each tallboy is 16oz, when people mean "two beers" they mean two 12 oz 5% abv beers. Also malt liquor makes you smelly

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I don't drink often

but when I do, it's over 60%.

No they mean exactly 1 Liter (2x0.5l)

>Bitter isn't a good flavor
that's how all of the good drinks are flavored


I disagree.


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