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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1675962[View All]

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Will make some effortposts re: /study fascism/ tonight. Stay tuned.
In the mean time, the thread is archived at >>>/leftypol_archive/589420 and there are a couple of posts specifically mentioning the Tom Sewer and the Turds.

I will quickly say Commissar has some good points. As for neo-Nazism's efficacy: a few socialist groups, trade unions and mediocre Muslim orgs have done infinitely more to hurt da joo in a few months than neo-Nazis have in the same time plus seven decades. They have passion but no strategic skills, and no tactics beyond attention whoring and attempted terror. Like I mentioned in that thread, and like Commissar said, maymay warfare and PotD siegefaggotry is not going to work. It will kill innocent people, but it won't achieve their goals or threaten 'the system' and is not viable at scale.


>They have passion but no strategic skills
that's charitable. they're a barking dog that shows up from time to time to justify the government tamping down on our right to protest.


Just migrated to Australia, pretty cool country. Cheers.


>pretty cool country
Eh, in some ways.
I'd rather live here than most places, but fuck Australia. Come join a party.


Fuck off, we're full


Sorry, you actually have a shortage of teachers.
Eh, better than my country at least.


more zionist motivated extremism in melbs. went to protest and one of the speakers informed everyone that his house got firebombed after he organised a protest at the israeli embassy. the story is going onto social media tonight. probably won't hit the mainstream media or even get properly investigated by the cops.



>the story is going onto social media tonight.
surely someone noticed a fucking fire, comrade. how do you plan a media release for that?


mate, the whole purpose of the media is to set an agenda provide a distraction from everything else. there are like 1500 house fires every year the news doesn't run 4 house fire stories a day. it's beyond trivial to sweep it under the rug.


What's the deal with the future made in Australia act? Seems like a good thing.



thanks, sounds nice.


Is this even possible?


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help the trots get on the federal ballot, need it or keep it?


Didn’t that YouTuber got his house firebombed and still nothing came out of it?


yeah, and jordies is a fucking libtard.


After off-shoring all of our shit they want to bring shit back on shore. Our government should learn lessons from South Korea, Thaliand and Taiwan. Our only domestic plastics manufacturing capability just closed down because of high gas network prices.

You need to start from the bottom and build up rather than randomly picking shit like solar panels which we have zero competitive advantage in.

The Coalition tried this with weapons. Again, we can't do it, because we don't have economic complexity. We just procured some shit from local branches of Thales and called it a day.


If you think of our political class as people who have not involved in intellect or ideology since the time they entered student politics, their economic policies make a lot more sense.


>We recognise the role that technologies like end-to-end encryption play in protecting personal data, privacy and cyber security, but there is no absolute right to privacy

>Without their help in very limited and strictly controlled circumstances, encryption is unaccountable,

>In effect, unaccountable encryption is like building a safe room for terrorists and spies, a secure place where they can plot and plan.



SEP are faggots. They are ineffective ultra retirees who have no solidarity with other comrades, whether it be other parties or worker unions. I have a hard time justifying ranking them above the bloody Greens. At least the Greens ""work"" with other groups instead of being a whiny parasite.


That was all over the news, like mainstream news. So I don't see your point that a small fire believed to be politically motivated would be talked about on social media, even just by people at the event they were telling everyone at.


Then how come nobody got caught for that?


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That's not the point.

Also, don't be a cunt:


nah I'm fucking dumb actually. they picked it up but only after it went on social media. the fucking j-town mob came back for the burgertory guy's family.



>a few socialist groups, trade unions and mediocre Muslim orgs have done infinitely more to hurt da joo in a few months than neo-Nazis have in the same time plus seven decades

Because the far right was under extremely close scrutiny after da joo won WW2.
But watch what will happen now.


>the fucking j-town mob came back for the burgertory guy's family.
Jeez, literal textbook terrorism. I've been out of the media for a couple of weeks but this is just fucked.
Zionists really out here losing all support among moderate liberals.

also did they just throw fire bombs at concrete and metal? Idiots
>“The police have failed to protect this community. There have been so many attacks, not just against me, but against so many of us and now this has hit home and bombs were thrown at my house.”


And, by scrutiny, I guess you mean 'being funded by the CIA'

White Nationalists work hand-in-hand with other racial separatists like Black Nationalists and Zionists. Zionists want Jews to feel unsafe in the US, Europe and Australia, so that they will go to Israel and fight. They love what neo-Nazis are doing. Socialists, on the other hand, actually threaten their wallet by enacting workers rights and community building. The far-right are too strategically bankrupt to endorse anything smarter than Siegefaggotry, which just kills a few people and changes nothing. The result of a fundamentally broken analysis of society.

A far-right kiddo would do more to achieve their goals by just pretending to be a leftist. Hell, it's what the NSDAP and ᴉuᴉlossnW did.


wonder if we can foia victoria police to find out if they ever discuss foisting this on the tobacco war or the mossad connection considering it happened after a demo at the israeli embassy.


The difference is white nationalists don't believe the Jews are literal devils and it's hard to get average white people to hate Jews. Islam teaches that Jews are the spawn of Satan and that's why Mohammed and his followers did this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qurayza


That's pretty tangiental to the point, anon. In fact, the people doing the most damage (in the West) aren't even Muslim.


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What is the materialist explanation for the housing crisis in Australia?


Their gonna censor the internet and require ID proof on all websites which are a platform/publisher to stop 16 year olds watching porn to in turn stop ‘Violence against women’ lmao.
Everything IS a PsyOp LMAO


go away, nerd


Why haven't you joined TU4P?


SEP is an infantile disorder.


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>This was from an email from the [USyd] Vice Chancellor



Porky importing hundreds of thousands of Indians to work as delivery drivers.


May Day I'm Sydney was great. Got to chat to the legend in OP.
CFMEU have their shit together, people walking around to sites months in advances making it clear that everyone is walking off on May 1. Them and ETA came out in force, and a wide range of other unions and a few orgs.
SEP retards started trying to (unwittingly, thinking they're rank and file) tell our union staff that unions are bad and union staff just want to keep their comfy jobs instead of ending the war today. Hope everyone else bullied those ultras too.


>“Are you a CCP spy? I am calling the police.”

>— a Japanese tourist’s experience in Australia, a land of plentiful ignorance and xenophobia.


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lol what a cooker


[reddit or your favourite redlib instance] /r/usyd/comments/1ci419d/can_you_explain_the_socialist_alliance_to_me/


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That man has the patience of a saint. Bro just wants to enjoy his time travelling and gets this


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Thoughts on whether mullets are still working-class coded in Australia nowadays?


I don't see why not.


I've been thinking… would it not be best for leftist orgs (read: orgs with marxist or anarchist-communist ideological foundations) to focus on building the infrastructure for intensified class struggle while we're in a period where legal reformism is "the" method for progressive concessions? What I mean by this is shifting focus away from propagandizing over the issue of the month and infighting over positions in various bourgeois institutions, instead pooling resources to create supply hubs or collective spaces where revolutionaries can operate without having to pussy foot around liberals.


>collective spaces where revolutionaries can operate without having to pussy foot around liberals.
Churches. Assign the millenarians to cover duty, and hide right under capital's noses.



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holy fuck, not even present-day Germany is this cucked.


>You're not buying submarines, you're buying submarines as a service
>You're not buying F35s, you're buying the capabilities as a service
>Please contact our customer service hotline with any queries

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