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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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less thank I expected


the Australian working class is majority white though


Honestly I thought it would be more…


>its only working-class coded for whiteoids
Hardly. If I saw an Asian with a mullet I wouldn't think 'rich parents'.


Why is Tasmania aging to death?


Well Australia is majority white so what you say is not incorrect. But as you go up income levels the proportion of whites goes up not down. More non-whites at the bottom than the top.


Almost every state has a protest on the ports at noon.



HOLY SHIT WHAT A GHOUL. it's like a fully grown ben shapiro.


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Opinions on Young Labor?


<tfw his girlfriend doesn't want to be publicly seen or associated with him
lol. that fag gets more embarrassing every time i see his name, jesus.


I don't think about them. But on a related note, a bunch of us are pissed off that ultras are reeeeing about Labor members splitting over Palestine instead of welcoming them to the Palestine movement. It's like they think people are either born socialists or irredeemable. CFMEU rank and file had to block saltfags from invading a conference… as shit as it is that some unions are affiliated with Labor, that's a material condition you have to work with.


of course it is an asian.




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Royal Australian Mint to release Bluey themed coins.


*She is Asian.


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>Bluey round
does it count as a dollar? this is important for VAT reasons. either way, it'd go great with my Shrekels


Is he funny or something?


>Who should we trust more? Unicef or Netanyahu
Zionazi constantly are repugnant


>using gendered pronouns


Australia Royal Mint FAQ:
<Are coins produced by the Mint legal tender?
>Yes, all coins (including collector coins) currently produced by the Mint are Australian legal tender. Collector coins may be used to purchase goods and services to the value stated on the coin (or ‘face value’), or can be exchanged at a bank for regular circulating currency to the same face value. The Mint does not exchange collector coins for circulating coins.
Obviously worth more than a dollar if you sell it, but yes, it's legally an Australian Dollar afaik.


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>actual legal Bluey dollarbucks


would retiring to a beach house in tasmania be worth it lads


No, tas is fucked m8y


Is it violent to throw red paint on a pollie's office?


Someone spray painted a red upside down triangle on my local MPs offices (Sally Sitou Labor). Does this mean anything? I was hoping it's an anti genocide thing but idk, hope it's not a fascist thing.


🔻 is used to indicate enemy positions.


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In the context of Palestine, this >>1878898 (from video propaganda of blowing up IDF)
As a side note, it's worth noting upside down triangles were also identification symbols used in the Nazi concentration camps, so pink triangles are a reclaimed symbol for the queer community as a reference to that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_triangle . Under that system, a red triangle represented political enemies including socialists. Obviously this isn't what the protester meant.


yeah, but slot of petty borgs adopt it in irony like the whole eshay thing


Yeah I knew about pink triangles. Didn't know they had other colours meaning different things. So they're a comrade then?
Where does the >>1878898 meaning originate. Is it specific to Palestine?


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>So they're a comrade then?
Yep (at least re: the Palestine issue).
>Where does the >>1878898 meaning originate. Is it specific to Palestine?
Al Jazeera says it originated from the Palestinian videos, I haven't seen evidence otherwise so I assume yes.
They also hint that the red triangle appears in the Palestinian flag, although I don't know if that's just a nice coincidence.


fuking germans, always have to invent some elaborate systems


why can't we organise jackshit m8ys?



Go and buy all the eggs you can, or else you will be forced to eat ZE BUG!

Also, Australia's drinking water is contaminated with PFAS, lol!


Just had an omelette


because you're not involved.
if you were, you'd know we have been organizing. hell, even CFMEU threatened to halt construction on ANU if they fucked with the encampment.


Incredibly based


Comrades I worry I'm not doing enough (anything) for progressing leftism and I literally don't think I'm capable. I am a professional worker in my union but I am not someone interested or able in making good connections and networking within the workplace. I have no interest in taking a leadership role as a delegate or anything cause I really don't like canvassing from colleagues. I got briefly involved in student politics at uni and I found it very stressful and it made me feel helpless and like an idiot. Basically I think I'm doomed to just being an academic Marxist but a doomer in practice. Wat do (go easy on me)


There's always something useful, and while there is obviously a lot of need for direct roles like promotion with colleagues, it doesn't mean that's the only thing.
For unions, my one is sometimes asking for phone bank volunteers - not sure if that's different enough for you. There was also a request last meeting for someone to help design a leaflet (on the off-chance you know Arabic, that's especially useful right now).
If there's an org you like, you can help them without being an official member, even small stuff like painting banners, handing out their leaflets, helping them with tech stuff.
Even small lone things help, like keeping an eye out for reactionary graffiti and scribbling over it. There's someone in my area who has scrawled low-effort notsoc shit over socialist posters so I just write over that.

The best thing? Ask. We can't tell you the correct answer because we don't know what your skills are and what your union can use (apart from the stuff you mentioned).


Spray painted over fascist graffiti is something I've done recently which was very satisfying. Thanks anon, I'll keep seeking small ways to be active.


Looks like Albo made a heckin' transphobia again



<literaly who's on twitter posting on leftypol about trans people
I miss when we had moderation on this site.


Nah get fucked cunt. ACAB.

Only replying for free bump in slow thread.


cfmeu are bunch of vax cucks who suck bikie dick


You do this same nonsense in /leftybritpol/ and probably /burgerpol/ every day. I will not care about trans people legitimately kill yourself you sad autistic obsessive.


New Australian socialist party just dropped, what do we think of them?




I couldn't be bothered reading their site, there's not enough theory.

What's their position on Ukraine and Palestine?


they look like a party that exists purely for the sake of having a party, possibly consisting of a single guy who spends too much time taking political compass tests. (one wonders why else so much power would be vested in the leader… "Members do not have the power to officially declare rules or policy"… "The party leader will have absolute authority in deciding party policy, and organisation."…)
their constitution and plan pages contradict one another:
constitution, 3.1(a)
>(a) establish an economic system that is characterised by collective ownership of the means of production run through an elected pro-worker’s government.
our plan:
>We do not seek to run in elections as it doesn’t seem plausible in our political system
which combined with their repeated talk about the "political compass", lack of any reference to revolution, marx, or even historical non-Marxist socialist figures, and their concession that they're basically a tiny party that first needs to get more members before turning into little more than an advocacy group for ideas suggests they're well-meaning but naive idealist(s), rather than being a smug USSR LARPing cult or trotskyist serial-wreckers. so, eh, they comply with primum non nocere


Australian haz


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Useless groups like this make me feel good about my own org.


What would that one be?

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