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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>For Reagan not only saw communists as parricides, but also as extremely active sexually-completely in contrast to the actual sexual code in most communist countries. For instance, when he ran for Governor of California, one of the central themes of his campaign was “the mess at Berkeley,” a place where, he said, they held “sexual orgies so vile I can-not describe them to you,” promising if elected to “investigate the charges of communism and blatant sexual misbehavior on the Berkeley campus.” A good part of the reason why he was elected was that, as one biographer put it, “hidden away in the hearts of parents was the fear that their own children might one day go away to college, grow beards and march against authority.”… Reagan promised these voters that his first targets as Governor would be the students at Berkeley, “advocates of sexual orgies, drug usage, and filthy speech,” who wanted only to “disrupt the academic community” and who therefore must be brought under control immediately. The situation at Berkeley, he told a woman’s club in April of 1966, was now so bad that their “morality gap is so great that we can no longer ignore it.” He had proof, he said, that the Alameda County District Attorney had just investigated a student dance which had turned into “an orgy,” where they had displayed on a giant screen “pictures of men and women, nude, in sensuous poses, provocative, fondling.” Since Reagan had waved a piece of paper in the air during the speech, saying that he had the report of the DA’s investigation “in his hand,” curious reporters later asked the DA for a copy, only to be told that “my office made no investigations of the college dance.” - Lloyd deMause, "REAGAN’S AMERICA"

You can even see this sort of mentality in people like Ben Shapiro who conflate communism, socialism, and "the left" with rebellion against all authority and goodness for the sake of mindless pleasure. Not to mention the endless obsession with LGBTQ+, qanon pedophile theories, porn, abortion, etc.

What is the actual materialist explanation for the right wing obsession with sex? Does porky get some sort of benefit from everyone being a heterosexual monogamous who goes to church once a week? if not why the backlash? is it just to ensure a constant supply of new workers?
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Or we just value it more than you. We hold sex as sacred while you view it like the capitalists do (a commodity)


>We hold sex as sacred.

No no you really don't at all.


Okay, but real talk. How do I stop myself from being such a prude? I still have a lot of brainworms from 4chan, and my time self-identifying as in incel. At an intellectual level I am pro-sex, but personally I am extremely scared of sex.


Prove it.


This is the post


It's all about power dynamics.


you virgin?


wouldn't a commodity be exchanged for money? its not free its a commodity. you may as well declare breathing a commodity


>Ugh women are so loose and slutty these days
>Women should only have sex after marriage
>Actually you shouldn't even kiss a girl until your wedding
>When you do have sex it should only be for procreation
>Women should cover up
>Ugh women are so annoying and their bodies are so icky
>In fact women should not be seen in public
>This is uh what god wants


just accept yourself. you can be pro-sex doesnt mean you have to go to a swingers club or bonding dungeon.


>commodify and promote hedonism.
Both hedonism and the opposition to it are commodified. All the tradwaifu tradcath tradwhite tradanything shit is as artificial and propped up by capital as all the porn on the internet.
The various pre-packaged "traditionalisms" out there are brands. Commodified subcultures at this point where people buy "traditionalist" products and watch "traditionalist" eclebs who fund their "traditionalist" lifestyles through capitalist advertisements and sponsorships, in order to pretend they're not at all like those soy slurping funko pop buying consoomerist hedonist liberals which they have been convinced are bad and they shouldn't be anything like because some advertisement told them to.

And I'm using the terms ads, not propaganda. Because there isn't just a lot of money behind this, the primarily motivation is money. Many of these "traditionalist" (e)celebs are nothing like what they claim to be in their carefully choreographed (online) performances.

And of course all those insecure shy white and mixed-race-self-hating ("middle class") failsons and I'm-not-like-the-other-grils types eat it right up. Because of course they will. They're the target audience after all.


As anon pointed out, they commodify both. You have terminal culture brain.


>a true marxist follows everything every dictator ever said in their name
Marxism is not a subculture you infracuck


You don't need morality or ideas for that in the first place. Empathy is perfectly sufficient to arrive at those positions. Naturally, I object to the idea of a moral bad on principle.
Animals have empathy (I am not saying they "hold these positions" in a conscious manner, non-human animals generally do not have very complex language). What is important (meaning of any value whatsoever) is how you act, not what you feel is the correct thing to do in theory.


Yeah, I'm gonna ignore you until you are ready to rejoin reality. It is waiting for you.


The conservative's true sexual nature in one clip


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Well, they're Satanists. They know what their god commanded them to do, and what they are. None of the right believes in honesty. They believe betrayal is glorious and throw that in your face repeatedly to insist you must be fags like them.

You may call this "alarmist" but it really is what they are, and they insist you're not allowed to call these Satanic fags what they are. Call a fucking spade a spade, you know. They love that line.

The disease among the left has largely worked within. The rest of the world does not care about their particular perversions, since the perversion of aristocracy and the conservative order is loud and proud. Like we know though, the left parties do not conform to this aristocratic narrative given to them. Conservatism is highly homoerotic and faggy.


>I think it's like, there's the liberal porky faction that encourages migration

Who's this faction? Since bill Clinton the ruling class has only become more militant against migrants. Just because the democrats "feel bad" about putting children in cages and deporting pregnant women back to the collapsed central American country the CIA wrecked. Doesn't mean that they encourage or are fine with immigration. Much less want open borders. Porky doesn't want open borders because they want control the movement of prols. Mexican are cheaper labor wise in Mexico. Porky doesn't need illegal immigration to keep wages flat, that's buying into their own propaganda and capitalist logic.

Sex is salacious and whips up the repressed gooners that make up the Christian nationalist base. Idk what the materialist explanation, they're likely isn't one or if there is it's an historical event lost to time. But Christians are sexual repressed and the only way they can talk about sex is in opposite to it. If you read the transcript from the salem witch trails they'll ask the girls stuff like "describe the head of the devils cock and how he ravished you!". Shit like that. An entire town snapped and we're burning women because they couldn't rub one out.


it comes from the prevalence of patriarchal values in reactionary ideologies
reagan was appealing to racist christians, and shapiro does, too


If Trump wanted to get rid of all of the immigrants, he had little stopping him. All he did was show more sadism towards them, doing what Bush and Obama had been doing since 2001.

Getting rid of the immigrants is silly and pointless, and the reality is that few people care enough about that narrative. That's always been petty-managers recapitulating their eternal faggotry and inducing others to kick down. That's the only thing their fag race knows, and they made themselves a race and nothing else. Trump even said himself that he likes "legal immigration", making clear that he was using sadism and faggotry to maintain the status quo, so that managers could keep stealing everyone's shit and bitch about poor people. They really are a Satanic race.


A funny thing is that a few local areas did vote to deport all of the immigrants, pushed them out of farm labor, and then no one did the job. They tried recruiting prison slaves, who all fucked off. This has always been about grinding down the conditions of the native work force, first relitigating that old eugenic creed and racism, and then reaching their real goal - enslaving outright the white commoners, which was always the endgame of the slave power. Only thing these Satanics know how to do.


All of you people keep inventing culture war excuses to elide what the right is, as if these people had any interest in decency or could be a thing we co-exist with. Satanics should be put down like dogs as befits their religion, and they disdain to hide their Satanism then and now.


"Degeneracy" is just Protestant social reproduction, negated and reified. Fuck "generacy".

Shut the fuck up with your larpy intersubjective branding shit and kill yourself for needing a god in the first place.


> Trump wanted to get rid of all of the immigrants, he had little stopping him

He did get rid of immigrants, there were mass deportations and they are to this day. You can't actually stop illegal immigration completely nor can you shut down one of the largest borders in the world. Whats stopping Trump and porkey is reality. If they had the actual means and resources to shut down the border they would.

>Getting rid of the immigrants is silly and pointless,

It's not pointless for porkey, because they get to blame immigrants on all their failures. And by being cruel and sadistic to them they can say "See we're doing something!".

>and the reality is that few people care enough about that narrative.

The media is constantly pumping out anti-immigrant rhetoric and following that up with polls showing the immigrations is a primary issue. I wish Americans didn't care about immigration but I know fucking illegal immigrants that bitch about immigration. The propaganda is near constant.

Anyways I'll try not to respond anymore to this as not to derail the thread any farther. To get back on topic. Sexual repression is just another perversion. Sexual repression is for perverts that can't off being told they can't have sex and then breaking the taboo which makes it way hotter. TBH thats just from my personal experience dating church girls.


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>heterosexual monogamy and marriage was the norm in the USSR.
Comparing 1989 USSR to 2024 USA is not a real comparison. Homosexual anal intercourse was illegal in the USA until 2003:


I think you are looking at things from an overly moralistic lens. How exactly does homosexuality help capitalism?


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IDK about that. Most BMWF porn is consumed by black men as a revenge fantasy. During the Rhodesian Bush war and the anti-Apartheid struggle in South Africa black insurgents would assault white women and children on film then hijack TV broadcasts and play it. This is pretty much where interracial porn came from. Fun fact, these tapes were very popular in Cuba and decades ago you could go to pretty much any cigar longue in Cuba and watch these typed of videos while smoking a cigar.


Don't forget that in some US states, "anti-sodomy" laws are still on the books and given the right-wing theocratic direction SCOTUS has gone, could come back into force again soon.


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> Most BMWF porn is consumed by black men as a revenge fantasy.
Not at all. Lol. You think it would be such a big market if it was mostly consumed by broke Black men? This is the first time I've ever heard someone make this claim. Do you think the Blacked JAV makers are making it for the Black Japanese consumers?


It doesn't matter if black men are broke, porn sights get most of their money from ads. Plus white men are the biggest porn consumers in the US, so if they were watching the most BMWF porn then it would be more popular, but it's not even close. WMAF and WMBF are far more popular. Most men just don't like watching other races of men fuck their women. No amount of Freudian-Marxist pseudoscience willl debunk this.


>WMAF and WMBF are far more popular.
Lol wut


>Freudian-Marxist pseudoscience willl debunk this.
Kek, in more ways than 1.
>Also, WTF is smoking?


Who the fuck calls it gen Y anymore?


Why gen Y has this interest in "Korean" in specific?


probably the remnants of Korean boyband craze


Kpop, probably


It's pretty self explanatory.


I hate porn so much it's unreal


>It's pretty self explanatory.
And inaccurate.


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>disgusting chaser shemale porn is losing relevancy in younger generations
sisters, we made it



>Interracial (35,520)

>Interracial - Asian Girls (4,822)
>Interracial - Black Girls (5,625)
>Interracial - Black Men (11,394)
>Interracial - Caucasian Girls (12,974)


>WMAF and WMBF are far more popular. Most men just don't like watching other races of men fuck their women
And you never even explained why blacked is such a popular jav genre. There is not a single AMBF Jav.


In fact the only black category they have is called "black actor" whatever that is in japanese. Only interaccial japs make is AMWF and BMAF


Now does it tell you which people are watching these videos?


No but it does tell us the majority are white.


>Only interaccial japs make is AMWF and BMAF
But blacked stuff out numbers riced stuff 10 to 1 to add.


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Well at least that was my perception but maybe the stats say I'm wrong. I was 100% right that White Actor and Black Actress are non existent JAV genres.

Black Actor:
White Actress:


Where does it say that? Also what the hell is adult vid empire? Why couldn't you cite a more popular porn site like pornhub or xvidoes instead of fishing out some obscure little site to prove a point?

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