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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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An intriguing thread which explores why the general public often fails to grasp the true essence of a 'bad' character and how often leftists unintentionally undermine themselves by portraying said characters with qualities that appeal to the average person
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Aesthetics matter. If you don't know this, you haven't learned anything
Read Hegel's derivation of essence and appearance.


>They're not bad because they're ugly.
Aesthetics just matter. Full stop. You can portray nazis like the evil spinless cowards they are in real life but it's important to make them look like shit too just in case a mass of fullblown retards tries to spin the narrative like with Starship Troopers or Star Wars with the Empire.


Honestly as annoying as it is to be called a Fascist (especially when arguing that Starship Troopers' problem is it's too subtle in its satire of Fascism) I do feel a little bad his post got deleted. Important to be warned of the dangers of becoming a Fascist myself.

See I wholly understand the point the guy was making about it being framed as propaganda from the Fascist government, rather than an "objective" lens, but my problem remains the same. Like, you literally see a news report where soldiers get slaughtered en masse by bugs, just saying "Well, it's propaganda" doesn't change the fact that unless we're using "propaganda" to mean that everything is staged and the bugs aren't exactly how they look through our glimpses of them in the film. I know people have shown pics of Nazi propaganda portraying Jews as monsters or ugly or rats or what have you, but the difference is I don't think even the Nazis did news reports of Wehrmacht troops being ripped apart by 8 foot tall rat-Jews. Like for all the Nazis racial pseudoscience and propaganda, I'm pretty certain most Germans didn't think the Jews were literal rat people.

Now to the film's credit, there are quite a few parts where it can make you say "Hey, wait a second." But the thing is they're subtle enough that it's easy for a casual viewer to miss on the first watch. There's a character who says she signed up because she wants to be a mother and it's "so much easier to get a birthing license if you're a citizen." You've got the gag of a "murderer" being arrested, tried, and executed within the span of a day. Again, that's fucked up.

But again it goes back to what I was saying, where when there's a backdrop of existential war people are far more willing to tolerate shitty government. And then you've got to ask how people who enjoy Starship Troopers treat it. I'm sure there's some of its fans are just laughing the whole time watching this bumbling Fascist regime get tons of people killed, but how many people "ironically" enjoy it? How many people "ironically" drink the Fascist regime's Koolaid? Like I said, I've watched the movie a couple times with groups of people, and we're all drinking or smoking and playing along with the propaganda: "I'm doing my part!" "The only good bug is a dead bug!"

As I said before, just saying, "Well you don't get it. It's satire. The movie is literal propaganda, how do you not understand that?" Doesn't really work when the movie's so good at hooking you with catchy slogans and handsome people. Shit I'd say even the stuff hinting at how dystopian the society is (again, a trial and execution happening in a day) doesn't work because modern Nazis LOVE ironically playing up how evil they are. George Lincoln Rockwell was touring around the South in something he literally called "The Hate Bus" and propagandists like Stonetoss or MurdochMurdoch get a kick out of portraying themselves as plucky Homer Simpsons who just want to commit a genocide.

Again, if you haven't already, everyone here should watch "Look Who's Back" if they can. I'd say it totally deconstructs Starship Troopers because while they're both satire, "Look Who's Back" goes to show just how dangerous "funny Fascism" or "ironic Fascism" is. Seriously you've got all these seemingly normal Germans who get giddy when they see Hitler. As long as everyone's convinced "Oh it's just an actor" or "Oh it's just satire" they just play along with him… even when he's being 100% serious. He'll talk about immigration and his race politics to their very face, and quite a few people who are all buddy-buddy with fake Hitler pause and start to agree with him. It starts off innocently enough, like it's all one big joke, but then you've got German politicians admitting openly they'd support Hitler if they lived back in the 30s.

So yeah, we're all watching Starship Troopers and having a big laugh. "The only good bug is a dead bug!" Hey! It's satire! It's cool to be spouting Fascist propaganda because you're doing it ironically. It's all a big joke.

Until it stops being a joke. Until, after all the laughter and the clapping, someone in the audience says "Well y'know they had a point!"


And shit, just to reiterate the point, there's an Italian version of "Look Who's Back" too, though naturally replacing Hitler with Benito ᴉuᴉlossnW. Haven't watched it yet, but if the trailer is any indication you've got a ton of people willing to "ironically" jump back into Fascism. "Ironically" giving Il Duce the Roman salute. The satire lies in everyone "knowing" ᴉuᴉlossnW and Hitler are dead, yet being receptive to the same old ideas, said by the same old person, as long as they think we're all just joking around.


wolf of wall street is not sympathetic at all
maybe im not enough of an androphile to be particularly disarmed by dicaprio's looks, but his character is really an obvious piece of shit from the start all the way to the end, and it's not made ambiguous in the slightest


Of course the funny thing is that the Starship Troopers movie wasn't even meant to be a Starship Troopers movie; it was originally called like "Bug Attack on Outpost Nine". The directors tried to pitch that idea to the execs but that failed, so they just slapped the "Starship Troopers" name on it for name recognition and the executives greenlit it.


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You know, as I looked onto how the Nazis operated, it sort of demystified them and made me realize they were a bunch of violent losers playing a game of pretend and forcing everyone else to play along.


The Nazis being mystified as cold and evil hardasses is a Hollywood creation. Their own contemporaries viewed them as stupid clowns.


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the truth is somewhere in between, at heart Fascism is above all else contradictory, the Nazis were a lot more brutish than people realize. The early Nazi party, especially, was closer to a street gang of thugs with basically an identical excuse for their violence. People forget that Hitler was actually a homeless bum who got radicalized by street pamphlets and other early Nazi party members like Christian Wirth(also homeless for a while) and Adolf Eichmann(used radio salesman) who were just disgruntled soldiers. Initially fascism was neither explicitly left or right in its policies, other than disavowing communism really. Much of our dichotomy of left and right today results from the impact of fascism in the 1930s and 40s. ᴉuᴉlossnW made a hard right turn during his rise to power in Italy where fascism was birthed, and we know Hitler previously relied on the popular view of socialism to win over many of the working class Germans. Fascism can be adaptable and is fundamentally opportunistic. It will always play on issues that will win populist support and ultimately betray those who help it.


Jack Saint covered this topic really well in his Dune analysis


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>far away police department


Aesthetics are everything. If you don't know this, you haven't learned anything from Infrared.
Read Hegel's derivation of essence and appearance.


>moralising language
tldr stop watching capeshit and read theory


It sounds like you learned the wrong thing from Infrared. Stop consuming slop.


>they do not read
>they have high literacy
<what does he mean?


When it comes to the "Helldivers II is satire of fascism" discourse: I've come to think that at least some of the kind of people who really want to live under Managed Democracy aren't- as everyone labels them -mouth-breathing basement-dwelling fascist boot-munching idiots. I think you could just as well say it's people who genuinely, deeply wish that our real-life democracies 'worked'- as in, did big, impressive things, brought people together for common causes, etc. It's wish fulfillment for a glorious, muscular democracy instead of the quotidian actuality.


PV literally did not understand fascism when he wrote the Starship Troopers movie, and seems to have genuinely confused fascist propaganda of being disciplined, duty-bound warriors at face value instead of recognizing how much it actually encourages indulging in hideous excesses.


The makers were liberals to the bone. No surprise they rehabilitated fascism to the end in that shit ending.

Damn, Shubel morgen got into a yt block


ok ok BUT how does this intellectual wankery help the working class


Satire doesn't work. Make movies where communism wins.



I get the point in that Wolf of Wall Street (and all the gangster movies by the same director) quite clearly make being a gangster seem fucking baller.

And the point too that US's parodies of fascism are not very good and don't work well because the audience "goes through the looking glass" so to speak, and the medium of the film invites you to do exactly that. Starship trooper stuff is the example because the rightoid flare up about that was pretty clearly them KNOWING it's retarded and seeing how far they could go with it. It's almost exactly the template for the game Helldivers and it seems hard to miss that the point is that in this universe the soldiers are ground meat, at best, their society is fucking retarded, and they are dying for nothing. But its playerbase does roleplay being a fascist soldier with enthusiasm and you're sort of required to do so to participate in the game.

I think you have to make the horrible, and yawning and dull, consequences of what is happening be felt and seen by the audience, which these movies don't like to do because they kind of kill the vibe. And Americans hate being bored. That's why they see Orwell's stuff as the worst thing imaginable. It's that it's boring. There's no bloodshed or spectacle at all. It's about a guy going to work in a cubicle and his boss is a bastard.

And again I get it, why you don't really have to do anything or make changes to satirize a book like ST, which offers this hilariously superficial philosophical groundwork for joining the army– that you get thanked for your service– and supports it with this jarhead story about using shoulder-mounted nukes to kill space bugs. It's so ridiculous you don't NEED to change anything. But the army loves that crap.


He was faithful to the books in many ways, so It's kind of like that Scientology episode of southpark but the words flashing on the screen are THIS IS WHAT THE ARMY ACTUALLY BELIEVES. But the thing is that really is what the army believes so army men love it.

>Wait a minute, is this play about us?



It wasn't just that, but he also made a comment on how they were sexless in a shower scene "because they're fascist"


I also think, only somewhat related, that when it comes to 'gamer radicalization', people are a bit- just a bit, but definitely that bit -too harsh on young/teenage dorks who fall down the slide of an ideology that is engineered entirely around seeming really, really fun to be part of. Calling them stupid works excellently, in favor of the people telling them that nobody else will ever accept them.
I can't comment on the specifics of Helldivers II as I haven't played it (just not my type of game), but in terms of the appeal of managed democracy to people, I think it comes down to, I'd say, the growing perception that liberal democracies face that they are ultimately timid, seemingly too slow, too partisan, divorced from the common good. The idea of a democracy but it's just that much more authoritarian I can see at least having more appeal in the immediate term, compared to that perception of liberal democracy.


Yes and no. You have to understand that these people literally go to die for the bourgeois in Ukraine already and will enthusiastically enlist to wage a genocide against the Chinese people tomorrow. People really enjoy separating "fascism" when in truth these tendencies are always there in all bourgeois states, we are all impacted by them. This doesn't mean that these guys are actually very bad personally, but more that "fascists" are all "normal" for a bourgeois society people.


How many people who were radicalised by call of duty went to Ukraine?


Stupid thread. Masses, Élites, and Rebels shit from the guy that wrote Masses, Élites, and Rebels.



I hope they all went to Ukraine. Russian artillery and fighter bombers are good.


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thoughts on this?


He's correct, but he should not say such things.


Absolutely correct. I pisses me off that westoid youtubers promoted this movie for no reason other than it reminds them of tarkovsky and other arthouse bullshit cinema some soviet directors produced. Westoids love soviet movies russians don't really like and the opposite. They didn't like Gaidai comedies yet the whole country loved them.
*Reminds me of how humans like to smell flowers but dogs love to smell piss and shit.*
I wish westoids paid attention to a movie like Liberation. Now that is a good war movie.


Also, Im gonna post some soviet action movies from the late cold war period. Westoids also dont like them, but we love these movies.



>I wish westoids paid attention to a movie like Liberation
The three part WW2 war movie, 1968? Watched it not two weeks ago bitch no joke. Check mate.


5 part but yes. Based westoid.


Are You American?


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Ironically this is a very western approach to film analysis, taking it completely literally rather than attempting to express an idea or relate an experience.
>By the end there is a reverse montage of Hitler, which ends with Adolph a an infant. Flyora stops shooting the poster with Hitler's image.
>What's the point of the scene? That Hitler once was a baby?


you don't understand the "literally me" effect


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Ok this is just next level necroposting


end pretty privilege
kill all pretty people


Every time I see this thread bumped to the front page I sperg to myself about OP starting his thread by calling it; 'An intriguing thread'.
I never remember what this trash OP is about but this gets me every time.


>Gonna tell on myself a little here and say the problem with Starship Troopers and Helldivers is you're fighting literal bug-things
this thread is a quagmire of retarded takes from simpletons who can't comprehend movies beyond the most basic literal level. i hate you >>1891628 for bumping this thread


joint dictatorship of the uggos


Preference as a concept can't be wiped out. And there's also another aspect, if physical attractiveness wasn't a factor, I don't think it'd really better the standing of most here.


>Preference as a concept can't be wiped out
government assigned gf


I see your proposal and raise you
Stabbing you in the neck


Maybe it wasn't clear. In a scenario where someone is forced to be your "partner".
I dare say the morally correct choice and correct course of action is to exsanguinate you like halal meat.
Seems pretty uncontroversial.


government assigned neck

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