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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What is the general consensus on Wikispooks? I don't see it being talked about that often on here.

I think it's a good source for normalfags but gives too much credit to right wingers and neo nazis by treating them like innocent journalists that are snuffed by the big evil gov/corps. Also Independent Journalism thread.


Undialectical unmaterialist glowslop.


3 words


another waste of time, and another conspiracytard website for morons who want a person to blame rather than capital itself.

petty bourgeois dipshits love to delude themselves into thinking that weaving together some vast evil conspiracy by magic necrons is some expression of a real struggle because they don't have actual jobs, and don't participate in the actual class struggle, and so, could never come to terms with the fact that the "final enemy" is a non-human, undead economic monstrosity known as capital, and needs no cultish maneuverings for its circuit to keep running.


<another waste of time, and another conspiracytard website for morons who want a person to blame rather than capital itself.


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>le Independent Journalism
No. There is only one good wiki on this Internet and its name is Psychonautwiki DOT Org.


>Independent Journalism
Doesn't exist and will never exist.


Elaborate. Because I disagree.


You have too abstract of a concept of journalism.


What do you mean? Are you saying it's all fake bullshit?


You are always dependent on society. I'm a big Edward Snowden fan, but there is a simple reason, why he can't allow to critizise Putin. This is why there can't be independent journalism. Never and nowhere.


Whatever we think the word means in current year, the Grayzone and Max Blumenthal are sources of it relevant to /leftypol/.
>he can't allow to critizise Putin
Obviously. Which is why he doesn't report on Russia. He's a stellar source on the western security state. Is this your first time considering geopolitics?


There's no independent thought to begin with.


uygha if I got out with a fedora and trenchcoat like an old timey journalist and start interviewing schizophrenic homeless people in my city that's independent


Independent is an economic descriptor, not a philosophical one. Independents are petbourgs, while non-independents are proles.


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Fundamentally, I think the problem is that journalism in a capitalist system has difficulty existing because it doesn't create the kind of instant profits that venture capitalists want. It might be possible in some sense when the people who own newspapers and other media outlets have some noblesse oblige or idealistic higher purpose that lets them accept relatively moderate profits instead of insta-gold. But we now live in an era of venture capitalist schemes, where rank idiots stumble into massive wealth and believe they're rich because they're smarter than everyone else.

When this happens, as it did in the Gilded Age, these morons run roughshod over the world around them.

Journalists also need to make enough money to live in order to practice journalism. It's easy for other people who already make enough money from something else to do punditry and analysis on the side. But journalists need jobs. But the only jobs are in service of the agenda of whatever douche buys a given publication at a given time.


>You are always dependent on society. I'm a big Edward Snowden fan, but there is a simple reason, why he can't allow to critizise Putin. This is why there can't be independent journalism. Never and nowhere.
Putin and his censorship regime are not representatives of society, but the state arrayed against the society. The idea that the state represents the interests of everyone in the society is pure fiction.


>You are always dependent on society. I'm a big Edward Snowden fan, but there is a simple reason, why he can't allow to critizise Putin
Why would that even be notable or desirable as he is a man famous for leaks due to his professional position not because he has anything insightful or interesting to say about Russia, a country in which hehas no special knowledge of, just that he's forced to live in.


>Independent is an economic descriptor, not a philosophical one. Independents are petbourgs, while non-independents are proles.
What about indiemedia, retard?


My book recommendation: Propaganda by Edward Bernays. This is THE BOOK about propaganda/journalism/public relations/advertising. (Btw the book itself is propaganda in favor of propaganda. It blows your mind!!)


The Target Is Your Brain


>Home Town Hero was an American rock band from Southern California active in the early 2000s. Founding members Aaron Bruno, Drew Stewart, and Jon Monroy began playing together while attending Westlake High School, where their early project was known as the Ice Monkeys. They were greatly influenced by the success of Southern California punk bands of the early 1990s and the grunge aesthetic popularized by bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam. With the later addition of bassist Todd Burnes and drummer Ray Blanco, who replaced Ryan Cox, the band re-christened themselves as Insurgence. As Insurgence they began playing famous California venues, including The Roxy Theatre and Whisky a Go Go.


Wikispooks feels like if old r/Conspiracy (before it got taken over by r/The_Donald migration and astroturfing) made a wiki with the worst of schizophrenia filtered out.


The most pathetic thread I've ever seen, with active glowie participation to boot trying to get people to take drugs.
Cope and seethe. Leaked Hillary Clinton emails revealed NATO killed Gaddafi to stop the formation of a United States of Africa.


The funny twitter joke


>Cope and seethe. Leaked Hillary Clinton emails revealed NATO killed Gaddafi to stop the formation of a United States of Africa.
That was wokileaks retard not your schizowiki.


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NYT twitter transcriber
>Take the L sweetie
>Data, facts, reporting.
This example # 65894576 is why I'll always shill the Grayzone and Blumenthal as examples of classical journalists. Nobody ever engages with their research or reporting because it's incontrovertible. It's why all journalists and DC elite read them and why places like the Intercept steal their reporting.


Oh nooo he reused a meme from Wikileaks (on a wiki for the characters associated with it rather than just raw documents) my autistic brain can't take it reee
Strongly underrated by people on this thread. It's a wiki, so yes not everyone is going to agree with you most likely lol. It is really not /r/conspiracy I challenge you to find me examples of them acting like that


>>1795668 (ME) turn back on the names I liked it just expand the pool
They're like Taibbi fags


Interesting site I've discovered recently. Slavoj Zizek and Nick Land write for them regularly.


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I do independent journalism but the only audience is me and I won't tell anyone the secrets I know.


>Namechecks NATO Zizek and Misanthroland
Who owns, operates and controls your discovery, anon?


Compact actually glows harder than anything I've ever seen in my life I use them as a kind of lookup for GLOW


Also, IIRC they are Zionists as well


>Who owns, operates and controls your discovery, anon?

I don't know, tell me.


>Socdem mag
>Peter Hitchens as a commentator
Thanks for reminding me that I need to bully this retard on twitter again. Coward has never replied once to me since he knows I know way more than him.


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<le journalism cannot exist
Meanwhile the Grayzone journalists just keep doing that old school journalism, exposing the lies that the NYT used to justify the Gaza genocide. was


I've made threads about this before but socialists should not be meddling with conspiracy theories, which are almost all reactionary in origin.
To make the case against the United States-Israel-NATO power bloc and all its abuses, we need not rely on conspiracy theories. We already have plenty of on-the-record atrocities that we can publicize without fear of scrutiny, not the least of them the slaughter of Palestine. The thing I notice is that in on-the-record conspiracies, such as the assassination of Fred Hampton, the Iran-Contra affair, or the aforementioned atrocities in the state of Palestine, the victims are people of color. Maybe that's why it's hard to get people to care.


what was that about? his so called trot phase?


But the unknowns are so much more seductive though and the "knowns" are easily revised. Everything that happend before 1990 is discardable as a different time.
Everything past, a new world being born. Everything recent is assessed by truthiness only far below the source and how socially rewarding it is to know or say. Measures you don't set.
Nobody cares you know about the deep lore of Yugoslavia or the financial intricacies of imperialism. They only care you know about Israel because it's been a sanctioned part of the western culture wars for so long and… all those people who care deeply and want to know more will ,at best,forget about you the moment the next worthy victim becomes the current thing that is socially (and financially if you are into that) rewarding.

Best of all, you can offer nothing material, so whatever measly chips you make into the liberal cultural hegemony will be swept away like so much grease from Teflon by a few temporary concessions and some extra rounds of propaganda.


Very misanthropic + immaterial + idealistic + you're white


el oh el


Guys, I need your help.I can't open pdfs on my windowsphone. Can somebody please copy the text from this pdf and post it here? It's a new text by julian assange. Many thanks! https://cryptome.org/2024/02/WikiLeaks-and-Empire.pdf


its not even text that we can easily copy my dude, its scanned
you sure you cant open it in your mobile browser ? never interacted with a windows phone but Id be surprised they didnt have a native way to open them


>its not even text that we can easily copy my dude, its scanned

Oh, that's bad. Nevermind, thank you for checking it out. I will have to look it up later on a different device.


Ok, I did it! I used a online pdf to jpg converter, now I can read it!


I think they really did it lads…


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US State dept and Natsec apparatus controlled the prosecution of Lula and installed Bolsonaro using social media. Lula learned from this and now tightly controls US social media. Michael Shellenberger whines about how muh free speech is dead in Brazil, while simultaneously providing the best journalism about how the CIA controls US social media. It's amazingly detailed journalism. He's a right lib, does he even realize the contradiction in his worldview?


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A lot of activity in USUK media and journalism the last 24 hours
>DoJ prosecuting CIA Falun Gong front The Epoch Times for being a money laundering front lol
>2nd smear story by WaPo of The Grayzone
>Scott Ritter pulled off a plane on his way to St Petersburg conference and his passport confiscated
It looks like they've moved from aggressively ignoring The Grayzone to active smears. I had noticed pundits start to namecheck them in interviews in the last few weeks - action had to be taken.


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>Amazing walkback within 24 hours of the smear
>Amazingly irrelevant because nobody will see the correction and because the function of the smear was to declare open season on The Grayzone
It's so beautiful that the real journalism is on twitter where it can be easily de-amplified


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chat is this true


yes vin


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media campaign against the Grayzone and other media anti-zionist voices goes into even higher gear
>briebrie fired from The Hill for apparently not being sufficiently deferential to zionist interviewee
>blumenthal personally targeted by intel media faces


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Looking into Sam Altman (OPENAI) today

Turns out he and his brother molested his sister for years. Her twt posts are still available. If you ask open AI about her, it plays stupid. But if you ask other AIs about her it tells you exactly what happened. (OC pic from Google "Gemini")

On the OPENAI subreddit and other subs that mention her, shills will just ignore the claims saying she's "mentally ill" (which tends to happen for no reason whatsoever of course) or being greedy (which is also funny because Sam OFFERED her money to shut up)

He is now one of the most powerful men in all of tech and has direct access to your phones and private information.

Just saying


I thought you meant Sam Bankman Freid, I swear there's so many of these fuckers


God I hate using reddit sometimes
Nah different zionist same names


I unironically like Bri. For a mainstream news person she's better than i really expected out of america, miles better than Amy Goodman for example.



> K!Kel Kik K!kel K!ke slavoj zizek and nick land k!kel kik K1ke www.glowie.gov


What the fuck


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Reuters doing actual journalism. Why now? US anti vaccine psyops in the Philippines while the country was getting hit by Covid. An amazing exposure that nobody wants to talk about. If the US is willing to sacrifice Filipino lives it proves they will have no problem seeding pathogens in any rebellious vassal state. Unbelievable reporting.


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Altman and Openai are getting reined in. The adults are taking over. Expect more psyops that may kill you if if suits US geopolitical aims.


>Taibbi's (extremely selective) reporting on The Twitter Files is nonethethoughbutless essential
>The compromises he made to maintain access - "I was in an unstable situation" - essentially made The Twitter Files a limited hangout
No contradiction

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