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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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We sort of need a thread for socs / commies etc to describe their life improvement goals and what they're doing to further their own lives in intractably capitalist society.

Remember the old thread when we were discussing how Communists should be like Shaolin monks, but unironically? Let's try to make it happen and cheer each other on!


Current goals: I'm a Haskeller with a bunch of courses on Coursera for webdev in the pipeline. I'm also aiming to deadlift 200 kg in a couple of months, but this is taking way longer than initially planned; I'm currently at about 145 kg.


>stop doing drugs / alcohol / tobacco
>stop playing video games
<start reading
<start exercising
<start eating healthy
<start having consistent sleep routines
These are my personal goals. Been sober for a month and starting to recover. Having trouble reading because mandatory reading in unversity took all fun out of it.


Ableist thread.


> Glownonymous

People try to improve their lives, then you rant ableist. Obv glowie.


anti glowie sentiment must not be allowed to take root in leftypol. We are all comrades


>Passing 2 out of the 3 uni exams i have left in the next 100 days
>Finish reading the book I have started in French about the Red Orchestra
>Practicing for dirvers licence
>Having a consistent 9000 steps a day every day, hoping to finally upgrade to an average of 10000 down the line
>Lower my alcohol consumption at parties

These are my life goals rn


For now I just need to get comfortable talking to strangers and acquaintances. When I finish paying for my laptop, I'll buy Whey and creatine and hit the gym. I think I'm doing pretty well! Could be more productive but I'm on uni break rn so fuck it


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I've been sober for 3 years. Exercising and eating healthy are easy for me, but reading and sleeping consistently are hard because I have full time job + kid.



Great job and great improvement here!




Totally fake and not moved. Honestly, we do need something positive aside from looking at the Israelis committing genocide in Gaza and the Russians committing democide in Ukraine.


tired of this segregating bs. leftypol is basically 4 shitty boards for a year usapol ruskraine israel and china. let it have variety for once fag.

current goals
<finish last semester of school
<learn to dance better
<better diet
<grind through programmin questions
<move out and get some new job
<start some kind of business


You can have your shittty circlejerk. i prefer weedmaxxing. My self improvement is leveling up my dosage brahhh


>Israelis committing genocide in Gaza and the Russians committing democide in Ukraine.
America is responsible for the situation Ukraine is in.


>Finish reading Marx-Engels-Lenin basics
>Pass my exams
>Start boxing and runing
>Help my local Leftist org in local elections
>Drink less alcohol
Theese are my goals until summer. After that, continue reading and exerciseing


Instead of resorting to self harm like I used to in the past, I've been trying to work out every time I get the urge to. Maybe I'm just a masochist at heart - I think that the burning sensation in my muscles is a good enough substitute for my mind to focus on. I only do bodyweight exercises, in conjunction with my kickboxing lessons. I really enjoy the feeling of doing knuckle push ups on the hardwood floor.

That aside, I just want to look better, for myself. I like the idea of having an athletic appearance. And while this is a philosophy I really only apply to myself, I think that any proper communist should take care of themselves, mentally and physically, or at least make an effort to.


Get rid of kid, duh


Recently signed up for a gym to become part of the swoleteriat.


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I'm cutting down on coffee consumption for the sake of my tum tum
been cutting down on alcohol, favoring low ABV beer. last weekend I strayed from this, got shitfaced and vomited. so yeah, low ABV beer it is
been going more to the gym, but it's tricky because of heart issues
>I'm also aiming to deadlift 200 kg in a couple of months
weakest Haskeller 💪


Post updates to the >>>/hobby/ thread please.


Will keep it in mind.


Send your kid to the new peoples army


Nice effort and nice quads


2nd month sober tomorrow.




>cadre training thread
>bunch of lames start posting about their anxiety, inability to hold a conversation and self harming
>why don't leftists in the global majority respect the western left?
If you're not demoraliziation ops post in a mental health thread or something


someone's mad
<bunch of lames start posting about their anxiety, inability to hold a conversation and self harming
no i don't think u read the thread, they are improving these habits to become better. would u rather they continue these poor habits? shame on u anon


should i further train in welding or learn to code? im tired of manual labour


depends, what're r u lookin to do w/ coding? what fields of work?


>should i further train in welding or learn to code? im tired of manual labour
Computer programming is a pretty saturated industry, I don't know shit about welding.
Find people in your country who do those jobs and talk to them.


i know nothing about it tbf, whatever's easier and pays better than being a laborer
im in college for a major that has nothing to do with either field but its a long term goal and i wanna get a more comfortable, qualified job in the meantime
dw im a third worlder ill be part of the reason why the industry is saturated


>dw im a third worlder ill be part of the reason why the industry is saturated
Good morning, sir.
Honestly if you can tolerate sitting at a computer thinking all day then coding is a good career. By your post, you have the english skills to work as a contractor on fiver if you can't land a H1B or don't want to immigrate to Amerikkka.


i'd say continue ur studies with welding. im a tradie myself, bu i do bug bounty and white hat shit on the side. i woudln´t recommend that u become a software engineer, the market's real saturated. atleast it is in burgerland. i'd avise u to consider cybersecurity or systems/network admin. these jobs pay just aswell, and usully won't require a comp sci college degree. if u pursue this route, figure out which field u'd see urself best in, then consider training to become certified in Comptia Network+ or Sec. but if ur set on programmin, learn rust, join us rustaceans.


thank you sir
i get on the fiver and get the job now na?
>software engineer
nah its just something to get by, i simply dont wanna shovel shit no more. plus i dont want to keep inhaling that nasty welding smoke nor exposing myself to radiation
i honestly dont know lick about it. what are you supposed to do as a cybsec specialist?
>systems/network admin
i heard good things about that field, what type of training do i need for it? linux?
what about cisco ccna?


>if you can tolerate sitting at a computer thinking all day
If only most of the day went into programming instead of having to pay attention to retards in meetings and sporadically talk (not like my input is important and this couldn't be reduced to a fucking e-mail just telling me what to do).

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