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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Emphasis on red. Haven’t seen one of these on here and need a solid leftist redpill thread. Keep the neat infographics to yourself, and post poorly scanned classified documents, images that look like they were made in gimp, or based excerpts. The purpose of this is to have propaganda to send to normalfags and dumbshits. They need easily digestible content.


>race science thread


I always think it's funny that it's White people who are obsessed with doing race science to show how they're midwits and East Asians are superior.


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>cultural achievements
<shamefully writing "high" for east asians


<the boring RPG race


Isn't it the same with Nazi ideology? Like Aryans are the superior race but also Jews have outwitted you in every single way without you ever noticing and also have telepathic powers and shit.

And then white supremacists are more often than not below average in basically any metric deemed positive.


Cops aren't a race lmao.
Did you cut out the last column showing 🍀🍀🍀them🍀🍀🍀 with superhuman characteristics???? Are you afraid of TRUTH?!


I think it's the goldilocks effect for people to think that they're the perfectly balanced ones. I was reading some Roman raciology and they believed The Northern Euros were strong but dumb and Africans were smart but weak and they were in the perfectly balanced position.


Nah, with Aryans you have the "we wuz" idea where everything state and organization related was created by Aryans (whether it's American Indians, furthest reaches of Asia or Africa), and Semites just sow fbi.gov, chaos, and so on and so forth.

Those research about the superiority of East Asia is more akin to caste propaganda, so that you have Blacks on the bottom and Asians on top. Meaning, hilariously enough, that either:
the master race is Black-Asian;
or that in a proper caste society Whites have to be genocided because they don't actually fit in the either category due to being inefficient compared to "specialized" races, and nobody wants to waste food and resources on a subpar race


Without the same social environment, education, and cultural samples, one cannot arbitrarily determine the superiority of any race in any given place.
From an internationalist perspective, such racial statistics are not beneficial.
From a rationalist viewpoint, a large number of samples are necessary. Besides skin color, other factors should be very similar among the sample group in order to obtain detailed data on human subgroups.
This isn't some RPG game where everyone's skill points are different.



Hmm I guess red fascists can go mask off here nowadays


There's ONE FUCKING POST with retarded race science, and 20 posts mocking, disproving, or arguing against. Obviously the original image was posted by a right winger or by you.

Your post is straight out wrecker behavior, claiming the anon poster is a leftist, and that there's some kind of tolerance towards this.

FUCK OFF CIA. It's a Saturday, and you do this for free? Or do they force you to work on Saturdays??


That's interesting. I wonder about non-European + MENA (is there a name for this historically integrated region?) race theories. Pre-hispanic Mexico was ethnically diverse and had feudal relations, imperial colonialism, etc if I remember correctly. I wonder what moral justifications were used by the Mexicas/Aztecs to dominate brutally the surrounding nations.


chinletcels be posting


You glow

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