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I swear to God almighty I fucking hate it here. This country is good for nothing and I wish it burns in the eternal flames of hell where it belongs yet somehow escaped it.
Like 95% of the people here are brainwashed by a population-wide CIA psyop operation eating up the most liberal bullshit propaganda like it's served to them from a kebab stall after a long day at work.
It feels nigh impossible to be a leftist here, not even mentioning being further left than fascism (also known as social democracy). Poland is literally a mix of the worst traits of the west and east with nothing good added at all (except grandma, love you.)
The class consciousness is non-existent, and historical knowledge is biased more than that Cuba society from Florida. Even when I provide actual sources that disprove any most common misconception I am met with accusations of being a paid Russian bot or posting falsified commie research (from famous commie institutions like Yale or Harvard)
If I see one more resident of this god forsaken country tell me that "Hitler's occupation was way better than the Soviet one" I will actually summon the spirit of Tukhachevsky and tell him to this time do it fucking right.

So how are you doing?


hey, it could be worse OP, you could be living in the Arab Republic of "time for another IMF loan your highness" Egypt.

>except grandma, love you.



Egypt titoism(bourgeois-socialism) confirmed?!??!


True, just that it sucks when you're trying hard to build something and get someone yelling "muh evil commies grrr where's the police"

It's like Marx said - the Polish proletariat will never accomplish anything, except he said that about the English, and there's no Ireland involved


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>The class consciousness is non-existent
Is it really? Is it really like this in other countries/ I always find it funny as a burger, no one likes the overseer, we know we're the slaves, doesn't mean we have a practical plan to revolt. "Raising class consciousness" WE'RE ALL VERY FUCKING AWARE WE ARE THE SLAVES GETTING WHIPPED BY THE GUY HOLDING THE WHIP, THE PROBLEM WAS NEVER UNDERSTANDING THAT WE ARE THE SLAVES.


I can attest that except leftist circles (to which most of the actual proletariat does not really belong) the class consciousness is abysmal.

At least you can encounter silly situations like people saying "you can just put away 2000PLN a month and go on a cool vacation in 3 months" where most people make around 4000PLN monthly


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jebać polske i polaków


no jak mam cokolwiek robić z polakami to właśnie mam taką reakcję jak w tym kurwa filmiku


liberalism is a hell of a drug


I suppose once the ones who benefited from the shift to capitalism are gone and people who actually experience the negatives of it constitute the majority we might have a chance


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>Is there any country more CIA brainwashed than Poland?

ukkkraine. they've been desperate for NATO membership for so long (an eternal carrot dangled in front of them) that they even contributed 5000 troops to "Operation Iraqi Freedom" which was the NATO coalition's invasion of Iraq led by the USA in 2003.


didn't poland like, get to control a portion of iraq after the invasion?


Yeah, Poland was in the invasion force in 2003, occupying some oil rigs and later getting an occupation zone.
Though unlike Ukraine, Poland was actually part of NATO at that time


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5000 minesweepers for hundreds of billions of dollars? I'd say that Ukrainians came out on top.


Poles are of the reactionary races


Salam ya ma'alm
Two more IMF loans and Arab glory is back


Nadiya Savchenko testified that Ukrainian soldiers role in Iraq was collecting cigarette butts from burgers and cleaning toilets. No wonder many of them committed suicide.


there is only so much koubri and roads egypt could build before it runs out of space, they better bring back om eddunya on its feet by then

fuck it, one more IMF wouldn't hurt


Hmm I only heard of the Flips being the servants. Never heard of a suicide problem either. Ukies can't handle working huh.


Tryna find a peak number but google isn't helping. We know it is at least 4000+ so bare minimum close to the ukie number. I think it's obviously way higher than 5k.

>The kidnapping of De la Cruz, 46, quickly made the father of eight a symbol of the ordinary Filipino’s struggle for survival. His name means “Angel of the Cross,” and he is one of about 8 million Filipinos – 10% of the population of the predominantly Catholic country – who work overseas and send money home to their families. The contributions bring in far more revenue than does foreign aid. About 4,000 Philippine contract workers remain in Iraq.


> Around 4,000 Filipinos are currently living and working in Iraq, many of whom have Iraqi spouses.



>Country more CIA brainwashed than Poland?
Close call between the Phillipines and South Korea but I think pinoy Marcos nationalists are the worst. Honarable mentions are Japan and America itself of course.


Are you an accelerationist, my Egyptian comrade? I don't envy you being under heavily armed and internationally supported comprador.


Keep in mind thinktanks are a thing. CIA is probably a big component in it, but for all you know some of that is home grown brainwormage.


desn't really matter if i want a revolution right now or if we should let the government accelerate it's demise, it's not like kicking out the gusano government right now will suddenly improve the lives of Egyptians, the damage has already been done, electricity bills got more expensive, and so did the price of food, it will take years to fix this.


Don't be so disheartened, comrade. How is the Egyptian left doing these days? From what I read the only noteworthy opposition to the current regime at the moment is liberal, which is hardly an opposition.


Finland is worse. At least Poland got gibs from the west. Finns on the other hand will smile and thank their master after the American bourgeoise shits on their plate.


Stalin gave too many gifts to Poland. Lower Silesia and Stettin should remained German, somehow Poles are more fascistic than them.


Poland and neighboring shithole countries like Hungary and Czech Republic are literally the most racist countries in Europe



No, I agree. If Hitler saw 2020's Poland he never would've invaded at that point


This is what happens when the level of political situation in the People's Republic is so shit and everyone is just trying out any nationalist ideology under the disguise of "communism"


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Europe is a hotbed of reactoids.
Only fellow Europeans know this.


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Maybe third-worldism is right


Do you also have TV and social media salivating about both war with Russia and mass-deportation of immigrants. The two are also starting to trickle into real life.

I dunno, maybe I was too harsh on third-worldists…


TV? Not really, but surely social media. Maybe less so about the war with Russia as Poles are xenophobic as shit and would probably be fine with Ukraine being turned into glass if it meant less foreigners on the streets. (+ the conflict is 2 years old it's no longer sensational)


European zoomers and millennials are some of the most reactionary groups of people I've met, way more so than their boomers and gen x. t. eastern european. era of the blackest reaction or whatever stalin said


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My post might seem defeatist, but I see a new industrial war hitting us in the foreseeable future. Just like in your country, rightoids want a war in mine, they don't say it outright, but the pathways they support will put Europe on a warpath. It's the sad truth. It seems that the ship has sailed for peace in Europe.

For example, I currently live in a Central European country, and my parents are from another CE nation. Both countries are working about reinstating conscription, and the military branches have been centralized under a high command, the first time since the end of WW2.

Now that the bigger Western European industries face a recession because of the lack of cheap Russian fossil fuels, there is only one solution to fix it.

Maybe the terrible situation of a industrial war in 21st century Europe will give class consciousness a renaissance.


Especially in Poland, people aged around ~30 are CIA's glowiest soldiers


This is the third anti-Poland thread I’ve seen on this website. I’ve lurked on leftypol since the 8chan days.


finns taking pride in the fact that they were able to repay their debt to US before the deadline will never not be funny to me. There are so many things to be proud of and they choose to be proud of paying their debt in record time.


really makes you think


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There is a solution

We have the technology


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I am sincerly sorry for your fate OP. Please accept my condolences.


If only there was any proper country to clean up Poland fr


do you see poland throwing itself into war with russia? I follow a polish channel on youtube and she documents the news of politicians that want to gear up and even spearhead poland + nato into a war with russia


I have doubts it'd actually happen, but maybe I'm being overly optimistic. Either way, if anything happened, most people would probably leave instantly.


You know what pisses me off the most about Finnish politics though? The right wing and "nationalist" parties are obscenely racist (only against groups which US state Dept. says is okay of course), and they constantly whine about collapse in Finnish demographics, but at the same time these "defenders of the nation" are at the vanguard of enacting policies that will absolutely murder the native fertility rates. Fools and traitors.


If that serves as condolence Western Europe isn't too far behind these days

Italy elected a literal female ᴉuᴉlossnW
Sweden elected neo-nazis great replacement conspiracy theorists
And don't even get me started on Germany




Argentina and Israel


Israel is a colony, they don't count

Yeah, I'm probably biased in this regard, considering most online lefties I meet are western

Many such cases!


Samir Amin authored some of the best material on Egypt's underdevelopment and sub-imperialist antics in the period after he moved on from primarily writing about ancient modes of production to neocolonialism


What about argentina


Sadly as a European I don't have that good knowledge on South America

Argentina is a fourth world country under Milei though, they surpassed being a lapdog


Where did he cover Egypt?


All over the place. Let me start you off with his analysis of the Arab Spring. He has a whole book on this if you want but this also contains a primer on Egypt's emergence and the regressions by reactionary compradors.


Fron my understanding about Poland is that is an extremely racist, chauvinistic and catholic country, I know they have a severe hate boner for Arabs, Muslims and SWANA folk in general (whom they all call Arabs anyway), but anyway I say this only as online experience as an Iraqi myself not physical


>Arabs, Muslims and SWANA folk in general
Which is funny because SWANA folk, or at least Iraqis couldn't give two fucks about Poland, most of us probably can't even point it on a map


They armed the fuck up lol


The Catholics who haven't been to Church since confirmation lol
I'd say the major hate boner for SWANA calmed down past the whole migrant crisis, it's more about having a hate boner for Ukrainians and black people now, at least online.
Which opens a whole pandora's jar of its own as there's some right wing nutjobs posting scenarios of "black people invading your house with machetes" like this will ever happen in Poland


So, what can be done? If not consumed in fires of war then I predict that the butthurt belt will go extinct in the following century due to demographic disaster. Where should the few sane people escape to?


If it's eager for capitalist war, then let it happen. Perhaps post-war an actual proper leftist movement will rise


My rant is blowing up on twitter apparently.


>The butthurt belt


You dont need CIA for countries to go ultra-nationalist like Poland and Hungary.


how the fuck are the finns whining about immigration, what do they have like 5 brown people in the country?


They are surprisingly racist.


i will never understand why somewhere that is already essentially ethnically homogenous has so many people who make a hobby out of seething about this shit


Bulgarians also recently had protests against migrants, theres BNU / BGNS / БНС (Neonazi organization) stickers all over Sofia now through where they marched…


but cia did take part in the formation of the reaction


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wait till you hear about this image of an afro-finn soldier standing next to a tatar memorial, shared on 4chizzle with the usual the west have fallen vibes, blud is literally in their army, waiting for the day he dies for them fighting russia and that's not enough


sad what self hate does


Sweden next door and the migrants tend to be extremely concentrated so even if there are few in the country some towns and districts are majority immigrant.


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That is all, have a nice day…


I think there are various elements at play here. One of the strongest ones is a long, historical rivalry with Russia, going back centuries and involving Poland as basically the losing side for most of the time. The communist era can be subsumed by some as basically a modern continuation of the old Romanov-ruled Kingdom of Poland - correct me if I'm wrong - but of course the mode of production was completely different and Poland wasn't less independent from the USSR than any Nato country was independent from Burgerland. Also, from what I understand, some people from that era - boomers - resent Russia and communism for supposedly cutting them away from "prosperity" and "wellbeing" as they thought was enjoyed in West Germany, Austria, France, the Nordics and so on. Another element, I guess, is the relatively strong and enduring influence of the Catholic Church, whose crowning achievement was anti-communist cold warrior KW becoming pope in the late 70s and pushing the crusade against the Eastern Bloc to an unprecedented level, even for the normally ultraconservative standards of the Roman Church. Bear in mind that at the point the West turned neoliberal in economic policy and extremely hawkish in foreign policy, not just toward the Warsaw Pact, so KW was in "good" company there.
That said, young women at least are in average very attractive. Almost a decade ago I worked in a factory with many of them in their twenties and, good lord, I have never being on a daily basis in an environment with such top quality pussay.


Those subhuman filth don't know what true hardship is, complaining about the non-existent brown ppl in their garbage ethnostates

I unironically hope ww3 breaks out and these nazi easterm euroid shitholes take the blunt of it, once they're starving, homeless and blown into pieces they'll have something to complain about, might even learn not to be collective sociopaths


These polish subhumans also vandalized and looted Babylonian artifacts


cool it with the anti-slavic remarks


I have nothing against Russians, only against the nazi filth west of their borders

Stalin didn't kill enough


A few years ago I was reading some wikipedia article about Polish politics. I guess it was after PiS - awesome choice of a name, btw - won some election. I remember there was an analysis about a clear electoral divide between a largely more liberal, urbanised and industrialised Northern and Western Poland, where PiS' rivals got the majority of votes, and a conservative, rural, agrarian Southern and Eastern Poland, where PiS was dominant and the libs got wrecked. Apparently this pattern was quite regular across many years and there were suggestions, maybe from some western capitalist rag like the Economist or the Financial Times IIRC, that in the long run Poland would be better off splitting in two different independent states, both obviously integrated economically in the eu and militarily into nato.
That said, considering nowadays many western states are just dysfunctional on every level, except waging war against who they deem to be enemies, I wouldn't be hostile to widespread partitioning of as many European countries as possible: wreck France, take away its outlet on the Med as an independent Provence or something like that and take away Corsica too; dissolve Germany - after all, their financial hegemony over the rest of Europe has been catastrophic and now they've even cucked to Burgerland and started deindustrialising and domestically they are at each other's throat anyway - in at least five or six states; put an end to the abomination called Belgium and similarly to the tax haven called Switzerland; let Northern Italy pretend they are "Mittel Europeans" and let's relieve them from muh Rome - and that would be one of the best things ever to happen to Rome and the South.

Imagine how degrading and humiliating it was not only being bombed and savaged to the stone age but also ending up in the "zone" under the occupation of a literal puppet state with the audacity to participate in such a crime. If you think about that, those scenes of "coalition" soldiers being literally burned alive and exposed upside down in the middle of the street by an angry mob were entirely justified and even too moderate.


stalin didnt kill them THOUGH, that was the nazis ironically enough.


These vermin also looted and pillaged over 6000 years old of history

At least the British and American invaders had the decency to respect other people's history

Total pooshit death


They are "baiting the radlibs". Whenever you see "stalin did not kill x people enough", they are just trying to make them angry. They dont actually believe stalin was a mass killer


As said before, the holodomor was not human made, and stalin helped and gave aid to the people to stop the famine. He did not caused it


Let's not forget those currently colonizing and genociding Palestinians were spew from the asshole of pooland

Bibi himself is a polish piece of shit


Let's not forget those currently colonizing and genociding Palestinians were spew from the asshole of pooland

Bibi himself is a polish piece of shit


Here's how Sp*in can be divided:

Andalusia, Catalonia, Castile, Basque Country, Galicia


France proper


The Isles


Now that I'm thinking about it, the words "Pro Finlandia" are a blatant form of cultural appropriation from Latin. They don't even call themselves "Finland" - which is a stupid and silly sounding name btw - but something like "Suomi" - not much better tho - which apparently isn't even Finno-Ugric in origin, but has the same origin of the Russian земля, literally just "land".
The guy there I guess is from the Horn of Africa and he has to do compulsory military service because he got "Finnish" citizenship. But he could have hung out with Jehova's Witnesses for a year or so and he would have been exempt. Or he could have settled in the Aland islands and be exempt too.

Am I wrong or Ikea-land has like ten percent of its population born abroad by now? Obviously, considering the once generous welfare state and the school system have been gutted to do neoliberalism like there's no tomorrow, a wide range of social pathologies are manifesting in certain areas and one of them is the rise of the far right.

>At least the British and American invaders had the decency to respect other people's history
I didn't know Poolish troops had the audacity to do that. I remember news of Burgers and Bongs doing shit like that, so I guess you are having a too rosy judgement about them. Obviously it's not hard to believe they did that shit too.

Spain is cut and dried, very easy to do. That's why I didn't even considered it. But I fundamentally agree with your assessment.
Gaul - lol! -: I really don't care about whatever isn't old Occitania and Corsica. They have suffered long enough under the obtusely and excessively centralising heel of Paris, set 'em free now. Also, let's not forget the various "overseas collectivities" far away from Europe. Those get free too.
Bongistan: Ulster should be given back to Ireland in full and those that don't agree kindly asked to move in Tory-voting constituencies in the Home Counties of southern England. Oop North and the West Country don't deserve any more issues that the ones they already have - infrastructural, economical, social and the like: the Orangists would be too much for them.


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>Stalin didn't kill enough
Trying to revive the spirit of Stalin to deal with Poland suffers from some real historical problems because of Stalin's actual policy, although population transfers weren't some evil Russian punishment of subject nations as much as a conciliatory head pat to nationalists; giving each of them their own little official socialist corner to play in.


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The truth is Stalin was really a dove as far as foreign policy was concerned as soon as the GPW was over. He even proposed to keep Germany unified on condition it was fully demilitarised and kept neutral. Obviously the rabid reactionaries in the West couldn't agree on such a moderate and reasonable proposal and the DDR had to be established.



OP here, I'm from Western Poland (Silesia) and it indeed the votes tend to spread out among old partition borders. I wouldn't say it means the Poles in the West are suddenly more westernized due to being graciously civilized by their former German overlords, the area is just wealthier, way more urbanized and can do without the social aid promises of PiS (or just calls the social programs bad because they go to mothers who just birth tons of kids). Major cities in the East tend to vote more "progressive" or "liberal" rather too, just that there are less major urban centers there.
I don't think there's a point in splitting Poland into two separate states encompassing the former German partition and the Austrian-Russian partition, unless for some weird social experiment. I wish less money went to Warsaw from other parts of the country in general, though.


should be banana sauce tbh


Banana ketchup is so great fr


Albeit the current ancap non-government, most argentinians aren't that right wing. I'd say chileans are pretty conservative and it's getting worse every day


Working hard to improve the image of socialism (can't really call it communism in Poland lol) day by day, helping out the common folk, organizing actions and what not.
Sometime ago I saw some people on the Polish equivalent of 4chan/reddit notice one of our successful actions and get mad at a girl getting her salary because "commies helped her do it"
Just a thought


I swear I saw pole complaining in youtube comment which got many likes that communism was coming back in Poland again among youth, and a lot of people didn't believe in free market anymore several months ago.


from the USA def being feeling like this on bad days sometimes as well

that shit fucking blows me man, like how much a bitchmade smoothbrain do you have to be to not handle different cultures living near you


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Trzecia Rzeczpospolita is a case of a mass psychogenic illness




if you don't like it here feel free to fuck off right back to where you belong you filthy russian saboteur


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Daily reminder, no matter how hard you lick burgeroid masters balls - you'll never get your precious rzeczpospolita back, you filthy poloid.


Ten years ago roughly one third of those living in Sweden were ethnically not Swedish, so I assume it's like half now. Mind you, a lot of these foreigners are Finns or other Eastern-Europeans.


Tito at least spent it on developing local industry and infrastructure (which proceeded to be sold off to western capitalists after the break-up of Yugoslavia anyway)


Nothing surprising from the country that willingly allied themselves with the nazis in WW2.


Modern day nazism, aka atlanticism, does that to a motherfucker.


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Just hop the border with Belarus and claim asylum bro. Lukashenko opened up with visa free travel it's so easy now.

Bonus points if you manage to cause so much seethe during your exit that your family back in Poland starts getting investigated for being Lukashenko's spies.


Germany is most cucked by far, the american and british occupied sectors in particular.


>Is there any country more CIA brainwashed than Poland?


Jakub Berman diagnosed the cause of the problem many years ago.
>The Church is a great obstacle to us because in it are concentrated the philosophical bases of ideological reaction, which it ceaselessly relays to the masses. In the popular consciousness, it is the bulwark of Polish tradition and culture, the most complete expression of ‘Polishness’. This traditional understanding of patriotism is the greatest strength of the Church, even stronger and more powerful than the magic of ritual. The Church is the natural source of opposition, both ideological and philosophical


Why Polish have such big tits?
Like, G cup seems normal.
How do I get big Polish booba?


Poland is bad but Ukraine is worse for collectively lying about the "holodomor" over a decade after it allegedly "happened" all because they thought it would help them get in bed with Nazi germany easier.


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the absolute state og p0lant


consider the wordfilter
>implying i want to live in one country with assorted ruthernians
they can go back to where they belong right after op returns to khazaria


Pollacks killed Jews and still don't want to admit it. They will claim they were "victimized by Hitler". They don't want to pay up reparations.
Jebać Polaków, ogólnie.


i wish we did, the world would be a better place without your race


Jojne, please…


No czego? Mam udawać, że Polacy to takie aniołki?
A lot of Poles collaborated with Nazi Germany!


My favorite band Rush and Geddy Lee would conform this on "My Effin' Life". This is why Rush the progressive rock band, never played in Poland!


I think it's Polish people's fault, quite frankly.


All you can do is Google or Yandex "pdfread,net - My Effin' Life", if you don't want to make Capitalists porfit out of it and then read for yourself.


confirm not conform*


sadly not enough did it seems


let's hope to fix it next time around


Sorry this is not a place for declared nazis


The real Poles are south pole and north pole. Poland are just posers.


>They will claim they were "victimized by Hitler".
because they were, you fucking retard


i wish /leftypol/ had geographical flags like /int/. i like the comfy international vibes of knowing that i'm talking to people from all around the world


The current theme of >>/roulette/ is speaking in any language but English, but there are still no flags


I do too


>Pilsudski little Reich at home was ruined by best friend Adolf((((
Fuck off


Are you sure, the nation that killed Jews was victimized by Hitler?


Would be kinda nice in theory but imagine the bullshit arguments and insults over people's nationalities

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