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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Some of the nations that are most likely to be reestablished as de facto a second Israel because:
A. The og Israel (thankfully) cannot survive without genociding millions of people and potentially starting WW3 and as leftists we should ponder realistic solutions instead of just posting Billions Must Die;
B. There is no way Israelis and Palestinians can live peacefully in the same country. This isn't just idealistic demands about the Right to Return; the harsh facts is if the Zionists do not move to another country there would be endless civil wars in the Levant
Some of the top candidate nations
1. Austria
Tbh giving citizenship to some 6 million Israelis is probably the least they can do considering they started this whole mess in the first place.
2. Rwanda
They're already establishing themselves as the go-to destination for immigrants anyway, and with all these militant settlers Kagame can conquer all of Congo in just two weeks
3. Japan
Japan lost like half a million people every year so having all these people would revitalize their economy. Besides lots of Japanese esoteric nationalists love Judaism
4. America
There are so, so many empty arable lands in the US that are hoarded for the sole purpose of property speculation. The US can relocate the entirety of Israel AND Palestine to these lands and literally nobidy would fucking notice. Also the least they can do for making this conflict 100x more brutal than it should've been
5. That one Jewish oblast in Russia.
Self evident
Feel free to contribute if you have a better candidate in mind


There doesn't need to be a second Israel. The Israelis can live in Palestine. Anti-zionism isn't about making Jewish people leave the Middle East (Jewish people were living in the Middle East continuously for thousands of years before the Balfour declaration). It's about ending the murder, displacement, and oppression of the Palestinians.
The Israelis should not be allowed to continue displacing Palestinians from their territory and taking their homes, and displaced Palestinians should be granted the right of return, but there's no reason Jews can't live in the region. They can share it with the Palestinians in a binational one-state solution. Look at Singapore for a good example of multiple ethnic groups sharing a region without apartheid.

>There is no way Israelis and Palestinians can live peacefully in the same country

I'm sure if the Israelis stopped bombing them the Palestinians would chill out. The conflict isn't really religious or ethnic in nature anymore. They're not fighting each other just for the lulz.



This would be very funny considering Rwanda is a chauvinist regional/sub-imperialist power in its own right, against all odds. Shit maybe theyll just give the zionists Burundi

While this is all true in principle, the South African transition to a multiracial state was less fraught than any fall of Israel would look like, and it still saw like half of the white settlers emigrate out of the country rapidly. Settlers dont like to live as equals on the land they stole, even if you dont redistribute the land, as South Africa didnt but should have. Israels fall will likely be far more violent, and if by some miracle it isnt, most zionists will still flee.


>1. Austria
>Tbh giving citizenship to some 6 million Israelis is probably the least they can do considering they started this whole mess in the first place.
>2. Rwanda
>They're already establishing themselves as the go-to destination for immigrants anyway, and with all these militant settlers Kagame can conquer all of Congo in just two weeks
>3. Japan
>Japan lost like half a million people every year so having all these people would revitalize their economy. Besides lots of Japanese esoteric nationalists love Judaism
these are all retarded
amerikkka is the most realistic option, as well as france, canada, russia, morocco, any place that has a sizeable jewish population already


back to brooklyn


A second Israel won't exist as there won't be sufficient western support for it, losing in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan will do them a number too big, the Israelis will all disperse in Europe (where they came from) while Jews and Palestinians will stay in Palestine.


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Give them a province of Canada. No one is using that land anyways.


>A second Israel won't exist

Rojava already exists.



Hiw about we give them New Zealand. Why do the anglos need two australias for anyways. It's like they are not even pretending. 🇦🇺🇳🇿


We already have a thead for this.


To eliminate the legitimacy of nation-states and ethnic regimes and send them to museums. Just like eradicating kings and monarchies, there's no longer any foolish talk about giving a certain king a piece of territory.
This is the real solution.


Correct take.


Most of the black people in South Africa are settlers too. They came from what's now Zimbabwe and Botswana after the Dutch arrived. Native blacks are a minority in modern South Africa.


You might find this article interesting OP. Points out how after Apartheid ended (after a very real and bloody dirty war that USA would really like everyone to forget) white people were even more frightened by the black people wanting to make peace and coexist, rather than retaliate against them. They couldn't believe they weren't taking any vengeance.




>B. There is no way Israelis and Palestinians can live peacefully in the same country. This isn't just idealistic demands about the Right to Return; the harsh facts is if the Zionists do not move to another country there would be endless civil wars in the Levant

This is just not true. Why can Israeli Jews and Palestinians not live on the same land? Right now they can't because of capitalism and imperialism. The US keeps Israel as its agent in the Middle East and the Israeli bourgeoisie is a capitalist class whose profitability requires more acquisition of Palestinian and other Arab lands. If this class were eliminated and the imperialists driven out, the Jewish working class in Israel and the Palestinians could live in the same state because the property relations underlying that state which created the hostility no longer exist.

Or they could decide to leave in more than one state. Either way, the OP presupposes no socialist revolution happening somewhere in the Middle East (or in the imperialist powers) and causing a major shift in domestic politics within Israel or somewhere close by.

It's a very static, metaphysical question and also shows a lack of ability to think beyond Zionism.

Zionism says Jews in Israel are one bloc and Palestinians are another. But for Marxists, it's obvious Israel is just as class divided as any other society. Marxists should try to win Israeli workers away from Zionism and toward Palestinian liberation. Palestine won't be free without the destruction of the Zionist state and the Israeli workers won't be able to free themselves from exploitation/oppression by the Zionist bourgeoisie without fighting to free Palestine


If DDR did denazification, Palestine can do dezionification period.



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Jews do not deserve their own country. Jews aren't even a homogeneous group. There are tons of different subtypes of Jews depending on their place of origin and religious branch.

A good part of Israelis already has double citizenship, and a bigger part is entitled to citizenship of the countries their parents or grandparents came from. Whenever Israel collapses, a big chunk of the population will simply flee back to the country they or their parents came from. As for the others, some will just migrate to Anglo countries or Western Europe, and it's very likely Westoid countries will accept them with open arms and even facilitate their immigration. As for the ones who stay, who will probably be a minority, I hope they are thoroughly denazified and help rebuild Palestine.


Pissrahellis can have their promised land six feet underground or in the dephts of the mediterranean


>Israeli workers

Total """"israeli"""" removal is the only correct stance


Daily reminder settlers aren't proletarian not opressed, anyone who says otherwise is either delusional or ill intended


One of the dakotas


Why the midwest? It's southern evangelical nutjobs who love zionists


I imagine it's because the great plains christians are descended from manifest destiny puritans who came from southern calvinist denominations and had cult like tendencies but idk the history of that


Based and Anti-Revisionist pilled. Jews don't even count as a nation, that has been the Marxist view ever since Marx said so.


No it isn't. Zionist bourgeoisie deliberately created a Jewish working class in Israel. "Conquest of Labor" and "Conquest of Land." Try reading a fucking book.

Removal to where? There's a difference between people who just got there from Brooklyn last week an people whose families have been there for decades. They have every much as right to live there.

Israel has some of the worst working conditions and living standards in the "developed" world. The Israeli capitalists aren't oppressed: they oppress the Palestinians and this oppression is the source of the exploitation and oppression of Israeli workers. You're drawing a false line. Palestine won't be free unless the Zionist state is split. Shit like what you're saying just tells Jewish workers they had better support Netanyahu forever


Now tell about the oppressed Rhodesian and South African Boer working class

Even better, tell me about the poor oppressed German settlers in Eastern Europe during WW2


>Palestine won't be free unless the Zionist state is destroyed and every single settler forced to swin back to Poland across the mediterranean

Fify ziocuck


This sounds really r-r-radical but it's not. It's just bourgeois nationalism.


Eastern Germany, even if it's not necessary. Germany may just give them a province to be extra servile to the USA. And then force it on the east for extra butthurt, to further conflate rightoids and communists. Gawd that would be funny.

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