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File: 1713976918163.jpg (484.11 KB, 1600x1272, ChildLabour.jpg)


[okay so faggots I got a hot take that youŕe not ready for]


So for many years there has been them implementation of child labor laws, if you know the history of it then good if not look that shit up. BUT! Here I come. I offer you a solution to the problem that is plaguing the nation *Labor shortages*! There has been a push for college and less for people entering the workforce immediately after high school also there is a astigmatism that applies to both that and trade skills. Now that we got that out of the way, my proposal. I know that depending on your state (US specific) that 14 year olds and more-so 15 year olds are entering the workforce at the unskilled jobs. This would be things like housekeeping or like fast food. I know that my mother when she was a child that she was working in blueberry patches in the 1970ś as a white woman but now in 2024 there would be all hell raised if I suggested to my mother that I wanted to do the same thing she did for the summer instead of an intership/college class/ or a job relating to my future intended career. I am 21f for context. But I have been brainwashed as has everyone with the idea of college for all and this leads to the inflation of qualifications for jobs for now jobs that didn´t require a degree to now havi ng one compared to our parents who applied and are still employeed in the same sector. If we lower to the working age then we have more people that are getting money, you may suggest that people are only working at 14-16 if they need the money, but we are considering that the population of the working age in the united states is not increasing to support the large number of adults living past the working age (ss benefits/programs). So if we get a bunch of 12 year olds , even just lowering it by 2 years you start to get people that are working the jobs that no one wants, they get time management skills, and money which stimulates the economy. This is more kids buying like clothes or makeup or games and then in turn then parents can stop with this whole allowance gargin. WHICH I HATE. I HATE HATE HATE seeing bitches my age get an allowance like as soon as I got a job in high school part time any financial help from my parents seized, I know that this is just parents wanting to give their kids, but this is harmful both ways with an expectation of assistance and then the draining of parentś savings. We can see with millennials that there is going to be a hard time for average citizens retiring even though we have been told that around 65 we should be able so so that means the early tweens will probably be causing their parents financial security. So if we start using their labor we are not discouraging education such as high school or other forms but it allows for the labor market to reach a higher level of fulfillment. I think 12 (lowering 2 years) would not do any harm. I was beyond ready for a variation of a part time job around the time and instead I spent my summers volunteering rather than making money. And all the investment bros out there I bet you see how good this idea is too as well, even if it was only like $20 each paycheck that´s like 150 or so you can start building for wealth. What else are 12 year olds doing anyways?


>Call self glowie
>Make hot take
>Post wall of text without any formatting

what did they mean by this :S


I got a better argument: child labor good because children are too energetic, undisciplined and annoying.


wherein OP makes what he thinks is an inflammatory point, but our boy Karl already made the point in Gothakritik that child labour is good actually. we force children to do labour all the time: school, chores and so on


Tor users with custom names have glowing placed next to them. See my name for example.
This is already the case in the United States for most working class and immigrant families. I can't speak for else in the West, but its certainly the case here. I worked for my Father in carpentry projects ever since I was three (albeit I didn't do much wood-work at that age except around my Uncle), and if he didn't get a promotion, I'd still be in that line of work. When child labour laws were implemented, children were working much more dangerous tasks, but in present-day even adults can't perform those tasks due to OSHA-laws and what not. Half the time when I go to flea markets or buy shit off street vendors they're underage anyway, so what if it's behind a McDonald's counter?


child labor is bad actually and this isn't the first time this glowfag has tried to persuade people otherwise


THIS IS MY SECOND POST!!!! stfu hoe this is teen labor not child and 14 and 12 is a difference of literally two years




Wrong reason.

Child labor good because it helps build them into proles.

People who pathologise children for their exuberanxe are often manchikdren.

These people are the real problem.


school and chores arent really good forms of labor. Especially post-primary schooling.


File: 1713989909702.jpg (55.91 KB, 902x717, happiness by age.jpg)

There is no "labor shortage" "plaguing" the nation. There's low unemployment, which is good for workers and bad for capitalists. If the media has been catastrophizing to you about how nobody wants to work anymore, that's just bourgeois pear-clutching about having to pay higher wages because the surplus army of labor is smaller and the labor market is tighter. Children wouldn't get to freely choose whether to work because their parents ultimately control their lives, and would be the arbiters of whether their children got jobs or not. And that's not the only reason child labor would be bad for children. It would also give them less time to dedicate to leisure and to school. Children need childhoods, not to be turned into wageslaves the moment they're old enough to stand up. Do you want to extend the dip in this chart further left?

>draining of parents' savings

>financial security
The solution to this is the welfare state.
>expectation of assistance
conservative propaganda with no foundation in reality
>the population of the working age in the united states is not increasing to support the large number of adults living past the working age (ss benefits/programs)
First of all, this is the same argument that Ben Shapiro uses to defend raising the retirement age. Secondly, if you're worried about the median age growing, the solution to that is immigration. Lots of young workers want to come into the country and work and pay taxes. If you want more workers and more taxes, just let them in.

This post is reactionary. And it's terribly formatted.


There is nothing inherently wrong with a little bit of work. The problem is in a capitalist society this little bit of work will quickly turn into a full day work day with barely any wage.


hey so the idea of a general labor shortage isn´t as deep as you say bro. I am saying that the jobs that people are not fulfilling or don´t want to full since there has been a push for college for all are best for the younger generation. When I get my degree in a year I don´t want to be a cashier, but a 12 year old would be like ¨fuck yeah money¨. A lot of people are being discouraged to apply for these jobs since there is a stigmatization that if you have a degree you should use it and nobody really wants to be underemployed. Parents if they are fucking smart would encourage independence and growing up. You want your TEEN to live a better life than you have and you also want them to be successful and therefore the obvious intersection occurs when we lower the working age. There is 24hrs in a day and a teen is at the mercy (with exceptions due to family finances) to choose to pick up a job if they want. I am not forcing your tween-argue-on-the-internet ass to work. I am just saying that within the US that there would be a benefit and a stimulation of the economy if teens were given access to responsibilities younger. For school, this also would have to be a responsibility of the teen and what they can handle. If I was 12 I would totally work 10 or so hours a week so I can get coffee and save up for the newest Iphone. It also is helpful when it comes to school trips so it passes unnecessary costs to the child and makes them utilize decision-making skills.That chart you provided is bias seeking and therefore emotionally irrational and not applicable to this conversation.



After an insightful conversation between a classmate and the current state of exploited labor there is also the child federal labor wage. "youth minimum wage of not less than $4.25 an hour" (dol.org). With this said and the current 7.25 usd minimum wage there needs to be amendments. Under 18 cannot vote and can do more jobs than compared to the people at or above 65 years of old in the aspect of typically labor requiring lifting. A 12 year old would be more likely to carry a heavy 40 pound box than a 65 year old who has had a bad knee for a number of years. I know this isn't the instance 100% of the time but regardless, I think that the minimum wage needs to be raised if we allow the entry of 12 year olds into the labor market. And the same goes for without a lowering. It is unjust to say that someone is worth less in the area of just their age because the same wouldn't be said towards a 70 year old and they get the right to vote.


Part of the reason why adulthood is difficult is because of ridiculous liability laws barring teens from worldly affairs

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