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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Lula, AMLO and like no one else are the only left-wing politicians who are a) popular (51% and 68% approval ratings) and b) left-wing. Boric and the Colombian guy exist, but they’re hated broadly. Boric is especially an IDPOL goofball.




They channel that "not intellectual" energy. People hate intelectuals. Not saying it's a good thing.


Lula is slowly sinking in the polls. Give it time and he will be with Boric and Petro.

For AMLO, it is really easy. He has a a strong legislative presence to enact his policy. Most pink tide leaders you see actually have weak showing in their legislative branch. Acre and his strong MAS also proves my point.


>What did they do right?
Be liberals I suppose


How the fuck did Bolsonaro win the elections the first time after Lula basically fixed Brazil's economy and uplifted the whole country?


Corruption charges


conservative, antiimperialist and populist


Lula's party suffered a massive slander campaign from 2012 to 2018. Dilma was impeached in a coup over supposed "fiscal fraud" and Lula was arrested right before the 2018 presidential elections over corruption charges that didn't have any evidence. You can watch BadEmpanada's video on the subject, I think it's the most comprehensible English language coverage of the Lava Jato campaign. In fact, the right wing always slandered Lula since the nineties (accusing him of being an alcoholic, illiterate, a liar etc) but this slander campaign intensified to a cartoonish level in the mid 2010s, the middle classes started seeing him as the Devil. The labor aristocracy and petite bourgeoisie started resenting his party in the Dilma years especially because private maids earned worker rights so they couldn't be treated like slaves anymore, and unemployment was at an all-time low therefore the worse-off workers could negotiate better wages.


>The labor aristocracy and petite bourgeoisie started resenting his party in the Dilma years especially because private maids earned worker rights so they couldn't be treated like slaves anymore, and unemployment was at an all-time low therefore the worse-off workers could negotiate better wages.
PTista propaganda. Their resentment was there in the 2000s as the middle class was left alone. PT's party focused on the uber rich and the uber poor.



Didn't they also wanted to weaken the military deep state? Wasn't that a primary reason for the impeachment?


No. The commodity boom ended, agrobusiness ended their conciliation with the PT party because they had to resort to super exploitation for profit, and our politicians wanted to kick out Dilma because they developed a hunger to privatize our state businesses down to the last pebble. They half succeeded by imposing a strong limit on state spending, there by holding back Brazil's capacity to expand production, resorting to taking out private loans etc. the whole thing is a cluser fuck.


Don't forget the State Department was ruddering the entire campaign against Lula, feeding data to the Prosecutor, analyzing Brazilian law and using whatever means possible to make Lava Jato successful. Then they used whatsapp ops to get Bolsonaro elected. Based Lula for taking a stand against US tech and interference, finally.



>People hate intelectuals
fetishization of being retarded on purpose needs to stop


I didn't said it was a good thing. I think it's an ego problem.


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i was just agreeing with you aggressively


>10.75 percent per year
>The Selic, Brazil's benchmark interest rate, currently stands at 10.75 percent per year, its lowest level since March 2022. This rate is used in government bond transactions through the Special System for Settlement and Custody (Selic) and sets the standard for other interest rates in the economy.


Is not only about spending money, we are not the US, we can't just print more and be done with it. Almost half of the government budget is on debt repayment, we can't keep this forever, this is not sustainable. China can have a big debt because of lower interest rate, this is not the same as Brasil


China's debt is also largely state owned. They can write down the debt. I dont think Brazil is in the same situation.


AMLO is just giving bennies to old people and running against an opposition that wants to take it away.

Simple as.

Morena and the opposition are both corrupt clowns.

t. Mexican

And this isn't just corruption, this is mismanagement that leads to deaths and brutal crime. This is the kind of corruption that is cancer, not a flu


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Amlo is basically what happens if you fuse trumps populism and personality with bernies soc dem politics with a dash of Christianity. I think if such a figure would appear on the american landscape they would be unstoppable


Don't give liberals ideas.


>Acre and his strong MAS also proves my point.
that was true before him and Evo started fighting, MAS is split down the middle now


I remember a story about Brazilian Twitter being flooded with pro Bolsonaro bots around the election time. I saw it myself, it was bizarre you couldn't say anything about him without them flooding into the thread.


Lula doesn't have a majority in Congress but he compensates for that with political savviness, his government has already passed more bills than any other in this time frame.

His approval rating will probably oscillate around the 45–55 range but it will never fall below that.



Oh yea the post spilt might endanger things

Bills that people want? More importantly his supporters? I am not holding my breath.

He is already at 45% approval rating. What is the threshold for you to change your mind?


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This was a constant I think.

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