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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>According to Lee, for a few years in the early 1950s the SRP received Soviet funds while the Communist Party of Germany did not, due to being purportedly viewed as "ineffectual".

>The archives contain documents that show that the Stasi, the East German secret police, had frequent meetings with SRP officials and provided them with financial and logistical support.


We are living in a time, where we have the ability to access all kinds of information. And the more I read, the more I see how opportunist the so called communist states were. The CPC supported UNITA, the mujahideen, Pinochet… Recently I discovered, that the soviet union supported the SRP. Guys, how can you still be a communist in these days?


>The CPC supported UNITA, the mujahideen, Pinochet…
The CPC is currently funding neo nazis in europe, its not some distant past.


Fake news, neoliberal


> the SRP received Soviet funds while the Communist Party of Germany did not, due to being purportedly viewed as "ineffectual".
If that's true, it 's weird they'd view the Communist Party as ineffectual and not… the Socialist Reich Party. The only reason anyone has ever heard of this group is that Soviet glowies allegedly gave them money one time to embarrass West Germany.


>The only reason anyone has ever heard of this group

The thing is, they weren't some irrelevant, obscure nobodies. The SRP had 40.000 members and was in represented in the parliament.


>Guys, how can you still be a communist in these days?
Anons, it's some /pol/ack or autistic freak who does it for free, sage and report and minimise thred.


I'm just posting facts. 實事求是


Yes the CPC must be the one sending billions of dollars in military aid to "Moderate Rebels" in Ukraine…


Otto Strasser was also offered a position in the GDR's government which Otto refused because he wanted to live in his old home in Bavaria


Nice whataboutism, but I hate NATO and I will not defend them.


Damn, this is the ugly bastard from Hentai.


Just why


>the more I see how opportunist
welcome to the real world

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