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I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely


im not reading all that

im instead listening to it in a song


EU was the very last thing on the horizon of imperialism and reaction Lenin could see back in the day. Anyone who supports "eurointegration" is a tool of the strongest reaction the world has seen to date. Most countries with current bans of communist parties and symbols are in EU or "aspiring" - like Georgia. It's unfortunate that these people won't be met with appropriate levels of violence.


the strongest left wing factions in georgia are anarchists and its a damn shame


Thanks OP, it is very interesting.

I was in Tbilisi last month, had a great time as a tourist, but as a /leftypol/tard, I could notice something was off.
I never saw so many EU flags in one city, and I live in the EU. There is even a NATO flag on Liberty Square, and I think the only other time I saw one was in Brussels.
One night, I saw a protest in front of the parliament, asked a couple of students what was going on, they told me it's about the "Russian law", explained it a bit to me, then asked for my opinion, and it was very painful to tell them that while I hate Putin, I also hate the EU and NATO, and that I don't think joining the EU will save Georgia because I still remember what happened to Greece in 2008.
When I came back home, I started browsing /r/Sakartvelo to get news about the situation, I saw the protests got more intense, but it was depressing, I never saw so many liberals cheering for Western influence in their country, being very Russophobic even though most of the Russian migrants I've met in Tbilisi were chill artists who hate their own government.

But now, with this article, everything clicks into place.
Indeed, you can see that NGOs have a disproportionate amount of influence on Georgian politics, and they don't seem to care about real economic issues — the villages near the Armenian border are probably the poorest places I've seen in my life, and I've been to Africa once — it's all very partisan, but devoid of a real program to help the population rise up from their persistent depression.
It's not so surprising to learn both Georgian Dream and the opposition are neoliberal to the core. After all, it's a classic tactic of the bourgeoisie, to spur a political conflict over something that distracts from economic issues, then once the common people think they won an arduous battle against their government, they continue to eat shit as usual, while the rich opportunistically switch sides when needed.
The wound of the 2008 Russo-Georgian war is still deeply felt by Georgian people, which is completely understandable, but that means it can also be used to prop up an indefinite neoliberal status quo that will never be questioned.

This quote from the article is pretty heartbreaking:
>Why would the World Bank rehabilitate a wing of our hospital? Our hospital supposedly had the budget to do this on its own, but now we don’t know what became of that money. We are not told how the budgets are spent or how decisions are made. When they needed us during COVID, we were called irreplaceable. Now, we are disposable.
Indeed, and how would joining EU help about that either? That's what I said to the students: if you join the EU, you will have strong limitations on what your government can do fiscally, and you will probably end up being exploited with no means to, for example, boost domestic demand with Keynesian policies, it's simply impossible if you sign the EU treaties. It might scare Putin, but economically speaking, it won't make the situation better.

Then there is this other passage:
>Then again, many Georgians out in the street with their EU flags have less metaphysical and rather earthier concerns: in recent surveys, Georgians rank the opportunity to emigrate as their number one reason for wanting to join the EU. Indeed, Georgians have been “voting with their feet”—in 2021 and 2022 alone, more than 5% of the population left, most of them into grim shadow labor markets in Europe.
So it seems that what pro-EU Georgians envision as a future is becoming like these Polish workers in the UK, being paid below the market rate of the country they are emigrating to, instead of envisioning a better future for their own country. Goddamn, Georgian politics are so depressing.

Sorry for this long-ass blogpost, but I knew nothing about Georgia before, had an unforgettable experience there, and I'm trying to make sense of what is going on.

I have one question: Are Georgians aware that if they join the EU, they will abide by the rules of the Schengen Area, which will forbid Russians to come to Georgia without a visa?
They are many Russians who came to Georgia to avoid drafting, some of them have a lot of money, and they love to go to Batumi. I know most Georgians don't like Russians, who tend to stay in their own little communities and not make an effort about the language and so on, but I don't think joining the EU would boost tourism from Western Europe, especially as we already have the right to stay in Georgia for a year visa free (and God, maybe I should have said "fuck it" and stayed in Tbilisi while I still had the opportunity).
Are Georgians really willing to isolate themselves from the Russians who hate their government?


I’m sure they are. As your mentioned in your comment one of the main things that makes EU attractive to georgians is the ability to leave georgia, they probably don’t particularly care what will happen with the russian diaspora or wether ir not it will fuck over russian liberals.

Liberals weren’t particularly sad when Russian draft dodgers were getting fucked over in other countries and sent back to Russia, because they thought that normal Russians getting fucked over was just and that if they got stomped hard enough they would revolt and establish liberalism in Russia, which they didn’t because liberalism is passive and incapable of real action.


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Makes sense, though I still think it's dumb that a country pissed off about Putin with plenty of Russian dissidents wouldn't want to ally with them or at least tolerate them while they are there, and instead indirectly push them to go back to fight for a war they don't want to fight.
Fun fact: Quite a few "Fuck Russia" graffiti you can see all around Tbilisi are done by Russians, not Georgians. They do it to trigger pro-Putin boomers who come here on vacation.
If you describe the situation this way on /r/Sakartvelo, you will get downvoted, as they are too far up their own asses and want to suck EU cock so bad. On /r/serbia, they are more level-headed and are pissed off at the landlords and the lack of regulation in the real estate market instead of blaming foreigners for rising rents.

>if they got stomped hard enough they would revolt and establish liberalism in Russia, which they didn’t because liberalism is passive and incapable of real action.

Well, I don't want to get too confrontational, but many /leftypol/tards like you are idealist/utopian and think revolting is easy, while it's not, and if you have ever been to a protest, you would know you can't topple down your government like this.
In my country, there were a lot of protests last year, coming from every strand of socialism possible, from socdems to anarchists to MLs, almost all labor unions, and we lost. The government just fucked us over after wasting all our tax money on tear gas, grenades and so-called "non-lethal" weapons, and told us to go back to work once they were done with the most intense riots we have seen since the last 60 years.
In Russia, you can get arrested and go to prison for criticizing Putin's government and its policies on social media, especially the war, and land your ass in prison for years. That might very well include anyone who is a good-meaning pro-multipolarity communist wanting to revive the legacy of the USSR too zealously. The Russian government isn't your friend.
Liberals are actually more capable of "real action" than left-wingers because they have a lot of businessmen willing to finance their antics. Hell, speaking of Georgia, you can see that liberals can heavily influence the masses with partisan subjects that completely forego any program regarding political economy, while the left-wing can't do much to propose an alternative to neoliberalism amidst all the chaos.

Georgians have good reasons to hate Russia, but the Russians I've met there were very friendly to me, and don't want to deal with the war and all the propaganda and restrictive laws back home. They don't want anything like another 2008 war, they want to live in peace. It's pretty dumb Georgian liberals don't realize this.


Georgia's current president is their former ambassador from France. No, not the ambassador working for the Georgian ministry of foreign affairs in France but the ambassador for the French government in Georgia, LMAO. Talk about being a fucking neo-colony.


I had to read this twice to understand how absurd it is.




She was born in France, and studied at Science Po in Paris.
The son of André Glucksmann (an influential French Maoist who turned neolib in the 1970s), Raphaël, was also an advisor to Mikheil Saakachvili between 2008 and 2012, and was married Eka Zgouladze, a Georgian politician who had been involved in Ukrainian politics around 2014.
I don't think "neo-colony" accurately describe what is going on there — unlike West African countries who use the CFA franc as a currency — but EU ghouls definitely have an interest into stirring shit in that part of world, probably to corner the whole Western part of Russia with a series of NATO alliances and especially sell a shitton of weapons to the Georgian government, since France has plenty of big arms manufacturers like Dassault and Thales.


they are already well adapted to the level of sovereignty the EU would allow them to have


You are right, having a foreign policitian inserted into your government is not neo-colonialism, it's just classic colonialism.


I guess the USSR under Stalin was a Georgian colony then.


The USSR doesn't count because Affirmative Actions programmes were literally written into its constitution so all minorities were elevated against the majority populations.


Was Georgia a foreign country and part of a contained but seperate geopolitical block from the CCCP and was Stalin trained at elite political and diplomat schools with the express purpose to represent and spread Georgian interests at the high levels of the CCCP most of which he spent already doing as an experienced diplomat with connections to the Georgian intelligence services?



at last i truly see


dayum, I just got redpilled


(((georgians))) are to socialism what the (((irish))) are to capitalism


wtf does that even mean




Salome Zourabichvili was born from Georgian parents and grew up within the Georgian kulak exile community in Paris. She had both nationalities until she renounced the French one in 2018, when she became president. Funnily enough, she also studied at Columbia University, had courses with Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I didn't any signs in French in Georgia, I met a few people who spoke French, but they all came from outside the EU and weren't related to anything political. It's not a comparable situation to West Africa where the French government truly colonized them for more than a century, and then once they got their formal independence, still have their currency and large swathes of their economy controlled by the French bourgeoisie.
However, yes NGOs financed by EU and US ghouls definitely want to heighten tensions with Russia within the country. Salome herself doesn't matter that much as she doesn't have a majority in parliament, who have voted a law that goes against her interests a couple of weeks ago. What matters are how NGOs are able to construct a dual power outside the Georgian parliamentary system to the point where most young Georgian people unquestionably want to join the EU and start serious protests against their own government, despite the fact that joining the EU won't help their country in any meaningful way, since they will get the same old neoliberalism in the end.
The situation is more complex than "hurr durr it's French neo-colonialism". Read this and OP's article, please: https://discomfortzone.substack.com/cp/143837943


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There are African countries right now that don't have a single French soldier or diplomat within their borders.


forgot the >


on what legal basis is Macron considering invading sending troops to another country?


Don't think you need to ask colonies for their permission.


on what legal basis can america send military aid to the undisclosed nuclear state of israel?
bourgeois laws don't matter


Macron also said he would send troops to Ukraine, that he would make it easier for French proles to change jobs by giving them the dole after working 5 years uninterrupted, he also said he would legalize cannabis, that unemployment was at its lowest level since the 2000s, and that he is left-wing and a Maoist. If you believe anything this cocaine addict says, you are a fool.
It's EU technocrats in general who have an interest in destabilizing Georgia, not just France. And if you believe Georgian Dream, who was literally founded by a billionaire, is anti-imperialist and have the best interests of the Georgian people in mind, you need to stop caring about geopolitics, take a step back and reevaluate your life.


the gori school of international subversion and nation building
its where stalin was raised and then the mensheviks destroyed it


>Macron also said he would send troops to Ukraine

Exactly, and as of today their are hundreds of Western military including French specops stationed in Ukraine according to the German government. What's your point again?


Georgians are of the reactionary races (lmao)


They are mercenaries and spies, not the regular army. The Russians said they would nuke France if Macron sent the army so he smoked a bit of crack and calmed down.
>What's your point again?
That it is silly to say Georgia is a neo-colony of France, the situation is more complex than that and you aren't helping making sense of it with your simplistic way of framing it as such.


i will single handedly strangle every single french person using the dry and stringey bagguetes from carefour


Why would you eat baguettes in Georgia when you can eat khinkali and kharcho?


one im vegan
second i dont but they always have an entire shelf stocked with bagguettes and the garlic ones actually taste nice
also kharcho is a mingrelian meal and those FUCKING KKKRAKKKERS dont desreve any praise
i prefer sacivi


>still have their currency and large swathes of their economy controlled by the French bourgeoisie.

The president of the Georgian central bank is a board member of the IMF, lul.


>im vegan


<..the villages near the Armenian border are probably the poorest places I've seen in my life, and I've been to Africa once…
And then there's this gardener.


being a vegan isnt lib, being a militant vegan is


name 1 non-lib reason for veganism


>So it seems that what pro-EU Georgians envision as a future is becoming like these Polish workers in the UK, being paid below the market rate of the country they are emigrating to, instead of envisioning a better future for their own country. Goddamn, Georgian politics are so depressing.

To be fair that economic model seems to have worked for Poland. 25 years ago they were considered comedically impoverished and now my Polish BF says all his family who stayed there are richer than his expat family are and the UK in general.


i will have sex with your mother


lib and a necrophile!


name one non-lib reason for necrophilia being bad


precum baby


necrophilia pisses me off



Have you ever been there? I almost wanted to join a NGO to bring them coke, burgers and freedoms when I crossed the border.


>if you join the EU, you will have strong limitations on what your government can do fiscally, and you will probably end up being exploited with no means to
We are aware that we won't be completely if we join EU. Seems like you're completely unaware of the current situation which is much worse than anything EU restrictions can bring. You're basically arguing that being like Belarus is better than Estonia. If your argument is that we have no chance of joining the EU then that's fair but you sound like you believe we'll be worse off in the EU. We have to choose between the EU and being a Russia's vassal state, which we kind of are already but it's getting worse each year.


>frames it as "joining" the EU
>the alternative is being "a vassal of russia"
shitlib alert


I mean at least the EU pretends to be an alliance of equals, Russia doesn't.


Many of Russia's neighboring countries hate Russia. Can so many be wrong? I don't think so.


Edgy Russia apologists keep talking about Nato expansion without realizing that it's expanding only because Russia is giving its neighbors many reasons to seek protection from the west. All post-soviet countries need to choose to either integrate in the west or be like Belarus.


>You're basically arguing that being like Belarus is better than Estonia
unironically yes. The economic policies that Belarus is able to do would be impossible to do in Estonia due to EU policy.
>it's expanding only because Russia is giving its neighbors many reasons to seek protection from the west.
and South Ossetia and Abkhazia had to seek protection from Georgia.NATO was expanding before Russia became a giant boogeyman btw and it seems you people are still mad that Russia came to support the autonomy of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.


Georgian nationalists are a good example of why support for the EU is fascism. Crack their skulls as Stalin did.


Europe is so fucked. It's nationalism all the way down. I'm so tired of nations


>All post-soviet countries need to choose to either integrate in the west or be like Belarus
"be like belarus"?
you mean prosperous and not a war torn hellhole like ukraine?


Are you stupid?
>unironically yes. The economic policies that Belarus is able to do would be impossible to do in Estonia due to EU policy.
What policies? Estonia has much better economy and living standards in every way.


Qoqra go away youre a lib



Go get drafted and die in Ukraine. You think theres any stopping the war train? Energy and food costs are obliterating the wages of EU countries right now, which makes me think that you’re a dirty burger.

You’re probably a dirty burger.


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The butthurt belt are more burger than burgers.


>Energy and food costs are obliterating the wages of EU countries right now
You have no clue what you're talking about unless you're from a post-soviet shithole like me. You have no idea what you already have.
I'm Georgian and will probably get drafted and die when Russia most likely invades us in a few years. We weren't discussing whether or not we could integrate with the west, we were talking about if it's a good thing to do so for a post-soviet country (assuming you can do it) using examples like Belarus and Estonia. But apparently you have no reading comprehension you worthless pile of shit.


Yes, it's terrible. We are starving right now and froze to death the year before because no Russian gas to huff.


buddy friend comrade ყლეო listen
there will be no draft and there will be no invasion why the fuck would russia want to invade us?
if what youre saying is true and that we are a russian puppet state then we have no reason to fear russian invasion
if we are super pooper dooper close to eu and thus we must sacrifcie our children on the altar of neo liberalism then im okay with a russian invasion and infact i will welcome the russian army
why the fuck are you on leftypol anyway? r/rustaveli is more your speed


Not gonna invest in your dying country dog


>EU pretends to be an alliance of equals, Russia doesn't.


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>Many of Russia's neighboring countries hate Russia. Can so many be wrong? I don't think so.


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>Many of Russia's neighboring countries hate Russia. Can so many be wrong? I don't think so.
Because Russia is turning to its Asian past.


Ha, good one man


I laughed


Please read at least some fucking theory and don't be a liberal. The very idea of aspiring to be like Estonia, a country that lost 15% of its population in 30 peaceful years, is utterly insane, even worse when you remember that it's 30% in Latvia. It's depressing to see people actually justify death of their own countries.


Georgia accuses Washington of trying to spark ‘two revolutions’

Washington has backed two “revolution attempts” in Georgia over the past years, the nation’s prime minister, Irakli Kobakhidze, said on Saturday. A successful coup would have turned the former Soviet state into another bridgehead used to open “the second front” against Moscow, he warned.

The statements came as Kobakhidze discussed the present American attitude toward recent developments in his nation with Derek Chollet, the counselor of the US State Department, the prime minister said on X (formerly Twitter). Washington’s current rhetoric reminds him of previous “false” statements made by US officials that had already led to “violence,” he added.

“Two revolution attempts of 2020-2023 [were] supported by the former US Ambassador and those carried out through NGOs financed from external sources,” Kobakhidze said in his post. “Had these attempts been successful, the second front line would have been opened in Georgia.”

The prime minister did not specify which specific events he was referring to. Georgia has seen several waves of massive protests, in which demonstrators demanded the government’s resignation or early elections, and eventually descended into violence.

In November 2020, massive demonstrations broke out in the capital Tbilisi after the first round of national parliamentary elections saw the ‘Georgian Dream’ party gain more than 48% of the vote. The opposition then claimed the elections were rigged and demanded the head of the Central Elections Commission resign and that parliamentary elections be held anew.

In February 2021, massive clashes erupted, again in Tbilisi, as Georgian police stormed the main office of the opposition United National Movement (UNM) and detained party leader Nikanor (Nika) Melia. The politician was accused of inciting riots in the capital two years ago, in 2019.

In March 2023, the Georgian capital saw large-scale protests against a “foreign agents” bill. At that time, the parliamentary majority voted in favor of the bill, which requires any organization receiving more than 20% of its funding from abroad to register as a foreign agent. Opposition politicians denounced the proposal as copying a Russian law, arguing this was somehow endangering Georgian democracy and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The developments saw thousands of people join the protests, which quickly turned violent, resulting in dozens of arrests. The bill was then withdrawn by MPs at that time.

Similar events unfolded on Wednesday, when lawmakers approved the same bill on its second reading. The capital was quickly thrown into turmoil, with demonstrators seeking to break into parliament and clashing with the police.

“False statements made by the officials of the US State Department about the transparency bill and street rallies remind us of similar false statements made by the former US Ambassador in 2020-2023, which served to facilitate violence from foreign-funded actors and to support revolutionary processes back then,” Kobakhidze said, commenting on the situation.

Former American envoy to Tbilisi, Kelly Degnan, repeatedly commented on Georgia’s internal affairs and was particularly vocal about the “foreign agents” bill, which she compared to “similar legislation in Russia,” claiming that it would have a “devastating impact” on rights groups. She also maintained that Georgia does not need “any version” of it.

Washington also criticized a new attempt to adopt the bill in May. “We are deeply concerned about this legislation – what it could do in terms of stifling dissent and free speech,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said this week.

A new US ambassador to Georgia, Robin Dunnigan, who took over from Degnan in 2023, also warned that the Georgian government’s choices “have moved the country away from its Euro-Atlantic future.”


there was a recent attempt (in december of last year if i remember right or maybe november) by the ukrop horde called "Georgian legion" to try and overthrow the government by forcing unrest and killing civilians which would then be used by them as justification to overthrow the government
i dont want to live in an ukrop puppet regime bros….


>a country that lost 15% of its population
Explain how this problem is relates Estonia leaning towards the EU/NATO, and how settling with Russia would've solved this problem.


liberal please leave


>i believe war with russia is inevitable unless we join russia/belarus
<so we must not join russia/belarus and continue to antagonize them through NATO and EU
why though? are you suicidal?
you recognize the problem, why are you incapable of seeing the solution?


I suspect the EU/NATO would try and stop everyone from just leaving. You can't run a proxy war without the human shields.


>why are you incapable of seeing the solution?
The solution to a problem statement that you made up loosely based on my post? Why would I do that?


>I'm Georgian and will probably get drafted and die when Russia most likely invades us in a few years
why do you think that is?
why did the russo-georgian war in 2008 happen? something something NATO expansion?


The simple fact that the US is making statements about the laws in ramen-speak Georgia makes me believe theyre doing color revolution shit. Why else would they give a shit about a place like Georgia.


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<After independence in 1991, the Estonian government granted Estonian citizenship to the persons who resided in the country before its annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940, as well as to their descendants. Those who could not prove that or arrived after 1940 and their children born in Estonia or elsewhere could acquire Estonian citizenship on condition that they be proficient in the Estonian language and know the country's history. But about 125,000 people (most but not all of whom were Russian speakers) who failed the tests or refused to take them have become stateless, or “non-citizens”, who hold a grey passport.
You are all liberals now, the USSR is long gone. Maybe the problem with the butthurt belt is the butthurt.


Georgia is de facto an EU country already.
Nothing about the EU favours the working class.


I love how much Georgia liberals are coping about how they’re totally not fifth columnist and western proxies while seething about how their bribes from the west and other US state department backed NGOs are being forced into the light. It’s amazing.
If they’re so keen on being “non biased” why would they hide their western backers lol?
It’s even funnier because they already taken power in Georgia before through a color revolution. But their rule is so fucking disgustingly corrupt and inept that the people immediately voted the pro Russian proxies back in power.


The Ukraine war is a giganic huge enormous stinky pile of strategic and geopolitical doodoo.

The European economy is dependent of cheap Russian gas. LNG is much more expensive by a long shot. All major EU economies are in a recession, that will never stop EVER, because Russian gas will never return.

War broke out after negotiations broke down, the US promised Ukraine full material support, so Zelensky went hardliner.

What happened instead was a drip feed because the combined West cannot even restock artillery shells.

It’s not gonna get better from here on out, it’s gonna get way worse until both you and me are freezing for real in some trench.


Yes that's the reality of being a country like Georgia. You don't really have sovereignty and you are forced to pick sides to choose who has the most control over your country. And most of the population prefers the west over Russia (along with most of the Russia's neighbors).


>if we join EU
>We have to choose between the EU and being a Russia's vassal state, which we kind of are already but it's getting worse each year.
>I mean at least the EU pretends to be an alliance of equals, Russia doesn't.
>Many of Russia's neighboring countries hate Russia. Can so many be wrong? I don't think so.
>Russia is giving its neighbors many reasons to seek protection from the west. All post-soviet countries need to choose to either integrate in the west or be like Belarus.
>we were talking about if it's a good thing to do so for a post-soviet country (assuming you can do it) using examples like Belarus and Estonia.

How does someone even get to believe these things.
It must be very hard being a Georgian leftist…..


More than picking sides between Russia and the west, it seems Russia has less power over Georgia and the US/NATO/EU want to use Georgians as cannon fodder against Russia. The sides here really are US/NATO/EU, which implies Georgian total death, death of the countries economy, total neocolonial extraction, vs some semblance of sovereignty, the chance of economic prosperity, etc. This idea that Russia controls all the ex-soviet nations is such a fucking fake lie cooked up by western NGOs and it's so fucking obvious. It's baffling that people believe it when you look at the cold hard facts of how these ex-soviet countries are essentially western vassal states doing the west's bidding.

There are literally EU flags flying at the Georgian senate building! Not only there but everywhere around the capital, the state has erected monuments with Georgian and EU flags. Tbilisi has a NATO and EU """information center""" right at the heart of the city.

Where is this so called Russian influence? Where is this "Russian side". There is none. Georgia is fully a western imperialist vassal state and any attempts to gain a modicum of national sovereignty, like disclosing the funding of NGOs, which are mostly funded directly by US state dept and state intelligence agencies, is hilariously blamed on "Russian influence" in the government.

It's such a fucking farce, so transparently ridiculous. Worse part is that I know several Georgians personally and they fucking buy this "Russian law" bullshit, and joined the protests against it.

How a people can be so thoroughly and deeply colonized that it fights tooth and nail to protect their colonized status is truly mind boggling.


>Where is this "Russian side".
Russia backed an ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia in 1992 and has been using separatist groups to control territories in the Caucasus region since the USSR fell. They occupied 20% of the Georgian territory in 2008 and have been kidnapping and killing people on the border ever since. They literally push the border (a barbed wire) into the country more and more to the point where some who've lived in Georgia their whole lives end up on the Russian territory and they won't let them cross the "border".
>NGOs, which are mostly funded directly by US state dept and state intelligence agencies
Because Georgia is asking them to do so, that is literally their goal to get protection from at all costs.


What a load of horseshit. Georgia hasn't even 4 million inhabitants, there is no human basis for cannon fodder against 144 million Russians.
Russia used its barely 4 million novorossians as cannon fodder against Ukraine and that lasted barely throughout 2022.
Classical accuse your enemies of what you are doing.


>They occupied 20% of the Georgian territory in 2008
Georgia started that war and South Ossetia was always autonomous.


That's Russia moving borders externally. Where's the Russian influence in Georgian politics? The claim is that there's a "Russian side" vs NATO/Western vassal side Georgians are being forced into. Your post is a non sequitor. Please try again.
There absolutely is a basis for it, and further, the NATOization of Georgia means that their country is essentially under NATO's command structure, which means that NATO troops are interoperable. It also means heavy armament against Russia.

Even so, how do you explain the billions flowing into Georgia in the form of psychological operations, policy meddling, propaganda, into Georgia by NATO/EU/US? They're not doing it for fun or pleasure, nor for the improvement of the lives of Georgians. So what is the motivation to send such vast sums of money to a country the size of a medium-tier city?


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>Russia used its barely 4 million novorossians as cannon fodder against Ukraine and that lasted barely throughout 2022.
What the fuck are you even saying here? Are you saying that Russia sent like, 500.000 - 1 million men from the new territories to the front and they were all killed by glorious defenders of evropa in a single year?
I don't even think Zelensky says shit like that.
I know liberals are delusional, but holy shit. Just don't fucking get 12 CIA bases on your territory and openly prepare to carry out genocide. Putin is more than willing to overlook shit that people will have to deal with later if it's not actively blowing up in his face, like wahhabism and the very dangerous situation in Armenia, and Ukraine itself for 8 yeats.


>>1845684 (me)
>Just don't fucking get 12 CIA bases on your territory and openly prepare to carry out genocide.
And even then, he fucking tolerated that shit for 8 years. Putin is the most liberal leader Russia will ever have, even Yeltsin was going into Serbia and trading with Iran. You don't know how good you have it.


Donezk and Lugansk have 4 million inhabitants together, out of which some more than 100.000 were mobilized and they were rendered combat ineffective by the end of the year 2022 due to heavy fighting against Ukraine with 40 million inhabitants. 4 million is just not enough to sustain a war with a country ten times the size, let alone Russia with 144 million. It's just utterly laughable that tiny Georgia was any danger to Russia.


NAFO pls. The tie eating NAFO sock puppet who ruled Georgia back then on behalf of the West started shelling South Ossetia in order to annex it. Medwedew sent the RUAF in because tiny South Ossetia had no chance against Georgia. So it was basically exactly the same situation as in 2022 before Cucktin started the "SMO": a NATO vassall attacked a Russian vassall right on Russia's border. Both South Ossetia and Georgia are located on a strategically important position under Russia's southern belly, much like Ukraine is bordering Russia in West. Maybe NATO was just testing in 2008 the Russian bear, maybe the plan was to actually annex S-O. The current Georgian govt seems to be a lot smarter than the previous one lead by the tie eater and you're salty about it because they won't provoke another war. Liberals are disgusting.


>It must be very hard being a Georgian leftist
please god let it end
Please god let grisha oniani lead a revolution im fucking tired of these liberals

all jokes aside it is fucking insane how many people think they are leftists and socialists but are actually liberals
ive been banned from the biggest "socialist" movement because i said i would trade my Georgian citizenship for a soviet one no questions asked


>ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia
dude we were doing the exact same during Gamsakhurdia we burned villages and killed everyone
please stop you are literally making being Georgian equivalent to being polish :(


>Ossetian secession from Georgia is le good
>Donbas secession from Ukraine is le good
>transnistrian secession is le good also
>Chechen, Baltic and whatnot 1990s secession from Russia is le bad of course
Cuckssia is just abusing ethnic strife to subdue neighboring regions because they're still butthurt about losing territories in the 90s.
Reminder: Cuckssia is not the moral or sole successor of the Soviet Union and I have no obligation to soyjak for this liberal shithole just because they fly a red flag some times.
Shit country. If they want good relations with Georgia, maybe offer some decent economic incentives or make CSTO more than the running gag it has become in Armenia.



Fuck! Little Napoleon IV is so out of his mind that he wants to send the Foreign Legion to Atlanta… That's something crazy even for today's world standards!

The Divine Right of French Presidents/Kings/Emperors. And the unconditional love he feels for his Brigitte, who by the way he only married to cover for his otherwise well known homosexuality. Nothing more, nothing less.


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You can, however, be a materialist and see that "eurointegration" can only happen only in bourgeois interest. The working class is only further driven into slavery by an alliance of imperialists that supports utterly reactionary anticommunist regimes with German workers' money.
>Cuckssia is just abusing ethnic strife to subdue neighboring regions because they're still butthurt about losing territories in the 90s.
If there is any self-awareness in your brain at all, just think about how childish this sounds. "They're just butthurt" is not how you explain politics. It's also completely on-brand for liberals, you physically can't understand the actual forces behind economics and politics.
The last sentence is especially terrible, uygha really stares neocolonialism in its face and says "looks good to me, Russia better step up". Africans are fighting and dying to get out of these financially incentivizing institutions right now.
Either way, what you in particular think on the issue doesn't matter - history is already proving that "western" (imperialist) economic integration destroys the productive base and the population in decades, and "western" military integration does the exact same thing in mere years. You will be remembered as sad cargo cultists who seriously hurt their countries, but hopefully didn't have enough power to destroy them completely. I hope the Georgian people won't have to die in hundreds of thousands before this understanding is achieved as Ukrainians do.


Oh, crap! I mixed my Georgias up! Let's fix that!

>The Divine Right of French Presidents/Kings/Emperors. And the unconditional love he feels for his Brigitte, who by the way he only married to cover for his otherwise well known homosexuality. Nothing more, nothing less.
And I forgot to mention Fronce taking a huge L all across Africa these days and their troops told to get the fuck out by country after country, so he feels the need to compensate and know that there will always be some outremer place where French troop stand strong or some rubbish like that.


>Africans are fighting and dying to get out of these financially incentivizing institutions right now.
Unlike Russia, they don't wage war while ranking 179/209 on the global fertility index, even though Russia ran some of the most agressive government incentives to increase birth rates.
The west is dumb and doomed, but not outright suicidal. At this rate they go extinct before the French and British. Also, the Russian economy civlilian sector is incredibly liberal.

>utterly reactionary anticommunist regimes

United Russia and their associated oligarchy would kill every communist in the country before letting them run the government.


>The west is dumb and doomed, but not outright suicidal
t. troll
t. someone clearly knowing jack shit about muh west


This shit is probably the best explanation of people acting out another class' interests. You just have to keep attacking Russia on behalf of your master. No point in the message was addressed.
We all know Russia is liberal. Of course the bourgeois class would fight for its power. Not even the most delusional /ukraine/ posters deny it. But it doesn't jail all people who dare be communist in public on principle, unlike Poland and other regimes, especially Ukraine. Russia is pretty much trying to be like the United States in this regard, which is obviously terrible, but communists can at least go outside and openly talk to people. Eastern European reactionary states don't allow that. They also openly cultivate ethnic hatred.
The suicidal part is a non sequitur. It has nothing to do with anything said, and neither does the ongoing conflict have a significant impact on fertility rates or the population unless you believe Ukrainian cope about 500 billion Russians dead.


So what is happening in Georgia and why are people protesting against a law that would show whether politicians are getting paid by other states or not? Is there something I'm not getting?


>Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets. Georgia’s past feels very present.

>The protest group in which Iurevicz is active is called Georgian Students for a European Future. It is regarded as centrist, but the ideological underpinnings of this uprising cannot be pigeonholed. There is the Students for Liberty, which has some libertarian tendencies, and a group called Wave, which includes environmentalists but vehemently describes itself as “not leftist”.

>The Franklin Group, named after Benjamin Franklin, a signatory to the American Declaration of Independence, promotes free markets, private property, and individual liberties, while the Shame group focuses on free and fair elections. Dafioni, or Sunset, describes itself as liberal nationalist and members swear an oath of allegiance.



NED and europe funding most NGOs to turn the country against russia (and toward neolib policies), much like ukraine
turns out paying people to get their support works, and it doesnt even cost that much in small relatively poor countries


>The Franklin Group
i used to fuck a girl from that group
she was so fucking moronic it was insuferable to listen to her
every time she would say or post some moronic "invisible hand of the free market" thing id call her out and she would get mad
oh how the time flies


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It's about how it will be used, not the law itself. The CEO of Georgia (Ivanishvili) gave a speech recently where he straight up said they were fighting the western influence. This law concerns foreign NGOs and there are no Russian NGOs in Georgia. Also most people aren't protesting just because of the law at this point. It's about the brutal response the government has given to the protests. They ambush opposition party members and activist at their front doors and beat them, some of them are still in hospital now. They also call random people who oppose the law or their relatives (even underage kids) and cuss them out on phones trying to intimidate them. People who work in the government sector lose their jobs if they say anything against the law.


I remember when there were reactionary protests in Spain and fucking Tucker came.


holy shit we got gattsu out here thats crazy


Tuckkker kkkarlson is a literally who media personality not a foreign minister or diplomat


Is there anything realistic about their European dreams? As far as I know Russia has troops within 100km (South Ossetia) of the capital and in Abkhazia too. Pro European side of Georgia wants to still join NATO even though they have territorial disputes? They can't join NATO without going to war with Russia. And they can't elect a party who is actually pro-west because that could anger Russia and no one is going to help them if Putin decides to invade. Keep in mind Georgia is nothing compared to Ukraine when it comes to size and military power. Is the Belorusization the only way?


sounds pretty based


>Well, I don't want to get too confrontational, but many /leftypol/tards like you are idealist/utopian and think revolting is easy
Strawman, we know revolutions take years, decades to prepare. We consistently criticise spontaneous uprisings. I have no idea how you could get such a wrong impression of us, unless you never lurked here and were told about it by our enemies.

>Georgians have good reasons to hate Russia

No, they don't. Nothing justifies Russophobia!
Additionally, Georgia attacked Russia and subsequently got their teeth kicked in. Fuck around and find out. Instead of doing some introspection like sane people, these fascists liberals blame scapegoats.
I have zero sympathy for liberal Georgians, who just want EU membership to emigrate as de facto slaves, because of chronic self-hatred due to the Amerikkkan Dream never being realised after the fall of the USSR as they were promised.


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The only two people on the internet that I have ever seen openly declaring to be necrophiles are communists (vidrel is one). There is no way this is a coincidence. KEK
Ah well, there are worse kinks.


i used to be friends with a hyper autistic nazi bitch (i was 16 fuck off) and she once actually fucked a corpse in a graveyard
she also dated some amerikkkan drug dealer who used to call me a unclean aryan and that my children could be considered white if i marry a white girl


>I can fix her
Imagine my shock


>A state pursuing policies to prerserve its own existence, by cracking down on elements which openly seek to destroy it
How scandalous!
This never happens in Western demo©racies™ /s
In my opinion, the Georgian government should crack down on fascists liberals even more violently if it wants to survive.

How do you people always end up on such extremes before you make the turn to communism?
During my worst liberal moments in my teenage years, I had some lolbert views on some select policies and was suspicious of feminism. I never dated a fucking Nazi!


Sorry, meant to say "I never befriended a Nazi"


who tf has any serious political convictions at 16? fucking zoomers need to touch some grass fr fr


A child from Gaza for instance?
Material conditions don't care about your age.
If you don't have serious political convictions by 16, you are likely from the imperial core and have been largely shielded from the worst excess capitalism causes.


ah, the classic "you're a sheltered whiteoid" riposte


the EU is a neocolonial project of Germany, the only equals they have in there are the French, everyone else is a vassal


Many of Russia's neigbouring countries voted to stay in the USSR.
Many of Russia's neighbors got a shitload of Western NGO's receiving billions of funds from the west to destabilize the countries and turn them against Russia.


You'll find the biggest supporters of the EU in eastern europe, where you also have a shitload of fascists.
Surely just a coincidence.


then why are germany and france driving their economies against the wall for amerikkkan interests in oinkraine?


>A child from Gaza for instance?
You tried. That child has a survival instincts maybe. Dumb people exist everywhere. So not an argument.


Cause the Europe can't become a block. It will try but it can't. Too much nationalisms. So the EU is flocking towards the bigger bird. Some want to flock to Russia/China.


>Cause the Europe can't become a block
It tried and failed due to its own greed, nationalism and incompetence.
Pretty sure we're only going back to killing each other for 200 years.


>How do you people always end up on such extremes before you make the turn to communism?
im from Georgia everyone is a nazi here till they grow up and realise its just silly thats just how post soviet states work


Wow, going with the west gets you billions and going with Russia gets you ?????


>going with the west gets you billions
for who?


Who cares, what does Russia give me?


You aren't getting anything from the west either lmao


Is porn hub blocked in India?




billions for the whole region, just millions for destroying your country sovereignty, public services and independence. Once its done they stop the fund and the looting start


As said earlier in the thread, the West can point to Poland as a success story. Russia's best counter-offer is what, poverty and no SMOs?


>Sucess history


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You dumbass, NGOs can't inhance the economic success of a nation, they have nothing with the real economy. These organizations are used to capture public life and politics and even to create paralell state structures. It's about control. Just like how a colonial power can invest billions into its colonial army.


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>she once actually fucked a corpse in a graveyard
How the fuck did she do that? It's not like there are corpses just lying around on graveyards. She would have to dig up a grave and break open the coffin, which would be quite a lot of work, specially for a girl. Sounds like she was bullshitting.


Don't graveyards have a mourge or some building where they prep people for burial? Maybe she snuck in the barn horsefucker style.


It sounds like some schoolyard rumor, but I believe it.


Morgue are in hospital.


Estonia is made up of beet and onion slop eating Hungarians who polished the cocks of German horses for 1000 years before being elevated to sapience by the USSR.


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we dont have graveyard keepers in Georgia (or well as a job we dont) and theres a lot of time at night where its dark enough to get away with it
she was straight schitzo including getting every single guy she knew to punch her in the stomach and only 3 months later revealing it was because she was pregnant (fucked in the head behaviour) aswell as once taking a phonecall while elbow deep in some poor shmucks asshole
she also used to wear west german military boots that were 3 sizes too big for her and so she couldnt bend her knees
she was also crazy into black metal


i have plenty of stories of her doing absolutley crazy shit including licking the burn wounds of one of our mutual friends because she thought it smelled like pork
or the time she unironically tried to get some drunk homeless man on the street to molest her
absolute schitzo woman i havent heard anything about her since she ratted me out to the police like 3 years ago for "violence against minors"


most normal post-soviet youth


The amount of flags id catch everywhere on my February trip to Tbilisi was nuts to see. NATO flags, US, Ukraine, France, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Israel flags, Azov symbols and swastikas on walls. ALL types of slogans and graffiti all over buildings. Shit was sad to witness because the city looks gloomy and dirty as fuck on top of it.

At the same time, the amount of socialist literature and memorabilia in thrift shops is crazy. Should've got that Stalin magnet from the tourist area too. I'm going to Gori if I'm ever back there.


Please give me her contacts.
I need to tame my princess.


holy shit fisher???


>In my opinion, the Georgian government should crack down on fascists liberals even more violently if it wants to survive
Damn liberals! :D


it has been over a month
the liberal politics have only gotten worse
Please someone send a nuke to kill us all


Come on, hang in there man


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new banner image


Comrade xi please
send the dongfeng missile
Please comrade xi


best sentence of all time. who was the twitter account who posted it? Lizard something? Funny guy


But for anyone actually unironically interested in whats going on boots on the ground style

The law passed no major riots happened no revolution has come of it and the NGO's and other major political players have decided to wait for elections. smaller groups and even wanna be leftists have still kept up protesting but the main fire is gone

This has led to alienation of the opposition forces as the government yet again gets what it wans the major focres of opposition yet again chicken out and so the hot blooded youth who cry revolution when their french toast is burnt in the mornings is now angry at the parties they supported like a week ago

basically its more games of neo lib euro/russian balancing dances


Cool. Is there any way the neolibs can be led into something like an ant mill so that they exhaust themselves?


nothing yet :(


im so tired bros…..


Everything is going to shit.
People hate government for it.
They protest because everything is going to shit. West encourages protests because government has is doing slimy shit with China and Russia instead of playing ball with them.

That's all. It's not da JOOOS it's not le ebin imperialist west. People are tired of living in poverty and watching news about how west is evil while all kids of ruling party have western citizenship and funded parties by stolen tax money.

>what about the law

Thanks to new law government can demand any type of information from you using most bullshit casus beli.
Also people do want western influence to grow because alternative is Russian influence aka accelerated shitholizaiton.

>but why not Russia :(

They shit the bed hard when they invaded twice and murdered bunch of people. If it wasn't for Abkhazia Georgia would be their backyard. Only Russian sympathisers left are retarded boomers while every new generation hates them louder than previous one.


Hack NAFOids to death with machetes, and you'll be much better off.


he is a nafoid for fucks sake

liberal dipshit somehow found himself in this thread and has been saying russia bad europe good


>Thanks to new law government can demand any type of information from you using most bullshit casus beli.

no it cant and no it wont you are literally a liberal

>Also people do want western influence to grow because alternative is Russian influence aka accelerated shitholizaiton.

you and your weird tsu and iliauni buddies are not people most of us are smart enough to see whats going on

>It's not da JOOOS

btw asshole pol is over there somewhere more up to your speed

Please suck start a .45 hell ill even provide you one


>russia invaded
the consensus even among western media is that georgia attacked russia, cope




IMAGINE country bootlicking to foreign countries, just to be their bitch and supporting it. Cucked beyond belief.


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I genuinely don't understand how you can still bootlick westerners after learning english. They literally come out and say that their countries are collapsing and that they need communism. Not just on small imageboards, but on youtube and tiktok as well.


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because everyone imagines they'll be one of the Beautiful People who get to live at the top of the pyramid.


Კანონში წერია რომ ნებისმიერ პირს შეუძლიათ მოთხოვონ ინფორმაცია. Ფიზიკური თუ იურიდიული დაზუსტებული არ არის.

Ეს საიტი შეიძლება ჩლუნგი კომუნისტებისთვის იყოს მაგრამ შენ ხომ საქართველოში ცხოვრობ. Მაგ დონეზე ნუ გამოსირდები რომ ინტერნეტის მიმების გამო მტერს დაუჭირო მხარი.

Საქართველო თუ როგორ გინდა იყოს დამოუკიდებელი ნებისმიერი გარე გავლენისგან Facebook-ის პოსტებში შეგიძლია წერო. Რეალურ ცხოვრებაში აირჩიე ან დასავლეთი ან რუსეთი.

Ამ ორისგან ქართველები მხოლოდ რუსეთს ამოუხოცავს.


I don't develop my political opinions based on internet bubbles and instead hold my countrymen' propensity as priority.

I hope you are at least underage so you can grow out of this.




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>You're basically arguing that being like Belarus is better than Estonia
Being like Belarus is better than being like the Ukraine. And that's who you will be. You don't seriously think they will let you in the EU do you? You are subhuman to them hahaha


thank you luka…


The best thing is this picture is like four years old now and it's (obviously) gotten much worse for cuckraine since then. Ukraine really got the worst fucking ending of the post-Soviet countries (maybe Armenia) and they cry about the USSR the most, just sad


Belarus is the true carrier of the flame.


კაი მე ვირჩევ რუსეთს

ცალკე შენი დებილი დედა მოვტყან და ცალკე შენნაირად მოაზროვნეების კიდე ზედ


>I genuinely don't understand how you can still bootlick westerners after learning english.
It's because Georgia is a complete mess, especially outside of Tbilisi. Everything on the Black Sea has been completely settled by wealthy Russians now, and Kadyrov thugs drive completely unchallenged across the northern border to Batumi in black SUVs filled with AKs, causing mayhem for locals until they get bored and go home. You can also argue it's because the guy who controlls the ruling party is also the richest man in the country controlling wealth equal to a third of Georgia's GDP, who just gave himself tax breaks.

It's not really controversial that NGO funding is one way by which countries exert soft power over other countries, but one problem here is that the E.U. actually looks good in comparison to that for a lot of people, so the result is an insane pro-EU sentiment among a lot of Georgians, similar to the pre-2003 reverence Europeans had for the United States.

Problem is there is no amount of foreign influence that will save them from the fact that there is no hard power on their side which will sever them from Russian influence, or stop Russia from rolling over them even easier than Ukraine in 2014.


>I don't develop my political opinions based on internet bubbles
Neither do I, retard.
Poll after poll confirm that what I see is representative of the population.
>and instead hold my countrymen' propensity as priority.
Then maybe don't desperately try to please western capital when their own population says that they're not prospering.


>the E.U. actually looks good


საქართველოს რეალობას მოცილებული, დასავლური იდპოლის პერსპექტივით აზროვნებ.

Ალტ ინფოელივით ხარ რომელიც /pol/ის ნაცვლად lefty/pol/ის პროპაგანდა ყლაპავს.


I didn't say it was rational. I'm just saying the problem is with the mafia whose center of power is not in Georgia but Russia and the government are basically gangsters. It's a rentier-extraction business. The mob are more overt, rule the countryside, make people pay protection money and in combination this drives rents up. They profit. Everyone else pays European prices but with Georgian-level income. Sound attractive? Didn't think so.


Wait, so are you telling me that Georgian capitalists are actually all… Russians? Doesn't this mean that if we killed all Jews WHOA I MEAN Russians, than capitalism would be gone?


>საქართველოს რეალობას მოცილებული, დასავლური იდპოლის პერსპექტივით აზროვნებ.

>Ალტ ინფოელივით ხარ რომელიც /pol/ის ნაცვლად lefty/pol/ის პროპაგანდა ყლაპავს.

სიტყვები სიტყვები სიტყვები სიტყვები
რას ლაპარაკობ ვაბშე არ გესმის :დ წადი გააჯვი და მოძრაოა ხმას კუილები შეიყნოსე შე ყლეო


>The mob are more overt, rule the countryside
You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about


Თავი ამ პოლიტ-ვაკუუმიდან გამოყე და უკან საქართველოში მოაბრუნე. იფიქრე თუ რა მოუტანს შენს ქვეყანას სარგებელს და არა თუ როგორ უნდა მოსპო left/pol/-ის იდეოლოგიის გასამართლებლად.

>რას ლაპარაკობ ვაბშე არ მესმის

Დაგიღეჭე, მიდი და გადაყლაპე.


Ეს პოსტი არ შემიმჩნევია.

Მეგონა ქართველს ველაპარაკებოდი და ბოზი ყოფილხარ.

Შეგიძლია მუხლებზე დაბრუნდე და რუსული ყლის წოვა გააგრძელო.


Don't know shit about georgia but ya'll've a pretty alphabet. Is this where ඞ comes from?


no its where ლ comes from


File: 1717397406794.png (91.82 KB, 343x440, 1498154192693.png)

Fucking hell. Imagine going from the land of Stalin to the land of Saakashvili.
Enjoy having hedge funds and real-estate companies take over your cities, fucktards. Hope you know what happens to "allies" that become inconvenient; just look at Afghanistan.


i hate it here :( please ill live in fucking zheltogorsk if it means i dont have to live here


>იფიქრე თუ რა მოუტანს შენს ქვეყანას სარგებელს
რა მოუტანს ქვეყანას სარგებელს ცხრაჯერ დედაშენის ყლით მოტყნულო არ ნიშნავს იმას რაც მოუტანს მატერიალურ განვითარებას და ცხოვრების ხარისხის ამაღლებას ქართელ მუშათა კლასს რომელსაც შენ აშკარად არ მიეკუთვნები იმიტორო მამიკოს კომპანიის შენარჩუნება გინდა როგორც ყლე გირჭია ევროპელი კაპიტალისტების
ევროპული ბიზნესები რომ შემოვლენ ერვოპულ კანონებს გადასახადებს შეზღუდვებს და წესებს რო მოგახვევენ თავზე ევროპული რეგულაციებსი გამო გაძვირებულ პროდუქტს რომ კიდევ უფრო მეტი ადამიანი ვერ აუვა ქუჩაში რო შიმშილით მომაკვდავი ხალხის რაოდენობა გაიზრდება აი მერე იქნება ხო უკეთესი იმიტორო შენ და შენნაირი ქვეყნის მოღალატე ნაცისტი ნაბოზვრები გააჯვავთ ევროპაში და ბალტიის პირეთის პატრიოტები როგორც არიან ბერლინის აპარტამენტიდან რო ითესლავებთ
შენი დებილი დედა მოვტყან და რო ვიცოდე ვინ ხარ ქუჩაში გამოგშიგნიდი და დედაშენს მივუტანდი მოჭრილ თავს შე ყლეო კლასობირვი მოღალატე ხარ ეროვნული მოღალატე ხარ და ზედ დამატებული რედიტზე რ/რუსთაველის მომხმარებელი ხარ შენი დებილი დედისმუტელი რო მოვტყან ყლეო


words, words, words

მთელ ცხოვრებას ამ საიტზე გაატარებ იმის ბოღმით რო შენი იდეოლოგია არასოდეს გაიმარჯვებს :D


File: 1717695289322.png (298.93 KB, 620x464, 1717210814333.png)

შენი იდეოლოგია და მისი მიმდევრები მთელიდღე იმაზე წუწუნებთ რო შავკანიანები გიტყნავენ თეთრ გოგოებს და ინდოელები ყიდულობენ თქვენს სახლებს და ამით იტანჯებით
კიდევ ერთხელ შენს დედას შესცა ცხრაასმა ვირმა ასეთი ყლე რო გაგზარდა


>attack country
>country allies with your enemies

Holy shit chads this needs some serious Marxist analysis and debate to understand


Ჩემი იდეოლოგია არის საქართველოს პრიორიტიზირება. Ზანგებისთვის მონეტის კეთება შენნაირი ბოზის ტუჩებისთვის არის განკუთვნილი.

Მძღნერში ვერ ჩაათრევ ამ ქვეყანას რამდენიც არ უნდა იბოღმო :)

Სტალინი შენნაირ პიდარასტს კი დახვრიტავდა.


File: 1718451240657.png (283.83 KB, 620x464, stalin detain torture.png)

No idea wtf is going on here but I improved your image


ITT, that comic where some guy happily listen to the birds but the birds actually talk shit about each others.


hes an eternal socdem angry that i "Chose" rusisa over europe because amerikkka burger freedom institute said that european moeny would fix georgia somehow

fucking western georgians disgusts me i even know who that guy is from his fucking reddit where he complains about how his family refuses to see the truth on the nazi adjacent r/rustaveli subreddit


are we really supposed to support some shitty reactionary country like georgia just because it "sticks" it to nato or the eu?



now add poland for an actually fair comparison


So, basically, please correct me if my understanding of the situation is wrong:
Sakartvelo wants to normalise relations with Russia, considering there's already a big "parallel import" or whatever it's called and at the same time Armenia is completely shitting the bed, capitulating to Turkey and Turkey-B (aka Azerbaijan) and throwing hissy fits about how that is Russia's fault, so Russia is understandably not giving a shit anymore about the Kardashians that didn't left the Caucasus but somewhat want to taste some more Ottoman medicine one hundred years after the first dose. After all, Russia can trade with Iran thru Turkey-B and with Turkey thru Georgia, while Armenia for the time being is a lost cause and doesn't give anyone any advantage. Yet, both Kartvelian libs and their handlers and paymasters in the West are obviously mad because they want to stick it to Russia, but good luck with that. Also, it seems that China is gaining influence in the land of Rustaveli and Stalin and that's not acceptable too for the usual suspects.
Am I wrong with my assessment?


Poland and fair cannot appear in the same sentence. It's like water and oil. They don't mix. Polite sage.


To be fair you should be for any country sticking it to Nato and the US



>and throwing hissy fits about how that is Russia's fault,
yeah, mother russia did nothing wrong. it was all armenians' fault for thinking that mother russia might intervene in their favor instead of letting nato aligned azerbaijan to reconquer artsakh


>but what if after submitting to EU you instead of becoming lowest tier in EU caste system you'll get one step removed from the top


>Sakartvelo wants to normalise relations with Russia…
I acutally kind of have to hand it to Georgia for actually passing this law. I always thought of that country as basically having been an American puppet since 2004.
>Armenia is completely shitting the bed, capitulating to Turkey and Turkey-B (aka Azerbaijan) and throwing hissy fits about how that is Russia's fault, so Russia is understandably not giving a shit anymore about the Kardashians that didn't left the Caucasus but somewhat want to taste some more Ottoman medicine one hundred years after the first dose.
How in the hell isn't a blatant traitor like Pashinyan not get removed after presiding over the largest geopolitical catastrophe in Armenian history? And for what? Accession to the EU/NATO in the 2040s at best? Given the way things are going in the world, I doubt there will even be an EU or NATO to accede to by then.


>Over the largest geopolitical catastrophe in Armenian history?
Armenians loosing all of their land isn't a catastrophe to them, it's a tradition

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