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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 [Last 50 Posts]

What does /leftypol/ think of the riots in New Caledonia? Quick rundown for those not in the known:

>New Caledonia is an island in the South Pacific near Australia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

>It was colonized in the 19th century by France
>Typical colonial shenanigans. Enslavement, forced labor, French settlers moved in that still control most of the land and economy
>Violent independentist movement in the 20th century resulted in the Noumea Accords which called for three referendums on Independence
>Voting in the referendums and other local matters was restricted to long-term New Caledonia residents who were living there in 1998
>BUT at this time the white settler population, as well as other outsiders who got there by also being part of the French colonial empire (Polynesias from Tahiti, Walis and Futuna, Cambodians, Vietnamese) were already the majority of the population
>Unsurprisingly, all the non-locals voted to stay with France and each referendum failed
>France is now unilaterally breaking the Accords and letting over 10,000 people be added to the voting rolls (who will all vote for pro-France politicians ofc)
>young Kanaks (the name of the Indigenous people of the island) are revolting now over this, some police killed, Micron seething and sending in more police/military, TikTok shut down


The leftypol twitter account retweeted about it. Can't be bothered to search for link right now.


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didnt even know the place exist. And I tend to read wiki articles and exploring google maps :/


Being against settler colonialism is the current fashion but I just can't help the feeling that in the end its just idpol.


They should stop rioting and vote in the democratic process next time instead of trying to do some ridiculous boycott funded no doubt by Russian money
Russia is behind this


The local whites in New Caledonia are largely right-wingers and many are second-hand pied noirs that were expelled from Algeria


>Russia is behind this
Good, best thing they've done since bailing out Assad


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>i just told you that i support the russian federation harry, you don't need to sell it to me




>Russia is behind this


Proof that immigration is bad.


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Do the Kanaks want to deport all of the French?


does "the kanaks" only include proletarians? if so, why only kanak proletarians?
if they want to deport only the non-proletarian french, thats just leaving room for non-proletarian kanaks to take their place


Fuck the french


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>get settler colonized
>become second class citizens
>become minority in your own land
>violence ensues
<have colony for over a century
<use "penal colony" method
<reduce natives from 60k to just 27k with new diseases alone
<after a century of oppression make them citizens
<they grow to 112k+
<you're still shitting on them
France's stagnant population growth in 19th century, and their attempt to supplant it with natalism, immigration and assimilation, while maintaining a supremacist position was the most idiotic colonial policy I had to watch in this empire's decline.


I think it is very clear that the French are not letting the natives have any form of self determination. I am usually opposed to national self determination especially mine but it is clear the natives are being undermined at every turn that independence is needed.


>national self determination
I meant nationalism as a means to achieve self determination.


Would be based but I don't think so, this region is on the other side of the earth from Russia


It's part of France right? What the kanaks need to do is encourage all the Africans in France immigrate to New Caledonia. Then white Frenchies will be outnumbered and an Afro-kanak alliance can overthrow them.


It won't solve anything. Kanaks are treated like subhumans similarly to the native Australians, non-white non-khanak people are treated better than Kanaks.



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isn't that the place where they threw away hundreds of Algerian arabs into exile during the french pacification that are still around?


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>Shitlib sees something strictly western happening in another part of the colonized world
>It must be the russians… or chinese… or North Koreans! Damn these commies!


anyone hve a video link of riots? sounds interesting.


I have a family member that worked over there
heres what I got about the situation

>caldoches (originally europeans migrants) are usually very racists and own most of the business in cities, and this obviously cause discrimination in good jobs

>kanak (indigenous pop) does have significant self governance and administrative recognition, but as usual with these things theres a lot of corruption from the local tribes chief who often are also very reactionary
>the peace with independentists was founded on the nouméa agreement (1998) which with the significant self governance included the offer of three referendums on the independence, with rules about who can vote so kanaks had a chance.
>the rule about who can vote also applied to local elections and institutions. It was "only those who were on electoral lists for the nouméa agreements, and their children", which were at the time anyone who were living there since at least 10 years.
>they voted to stay with france on every one, but the last one was organised during covid and so massively boycotted by the independentists (43% voted against 80%+ in previous referendums), despite them being the strongest they ever been politically in the local institutions, which is likely the root of the shitshow today. macron that fuck obviously was very happy with the result.
>now the french government wanted to change the electoral rules so that everyone can now vote in local elections, and wanted it passed before the next local elections so they also delayed them (and wanted to vote it at french national assembly without consultation of local institutions)
>independentists start protesting just before the vote, very massive following, road blocked etc
>immediate harsh repression and escalation with full blown riots
>because there a lot of guns over there some death happen
>escalation, sending the army and banning tiktok

so basically the macron retard did his usual authoritarianism and democracy denial which caused the current situation, because kanaks are a lot more ready to escalate than yellow vests were. Its dumb, if they just delayed elections during covid they still would have likely won (meaning independentist loose), and they should have tried to get some agreement from local institutions about the new electoral rules rather than try to impose it from paris. But I guess with the fear of rising chinese power in the area they thought it was geostrategically too important, and macron being a retard that only know how to use force and just cant discuss with anyone, it predictably went to shit.


>just found out colonialism still exists
day ruined tbqh


Weird, that no one has brought up the fact that 10% of the world's total nickel deposits are located on that small island.


I will also mention that this seem like a characteristic of the empire ruling class these days (and macron being an textbook example) : a total inability to compromise and negotiate for the greater purpose, and a tendency to immediately and fully rely on the use of force. Our so called liberal "democracies" leaders just get their legitimacy from one or two rigged bourgeois election, and then go full authoritarian while pretending its ok and democratic because they were elected, with the full support and assistance from the porkies media ofc.

ive seen mentioned some mines were closing due to competition from indonesia causing a drop of prices
Im not an expert on the subject, so I dont know how important the mines are to the situation, although they're obviously an important part of new caledonia economy


Yeah, I don't think they're as numerous as that aljazeera documentary claimed them to be, though.
Since they're mostly the descendants of those Algerians captives with French women I imagine they're likely on the side of the French, now.
>and they should have tried to get some agreement from local institutions about the new electoral rules rather than try to impose it from paris.
What's hilarious is that they're now asking local leaders to come for talks for a "compromise" after they were the ones that broke the status quo out of nowhere.
Yeah, the nickel situation is briefly mentioned in this video:
(Subtitles available in English)
As you said Indonesia's nickel production and lower usage of nickel on car batteries makes New Caledonia's overreliance on nickel unstable.


It's that island I didn't know existed until I saw a Crime Pays but Botany Doesn't video of him there.


>that flag


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they should also NOT start a bombing campaign inside france against economic targets following the example of the IRA actions in london and should instead just lay down and get colonized


>this is what libs actually believe


also where a lot of the communards were expelled to after the paris commune was crushed. some of them like louise michel joined up with the natives in uprisings


>all the browns are the same


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Azerbaijan supports New Caledonia's independence from France. It has nothing to do with France's activities in Armenia.


<Arzebaijan as the beacon of freedom of the french colonial possetions.
LMAO. The side effects of multipolarism are amazing


Even more 3rd world ethno-nationalist bullshit that all the campist leftoids will support under the guise of le hecking wholesome multipolarity and meme anti-imperialism 🥱


It's literally classic colonialism lmao


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I am once again reminded that the average french person still uses the same fucking rhetoric since the 18th century. Absolutely 0 reflection or knowledge about their own disgusting colonial history and all the same arguments

>muh referendum

>they can enjoy our social security
>we bring education
>we save them from the evil Asian hordes
>we are like a gentle coloniser, not like the Brits!

France is losing all it's colonial power and the French will have no capability to understand why their economy gets fucked in the process (Chirac himself said that something like 60% of the French economy was generated in France-Afrique if I remember correctly) as their colonies and """""totally not colonies""""" are breaking free. I'm certain this will just embolden the reactionaries.


Shit, it's fucking civil war out there, colonizers started forming militias to assist the cops.


You are seething about a spook living rent free in your own head.
French society is heavily polarized when it comes to politics, especially since Macron got elected in 2017 and the Yellow Vests movement happened. There are both reactionaries who think New Caledonia is rightful French clay, and leftists who think the French hold on New Caledonia is nothing but colonialism and should be done away with, then there are people who don't give a fuck and wouldn't be able to place it on a map.
There are no more average enlightened centrists in this country, this time is over.

That said you are right that the French government is losing its grip on neo-colonies, I'm reminded of an Italian blogpost that said the turmoil in metropolitan France due to the retirement age reform is mirroring the loss of French influence in West Africa and now New Caledonia.
In passing, that's why third-worldists are retarded, when citizens in the imperial core revolt, it gives more reasons for the periphery to revolt.


I could have added, that despite this I do think france is the one which holds at least some revolutionary potential compared to other European nations, but it is also filled with reactionary thinking all around.


1,000 police being deployed from the metropole to regaing "lost" areas
Hundreds of Kanaks arrested
10 independentist leaders under house arrest for "fomenting" hate


Does anyone know which parties in France initiated the electoral changes that set off the riots? What are the leftist parties saying?


A 2/3 majority comprised of self-described moderates, liberals, centrists, conservatives and the far right voted for it. Every faction that considers itself leftist, from socdems, greens, demsocs and communists voted against it.



Viva Armenia


Macron's whole shtick at this point is
<Don't do that, it will explode
>I'm doing it regardless
>It's tiktoks fault


Glowing hands typed this


Based Kanaks for offing some putrid flic. France is one of the most malignant entities on the face of the earth and it being forced to give up the last remnants of its empire is an undoubtedly positive thing. Also, the rollback they have been experiencing in Africa is unbelievably based. I hope Micron will soon face riots directly in the metropolis and ultimately the French state will break apart, with him being gruesomely lynched in the middle of the street.


Armenia has repeatedly cucked by its own will to the same people who attempted to wipe them out a century ago. Their lobbies in the west are some of the most whiny, despicable people you can think about. Just think about that notorious she-freak with her "reality" show about her and her family in Los An****s having generated body dysmorphia in millions of women around the world with her unhealthy and unrealistic "beauty" standards. She is the heiress to an unscrupulous lawyer who profited from defending rich criminals in court.


I wonder if any Israeli-pioneered tactics of population control will be enacted by Micron on the Kanaks


lol the pig was shot in a friendly fire incident
racist caldoches militias (there was a policy of giving them easier access to guns and ammo…) and cops are the ones with the most weapons sadly


>Israeli-pioneered tactics of population control
where do you think they learned colonial policing ? france was a colonial power long before israel even existed


is there a breakdown of firearms by province?


> (there was a policy of giving them easier access to guns and ammo…)
is there a source for this? not doubting but so i can talk about it elsewhere. i can read french


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apparently, anti-colonial protesters have raided a police station and armed themselves with what they found there:



also, the real name of the country is kanaky


If true then based. All anti colonial communist revolution in the francophone sphere kick out all french cunts. They’re disgusting rapist monsters.


God I wish we could get more revolutionary attempts like this in bigger countries


Holy based


>France's stagnant population growth in 19th century, and their attempt to supplant it with natalism, immigration and assimilation, while maintaining a supremacist position was the most idiotic colonial policy I had to watch in this empire's decline.
But hay, it's been making for good entertainment for the last few years.


Based and Bastilepilled.


I read it here
which sourced it from there
>Selon les autorités, 64.000 armes sont déclarées et autant circulent illégalement, soit près de 130.000 armes pour 272.000 habitants. Cette situation folle est le fruit d’une décision des autorités locales en 2011, visant à faciliter, la possibilité de s’armer pour les blancs surnommés les «caldoches». Seuls une carte d’identité ou un permis de chasse sont exigés pour se procurer une arme, et les quotas de munitions ont été supprimés. Cette mesure a provoqué une explosion des achats dans les armureries. Une décision irresponsable et criminelle.
>According to the authorities, 64,000 weapons are registered and the same number are in circulation illegally.
130,000 guns for 272,000 inhabitants. This situation is the result of a decision taken by local authorities in 2011, aimed at making it easier to arm themselves for white people, nicknamed the "Caldoches". Only an identity card or a hunting licence required to purchase a gun, and ammunition quotas have been abolished. This measure led to an explosion in purchases in gun shops. An irresponsible and criminal decision.


6 people have died so far:

* 3 Indigenous Kanaks, including a 17 yo girl, shot dead by armed civilians in the capital Noumea. No arrests made.
* 2 police. One killed by friendly fire (lol)
* 1 French settler died after shooting at Kanak protestors because someone threw a rock at his car. They returned the fire.


Remember when people were making a big deal over Hong Kong?


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While this is about controlling the SAVAGE RUZZIA BACKED CHINA FORCES. No double standards present at all!


wtf did they think was going to happen after they fucked around on Azerbaijan's actual border, in Armenia? It's a whole new world that the French ruling class didn't seem to think could happen. A French interviewee on the Duran said that people close to generals are talking about a civil war in France.


thats armenia you ape


>macron being a retard that only know how to use force and just cant discuss with anyone,
He can't discuss because his position is fundamentally incoherent.


The ethnos is the only legitimate basis of the state.


>10% of the world's total nickel deposits are located on that small island.
There it is. There's so much soft downplaying of the purely strategic and economic reasons for French colonialism in recent media covering Africa and now New Caledonia.


Then all states are illegitimate, retroactively and prospectively.


>An irresponsible and criminal decision.
Seems deliberate and calculated.


>civil war in France
yeah nah thats not gonna happen


>posts worst bait ever
>somehow gets 8 (you)s


welcome to leftypol


Why is that for you to decide? What's the basis of your legitimacy?


Why is that for you to decide? What's the basis of your legitimacy?


Legitimacy is a spook.
<Another example which is of capital importance is the title: titles of nobility, academic qualifications, and titles of ownership. The title is the performative par excellence, it is a way of saying that the bearer of this title is not just anyone, that is to say, he *must* be *someone*. The titles always speak in the indicative, but in the affirmative mode that we use when we say: ‘This man is a man’, that is to say, a real man. The language of the title is always performative, and a Portuguese sociologist told me that in Portuguese, to declare that someone has passed their bachelor’s degree, they say that he has been ‘created a bachelor’. This is the language of creation: it is our perceptions of the social world that turn the thing named into reality; they do not merely describe a pre-existing reality, they produce it. Academic qualifications, like titles of nobility, say to the bearer: "You must be worthy of the title you bear." They have this function in the eyes of others, and they enjoin the title holder to behave in the eyes of others in accordance with their description of what he is. We could expand upon this. These titles are evidently objectifications. They exist in the form of paper certificates; they can be framed and hung on the wall, because they are visible objects. They are official and have the force of law. That is to say they involve guarantees, they give entitlement to posts, benefits, and privileges. They are sometimes transmissible under certain conditions (there we would have to make a comparative analysis of the properties of the different types of titles); they are subject to devaluation, in the case of inflation for example, as they depend on people’s confidence in their value. The most basic form of objectification is the constitution of named classes, but its ultimate form comes in the shape of an institutional guarantee. In fact, it is actually the state that introduces a perfectly guaranteed form of institutionalization.


But marx Weber talks about legitimacy, is important, like authority, and stuff


it's the most obvious sarcasm I've ever seen on this website and 8 people somehow missed it


>Max Weber
To a Protestant society, but that's not worth keeping.


The Marxist will say to those who work it, the Strinerian will say to those who have force over it.


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What blackpill me is knowing that the French Left oppose this willful escalation of tension of Macron, speak up for Kanaks and ultimately get punished for it by the French public.


What else did you expect? Colonization is one of the key pillars of the modern French republic


Algeria 2.0


>competition, the natural state of capitalist countries, is "colonization"
do monopolies "colonize" small businesses so we should start critically supporting small businesses in their struggle against monopolies too


marxists wouldnt bother defining what is or isnt "legitimate" in first place


Wtf are you talking about?


Huh? I mean I am pretty sure French companies and porkies are exploiting the island's resources and labour, but the primary contention is political autonomy.


Forgot to mention that when the French Left suffers electorally, critics will shame and mock them, insisting that the leftists should be more 'conservative' to appeal to the 'working class' more.


is this retard really trying to compare amazon swallowing small business from petty porky to fucking colonialism? kys


You're worse off under the monopoly so…


>insisting that the leftists should be more 'conservative'
They say that whether it's true or not because it drives the discourse in that direction and more is never not better.
Remember that politics is an institution designed to celebrate lies, in the ancient hero/retard cultural tradition (they're the same picture). It's a stupid game with stupid prizes for stupid people. It won't end until the preconditions for it have been spoiled. Even constrained by circumstances not of our own choosing, there are a number of forms that such a sacking could take.
I'm going to keep serving up this lasagna until it sinks in.
<According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation.


>accepting France's bs claims these protests are being spearheaded by Azerbaijan
never gonna make it


< Azerbaijan really did do it and that's based
Your first day on leftypol, huh?


The presidents of some of France's other non-European territories, including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana and Réunion as well as representatives from French Polynesia, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin AND the French settler mayor on Kanaky's capital Nouméa are calling on the French government to DROP the attempted electoral changes in Kanaky-New Caledonia to avoid civil war.

Micron is refusing and saying that if the independentists don't come to a compromise with the republic® the changes will be applied unilaterally before the end of June.

Quick rundown of places mentioned in this comment:

* Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin: French island possessions in the Caribbean. Minor independentist movements (I believe leftists) in the bigger islands (Guadeloupe and Martinique). Population is mostly black and descended from former slaves with a minor white upper class which causes tensions some times.
* Guiana: French possession in northern South America, no mayor independentist movement, there were social disturbances there some years ago, I believe because of the widespread poverty, unemployment and violence (don't quote me on that, though) compared to mainland France. Used to be a penal colony, it's now used as a base for European space launches. Population made up of Blacks, Indigenous peoples, immigrants from Haiti, Venezuela and Brazil and some Whites.
* Réunion : French island possession in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius and Madagascar. No mayor independence movement. I think it's a very tranquil place, at least never heard of anything happening there besides that it's boring if you live there. Population is mixed multiracial with multiple origins (Black, Malagasy, Indian, Chinese, European)
* French Polynesia = A giant patch of Polynesia which is owned by France. Some islands were used as nuclear testing sites. There's an independence movement, whose main party is currently in power and looking for an independence referendum in the near future. Unlike in New Caledonia the natives are still the majority, even in the capital (I think) so there's a good chance it could succeed (which is likely why France will never agree to it lol). There was some ethnic tension with Chinese migrants in the past (Why there are Chinese there Idk. The Chinese are pro-France I believe). Polynesian languages are currently losing speakers in favor of French :(

Notably absent are Wallis and Futuna as well as Mayotte. Wallis and Futuna are two Polynesian islands from which most Polynesian immigrants in New Caledonia come from while Mayotte is an island in the Comoros archipelago which voted to STAY with France unlike the other islands. It's majority Muslim and the people there love Le Pen (yeah, lol) because they think she will save them from immigration (other Comorans constantly immigrate to the island)


article in le monde's, one of france's main newspapers.
it interviews french settlers in kanaky talking about their SHOCK at the anti-colonial riots:
sharing because it's kinda hilarious to hear these people. they're constantly complaining about being victims of racism and how the young kanaks were "turned" against france by the independentists. yeah, i'm sure that's the only reason


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One of New Caledonia's representatives in the French National Assembly is calling on the government is demanding that the government revoke the little autonomy Kanaky and to be made into another French department under the tutelage of state in 2 or 3 years. This is him.


Fun fact: The two constituencies in Kanaky (think congressional districts in the US) to elect members to the French National Assembly are drawn in such a way that Nouméa and its suburbs (Capital which is largely non-Kanak) outnumber the rest of localities. This is why Kanaky represented by two pro-France French settlers even though Kanaks make up 40% of the population.


how many property does he own?



We are living in those weeks tbh. Shit like this is directly due to the overall anti-imperialist awakening within imperial core states in relation to their place as imperialists.

We will see more actions like this in other imperial core states soon. The question remains however, are we prepared for these weeks? Are we willing to live in those weeks, knowing the sacrifices they will require in relation to our lifestyles and comforts in the imperial core, especially in settler states? This remains to be seen.

There is still a real chance for the reformists to win out, and for any real revolutionary energy to be capture by "socialism is on the ballet" nonsense peddled by fed funded sexpests.


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I'm hoping Corsica goes up again tbh.
Maybe french anon could tell us what's going on with the Corsians and their independence movement?


What country has politicians that don't do that though? It is just a common trend all around. The french media has been shitting non fucking stop on leftists for years, all while they have been buttering up Lepen and all her little goblins.


Anyone who wants to write up something for the normies about this please do, I was paying for article submissions but I'm unemployed


>fed funded sexpests
So BadEmpanada?


"Breadtube minus the 3 not caught yet"


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BadEmpanada isn't a 'socialism of the ballot' person, That's more up someone like Agent Kochinski's alley, BE, Even though he kinda keeps it close to the chest a lot of the time, is just a delusional 'Maoist-Third-Worldist' / 'Ultra-Leftist' [In the 60s/70s sense of the term] who unironically basically holds the exact same conception of how politics operates as a lot of White-Nationalists - Which is to say, informed by 'thinkers' like J. Sakai he basically believes in the idea of an ever imminent race-war. So he probably does support New Caledonian independence by violent means, If only because the melanin content in the skin of your average New-Caledonian is greater then that of a Frenchmen.

It's notable that while most people think of terroristic Neo-Nazis like William Luther Pierce or James Mason [the 'Siege' guy] as pioneering this idea of society being on the course to an imminent 'race-war' that revolutionaries need to take an active part in, A lot of the 'Ultra-Vanguardist New-Left' groups of the 1960s and 70s like the Weathermen, SLA in the United-States and Japanese Red-Army believed also in this idea - With the pure difference being that instead of white-nationalists killing everyone who was not white, That the 'proletarianized' Afro-Americans, Native-Americans and 'race-traitor' communist White and Jewish people would kill all the racist white-people and then the revolutionary strata's would construct socialism.

People like BE literally believe that the only 'true revolutionary potential' in the United-States is for the ~0.80% percent of the population who are [self-identifying might i add] Native-American peoples to assert dominance over or expel the remaining 99.20% of the U.S. population as a perquisite for 'socialism'


man i'll take 2016 leftypol's brain rot over the garbage that currently roams this place any day


this is the lib version of "everything I don't like is a color revolution"


lol you guys have such a ridiculous understanding of Sakai.


Tldr. You're thinking way too much about e-celebs


shut the fuck up maoid


I’m not reading that dumb Radlib glow shit


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>Russia is behind this


>English name is New Canada
>native name is Canucky
weird coincidence


Well good thing I’m directly saying I don’t agree with that ideology, but thanks for not reading the post before replying I guess


Whitoid New Cale nationals reported fleeing to Australia.

Reposting this anecdote from reddît, in reply to some dickhead saying 'it was so peaceful when we were visiting as tourists, how could this happen? zomg!'
>Foreign visits to New Caledonia have always been a tale of two countries. If you are going for a tourist visit, it's pretty similar to most pacific island nations tourist facing areas.

>On the other hand, if you are going to work on the giant Nickle mines (the island contains about 7.1 million tonnes of nickel reserves, about 10% of the world's total), it is a far uglier show. Our firm has been doing consulting engineering work there for a decade + at this point, and it is a proper ugly old school colonial exploitation project (the management/upper staff is pretty much exclusively European (primarily French), with the locals most restricted to the lowest paid roles).

>Every time I've been there over this timeframe, the French military (mostly the Foreign Legion) has been there 100% acting as an occupying force to suppress the local population in the industrial areas. Hell, I remember one time when they had several tanks parked outside the main mine entrance as a show of force.

>The independence movement is very real and has been aggressively and militantly suppressed by French forces seeking to maintain the remnants of the French colonial empire, and this is not an unexpected spill over of that conflict.


*French nationals, whoops


According to l'Humanité (newspaper adjacent to the French Communist Party) businesses are abusing the crisis to scalp and raise prices, inflation is spiraling out of control and the K-N-C gov is planning to impose price controls.


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IVPITER arrives in the island. Vowing to keep martial law indefinitelly. Hoping something funny happens.
>“Here comes the fireman after he set the fire!” Jimmy Naouna, from the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste of New Caledonia, wrote on X in response to news of Macron’s visit.
>When asked by a reporter whether he thought a 12-hour visit was enough, Macron responded by saying, “We will see. I don’t have a limit.”
Gets buried in kanaky lad. The visit will be permanent.


>permanent martial law
Lol, literally Algeria 2.0




Compare this shit to Hong Kong. Jesus


Still funny how people act like Hong Kong was democratic when it was direct ruled by a crown appointee lol.


You say this shit all the time.
Literally nobody cared or cares about Hong Kong, you just have an hyper-fixation. it's probably autism.


link to article?


bro hong kong was being shilled in the news big time a few years ago. the libs don't care now because they lost.



>K-N-C gov
The French government? They should probably hurry up with this shit.


no, the local gov


Oh so not the mainland French government?


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