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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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If you haven't been living under a rock, you'll realize the internet and pop culture is filled with Nazi and Hitler related content. Its literally everywhere. There's Nazi aesthetics in anime and dozens of books and YouTube videos on Hitler's secret UFOs, antarctic weapons, and the occult, Jewish Nazi porn. Most of this stuff isn't pro-Nazi but it does promote curiosity around Nazis and the Nazi aesthetic that rightoids have clearly been able to exploit. Liberals of course promote the idea of Hitler as an absolute evil that justifies foreign interventions. Everything they don't like (Hamas, ISIS, Bin Laden etc) must be linked to Hitler and fascism. Everything must be done to stop the coming of a future Hitler and that's the justification used for what happened at Colombia and UCLA and the Gaza genocide.

In the Western world, because of man’s distance from absolute good (God) value was placed on human actions. Since Nietzsche proclaimed in the nineteenth century the “death of God,” in other words the extinction of absolute good, absolute evil, that is to say Hitler, has stood as the reference point for all values. Hitler is our secular version of Satan or the anti-Christ who dictates our values. Does this not constitute the ultimate victory for Hitler?

Just as there are people who join cults because they think Satan was actually the good guy or worship Jeff Dahmer or that incel shooter, so too will many people be seduced by the cult of Hitler. The idea of being absolutely evil and on the side of darkness against mainstream society is psychologically appealing to vulnerable idiots, outcasts, edgelords, burnouts, people wrecked by the system. Then along comes the right wing propagandist and feeds you the greatest story never told that Hitler was some Christ like figure who was defeated and persecuted by the man and everything you've been taught was a lie. Prussian aesthetics to poltard pipeline.

By making Hitler and fascism our standard of absolute evil the left is actually strengthening the Hitler cult and making it more appealing to people when really we should not draw attention to him more than any other historic war criminal by turning him into a Satan we have immortalized him.


As ive heard other people say before, "hitler is the protagonist of our age".


We entertain Hitler, turning him into a clown – endless right-wing self-media glorify Hitler under the guise of "correcting history" and to gain traffic.
We ban Hitler, prohibiting the publication of all messages about Hitler – on Telegram, right-wing subcultures glorify Hitler out of curiosity about forbidden things.
We oppose Hitler, seeing him as the epitome of evil – our inner and outer right-wing opponents glorify Hitler to humiliate and oppose us.
We glorify Hitler – we become right-wing and then glorify Hitler.



The truth is the Adolf guy made in the heart of Europe in the 20th century what European powers have been making around the world for a much longer time. He's a convenient symbol of evil just because he crapped inside the sacred enclosure, not outside - remember what the old Spanish "socialist" Borrell said about muh garden and muh jungle quite recently. He was obviously shit and criminal to the highest degree, but virtually every narrative pumped by European mainstream "intellectuals" completely misses the point. OP is fundamentally right about the nasty trick Western powers use of branding whoever stands in their path of death and destruction as some new kind of Hitler. Now that I'm thinking about that, it could also be in part projection.


Hitler was involved with Hamas funny enough


Anyway, the good thing is the West is just a small part of the world. No matter how dominant, it's now declining. The vast majority of the world doesn't give a shit about European "domestic traumas" and all the symbology built around them. No one in Africa, India or China should be expected to develop their worldview around what happened in Europe in the early-to-mid 20th century.


damn he was a time traveler?


he is cookin sum fr


And so were the secret service of muh only demograzy in muh middle east when they found convenient to create a religiously conservative opposition to the mostly secular Fatah. So, basically Isr**l is as Nazi as Hitler. Even better: considering they were actually involved with Hamas but the Adolf cunt wasn't, they are even more Nazi than him.

That's a new spicy chapter of the countless bad taste fanfictions you read about secret weapons, the holy grail, him being an avatar of the Hindu god Shiva and him also managing to escape from Berlin and relocating to Argentina with his beloved Eva and the dog Blondie.


>Everything they don't like (Hamas, ISIS, Bin Laden etc) must be linked to Hitler and fascism.
Israel and Zionism is also linked to fascism and Nazism by anti-Zionists. Russia says they are fighting Nazis but Putin is also a new Hitler. I was reading some of a book about German soldiers called "Soldaten" that is based on surreptitiously recorded conversations of German POWs by the British during the war that depicts many of them as rather ordinary people who were not particularly ideological (and when they were, they could be a big mess) but were nevertheless capable of committing atrocities on wide scale due to reasons involving group psychology and experiences of fighting and killing. A lot of these nuanced portraits that have been developing in the 21st century are also coming out of Germany (the authors of Soldaten are German), and that's also seen in movies like Downfall.

One review:

>The authors make the case that ideology is not the decisive factor in wartime atrocities. It is primarily a matter of frames of reference. I won't attempt to summarize the argument and perhaps do it disservice by bringing it up in this review. But I find their thesis compelling, being that it explains not only Oradour-sur-Glane and gunning down fifteen year old Polish boys, but My Lai and "Collateral Murder".

>It also fits with what we're seeing in our lives today. I would never have thought twenty years ago that my relatives and neighbors would have supported torture or the systematic separation of toddlers from their parents but I do know that those otherwise fine people not only support such policies; they find them not only good but necessary. What would my relatives and neighbors do if placed in the situations we read about in this book? What would I do?


>Unlike official documents or even private letters—which German soldiers knew would be reviewed and censored—the recorded chats of the German POWs represent candid, even casual, exchanges between comrades. Neitzel discovered that the war created its own very specific frame of reference, one in which violence quickly became perceived as normal, even a necessity. However, within this framework, Neitzel’s research revealed that German soldiers in the main acted on the same patterns as in peacetime: they did their work and sought acceptance amongst their comrades.

>Neitzel’s research revealed that most soldiers were not interested in National Socialism or the ‘new order’ that Nazi leaders sought to impose upon Europe. Their worldviews, shaped by the violent exigencies of war, were largely shaped by the core group to which they belonged, their unit, their duty, the next battle, and their weapons of war.

>Critically, Neitzel’s research underscored that for most German soldiers the Second World War was in the main a continuation of the First World War: bigger, probably more brutal, but in the end the same war for the same reason, which was defence of the Homeland against foreign aggression. That the Second World War was of a totally different character—emphasising ethnic cleansing, genocide and global conquest—was not reflected, even though many soldiers spoke casually, even gleefully, about raping and killing civilians and prisoners.



Alright, I might be a bit negative. Remember, you are on the left.
You don't have to do anything; your very existence itself shames Hitler and his network of army groups



>Israel and Zionism is also linked to fascism and Nazism by anti-Zionists.
Even Hamas themselves refer to Israel as a fascist/nazi state in many of their statements which is of course correct


>Did Hitler win?
No. He shot himself in the head.
Don't care about terminally online anti-social nazis.
Fuck off to ISG.


Yup, US wanted to protect their own capitalist interests.
The founder met with Hitler and Himmler also expressed support of Palestine.


>The founder
Which founder


Yes, Infrared exists


>your very existence itself shames Hitler and his network of army groups
what kind of delusional Twitter logic is this?


The correct thing to do is to erase him from history.


let him cook


The bourgeoisie promote Hitler and fascism, pretty obvious. Hitler himself was a petit bourgeois drug addict.


he was an unemployed hobo turned soldier not a petit bourgeois whatever im pretty sure he counts as working class


he was also a nonce. the bourgeois are nonces


Infrared, too


>describes a textbook lumpen bandit
<calls him working class anyway


Capitalism is a discourse on separation, so yes, theft is "work"


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>theft is "work"


>Capitalism is a discourse on separation


Sorry, I felt the need to pretend to be retarded for a moment. I should drink some water


The bourgeoisie are thieves


The person of Hitler is very convenient for another reason - because NATO and the European organizations that eventually became the EU was founded by "ex" Nazis and other fascist collaborators. Speaking of which, what American Presidents called the "Free World" was really ᴉuᴉlossnW's fascist international made manifest.


He died but his ideas and ambitions lived on in the US and Germany, so yes.


Also his own men lived on with operation paperclip


>he internet and pop culture
Internet culture and pop culture diverged; the majority of people find things on television, movies, and radio vicerally unpleasant and find solace in their online niches. The normie is extinct and everyone Is a hipster.
That said, chvds ironically stripped a lot of that away by stripping the base assumption of irony from nazi jokes, thus dooming it to be accompanied by whedonism or be taken as a maundane declaration. They popped too early and missed their chance to fully complete the thinktankism aqquision.
>There's Nazi aesthetics in anime
There's EVERY aethetic in anime. For every example of Nazi stuff you could find an example or two of commie aethetics.
>Ancient Aliens
Most conspiracy theories are thinktankisms, they are trying to promote nazism and this backfired with the rise of smug breadtube debunking / refutation videos where every high production series promoting a thinktankism can be destroyed by a youtuber spending a few months trying to reach a new funny timestamp. I.e. The Quinton Reviews 6 hour iCarly video, or his video on Ancient Aliens itself.

Like if winning is just not being entirely forgotten, then I guess.


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Don't overestimate the impact a few losers have. Saying this is ironic on an online imageboard, but still. There was a tiny community of people who used Hitler as a way to rebel, but they have been largely destroyed by breadtubers and by unironic Christian conservatives in a two-sided attack, a split, you might say. Fucking haz infrared achieved more than any of these people ever did. Meanwhile western governments never stopped talking about filthy asiatic hordes and proudly conducting genocides in the name of owning the bolsheviks.
"Normal" politics is so much worse than anyone dares to internalize, half of Europe is more than ready to start WWII 2 spiritually (just not industrially, based capitalism killed all advanced productive forces in eastern europe).
The current developments are MUCH more concerning than any of what you brought up could possibly be. There was more than enough time for any kind of support for Ukraine to be shown completely wrong in every sense of the word: not true to reality, morally disgusting, actively hurting millions of people, counterproductive in practice. And yet you don't see anyone show up and say "I'm so sorry I supported literal nazi military organizations, maybe even materially, this is so wrong, now I will do better and be a good socialist" the way "alt-righters" did in droves.


>breadtubers and by unironic Christian conservatives
Two sides of monotheism


Yes, of labor from its means. That general operation is repeated over and over, at larger and smaller levels of detail. For example, Taylorism, and the appropriation of the worker's knowledge and skill.


hitler edit recs?


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>Did Hitler win?
No, you idiot.
Neo-Nazism doesn't contradict this.

>Hitler is [the liberal propaganda] secular version of Satan or the anti-Christ who dictates [their] values. Does this not constitute the ultimate victory for Hitler?

Hitler wanted to be loved by the nations, not be >evil.
>he idea of being absolutely evil and on the side of darkness against mainstream society is psychologically appealing to vulnerable idiots, outcasts, edgelords, burnouts, people wrecked by the system.
These people would have received a black triangle in the concentration camps. Most neo-Nazis today would make Hitler want to kill themself again, whether it's the nerds groomed from video games or the prison gang thugs or the emo NSDM crowd, mostly just illiterates who think the Nazi Party would like them just because they're White (protip: Aryan != White) and that they aren't the perfect image of a 'degenerate'.


The material conditions shaped fascism then and will shape it now , differently. It doesn't matter if there is more PR involved or if the butthurt is aimed at the collapse of the imperialist system rather than the colonial one.
Look at how out of it's time Israel's settler colonialism has been forever, how badly it fits even with the full backing of the world hegemon.Not even they can make Israel not feel anachronistic. Meanwhile the neocolonial system chugs along, celebrating ,as liberals, the supposed end of colonialism and all sorts prejudice (the opening of all sorts of markets), without being a much better system at all, just more efficient. And now it's *that* system which is in peril and new dogs of capital find new (and old) idealist reasons to fight against progress. That's the continuity that matters, whatever bullshit mantle they choose to wear.


No he got raped by a bullet to the skull.
Fascism won because their social structure (neoliberalism) dominates the world today


So much so that it seems normal and desirable to "communists"


What a retarded post. You really think Hitler would be pleased to see race mixing and LGBT everywhere today?



I accept your concession


Leisure classes don't have commitments to anything but their own reproduction as a leisure class. The NSDAP was unusually duplicitous, and unusually naked about it in the literature.

<12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”


You're one hell of a bingo caller, my dude


>hitler pic
>In the Western world, because of man’s distance from absolute good (God)
why havent mods deleted this shit thread already?

we dont have moral judgments on politics. if anti-nazi rhetoric in the west seems empty and preachy its precisely because the bourgeois (even in their most progressive strand) have to mask the political tool fascism represents and water down the events that made hitler, mussolini and franco take over their countries
fascism/nazism is not "le evil monster". its a concrete form of policies capital undertakes when shit hits the fan. thats why lately you have so many openly right-wing ceos airing their shit takes without any repercussions


It is impossible to know what the success rate is on erasing things from history, since, by definition, a thing erased from history is forgotten rather than tallied as part of it, but I suspect that success rate is rather low. People see what you're doing when you try to erase history and they oppose it. Most erasures from history are probably only successful insofar as they are accidental. Ruins left undiscovered, etc.


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i will never not find it funny that this loser killed himself because he was scared of getting the gaddafi treatment from bolsheviks


Guess how the game setting of Red Alert was established.


<durr x won
<durr y won
<durr z won


You are now aware that the film Madagascar is Zionist parody.


Read the post again. Historically, God served as the idea that anchored the Western moral worldview and distinction between good and evil. With the death of God, Hitler has replaced God as the barometer of moral values and measure of what is good or evil. What OP is saying is that by making him the embodiment of absolute evil we've let the image of Hitler dictate our moral values to the point he now functions more or less like God did. In doing so we've bolstered his legacy and have actually kept him relevant rather than consigning him to the dustbin of history where he belongs. So in a sense Hitler won. He didn't win the war but he's become an institution in Western political culture in a way Napoleon or Frederick the Great haven't.





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>I suspect that success rate is rather low
During "dark ages", lots of ideas are lost to the future because they aren't inscribed in durable matter. Ideas which reproduce a ruling class are preferentially prolonged by that ruling class through publication and other material action. Ideas that oppose class systems tend to be lost or recuperated by ruling classes, see Diogenes' and Epicurus' writings generally.
We are able to read burnt scrolls and palimpsests clearly and non-destructively only thanks to modern imaging technologies such as MRI. We might get Linear A script cracked in your lifetime. The success rate, in other words, also depends on the future.
Had the Soviet Union collapsed 20 years earlier pic might never have happened.

I hope you're not proposing to fish some god out of the trash…


>"It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know I was right."
vgh he was so real for that, anyone got more based hitler quotes


I don't see how it is based. His attempt to colonize Eastern Europe was clearly as crazy as it was retarded and drove Germany into an even worse place. Plus, didn't he blame the German people for losing the war in his final letter?

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