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UK law will let regulators fine Big Tech without court approval
The DMCC also addresses consumer protection issues by banning fake reviews, forcing companies to be more transparent about their subscription contracts, regulating secondary ticket sales, and getting rid of hidden fees. It will also force certain companies to report mergers to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis
Rome joins several Western donors in resuming aid after an independent review of UNRWA, led by French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, found that Israel had not provided any evidence to back its claims.

Thirty UK parliamentarians urge support of Morocco's control over Western Sahara
The so-called Moroccan Autonomy plan for Western Sahara gives Rabat control over the area's national security and foreign relations while allowing the Sahrawi people limited autonomy.

Syrian Kurdish authorities hand over a British woman and 3 children linked to IS to a UK delegation
The handover, which took place on Wednesday, is the latest in a push to repatriate people from al-Hol and Roj camps in northeastern Syria that house tens of thousands, mostly wives and children of IS militants but also supporters of the extremist group.

‘Down with dictatorship’: Tunisians rally against gov’t crackdown on media
Two Tunisian media figures received one-year jail sentences in recent days after making comments the authorities deemed critical, in the latest prosecutions under Decree 54 issued by Saied in 2022 banning the “spreading of false news”. “Down with the decree,” the demonstrators shouted as they marched through Tunis on Friday. “Dictator Kais, it’s your turn now,” they added, in allusion to the Arab Spring uprising, which toppled longtime leader Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in 2011.

Iran jails father of young man executed over 2022 protests
Mashallah Karami was sentenced to six years in prison by a Revolutionary court in the Tehran satellite city of Karaj on charges of illegally organising gatherings and collecting donations, his lawyer, Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani, said on X, adding that the verdict had “flaws” and would be appealed.

Mexico City’s water ‘Day Zero’ may come even for the wealthiest residents
Water scarcity has long been an issue in Mexico City, with the brunt of the shortages happening in lower-income neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city center. But recently, residents in some of the city’s wealthier neighborhoods have also been running out of water as hot temperatures, low rainfall and poor infrastructure have converged to create a crisis across the sprawling metropolis.

Argentine Teachers and Professors Begin National Strike
"The conflict is far from being resolved as the central budgetary issue of Argentina, which is the salaries of teachers and administrative staff of the universities, is still pending," said Federico Montero, the secretary of the National Federation of University Teachers (CONADU).

Anti-Beijing policies in US hasten an academic switch to Taiwan
The US and Taiwan have long been close education partners; however, anxiety about China’s influence and enthusiasm about Taiwan’s changing geopolitical role have created a flood of new and expanded initiatives between the two sides – initiatives that some China experts warn cannot truly replace engagement with the mainland.

Pakistani Christian community attacked after blasphemy accusation
At least one house and a small shoe factory was set on fire by protesters who had gathered after neighbours alleged that the Muslim holy book, the Koran, had been desecrated by a minority community member, according to a police spokesman and Akmal Bhatti, a Christian leader. "They burned one house" and several Christians were badly beaten, Bhatti said.



Four years after George Floyd killing, police reform slow to follow
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act – which was initially introduced in 2021 to stop aggressive law enforcement tactics, misconduct and racial bias – has faced repeated roadblocks in Congress and has yet to move forward.

$150m paid in police misconduct claims shows violent response to 2020 protests, experts say
The settlements, which include some of the largest payouts over protest-related police actions to date, also forced a slew of reforms on to departments, including restrictions on the use of so-called “less lethal” weapons.

Uvalde Families Accuse Instagram, ‘Call of Duty’ and Rifle Maker of ‘Grooming’ Gunman
The California suit, which names the publisher Activision, appeared to be one of the first to go after a video game maker for helping to promote weapons used in mass shootings. The lawsuits argue that the gun maker, Daniel Defense, would not have been able to connect with the gunman, a socially isolated teenager living in rural Texas, without the help of the technology and video game companies.

Scientists call for change in EPA regulations after Tyson Foods dumping report
“While it is disturbing that we could only capture information for 41 of Tyson’s meat processing plants, it’s not surprising,” Woods said. “That’s because the current regulations only apply to about 300 of the roughly 5,000 meat and poultry processing producers in the United States.”

Portland State University police chief hospitalized amid campus protest arrests
According to the Portland Police Bureau, the day of the incident PPB had formed a line for all PSU officers to make arrests, but the crowd allegedly became hostile and surrounded the officers. When PSU tried to transport arrested individuals the crowd blocked the garage exit. PPB says one police officer was spit in the face and at least two others were punched.

Wing Luke Museum closes after staff walkout over exhibit
Twenty-six Wing Luke Museum staff members walked out Wednesday in protest of the museum’s “Confronting Hate Together” exhibit on its scheduled opening day, saying a portion of the exhibit “conflate[s] anti-Zionism as antisemitism,” according to their social media post.


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>UK law will let regulators fine Big Tech without court approval
Now this is big if true.


Communists in Spain and Argentina: Milei and Sanchez are different sides of the same coin
Concerning the recent diplomatic row between the governments of Argentina and Spain, the Argentine Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) issued the following joint statement: On the situation of Spanish-Argentine relations
Using as an argument the statements that Javier Milei made at a political event in Madrid last Sunday, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has decided to withdraw the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires. The confrontation between two capitalist management models that represent different sides of the same coin is thus tinged with a diplomatic crisis. We consider that this new controversy is beneficial for both Sánchez and Milei, who are using it to legitimize themselves before their respective audiences, trying to present themselves as representatives of opposing and conflicting ideological positions, but in reality united by their will to guarantee the continuity of capitalism. in each country. We affirm that no prefabricated controversy nor any high-sounding declaration from members of the Argentine or Spanish Government can hide the fact that both governments aim to establish in each country the best conditions for the exploitation of the working class. Both the social democratic administration of Pedro Sánchez, and the liberal and reactionary administration of Milei, aspire to maximize the profits of the capitalists. The different starting point of each of the two governments, the different degree of violence that is necessary to exercise in each country and the differences in rhetoric or ideological references of each president, do not imply a significant difference in terms of the objectives of both.

PFLP: The Zionist Retreat From Lebanon in 2000 was a Turning Point in History
The retreat of the zionist army from large parts of Lebanese territories on May 25, 2000, is a strategic turning point in the history of the Arab-Zionist struggle. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine considered the defeat of the enemy zionist army from large parts of the occupied Lebanese territories on May 25, 2000, to be a qualitative and historical achievement and a strategic turning point in the history of the Arab-zionist struggle, and was achieved thanks to the steadfastness and sacrifices of the brotherly Lebanese people and their valiant resistance, which began from the very first moments of the zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982. That resistance troubled the occupiers, inflicted heavy losses upon them, and shattered forever the myth of the “invincible army.” The people of Beirut still remember the calls and pleas of the enemy army through loudspeakers in the streets of Beirut, saying, “O people of Beirut, do not shoot at us, we are withdrawing.” Indeed, the occupation army withdrew from the capital, Beirut, within the first few weeks of its occupation, marking the first time the occupation army withdrew from an Arab land it had occupied without conditions or restrictions.

Frederick Engels: Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State VIII. The Formation of the State among Germans
Let us take the country of the Franks. Here the victorious Salian people had come into complete possession, not only of the extensive Roman state domains, but also of the very large tracts of land which had not been distributed among the larger and smaller district and mark communities, in particular all the larger forest areas. On his transformation from a plain military chief into the real sovereign of a country, the first thing which the king of the Franks did was to transform this property of the people into crown lands, to steal it from the people and to give it, outright or in fief, to his retainers. This retinue, which originally consisted of his personal following of warriors and of the other lesser military leaders, was presently increased not only by Romans – Romanized Gauls, whose education, knowledge of writing, familiarity with the spoken Romance language of the country and the written Latin language, as well as with the country's laws, soon made them indispensable to him, but also by slaves, serfs and freedmen, who composed his court and from whom he chose his favorites. All these received their portions of the people's land, at first generally in the form of gifts, later of benefices, usually conferred, to begin with, for the king's lifetime. Thus, at the expense of the people the foundation of a new nobility was laid.


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