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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What would you do if you saw a guy with nazi symbolism on the street?


mutter to myself about there always being too many cops around


Assume he's mentally ill or retarded and leave him alone


Can you believe they think your a Marxist socialist damn liberals dumb right?


Hey Can you believe they think your a Marxist socialist damn liberals dumb right?


Depends on the situation. Honestly, I'd point and laugh.


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>nazi symbolism
Assuming by the Call of Duty gif you posted, you mean this mask, right?


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not OP but symbolism refers to many symbols.



Depends. Usually weirdoes like that are either mentally ill, or if they are genuine their protected by cops.

In the rare case that he isn't, pray to Ares and hope he guides your fists.


>What would you do if you saw a guy with nazi symbolism on the street?
A biker (who was probably on meth, he was pretty wired) came up and decided to make friends with me at some small-town bar awhile ago, and I noticed a Nazi pin on his jacket. It was the eagle holding a swastika. I didn't say anything about that and talked to him about motorcycles instead.


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I saw a guy with a Ukraine logo tattoo once but I didn't have the chance to do anything. He had other tattoos but I couldn't make out what they were. I wanted to get closer and see what the others were.
(in the US for reference, he looked about 20)


I have been in a fight with a Nazi before btw but this biker could've killed me. I pick my battles!


daily reminder to online teens that picking battles is revolutionary.


Wait for them to enter their comically disproportionately large truck, write down the licence plate, and graffiti it somewhere.


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Funny part about those trucks is that they often have smaller beds than regular trucks.


Stop everything in my life and debate him. joking


snarl then walk on
makes them feel slightly more unsafe with the least effort


place a GPS tracker on his car.
(warning: most phones have tracker detection now)


Do you mean that the phone can detect when it's been hacked and it's tracking you or that the phone can detect independent trackers in your vicinity?


the latter


French bulldog of vehicles


Interesting, never heard that. I figure they would advertise it more.

>A tracker, also called a tag, is a small bluetooth device you can attach to items like keys or a backpack to help you find them when they get lost.

So it only works on bluetooth devices?



maybe, idk


It seems that way because the bluetooth ones connect to the targets phone whereas you can have ones that are connected directly to a cellular network.

>An AirTag emits a Bluetooth signal that privately and securely connects to any device in the Find My network (that's Apple's location-tracking feature), and then its location is triangulated by its connections and sent back to your iPhone.


Phone the crew and put them in hospital.


What would you do if you saw a girl (female) with Nazi symbolism on the street?


>and graffiti it somewhere
Useless. If you're not going to do anything, random people won't.
At least forward it onto local antifash if you're that cowardly or busy.


>telling people you're joking and not just bullying anyone who can't take such an obvious hint
You do you, newfag


Don't say this unless you carry around trackers day-to-day.
t. permanent marker gang


same thing as I always do: follow them, take note of any useful information. last time I got a car license plate, looked it up, informed the local antifa
you can mess with their car by either cutting of the air stem or modify a schröder cap with a screw in it that pushes the valve open and holes in the cap itself to let the air out


oh and of course ye olde sparkplug ceramic to the windows. but that makes noise


>What would you do if you saw a girl (female) with Nazi symbolism on the street?
I went to see this band and saw a girl walk in with the SS death's head skull on her jacket. I think it was a Death in June symbol (i.e. Nazi band) but they're "ambiguous" or some bullcrap but might have been more of a goth thing.


Analyse the situation around me and weigh whether I can get away with assulting the motherfucker. I always carry a Covid mask and sunglasses for that reason to conceal my identity in the act. Sometimes I carry pepper spray too.
I've been waiting and preparing myself for such a situation, but strangely I haven't come across any fascist in public yet, apart from protests of course. Weird.
You'd think they'd be more confident to show themselves given how hard libs have been supporting fascist parties in EVROPA.


Well first I'd need to move somewhere with a local anti-fash org. If the local holliganry are too dumb to know what licence plate graffiti means, that's not my problem. I'm broke and working my way up to moving. Doing anything unorganized is just vigilantist adventurism. An individual actor that isn't a coward is a dumbass.


I got into it with three of them while they were putting up stickers. I came up to them like "surprise, cockfags!" and snapped a pic. Two immediately ran. One was shocked and even said something like, "oh no! Oh Jesus!" But one of them (he was their leader) attacked me, and we tussled for a few seconds, then he ran too, because we basically in public in broad daylight. He drew some blood though, but it was just a little ouchie. If all three of them had decided to stomp me, then they could've, but it's more difficult to start a fight than you might think.

Honestly, it feels kind of stupid.


Good on you for confronting them, I only see antifa stickers where I live. Though I was just on holiday in Richmond (London), super leafy area and I saw a 'Free Navalny' sticker on a lamppost. It didn't look worn or anything either lol, he fucking died months ago


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I held my ground but if the leader who aggro'd on me kept at it instead of breaking contact then he would've won because he was a lot tougher than me. I was like, "hey, ow! You fucking idiot!" The other two were shrimpy nerds, like /pol/face.

They got predictable. They weren't from the area, and drove in to put up their stickers, and people would tear them down, and then they'd come back and do it again. They took the same route every time, put them up in the same places, and I just saw them on the street doing it one day.


Sigh in disappointment and carry on with my life. Maybe stick around for a bit to see if other people have a reaction. But only insofar it doesn't put me in a situation where I would be confronted or be involved in any way, like witnessing something. It's probably just a retarded kid being edgy, anyways.

If it looks like a more serious group thing, note it down and keep away. If it spreads, worry and bitch about it online and be pissed that I have to carry a spray.


Good job, but avoid fights and book it if you're outnumbered. Even experienced fighters aren't likely to win, when facing multiple opponents at once. Commit to only gathering intelligence on them in that situation, dox them, get some comrades and deal with them that way.


become mr krabs


Ignore him and let some migrant beat him up. There is a reason why you see nazis only online.


Based shoe shitter.
I mean I hope you can outrun the guy but based.



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