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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Another Egyptian soldier reportedly dies due to wounds from Rafah border clash with Israel
Egyptian military personnel, stationed on the border with the Palestinian Rafah in north-eastern North Sinai province, had reportedly exchanged fire with Israeli army troops on Monday, with unconfirmed news that at least seven Israeli soldiers were injured and five others killed.

US says Gaza pier being repaired as aid groups urge more consistent routes
“The ability of aid groups and medical teams to respond has now all but crumbled, with temporary fixes such as a ‘floating dock’ and new crossing points having little impact.”

Denmark university to halt investment in companies in West Bank amid student protests
The university will, as of May 29, divest its holdings worth a total of about 1 million Danish crowns ($145,810) in Airbnb (ABNB.O), Booking.com (BKNG.O), and eDreams (EDRE.MC), it said in a post on social media platform X. The university said it would work with fund managers to manage its investments and ensure they comply with a United Nations list of companies involved in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

CWU slams looming takeover of Royal Mail by foreign investor EP Group
EP Group, owned by Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, is likely to take over the public service, which was privatised by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition between 2013-15. Communications Workers Union general secretary Dave Ward said the takeover was “a direct result of a failed and ideological privatisation over a decade ago mixed with the blatant mismanagement of the company in recent years.

Colombia’s government and ELN rebels sign first of six peace deals
The negotiations were frozen for months because the government agreed to hold parallel negotiations with the ELN’s dissident Comuneros del Sur division from the Nariño province. The talks were able to continue after the ELN’s central command agreed to allow the Nariño guerrillas to negotiate with the government as an independent guerrilla group.

US opens up banking to private Cuban businesses to boost small firms
One of the key changes would allow Cuban private business owners to open bank accounts in the US and then access them online once back in Cuba — something they couldn’t do previously. The US also is again allowing something called U-turn transactions, where money is transferred from one country to another but is routed through the US.

US files a labor complaint over claims that a Volkswagen plant in Mexico fired union activists
The complaint asked Mexico to investigate whether management at Volkswagen de México, S.A. de C.V. fired or took reprisals against workers “based on their service as union representatives, affiliation with prior union administrations, candidacy in union elections, or engagement in other union activities.”

Myanmar Junta Fires Key Economics Minister From Its Cabinet
The junta has fired Union Minister Aung Naing Oo, a former military officer, from its Cabinet. The notice terminating his employment was issued on Monday and signed by the State Administration Council (SAC) secretary Aung Lin Dwe. Using the standard military euphemism for “sacked,” it said the senior bureaucrat was allowed to “retire.”

China’s Xi Jinping issues call to arms: cultivate new sources of employment, quell ‘chaos’ in job market
In calling for “full, high-quality employment”, Xi explicitly addressed widespread complaints about illegal lay-offs by some companies, and he pointed to a mismatch between job supply and demand in some sectors, especially among youngsters.

World Health Assembly attempts to improve global readiness for pandemics
A bold project to adopt a pandemic “treaty” at this week’s World Health Assembly was shelved on Friday as more than two years of work ran into disagreements over sharing information about pathogens that cause pandemics and the technology used to fight them. Experts say the best chance now to address pandemics at the assembly will be proposed changes to the WHO’s International Health Regulations, which were set up in 2004.


I.R.S. Failed to Police Puerto Rico Tax Break, Whistle-Blower Says
Despite a high-profile campaign announced more than three years ago to unearth possible abuse, the agency has audited barely two dozen people and has collected back taxes from none, according to a letter that an agency insider wrote this year to lawmakers and that has been reviewed by The New York Times, as well as interviews with I.R.S. officials.

Mercedes Hired Squad Of Anti-Union Consultants To Combat Alabama Organizing
The filings show the automaker contracted with three consulting firms to bring on at least 11 “persuaders” to hold meetings with workers about the union ahead of an election. Employees at the Vance, Alabama, plant ultimately voted 2,045 to 2,642 against forming a union, a setback for the UAW as it tries to organize Southern auto facilities.

Starbucks is set to resume union negotiations as it confronts issues at its stores
Narasimhan, in prepared remarks to Wall Street analysts, cited some of the challenges that union workers have been highlighting in their bid for better working conditions “Specifically in our U.S. stores, we’re focused on creating a more stable environment for partners through investments in equipment innovation, process improvements, staffing, scheduling and waste reductio …"

Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm
More than 4 million chickens in Iowa will have to be killed after a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu was detected at a large egg farm, the state announced Tuesday. Crews are in the process of killing 4.2 million chickens after the disease was found at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa, making it the latest in a yearslong outbreak that now is affecting dairy cattle as well. Last week, the virus was confirmed at an egg farm west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, leading to the slaughter of nearly 1.4 million chickens.

'It's Officially Begun': AIPAC's Dark Money Super PAC Targets Cori Bush
A pro-Israel lobby group's super political action committee trying to unseat progressive members of Congress who condemn the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip is this week pouring over a quarter-million dollars into advertising against Rep. Cori Bush.

The US might restrict social media in prisons and inmates are worried: ‘I may lose my voice soon’
The government agency uses a tiered system of discipline, ranking violations committed in institutions nationwide by their security level: greatest, high, moderate and low. Inmates using social media or having families run their accounts have been proposed as “high” risk, putting them in the same category as violence, fighting, or damaging property.

Protesters block 101 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles
A group of protesters temporarily blocked the 101 Freeway in downtown LA near the Spring Street exit Monday afternoon.The demonstrators had initially gathered on surface streets near City Hall, but about two dozens of them moved over to the freeway overpass with some crossing the offramps on foot.


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Episode 382: Tribunal 2 (TrueAnon)
An interview with Coni Ledesma: former nun, member of Christians for National Liberation, and peace negotiator for the National Democratic Front living in exile in the Netherlands. We discuss her life and the political situation in the Philippines.

Workers in England and Sri Lanka unite against Asda
ON the 75th day of their strike, young women garment workers in Sri Lanka held a banner emblazoned, “Solidarity from the Sumithra strike to the Asda strike! United struggle across the Asda supply chain!” In their video message, one woman addresses Asda retail workers going on strike over 5,000 miles away in England, in the shops where the clothes they make are sold. Smiling, she says, “You are not alone.” Having braved months of their local bosses’ strikebreaking tactics, they sought to strengthen their fellow workers’ courage against their global bosses. In a heartfelt response, GMB national officer Nadine Houghton responded: “GMB’s Asda members fully support your struggle, and we will offer whatever solidarity we can.” These two strikes at either end of Asda’s supply chain are historic: workers have organised and held their ground against intimidation from bosses while supporting each other across the globe — teaching us an essential lesson about the power of global solidarity.

“Rafah is burning”: civilians massacred as IDF bombs refugee camp
In a rarer move, Netanyahu has issued a personal statement to Israel’s parliament, in which he called the bombing a “tragic mistake”, echoing the Army’s promise to investigate the incident. This stance from Netanyahu, who is typically unrepentant about Palestinian deaths, reflects the pressure of public opinion. It is a testament to the utter fury this latest atrocity has provoked, at a time when Israel’s crimes are ramping up pressure at home and abroad. As we wrote at the start of IDF operations in Rafah, Netanyahu’s considerations are primarily driven by domestic politics. He is facing growing frustration with the progress of the war, which has manifestly failed to destroy Hamas; and with the lack of any progress towards returning the Israeli hostages held by the organisation. Considering his position in the polls, and with the main opposition bloc around Benny Gantz threatening to move for an early election as soon as the war ends, Netanyahu knows that his future depends on dragging out the conflict. At the same time, his coalition government depends on the support of far-right ultra-Zionist thugs like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, who have made their intentions abundantly clear. They want a new Nakhba, with the total liquidation and/or expulsion of the Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territories. These extreme reactionaries have threatened to bring down Netanyahu’s administration and force new elections should any progress be made towards a lasting ceasefire. Moreover, Netanyahu is at the centre of several legal cases for corruption, which he can forestall as long as he remains in office. Therefore, he is adamant about prosecuting a full invasion of Rafah, and keeping the war going for as long as possible, with all the death and destruction this will entail. In other words, Netanyahu is purchasing a lifeline for his political career and personal freedom with the blood of thousands of innocent Palestinians.


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Thanks News Anon

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