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Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
The temperature was more than nine degrees higher than expected, the IMD said, and came on the second day of record-breaking heat. On Tuesday a high of 49.9C had been hit in Mungeshpur and Narela, breaking the 2002 record of 49.2C.

Farmers’ forum takes out protest march in Idukki seeking relief for cardamom sector
“The district faced severe drought, especially the cardamom sector. But Union government representatives are yet to visit the drought-hit areas in the district or announce any special package. A Central government team should visit the drought-hit areas in the district, declare Idukki drought-hit, and announce a special package for the district,” said Mr. Varghese.

Luxury influencers vanish from Chinese social media in wealth crackdown
China's internet watchdog in April launched the "Clear and Bright" campaign to remove undesirable content from social media, vowing to crack down on influencers who created "ostentatious personas to cater to vulgar needs, and deliberately display extravagant lifestyles filled with money".

Four Pakistanis killed, 2 injured by Iranian forces in southwestern Pakistan, officials say
The shooting took place near the Pakistan-Iran border, in Washuk District, confirmed Umar Jamali, additional deputy commissioner. Naeem Umrani, deputy commissioner Washuk, said an investigation is being initiated to determine the reason for the shooting.

Clashes erupt at Mexico City protest against Israel’s war on Gaza
About 200 people joined the “Urgent action for Rafah” demonstration outside the Israeli embassy on Tuesday. Confrontation with the police was sparked as some protesters sought to break down barriers preventing them from reaching the diplomatic mission.

Insurance company Sura withdraws from Colombia’s health system as government pushes for control
Thousands of complaints are filed each year by Colombians who argue insurance companies take too long to approve surgeries and other medical expenses, or sometimes even deny lifesaving treatments. Hospitals have also complained of growing debts owed to them by the insurance companies, which soared during the pandemic and currently stand at $1.5 billion.

Canada, Ontario in deal for affordable housing amid soaring home costs
Canada currently faces a housing affordability crisis with a growing population that is outpacing the number of available homes, increasing home prices and rents. Mortgage costs have also risen due to high inflation and interest rates. A C$6 billion Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund was launched by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in April to address the crisis.

Sudan general confirms Red Sea base deal with Russia, strengthens ties with Iran
Abdelrahman is the fourth SRCS volunteer killed in the line of duty over the last two months, and the second in just two days, bringing the global toll of Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers killed in the line of duty this year to 22.

Community Health Workers across South Africa mobilize ahead of election
Community Health Workers (CHWs) in South Africa are mobilizing to demand formal, stable employment. Throughout May, these workers and organizations supporting them have organized rallies in several regions, in an effort to secure guarantees from the government ahead of the May 29 election.

South Africa elections: voting under way amid grim national mood
Millions more South Africans now have access to quality housing with electricity and running water than in 1994 when the ANC came to power. But rising unemployment, along with corruption scandals and rolling power cuts that have lasted up to 10 hours a day in recent years, have contributed to a sense for many that the government no longer works for them. Even Mandela’s home village of Qunu in the rural Eastern Cape no longer has piped water.



In terms of a heated sexual encounter how hot is that?


>In terms of a heated sexual encounter how hot is that?
A rape, a murder and necrophilia.


EPA accused of ‘egregious’ misconduct in PFAS testing of pesticides
Documents obtained from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicate the agency may have presented false information to the public about testing for harmful contaminants in pesticides, according to allegations being made by a watchdog group and a former EPA research fellow.

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid
Stacy Gilbert, who served as a senior civilian-military advisor to the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), sent an email to staff saying she was resigning because she felt the State Department had made the wrong assessment, The Washington Post reported, citing officials who read the note.

Journalism groups sue Wisconsin Justice Department for names of every police officer in state
The Badger Project and the Invisible Institute filed the lawsuit last Thursday in Dane County Circuit Court after the Justice Department refused to release most of the data, citing officer safety and calling the request excessive.

Atlanta police surveil people opposing ‘Cop City’: ‘There’s this constant stalking feeling’
The surveillance in Georgia has included following people in cars, blasting sirens outside bedroom windows and shining headlights into houses at night, the Guardian has learned. While no arrests have been made, residents said they’re at a loss as to what legal protections of privacy and freedom from harassment are available to them. Chata Spikes, the Atlanta police spokesperson, did not respond to requests for comment.

New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances
A new Louisiana law will make it a crime to knowingly approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer while they are “engaged in law enforcement duties” and after the officer has ordered the person to stay back.

California city pays $900,000 settlement after forcing a man to confess to a crime that never happened
In his lawsuit against the city of Fontana, Thomas Perez Jr. names officers David Janusz, Jeremy Hale, Ronald Koval, Robert Miller and Joanna Piña as responsible for his mistreatment, as they denied him his medications and prevented him from sleeping. A federal district judge agreed with him, considering that any member of the jury could conclude that “unconstitutional psychological torture was inflicted on Perez.” The city of Fontana has not said whether the detectives have been suspended or remain part of the police force.


>Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
India's urban population is about half a billion.
Imagine all those people needing to migrate because the cities become unlivable.

Article updated. Now it says 52.9C (127.2F)


Gold rush: how the UAE fuels the war in Sudan
This is a story as old as the hills. An outsider turning two factions against each other and reaping the dividends of chaos. The UN said earlier this year that the “complex financial networks established by RSF before and during the war enabled it to acquire weapons, pay salaries, fund media campaigns, lobby and buy the support of other political and armed groups. But my well-placed source from within Sudan claims that despite the denials, it is common knowledge on the ground that the UAE is actually funding both sides in the conflict. Gold is smuggled out of Sudan and eventually finds its way to the UAE, from where it is sold on the global gold market. But it’s not just the UAE involved. The Wagner mercenary group is also taking its cut of the gold. The smuggled precious metal has become a crucial revenue stream to fund Wagner operations and contributed towards funding Russia’s war with Ukraine. In Sudan, gold smuggling via the UAE has made the RSF commander, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, one of Sudan’s — if not one of Africa’s — richest men.

SCOTUS Is Helping Corporations Dodge Consumer Liability
Georgia-Pacific and its Koch parent company are just one of several companies that are trying the two-step bankruptcy tactic. Sequestering the claims in bankruptcy court, which offers companies protections that the civil court system does not, allows otherwise thriving companies to offload their liability and avoid compensating victims. Other companies following suit include Trane Technologies and Saint-Gobain, two major manufacturing companies that both have asbestos liabilities, as well as Johnson & Johnson, a pharmaceutical company whose talc products, including its baby powder, contained asbestos for decades The Supreme Court’s decision in the Georgia-Pacific case comes at a critical moment for this legal strategy, as the courts decide whether to green-light the Texas two-step and let companies continue to use it to escape liability. “The courts are split as to whether this is going to be allowed,” said Joanne Doroshow, the executive director of the Center for Justice and Democracy, a legal group that advocates for consumers and victims seeking damages in court from companies like Georgia-Pacific.The Supreme Court is expected to soon issue a ruling in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma, a case involving Purdue Pharma, the company whose aggressive marketing of OxyContin and other narcotics accelerated the opioid epidemic. Purdue filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and has used bankruptcy court to shield its owners, the Sackler family, from any personal liability for the harms of the opioid crisis. The court’s decision in that case will have ramifications on Georgia-Pacific and the Texas two-step.

Georg Lukács. The fascist slogan “Liberalism = Marxism”
The internal contradiction of the class situation of fascism necessarily manifests itself in all its ideological and polemic positions. The fascists themselves feel this very strongly. In the great theoretical works this contradiction is covered with roundabouts, with “mythical” constructions of history, with eclectic philosophical sophistry, etc. But in propaganda literature, where one is serious and directly addresses the proletarian or proletarianized masses, is forced to look at them clearly. And indeed Goebbels in his pamphlet Der Nazi-Sozi (The Social Nazi), conceived in the form of a dialogue, formulates this contradiction as an objection to fascist propaganda in these terms: “This means, therefore, if I understand correctly: the NSDAP is a proletarian party with bourgeois leadership”. The rebuttal is obviously not as clear as the statement of the difficulty. Goebbels is forced to sidestep the question of the class content of fascism with completely empty phrases. “We are neither bourgeois nor proletarian. The concept of the bourgeois has died and that of the proletarian will never come back to life,” he writes in his reply and continues his “refutation” in the same style. These empty words are repeated in the most varied variations in all fascist writings. And it is understandable. Indeed, they state the central difficulty of fascist propaganda among the working masses. These masses, as a result of the growing crisis of the capitalist system, oppose capitalism in an increasingly energetic way. Fascism can only gain ground among the masses if it appeals to their anti-capitalist instincts (which do not yet mean conscious opposition to capitalism), if it stimulates them, develops them and makes them the basis of organization and action. But the entire fascist mass movement – whose mass base is precisely this instinctive anti-capitalism of the masses – is at the same time subservient to the interests of big capital. Fascism must therefore conduct its propaganda in such a way that the followers won on the basis of anti-capitalist mass sentiments are used in practice as safe supports of the capitalist system.


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Thanks News Anon



the pier broke after a short time but on the bright side for zionist's it gave them a pretext to raise some homes



Yeah, they need to deindustrialize Delhi because all that smoke is killing it


I remember 2 years ago I had almost 43°c and it was unbearable, 50 sounds like literal hell


That's like three vaginal sexes combined


boomers will say climate is false because they experienced 122F in Arizona in the 70s


>Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
This is not going to end well.


>Article updated. Now it says 52.9C (127.2F)


<boomers will say climate is false
People on this site are so fucking dumb you people legitimately make me depressed for the future of the left.


I once worked in a 49.5˚C (desert) environment. It was fucked.

I was kept being transported from point A to point B with an air-conditioned taxi and whenever I had to step outside the car the heat, I felt, literally "punched" my whole body.

Like, you can not even imagine. It's like going from "okay mode" to "you are being slammed by galactic forces mode."

Moving from a sauna to cold water doesn't even compare. First of all, that's planned, moreover, it is within range, and lastly, temporal. But moving out from a, say, 29˚C air-conditioned car to a 49.5˚C general environ – while wearing clothes – is like having your entire outer edifice (your skin) being hammered harder and harder, warmer and warmer, every minute. It's pretty fucking insane.

And as for such condition's socio-economic perspective, especially in third-world context:
>electricity consumption & bills go up, up, up (air conditioners for homes & businesses, refrigerators for restaurants, etc.)
>rotten food EVERYWHERE: stores, restaurants, etc.
>halting of production (in factories and farms) due to unbearable heat conditions
>a sense of "mediterranean off time" in small shops (p-bourg), where store owners (typically male) snooze while their employds' (or their wi[f/v]e[s]) serve the customers

It is truly fucked.


imagine a pussy 52.9C (127.2F) hot


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