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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Hello. Firstly, please forgive me. I am 26, but I am not very knowledgeable about leftism…
A friend has helped me out of a very dark place in my life, and I wish to know more about what they believe in. They are communist, but again. I was raised on 4chan and that capitalism is amazing. I have lurked here for a little under an hour and I am trying to get to grips with what the general consensus of this place is, but I am not sure of your ideology and I feel like an idiot, I keep having to Google theory and acronyms you use…
This is a roundabout way to say, I am not one of you, but I am eager to see what you believe in, where do I begin?
I picked the stalin flag as I know who he is.


If you’re American, which it sounds like you are, don’t bother with most “communist” organizations, they’re full of feds and have long since completely absorbed bourgeois decadence as a virtue. Unironically if you’re a communist in America then the most revolutionary organization you can join is ROCOR


Don't listen to the Deng beetles or the multipolar schizos. They will lead you astray from actual theory. If you want to understand what we're about from square one go read texts meant for beginners like Principles of Communism by Engels.


I think I am replying correctly, I am sorry I am not American, I am Irish/English.

Thank you, I think this is what you mean right?


Yes. After that there's a bunch of other intro texts if you want to learn more.


Thank you for being kind with me, do you have any other recomendations? This one seems easy to digest.


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>don't care about Actual Existing Socialist countries or countries challenging Westoid dominance
Don't listen to this type of baizuo take and join Jungle Gang.


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I'll try to be brief, OP. Pardon the reddit spacing, I'm just trying to make it modular and easy to digest.

Humans organize themselves in societies, which have modes of production, and they all come and go. Capitalism, which is a relatively recent mode of production, has outlived its usefulness for the majority of the human species and has now become a detriment to its well-being and a threat to long term survival. It's akin to cancer.

Radical Leftists–a group that includes Communists and Anarchists, but excludes Social-Democrats and Social Liberals–seek to terminate Capitalism, kinda like how Feudalism was abolished in the French Revolution. I'll focus on Communism as that's what you're curious about.

Capitalism has always had its critics, from the former nobility to the impoverished masses. Marx and Engels laid out books with analysis of Capitalism. The theory of surplus-value demonstrates that it is in the best material interests of the working class i.e. the overwhelming majority of the global population to take political and economic power away from the current ruling class (the bourgeoisie, the "elites", call them whatever you want), by force if necessary, as the interests of these two groups are mutually exclusive. Marx and Engels are to this day they are yet to be disproven in their most critical conclusions.

Inspired by their analysis, diverse groups across the globe have succeeded, to varying degrees, in taking power away from the bourgeoisie and establishing the working class's political control of the economy. Due to military and economic intervention from the bourgeoisie, some of these working class governments (which we call "socialist experiments") have either eroded completely or been subverted in some way.

We Communists seek to get ready to what is called a "revolutionary opportunity" as to lead the working class to seize political power in a moment of weakness in the current system. We do this by propagating the findings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and many others, which were slandered and obfuscated by the ruling class (as it is in their best interests that no ones reach the conclusions that Marx reached).

There's much more to it but that's the basics.


Thank you for this, you are a good teacher. May I ask you some questions? I think this place uses 4chan syntax but forgive me if I fuck it up.
> but excludes Social-Democrats and Social Liberals
Why are these people excluded?
>The theory of surplus-value
What is this?
>Inspired by their analysis, diverse groups across the globe have succeeded, to varying degrees, in taking power away from the bourgeoisie and establishing the working class's political control of the economy. Due to military and economic intervention from the bourgeoisie, some of these working class governments (which we call "socialist experiments") have either eroded completely or been subverted in some way.
I think you mean the Soviet Union and the fall of it, oh and China right? Are those the big ones of the socalist experiments you mentioned?
>revolutionary opportunity
If I remember correctly, this has to be world wide right? It can't just be one or two countries?
>slandered and obfuscated by the ruling class
I think this has happened to me, I only know Marx as a german who used his father and made theories, I owe it to my friend to break these conceptions and learn about what they belieive in.

>conclusions that Marx reached

What were these conclusions? I am happy to read marx but an intro would be greatly appreciated!

Again, thank you for being patient with me!


some basic marx:
>Wage Labor and Capital - about exploitation of workers
>Value, Price, and Profit - about capitalist macro-economics
These short pamphlets give a basic outline of the theory on how the economy works.
Also you can read Chapter 1 of Kapital. It's not very long but it's dense. Gives you an overview of the system.
>Critique of the Gotha Programme - how not to do socialism

some engels:
>Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy - short and easy despite the name, basic explainer of materialism and its development
>Socialism: Utopian and Scientific - pairs well with Gothakritik
>On Authority - Marxists' strongest criticism of anarchists

kropotkin (anarchism):
>The Conquest of Bread - we already make enough for everyone
>Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution - humans are naturally cooperative
These are books and a common entry point for baby leftists (whether or not they end up anarchists)


Got you OP.
>links anarchists
don't fall into anarchism, trust me, it'll just delay your turn to marxism


Ignore all Maoists; Confucianism is crap and has nothing to do with the West.


Thank you! I'll look into these when I can. Are you an anrchist by any chancw, also most of these are on the marxist internet archive that is really nice! I thought I would have to pay for all of this.

This is huge, 256 pages. Is there a short hand version of this? I like the colourful classics section however, are they any good?


>Why are these people excluded?
Social Democrats and Social Liberals are "progressive" and seek to improve things through incremental change within the boundaries of the current system.
It should be noted however that "social democrat" used to refer to the radical left, like back before the Russian Revolution. So if you see communists being referred to as "social democrats" back then, it's just a change in what the words mean. Today a social democrat is like Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn. They want to adjust the system with like more taxes on billionaires as opposed to getting rid of capitalism and billionaires.
>>The theory of surplus-value
>What is this?
In a nutshell, when capitalist production happens, the capitalist class (business owners) skim some money off the top of production. Some of this they keep for themselves, and some they re-invest into the business to make it grow. Importantly only they have control over it, to the exclusion of the workers whose labor actually produced the value.
>I think you mean the Soviet Union and the fall of it, oh and China right? Are those the big ones of the socalist experiments you mentioned?
Those are the big two, but there are many smaller ones: Cuba, North Korea, Burkina Faso, to name a few. There are also failed revolutions like the Spartacist uprising (Germany 1919).
>If I remember correctly, this has to be world wide right? It can't just be one or two countries?
Opinions differ but in general the wider in scope the better. Communism as an established system (vs the movement to get there) is supposed to be global.

>>conclusions that Marx reached

>What were these conclusions? I am happy to read marx but an intro would be greatly appreciated!
There are various specific ones but they all follow from his development of materialist philosophy. To quote Engels from Marx's graveside:
<Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore the production of the immediate material means, and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch, form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.
<But that is not all. Marx also discovered the special law of motion governing the present-day capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that this mode of production has created. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark.


>Are you an anrchist by any chancw
Yes but most of us broadly agree with a lot of marxist economic theory (which is a critique of capitalism and not a prescription for socialism). The primary dispute revolves around the role of the state in the process of revolution. There's a lot written on that, and it caused a major rift in the movement going back to the first international workingmen's association.
>also most of these are on the marxist internet archive that is really nice! I thought I would have to pay for all of this.
Yeah it doesn't help us to put these behind a paywall. A lot are old enough to have entered the public domain if they weren't to begin with. If you want physical copies then you will have to pay the publisher though.


it's simple. we want to abolish capital and reorganize industrial production to meet human needs and evolve into a stellar civilization where no human being ever goes hungry, homeless or unemployed again. you can choose between supporting glorious communist future or being a libtard/conservative endlessly lamenting the death of the west and how decadent capitalist society has become. The choice is yours.


Good post

Fascist cope


> but excludes Social-Democrats
Soccdems are famous backstabbers, see the SPD calling the Freikorps on the KPD in germany and the more recent move by Maduro against the PCV


>Fascist cope


>MLM calling anarchy a distraction

Combining Confucianism with communism is very stupid and the exact type of tailism of reactionary tendencies that Lenin warned against. China has plenty of philosophers, including ones much better suited to communism.


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Just take it slow. It is a daunting task, but good education is key to good practice.
Here's a link to their foundation series
Colorful classics
Also audio books of some of the works
But if it is too difficult at first, I suggest just learning the basics of Marxism Leninism
Below is a channel that does audiobooks and has a bunch of good starter playlists but is just ML not Maoist


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No problems. I thank you, OP, for being curious and open-minded. It's always my pleasure to have a good conversation.

>Why are these people excluded?

Social-Democrats and Social Liberals are progressive forces relative to Capitalism, but they seek to reform Capitalism instead of abolishing it, to ameliorate the conditions of the impoverished people instead of taking care of the root cause. Analyzing history, we see that reforming Capitalism steps on the toes of the bourgeoisie without really taking power away from them, so they react back with Neoliberalism or some flavor of Fascism. The Social-Democrats and Social Liberals are what we call the "Reformists" of the Left, distinct from the "Radicals" (Radical as in: going to the root of the issue).

>theory of the surplus value

This one might be hard to explain concisely, as it depends on a few theoretical building blocks, but you might be able to grasp it intuitively if you've ever been employed in a private enterprise.
Think about it: private enterprises raise profit, right? This profit is usually split between the stakeholders of said company. In contrast, the employees are paid fixed rates, regardless of how productive the enterprise was in a particular month or fiscal year.
This profit is what Marx calls "surplus-value". Now, where does this profit come from? Of course, if the company sells products to consumers, for example, they're taking in the consumer's money. But if that was the end of the story, the economy would be a zero-sum game where money simply circulates from one hand to another, wouldn't it? And we would still be in the same stage of technological development of the 17th century.
What Marx (and many before him, such as Smith and Ricardo) propose is that these products can be represented by "value", and that this "value" is an abstraction of the amount of human work put into the manufacture of that product (plus natural resources used in its production). In sum, the enterprise could only raise a profit because you and your colleagues invested hours of physical and/or intellectual work into that product.
Now think about how much the enterprise pays you to work for the stakeholders. They pay it out of the revenue the company raised in said year, right? So we can conclude that you yourself generated the "value" in your monthly wage by investing your work on it.
Marx calls "surplus-value" the amount of "value" (expressed in, for example, money) of the enterprise's revenue that doesn't compose the working expenses. He proposes that this profit that the stakeholders put into their pockets, without you having a say on it, was actually generated by you and your colleagues, since you were the ones who put in hours of work into the manufacture of that product. That is "surplus-value", it's value generated by human labor that, in Capitalism, doesn't go to the workers.
This doesn't mean, of course, that every worker should split the revenue equally into wages, because the enterprise still necessitates manteinance of equipment, investment to grow further etc. What Marx proposes is that this value should be democratically managed by the workers instead of put into the pockets of people who didn't work, but rather simply had "the right to own the tools", which is simply parasitic.
I don't know if I did a good job explaining it, but that's the gist of it. Though there's much more, it's quite robust of a theory: you can learn the details across the lengthy collection of books called "Das kapital", or tidbits of it in shorter works.

>I think you mean the Soviet Union and the fall of it, oh and China right? Are those the big ones of the socalist experiments you mentioned?

Correct, but many others too. Did you know that Mongolia was once a socialist State? So was East Germany, and Paris at the time of the Paris Commune. These are big examples. There were small scale insurrections, guerrillas and revolutions across all continents of the world. There's a post that compiles them neatly, I'll see if I can find it for you.
Nowadays, Communists agree that the following governments count as currently existing socialist experiments:
>DPRK (colloquially known as North Korea)
The categorization of China is still heavily debated among Communists. It undoubtedly had a socialist revolution under Mao Zedong, but it suffered from aggressive counterreforms in the Deng Xiaoping era. Nowadays, China is leaning back into state ownership of important sectors and public services accessible to the population. But it still has billionaires, private schools, expensive medical bills (not as much as in the West but still), abusive work hours. In sum, the commodity mode of production is still strong in China, but the ruling party is internally disputed between the working class and the national bourgeoisie. And don't get me wrong, they're a far cry from Western propaganda, but it's no paradise either and they have a lot to catch up on. Because of said discussions, China could be considered Capitalist or Socialist depending on who you ask. I personally consider China "Revisionist Socialism".

>If I remember correctly, [revolution] has to be world wide right? It can't just be one or two countries?

It can for a brief amount of time, but it has to either destroy or outlive Capitalism while under military and economic threat of destruction by Capitalist countries. The USSR lived what some call "war communism" because they had to develop a strong military industry as to defend themselves against bourgeois States. Stalin's strategy was to "export revolution" by aiding communist insurgencies in other countries. Contemporary China's strategy, on the other hand, seems to be to wait for the USA to shit the bed while growing its own geopolitical influence to the point the rest of the world will depend on the Chinese industry to exist.
Capitalism and Socialism are oil and water, and Communism is what we call a mode of production where Socialism doesn't have to defend itself against Capitalism; so while both exist, one of them will devour the other.

>I think this has happened to me, I only know Marx as a german who used his father and made theories, I owe it to my friend to break these conceptions and learn about what they belieive in.

It happens to everyone to varying degrees, but material conditions are often stronger than ideology, and luckily Communism as a school of thought and political praxis doesn't need to rely on moralism. It's in the best material interests of the working class, and that's what makes it so resilient against bourgeois propaganda.

>What were these conclusions? I am happy to read marx but an intro would be greatly appreciated!

That Capitalism can only function as long as the workers allow it. Profit can't be raised without human labor, so if the human majority turns against its rulers, it's over for them.

Many in this thread have recommended books. I personally started with Engels' basic principles, but the Manifesto is fine as well. If you still want to talk, I'll keep watching this thread closely.


Very solid list. I agree.


OP, ignore anybody saying there is one true golden path to communism. The situation in different places and times is going to demand different approaches. There are a lot socialist groups that are functionally cults, promising that their one true praxis will get us to communism… eventually.


>what is communism ?
<sectarian infighting
amusing in a depressing way


OP asked for a real answer and we deliver.


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>I have lurked here for a little under an hour and I am trying to get to grips with what the general consensus of this place is
This isnt a great place to understand communism, and hasnt been for some years.

>This is a roundabout way to say, I am not one of you, but I am eager to see what you believe in, where do I begin?

Understanding communism as an ideology has several components, but it starts with disproving of the capitalist ideology and ideas we've been thought, and formulating the basic critiques of capitalism as an economic system. As you're familiar with the pipeline concept, I won't pretend I will show you anything else. Being a marxist, being a communist, is basically being on a seperate plane. 90% of the things liberals and conservatives think are true, are not, and not in the conspiracy lizard way, but inane things like how supply and demand graphs are unscientific mumbo jumbo, how fascism and world war two isnt just good vs evil, how values and culture isnt universal, how your rights don't actually exist, etc. Its a fundamentally different way to understand the world, in our opinion, a more correct way.

If you're still fully capitalism pilled, I would recommend with something simple and entry level that adresses some basic preconceptions you might have. The channel Second Thought is very good this. https://www.youtube.com/@SecondThought
Additionally, this video is one of the better videos in my opinion on why mainstream conceptions of politics are bad from a marxist perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nPVkpWMH9k

Its going to be difficult in being curious about the economic or more in depth political aspects of communism, and lots of them seem insane if you operate from a liberal framework of how the world workd (conservatives are economically liberal, or rather, both are bourgoies), but make perfect sense from a marxist perspective. That said, if you're interested, some economic focussed channels might be interesting
Something focusses on people new to the concepts, such as the lectures by Richard Wolff, are a good place to start https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Whccunka4
A shorter one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENn8sQ6eFek

Everything after that is up to you, you can dive into the economic side of Marx, starting with books such as Wage labour and capital, or any of the video series about it. There used to be a great one on youtube but I cant find it. Or you can dive into geopolitics, imperialism, how all that works.

If you're curious about current geopolitical events from a marxist perspective, I can highly recommend these two documentaries from Prolekult:
History is Marching, a 5 year old documentary on the developing tensions globally, why certain developments, crisis, tensions, proxy wars and conflicts between economics blocks seem to take place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S-CwVJxxug
For Peace, on the war in Ukraine, a one year old documentary on why the war in ukraine is occurring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqVDLK1ROSk

If you want to dive into a full history of class and society from a marxist perspective, besides the books, video series such as these are pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mQZjwb9890&list=PLbnLysSug0vQo-Dyr0gYfNiJhhEs2Hmdm


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Tbh, OP. Read texts from every tendency. Whatever seems interesting to you. Denominational Marxism went the way of the dinosaur in the 20th century. As for the texts themselves, it usually helps to have the historical context of when and where they were written.


Go to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and look at the entries on Marx, Gramsci, Foucault, Hegel, Fanon and Anarchism etc. and ignore what the sectarian psychos here say. They will beat you over the head with lies and try to convert you to their beliefs, most of which they don't understand themselves because they are illiterate apes who can't read and get their opinions from youtubers.


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>Read texts from every tendency. Whatever seems interesting to you.
Unfathomably stupid. Whatever you do OP, do not do this.
>Marx, Gramsci, Foucault, Hegel, Fanon and Anarchism
This is like saying in order to learn how to drive one must learn how to start the engine, drift, sky dive, change the radiator, pit maneuver, and plant a tomato garden. In that order.


I appreciate the answers here, It sounds stupid but thank you for giving examples of people I would know.

I appreciate the quote, so Engales thought that Marx discovered the relationship of people and working, rather than made it?

Maduro against the PCV
What is this and what happened?

Thank you for the YT Link, I'll watch this when I get time, I appreciate that.

>Neoliberalism or some flavor of Fascism
Is this all facisim was Italy and Germant a reaction to a reformation of capitalisim?

You did a good job, do basically workers should see the fruits of their labour to a more equal degree, not rely on shitty wages for what they do? Is this correct? Also, is this not stating that if a company does bad your wages will also suffer? sort of like a survival of the fittest or am I getting that wrong?

>Mongolia was once a socialist State?

No actually, I have never heard of it being socalist… at the risk of sounding silly you don't mean the golden horde do you?


The media says NK is a totalitarian nightmare ran by a meglomaniac, but I am not sure if this is correct or I am being brainwashed.

>China is "Revisionist Socialism".

Is this socalsim with amny of the bad parts of capitalisim?

>so while both exist, one of them will devour the other.

You described them as oil and water, is it the natural for Cap socieities and Soc socieities to fight, is there no chance at coexsistance?

I am happy to keep talking, this is alot to take in, my friend is 25 and has had years to learn this, I have had only a week and it is very complex.

Can I ask eveyone in the thread why you want to see capitalisim replaced? My friend is highly empathetic and cares about all of the downtrouded of society hence them helping me, I am starting to agree with them as time goes on, are you all the same or is it something more?


We don't want a repeat of OldBO's purges. Even if there's a genuinely problematic ideology, there's a tendency with moderation to hit stuff outside of what's intended. Dengists, multipolaroids, and patsocs are not unlike the /pol/ users who used to hang out back when /leftypol/ was on 8chan. They are useful as a counterweight against which we can argue

>don't listen to sectarians
>read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
No, do not go to bourgeois sources to understand communism. They have an incentive to bullshit you.

>>Read texts from every tendency. Whatever seems interesting to you.
>Unfathomably stupid. Whatever you do OP, do not do this.
OP you should read from various sources, but not just whatever catches your interests. Read opposing views on things to understand what the disagreement is. This is particularly important because a lot of writers have a bad habit of lying about what their opponents say (almost all of them do this). You absolutely should try to understand what your opponents actually think.


>You described them as oil and water, is it the natural for Cap socieities and Soc socieities to fight, is there no chance at coexsistance?
Very simply put, capitalist societies cannot let socialist societies exist in peace for two reasons:
1. Their example inspires revolt against capitalism inside the capitalist societies
2. Capitalism needs to expand its markets eternally, and gets into crisis and conflict with everyone else if there is no more room to do so. A socialist or communist society is a country full of things which can be privatized and exploited for profit. Capitalist countries also attack other capitalist countries for the same reason, to get their markets, but combined with reason 1 it leads to all the capitalist countries in the world colluding against the socialist power since its a common enemy.


>multipolarity bullshit is being pushed by BRICS paid actors into the online left movement
>the people putting their all into defending it on here are openly chinese citizens posting from their own country to defend their own country using the official state line
wtf is this straight up glowing shit you lying bitch ? you're the one I'd accuse of being a "paid actor" if I didnt knew the profound retardation of the morons pushing the antimultipolarity bs


>I appreciate the quote, so Engales thought that Marx discovered the relationship of people and working, rather than made it?
I think Engels puts it best that Marx discovered the "laws of motion" of history and society, or maybe more accurately he discovered that you could understand these things scientifically. Before that, people though society was moved by big smart guys with big smart ideas, independently of the logistics required to make things happen.

>do basically workers should see the fruits of their labour to a more equal degree, not rely on shitty wages for what they do?

The wage system should be abolished. Instead we want the workers to control the whole process (maybe through some larger organization) and determine how much value they get vs how much gets put towards things like the social funds for public works or reinvested into production to expand it. "More equal distribution" could be anything from liberal democrat policies of raising wages to utopian socialism with a simplistic idea that workers are entitled to the exact share they produce.

>No actually, I have never heard of it being socalist… at the risk of sounding silly you don't mean the golden horde do you?

Some people would argue this, but it was a socialist republic from 1924-1992.
>The media says NK is a totalitarian nightmare ran by a meglomaniac, but I am not sure if this is correct or I am being brainwashed.
The DPRK is not a paradise and its government probably does some bad things, but the conditions of that country is 99% a product of being treated as a pariah state for being communist. They are cut off from most of the world for trade and the US tried to bomb them back to the stone age during the war.
>Is this socalsim with amny of the bad parts of capitalisim?
Revisionism is when a socialist experiment walks back on socialist gains and/or stop struggling to make further socialist gains. In a transition out of capitalism there will inevitably be some of the bad parts of capitalism. The problem is when you stop trying to overcome those and instead embrace them and integrate them into your system. China is an example of this because of how it liberalized and opened trade with the west to produce lots of consumer goods, and also many would argue from the start since they were always including their national capitalists and small capitalists as part of the revolution.

>Is this socalsim with amny of the bad parts of capitalisim?

Capitalism by nature will expand to take over everything. It can't co-exist with any other system, especially not socialism which actually poses a threat to it.


I would recommend Hudson's work Super Imperialism (2021)Strategy of American Empire.
It's very detailed but gives a good overview of the current biggest issue on the international level that needs to be resolved.

Cockshott's work is also great and very up to date, here's a video that gives much of what Hudson's book is about in more brief.


> you're the one I'd accuse of being a "paid actor" if I didnt knew the profound retardation of the morons pushing the antimultipolarity bs
Pay closer attention. The ones defending russia to the death use weird lingo nobody except russian state media publications use, calling ukraine "banditry" or some shit instead of just calling them nazis, same with china, if you keep pushing they just fall back to saying "china is good because it develops industry for china, it does not need to help anyone else, especially communists, and if you say they should, youre racist".
People like the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin litterally work for russian state media, the entire clique pushing it online either directly work for or is funded by BRICS agencies, they have tried to set up parties with the explicit purpose of having a "communist" movement of international endorse their military imperialist actions as pro-worker and they have people on here pushing those lines to spread its influence. Its clear as day.


I dont understand why calling out people openly working for BRICS state media, or working closely with them with undisclosed anonymous funding, is controversial, then rightfully calling out people like Agent Kochinski as fed funded and having family connections in the CIA is fine.


Is Agent K in the thread with us right now?


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>Is this socalsim with amny of the bad parts of capitalisim?

China is a capitalist country with certain areas of socialist systems still baked in. The reforms mentioned, were not only reforms they reintroduced capitalism within China halting all socialist progress. This has been the case for decades. The entire understanding of "AES" nations is more advanced stuff, idk why the anon brought this up because it sets a biased precedent about these so-called "socialist" nations. Don't go into this all with the mindset that there are any socialist nations (past or present), it may sound weird at first but trust me, (having a critical eye to most things will help), understand the basics first (which is a lot), then understand the history (do not stint on the failures of socialist projects and revisionism as well) and the application of the theory, then apply what you learned to what you are being shown or told about the current world situation. If you studied and understood the theory and history, you should have no problem understanding which nations were/is socialist and which were/are not.
OP, I suggest laying off on all the geopol stuff until you have a good grasp of the fundamentals and basics. A lot of ppl like throw around geopol shit like "multipolarity" and growth charts (oddly omitting a lot context). Just learn the basics first and have a critical eye to everything.


>Is Agent K in the thread with us right now?
Luckily not but he is very present online.



The best point of departure is of course the Communist Manifesto, necessary to set the stage and motivate all the action that followed. Of special note, Chapter 3 is a field guide to heretofore existing and therefore defective communisms, which you can use as a bingo card or a list of red flags.

Minority opinion here but after the Manifesto I'd start Marx's Grundrisse. The Introduction will give you a much better, rounder perspective on Marx's method and understanding of the world than any other 40 pages written since. Keeping in mind that Grundrisse is a rough, unpublished work only translated into English in 1973, it charges into the weeds of 19th century political economy, frequently taking insightful detours into the history and science of the time and tying it back into production. It's okay if you lose interest in it at some point and embark on a more traditional socialist reading list, because you will have developed resistance to some common misinterpretations of Marx's theories and doctrines, as well as a better sense of what history is and how it can be steered.



>the multipolarity bullshit is being pushed by BRICS paid actors into the online left movement
let me guess: no proofs?


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Manifesto is iconic but not representative of Marx's more developed ideas. It's from "young Marx" and was written under the impression that the revolution was imminent. It's a good read and important to understanding Marx but probably confusing for a first timer.


Chapter 3 is still very useful for pointing out reactionary socialisms such as patsocs, fabians, religious integralists, and "true" socialists.
Someone who doesn't read the Manifesto won't have any sort of visceral understanding of what all the subsequent hubbub was about. Are you one of those people who think Marxism is about perfecting bourgeois economics?


im surprised he didn't say to give it to CPI or Life Builder Ministries


this guy is a literal nobody, have you seen the engagement he gets on twitter and youtube?
80% of his views come from /isg/tards keeping this e-beggar alive


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Something came up so I can't answer everything now, I'll check in later.
>Can I ask eveyone in the thread why you want to see capitalisim replaced?
Some do it because it's in their material interests, other do it out of solidarity. As for me, personally, I'm just baffled by how inefficient Capitalism is at managing society's resources. The USSR went from a broke semifeudal shithole to sending man to space in the span of very few decades. We could've had much better scientific development today if Socialism had won back in the 20th century. It's objectively the better system in a pure logistics standpoint, there's plenty of Western studies that even admit to this.

Anyway, please enjoy your stay at Leftypol. There's a lot of shitposting but it's fun nonetheless and you might pick up on a thing of two. I'll be back in a few hours.


>this guy is a literal nobody, have you seen the engagement he gets on twitter and youtube?
This "nobody" is flush in cash and has, together with his much more media savvy clique, attempted to set up a completely new communist tendency in support of anything brics does, almost succesfully.
His clique is way more visible as "communists" in both the online sphere as well as the mainstream media than any actual communist orgs, for that reason.


>This "nobody" is flush in cash
[citation needed]
>attempted to set up a completely new communist tendency in support of anything brics does, almost succesfully.
wow he almost successfully started a new communist tendency? interesting, what the fuck does that even mean though?
a book club? a fbi.gov server? literally who gives a fuck about this guy other than mentally ill /isg/tards like you? he's irrelevant, kys


>Can I ask eveyone in the thread why you want to see capitalisim replaced?
I would like my future children and the rest of humanity to not live in a war torn future with once-in-a-lifetime crises, wars or genocides every 4 years, having to grind a meaningless 9 to 5 with no security for the future, all to pump up stock prices.
I would like my future children not to have to worry about war. Not to have to worry about having a house like I do. Not to have to worry about having a job. Not being set up against everyone else. Not isolated and alienated from their society, depressed and alone. I want to have a job where I dont have to distrust everything my boss says, and not to have to do office politics to keep my job. I would like the third world to have the same wealth I do and then some, so they don't have to uproot in the millions and move into poverty here, so I can come to their countries on holiday and have a beer with them, so I can see the cultural art of Africa, of Asia, of South America, of Russia, instead of just american military propaganda films and some token japanese korean and european dramas.

Current society is shit, you can feel it in the fibre of your soul. Humans aren't meant to live like this, humans arent made to work repetitive jobs 9 to 5 with no agency just so they can go home and go straight to sleep after cooking and half cleaning their small room. The economy is getting worse and worse every year for working people.

We need something different than capitalism. Social democracy was destroyed because it never wanted to put up a fight. Fascism just led to sending millions of young boys into their death for the profits of the steel industries in the 12 years it existed. Communism took 2 dirt poor shitholes, the Rusian empire and China, and launched their into being world powers, where people had homes, you paid 10% max on food and rent, people had security, everyone got to go to school, we put people into space and forced the capitalists to compete with the workers states in flexing being the highest expression of humanity.


Read Mao, Deng, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Nick Land, Ted Kaczyinski, Splatoon wiki, Warhammer 40k wiki.

I'm serious.


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choose wisely, OP


Watch this


Me on the left


me on the right


no uygha


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>Average leftypoler



plot twist, the right column is just what happens between panel 1 and 2 for the guy in the left column


on the left, no passion, only book worship.
on the right, all passion, no knowledge.
the one on the right will always be the one to bring the revolution, even if flawed, on the left will never bring a revolution, at best being mentors when it happens, but never amount to nothing in the beginning.
choose your class wisely.


devilishly dialectical


Your'e totally right, look at Pol Pot, he said he didn't understand Marx but he really liked Stalin and Mao and look at what he achieved. Clearly we need more silly imbeciles leading the revolution.


neither of them bring revolution. for all of his other flaws the idea that pol pot would've dedicated himself to defending stalin on twitter is risible. in the internet age these are two sides of the same coin - neither of these people does anything meaningful in practice. at their apex, the right side will form a LARP party that puts out statements and adopts policy positions even though, if you really pressed them, they couldn't set up a disco night let alone a state. if revolutionary circumstances arose such people would immediately be swept away by someone of higher organizational skill. gangsters who simply happen to grab the hammer and sickle to make a play for Chinese approval for their theft of the state have better odds of forming the vanguard than those who LARP (or even just RP…) the USSR. but then a criminal gang is an organization with a purpose, it makes sense that they would be capable of taking action - 99% of parties are purposeless.

this is the bleak reality and it's not something anyone wants to tackle. pick between the left and the right image, choose your character, you don't want to suffer the fate of the one lunatic who is aware this is all farce, that organizing people to take action for a purpose - any purpose - is difficult, thankless work, that current organizational forms all but guarantee their failure to deliver on their purported goals, and that since nobody is working seriously at these problems any other matter we discuss is purely academic.


>I have lurked here for a little under an hour and I am trying to get to grips with what the general consensus of this place is, but I am not sure of your ideology
This is a place of many ideologies, as is communism itself. The differences between a Stalinist (aka. 'Marxist-Leninist', not to be confused with Leninists!), a Trotskyist, a democratic socialist (not to be confused with a social democrat!!) and an anarcho-communist are huge.
The point is, there is very little consensus, well, beyond that we all hate capitalism and want to have workers themselves, rather than the owning class, deciding the direction of the economy and society. Most of our other positions stem from figuring out how to get there, based on material conditions we face (e.g. you in your country face a different situation to me in my country, and that affects what ideologies we will form).
Protip: avoid thinking about things in terms of 'left' and 'right', as many try to do. For example, the Labour Party are ultimately a capitalist group. Maybe the /britpol/ thread will have some especially relevant discussion to you. Also, forget US terms that you would have picked up on 4chan like 'libertarian' (the academic/historic term for them is Classical Liberal, hence their whole liberty ideal. The term 'libertarian' was initially used by anarchist socialists, for extra confusion!) and 'liberal' (both progressive liberals, aka 'muh liberals' and conservative liberals, aka TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS, are both liberals in the academic sense. Wikipedia's page on Liberalism has an ok crash-course to clarify what I'm talking about)

oh, and don't conflate the many online losers here with the actual on-the-ground labour movement! not to say everyone here is an online loser, surprisingly far from it, but they screech the loudest.

>I think I am replying correctly, I am sorry I am not American, I am Irish/English.
Then why aren't you using the best flag? flag related

you can actually learn a lot of breadth just by seeing all the flags and reading into them.


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huh, image didn't attach. trying again


>communism is just neoliberalism
Every single time


>I appreciate the answers here, It sounds stupid but thank you for giving examples of people I would know.
That's not stupid at all: that's just good communication! The socialist movement (especially students and online people) sometimes has a problem with some people being too abstract and academic so I'm glad to see they didn't do that. Socialism isn't supposed to be about ideals, it's about helping real workers understand and begin fixing the real material conditions that they live in.


how does the image imply that


>socialists want high social mobility
>equality of opportunity
>promotion of self-interest rather than class interest
>supporting the wage system
>Puritan workism
You should feel bad for wanting any of that


ehhh I mean I guess I agree with you that socialism shouldn't be a meritocracy but that's hardly 'neoliberalism'.


>Can I ask eveyone in the thread why you want to see capitalisim replaced? My friend is highly empathetic and cares about all of the downtrouded of society hence them helping me, I am starting to agree with them as time goes on, are you all the same or is it something more?
I am actually in the top 10% of income earners in my Western country. But even then, I consider this within my personal interest (not to say I don't have solidarity with others as a motivation either! but my point is, even if I didn't, my self-interest alone is enough for me to be a socialist).

I look around and I see a society driven by the chaotic thirst for profit.
Many of us have jobs which don't actually work to improve our lives, we just do them for someone else's money so that we don't starve. Lots of things which are being manufactured are basically a scam, like plastic trinkets and ads to put in people's faces.
So often, the right thing to do is thrown out the window over making more money. And this isn't (always) a moral flaw; if you don't then your competitor will and you will be forced out of business. It's a systematic problem and it's why ethical promises and non-profits aren't enough to fix it.
Then there's artificial scarcity, like medical patents of life-saving medicines (famously insulin and HIV medication, but also various heart meds rising 800% in price), and edible food being thrown out and even guarded in dumpsters to avoid desperate people eating for free, but also information and media in general. This also shifts art into an industrial vapid mess: George Lucas famously said in an interview you can find easily on YouTube that while the USSR was very strict on artists critisizing the state government, their artists ultimately had more freedom in all other places because they weren't forced by publishers to make a profitable product.
News and mass media are profit-driven and pressured to be appealing for advertisers to buy (biasing their content in the advertisers' favour) or otherwise literally owned by billionaires who give their own biases. In a nutshell, money owns the media. [for more info, I highly recommend reading the book attached, even if you skim it's a good read which explains the systematic reasons why, even without conspiracy, the media is positioned to be controlled by the owning class]
Then there's overproduction of goods, leading to huge wastage of resources. To oversimplify, if there are 100 people who want 1L of milk and 5 companies selling it, they will each try to sell to all the 100 people for maximum profit and make 500 L of milk, 400 will probably be thrown out. This is on a mass scale.
Those are just off the top of my head, there are honestly too many effects of capitalist social structure to list in a post. It's a profound issue and, due to avoidable factors of climate change, probably an existential threat to humanity.

Ultimately, the mega-rich are too powerful to let politicians gradually reform this, and capitalism systematically rewards this horrible behaviour and penalizes social behaviour. Look at how the Nordic countries haven't managed to reform capitalism in a meaningful way, despite a few wins.


hello anon, if you're still reading, don't mind the splitters too much, they just like to argue, I would personally recommend reading Manufacturing Consent and The Communist Manifesto as your beginner books.


Go to a board called /edu/ and look for a thread called "The ultimate starter pack". Read the posts in there and see if any book interests you.


>The media says NK is a totalitarian nightmare ran by a meglomaniac, but I am not sure if this is correct or I am being brainwashed.
It's got issues, there's no denying that. And it's ideologically shifted over time (I don't know if their state ideology is officially Marxist or communist any more). But there is also a lot of propaganda and lack of context in understanding how it became the way it is (like someone said, the Korean War is a massive factor - Wikipedia notes an estimated 85% of buildings were destroyed including almost all cities and towns).

Then there is the mass media crap which I think is fair to say is brainwash. Grifters like Yeonmi Park make up ludicrous statements like electricity is so unreliable that passengers have to 'push the train to work'. Other stories in the media say the dictator banned ice-cream and everyone has to have certain haircuts (easily disproven). It becomes hard to tell what is true, when choosing between each side's propaganda and some grifters. Probably the closest to reliable sources of truth are tourists taking videos.

Take pic5 with a big grain of salt, but it points out some of the hypocrisy in people calling it an undemocratic dictatorship. I do think the idolization of their leaders is crappy and over the top, but we also see that idolization in places like America when you remember the Founding Fathers like Washington are basically the equivalent to Kim Il Sung.


oh, since OP is from 4chan, I'll clarify that I uploaded a full PDF copy of the book, not a picture of the cover


actually armchairs admire and kneel to pol pot for abolishing wage labor and commodity production and recognize him as a true and authentic revolutionary


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more pot, less pol


Hello again eveyone.

I have come back to say thank you for the help. I've been reading and watching as much as my autistic brain will let me about leftisim and communisim. I was worried you would all call me a uyghur or similar for asking, but you have all shown nothing but kindness and compassion.

I think I was wrong about alot of leftists. I grew up on 4chan and was told that you all hate me and will attack me, but you and my friend have shown that… Perhaps you aren't as bad as I was led to believe.

I am going to try and look into some of the recomendations you have all posted, when I get time, but again. Thank you for being kind to me!


pace yourself.
better to go slowly and carefully so you understand things than to try to speedrun it.



>I grew up on 4chan and was told that you all hate me and will attack me
the left's theory on the right wing is pretty much that it's the ideology for a few people with all the wealth and can only really spread to the masses by being dishonest.
Pretty sure you wouldn't fight for some tiny group of people to hold all the power while you're stuck in dirt.
Like >>1871830 says, don't rush things. Try to make friends (probably better in other places but still)


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>I was worried you would all call me a uyghur or similar
Anon thinks we're Han chauvinists! :^)

Glad the crowd of eager comrades didn't scare you off with a flood of pamphlets.
As for 4chan (let's face it; since 2014 it's a /pol/ centric site, even on the hobby boards), /pol/ see ghosts everywhere, they think we're the opposite of all their culture issues because most of them haven't even raided the place let alone had a conversation. They basically just read and repost obvious false flags (laughably stupid stuff like 'hey im a black jewish trans cultural marxist satanic lesbian and i cried when pol called me a jewish nigger so lets psyop all the 4chan.org boards') and then believe we're behind all the posts they don't like on 4chan. It's only half way through the day and we've already been mentioned on the site 13 times, according to the 4plebs archive. It's actually pretty funny. Some of them are obsessed with us and they don't even know what we believe. So yeah, they think we just screech about kill whitey males i guess.

Thanks for coming here in good faith to ask, listen and understand. A lot of our other visitors just come to 'debate' (read: argue with fingers in ears) then leave an hour later when it turns out we don't actually believe in whatever they were told loony lefties all believed in.


whenever a /pol/ poster comes to drive by CP appears in Siberia. no coincidence


I mean I don't like Maupin but he's absolutely right in that case. CIA fronts like the NED and other American NGOs have absolutely been breeding terror in Ukraine on the pretense of helping them. In particular they fomented the civil war that started in 2014 and lobbied for further privatization of Ukrainian farmland.


Second pic always cracks me up lmao


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if it's that regular spam with link text in it, then yes, it is a coincidence. that said, in the 2021 raids there was a /pol/ raider who bought VPSs to spam CSAM on the site until the cloud company's ASN was blocked


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Thank you for this… I want to ask, do you all dislike most of the west?

Thank you <3

I was told many leftis, are academic. I am a Ph.D student so I don't mind, I am a bit of an autistic twat, so I thought I'd say something that would cause people to hate me. 4chan has went down in quality, but… Its my home, since I was 13. I can't abandon someone that is so intergral to me…

Can I ask something, what are you all like irl? Do you just work normal jobs and not tell anyone you're a leftist?


> am a Ph.D student


>Do you just work normal jobs

>and not tell anyone you're a leftist?

no ? why would we do that ?


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> I want to ask, do you all dislike most of the west?
As a geopolitical sphere of influence, sure. Otherwise, it's whatever. I don't have any hatred for working people, all cultures have their strengths and faults.

>Can I ask something, what are you all like irl? Do you just work normal jobs and not tell anyone you're a leftist?

I'm a comp sci student and work in what we call "scientific initiation" (I get to help a professor in their research). I'm currently applying for internships as well. I'm also member of a communist organization, and I prefer not to throw this information around for a number of reasons, including safety. People do know I'm left leaning though: I describe myself as a Marxist pretty openly when prompted, and others see no issue with that since I'm regarded as intelligent, honest, and well-intentioned by my friends, peers and acquaintances; and it helps that I have pretty good rhetoric when provoked.
As for my social life, it's normal. I'm a huge nerd as is everyone in imageboards, but people see no issue with that either, I have good company.


Basically, capitalism was useful for getting out of feudalism, but it has overstayed its usefulness and now we have people deliberately restricting growth in the interest of serving their own private profit interests and they can do this because they own the means of production, giving them all the power. This is why the wealthiest country on Earth can have people going hungry or enslaving people to debt as the tech bros, CEOs and bankers get bailout after bailout and parachutes and ect ect ect.

Communism is a steady process and is the name of the idealistic outcome and considered by Marx & Engels as the next stage of human development that's focused on growth, production, technological advancement and so on. An example of why Capitalism fails at this is America forgetting how to make boats or their total failure in the green energy sector because they're busy funneling money into Musk so he can make bad cars for rich people. Some socialist countries will have elements of capitalism in it, like the USSR did under Lenin, because it's a process. There is no communist country, they are BUILDING communism. The most important method for this is the dictatorship of the proletariate, where the proletariate class get the power to rip industry from the interests of private profits and then can focus on production, production, production. Like how China basically produces the entire world's steel.

Read Principles of Communism first and then go from there. Eventually read the State and Revolution to understand the USSR better.

One last thing, most of your anti-communist thoughts most likely come from "it's always failed" but that's propaganda. If you look at the economic development, socialism uplifted 10s of millions of people in an extremely short amount of time. The USSR took 30 years to become the second largest superpower in the world. It took America 200. There have been mistakes, this is a dumb argument because every country makes mistakes, but objectively speaking, it's successful and it's just restrained under the threat of bombings and sanctions from liberal countries.

Also Anarchists are not Communists so don't use them as an example. This is because they're "utopian" meaning they don't care about material conditions, aka reality, and just exist to wave their finger at socialists. Marxists are stringent materialists and Marx actually hated idealistic philosophy. I bring this up because sometimes people point at CHAZ which was an anarchist event and failed just like anarchism always does (for real this time.) Anarchists and Communists have similar end-goals but only Communists have an actual plan.

>anarchist telling people to go read Principles of Communism
You first


>I want to ask, do you all dislike most of the west?
The West as in the national governments and the corporations and the culture, yeah. The people are mostly fine, just very misled. There are a lot of fascist types and so on but they're a minority. Western chauvinism is pretty ubiquitous but it can be unlearned since it's so easily debunked.


>>anarchist telling people to go read Principles of Communism
Nothing in that post references anarchism. Which mod is this?

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