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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Egypt tight-lipped over Israeli takeover of Gaza buffer zone
Israel said on Wednesday that its forces had gained “operational” control over the Philadelphi corridor – the Israeli military’s code name for the 9-mile-long (14km) strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border. Under the terms of the 1979 peace accord between Egypt and Israel, each side is allowed to deploy only a small number of troops or border guards in a demilitarised zone that stretches along the entire Israel-Egypt border and encompasses the corridor.

Egypt: Sisi government raises price of 'bread of the poor' by 300 percent
Egypt will raise the price of subsidised bread by 300 percent from June, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Wednesday, announcing a change that will affect tens of millions of the impoverished population.

MK Party overtakes EFF nationally with 34% of votes counted
With just over 34% of the national votes counted, former President Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party has overtaken the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and is now in third place nationally with 9.38% of the vote counted. The African National Congress (ANC) is still ahead of the pack, with just 42.31% of the votes. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is in second position with almost 25% of the votes nationally.

Turkish state and its mercenaries bomb villages of Manbij and burn more cultivated land
Manbij Military Council Press Contact Center said that the Turkish state and its mercenaries set fire to the agricultural areas in the villages of Kirêdiyê, Boxaz and Buwêhic in Manbij, and burned approximately 20 hectares of cultivated land in the fire that spread to the villages of Til Torîn and Cablet El Hemra.

French, German leaders say Ukraine allowed to strike inside Russia
Scholz said he agreed with Macron and that as long as Ukraine respected the conditions given by countries that supplied the weapons, including the United States, and international law, it was allowed to defend itself.

Luke Akehurst: Labour pick 'extremist' Israel lobbyist for safe seat
Luke Akehurst, who lives in Oxford, has been selected by Labour to run in North Durham – a safe seat some 250 miles away. Akehurst, the director of the “We Believe in Israel” lobby group, has been a fierce defender of Israel’s military action in Gaza, insisting that it is neither “disproportionate” nor “genocide”.

Left-wing French lawmaker suspended for waving Palestinian flag
Sébastien Delogu, a member of Parliament for the radical La France Insoumise (LFI) party from the southern city of Marseille, stood up with the flag during questions to the government.

Peru Opens Investigation Into Deaths in Anti-government Protests
"The Special Team of Prosecutors for cases involving victims during social protests has launched 62 investigations against members of the police and military forces," the Public Prosecutor’s Office said in a bulletin shared on its official website.

Buenos Aires trains slow to crawl as protesting conductors demand wage hike
La Fraternidad (The Brotherhood) railway workers' union said it had decided to call the strike, slowing trains down to just 19 miles per hour (30 kmh) after wage negotiations failed with Trenes Argentinos, the state firm that oversees the rail network, as annual inflation nears 300%. The workers are seeking wage hikes to match the spiraling costs of living, the union said.

Despite Protests, Taiwan’s KMT, TPP Pass Controversial Bills to Expand Legislative Powers
The laws that sparked the protests will grant new powers to legislators, allowing them to summon individuals for questioning, whether that means company executives, government workers, civil society leaders, or regular citizens.

Victims of forced sterilization speak of their suffering at Supreme Court
The court is hearing five cases of appeal against the rulings of lower courts across the nation. The plaintiffs had sued the government for compensation over their forced sterilization due to their disabilities. That the Supreme Court is hearing the appeals has led to some optimism that a ruling in favor of the plaintiffs might emerge later this year.

From Ang Bayan: NPA Unit Fires At AFP 4th IB Camp In Oriental Mindoro Province
New People’s Army (NPA)-Mindoro (Lucio de Guzman Command) Red fighters fired at and harassed 4th IB soldiers stationed in its military camp in Sityo Sigao, Barangay Lisap, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro province on May 20, at 9 a.m. Soldiers have been encamped in the site and have been implementing martial law since 2022.


U.S. planning to refer some migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy under Biden initiative
The Biden administration is planning to refer some migrants in Latin America for resettlement in Greece and Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border, two people familiar with the government's plans told CBS News.

San Francisco Is Handing the Right-Wing Supreme Court a Gift
The city, joined by some odd bedfellows from U.S. industry, is challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s water quality enforcement. And it could spell trouble for the rest of America.

Third person tested positive for bird flu in the US, CDC says
A farm worker who had contact with sick cows tested positive for the virus. This new case does not seem to indicate human-to-human transmission of the highly pathogenic avian flu, as it was detected on a different farm from the previous Michigan case, officials said. Only 39 people in the US have been tested for H5N1 over the course of the 2024 outbreak, according to the CDC.

Safety-net health clinics cut services and staff amid Medicaid unwinding
Billings-based RiverStone Health is eliminating 42 jobs this spring, cutting nearly 10% of its workforce. The cuts have shuttered an inpatient hospice facility, will close a center for patients managing high blood pressure, and removed a nurse who worked within rural schools. It also reduced the size of the clinic's behavioral health care team and the number of staffers focused on serving people without housing.

Tennessee governor signs bill penalizing adults who help minors get abortions
Tennessee’s governor has approved legislation designed to block adults from helping minors get an abortion or receive gender-affirming care without parental consent, proposals that are both likely to face immediate legal challenges when they go into effect later this year.

Trump tax cut extensions keep getting more expensive: Analysis
Extending the expiring provisions in former President Trump’s tax cuts is slated to cost more than $4 trillion by 2028, according to current Joint Tax Committee and Congressional Budget Office projections. That’s compared to around $3 trillion when the law was passed, marking an increase of roughly 33 percent, more than what would be expected from growth in the economy and inflation alone, the report argues.

Police dismantle pro-Palestinian camp at Wayne State University in Detroit
Police broke up a pro-Palestinian encampment at a Detroit university and arrested at least 12 people Thursday while more than 100 graduates walked out of commencement at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the East Coast, the latest campus stress related to the Israel-Hamas war.

Seattle police chief dismissed from top job amid discrimination, harassment lawsuits
Diaz’s departure comes about a week after police Capt. Eric Greening filed a lawsuit alleging that he discriminated against women and people of color, news outlet KUOW reported.


Bird flu is a ticking time bomb. It's basically being allowed to spread and mutate without any impediment, just like covid. If it ends up crossing with a strain of human influenza the results could be catastrophic.


"This the clearest, most consistent way to show our opposition to Labour's sharp turn to the right under Keir Starmer's direction, for which all Shadow Cabinet members must bear collective responsibility', CP general secretary Robert Griffiths declared following a meeting of his party's Political Committee on Tuesday evening (May 28). Pointing to Starmer's broken pledges on green investment, public ownership, social benefits, public schools, tuition fees, arms exports and taxing the rich and big business, Mr Griffiths said it came as no surprise that millions of working-class electors have not been "rushing to the polls" in recent local council and parliamentary elections despite mass opposition to the Tory government. ..

The trade unions need to stop the purge of Labour’s left-wing MPs
Other left MPs and candidates are now fearful that they will fall victim to the factional juggernaut before or when Labour’s full national executive meets on June 4 to adopt candidates. In their place Labour is parachuting, without a pretence of local democracy, right-wing hard cases into safe seats — people like Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst and Labour Together’s Josh Simons, who insulted the whole of Scotland with his remarks earlier this year, who would struggle to win any sort of competitive selection. The outcome is clearly intended to be a neutered parliamentary party unable and unwilling to hold a Starmer government to account as it inevitably fails to resolve the problems besetting the country. But the price being paid is the alienation of whole communities and millions of voters from the Labour Party, a price the factionalists in charge at Labour HQ feel is worth paying. Only Labour’s affiliated trade unions can bring an end to this onslaught on decency and democracy. Six unions, including Labour’s huge affiliate Unite, showed the way by writing to Starmer demanding that Abbott be allowed to stand for the party. …

Leon Trotsky: Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism
Our class enemies are in the habit of complaining about our terrorism. What they mean by this is rather unclear. They would like to label all the activities of the proletariat directed against the class enemy’s interests as terrorism. The strike, in their eyes, is the principal method of terrorism. The threat of a strike, the organisation of strike pickets, an economic boycott of a slave-driving boss, a moral boycott of a traitor from our own ranks—all this and much more they call terrorism. If terrorism is understood in this way as any action inspiring fear in, or doing harm to, the enemy, then of course the entire class struggle is nothing but terrorism. And the only question remaining is whether the bourgeois politicians have the right to pour out their flood of moral indignation about proletarian terrorism when their entire state apparatus with its laws, police and army is nothing but an apparatus for capitalist terror! However, it must be said that when they reproach us with terrorism, they are trying—although not always consciously—to give the word a narrower, less indirect meaning. The damaging of machines by workers, for example, is terrorism in this strict sense of the word. The killing of an employer, a threat to set fire to a factory or a death threat to its owner, an assassination attempt, with revolver in hand, against a government minister—all these are terrorist acts in the full and authentic sense. However, anyone who has an idea of the true nature of international Social Democracy ought to know that it has always opposed this kind of terrorism and does so in the most irreconcilable way.
Why? ‘Terrorising’ with the threat of a strike, or actually conducting a strike is something only industrial workers can do. The social significance of a strike depends directly upon first, the size of the enterprise or the branch of industry that it affects, and second, the degree to which the workers taking part in it are organised, disciplined, and ready for action. This is just as true of a political strike as it is for an economic one. It continues to be the method of struggle that flows directly from the productive role of the proletariat in modern society.


>Egypt: Sisi government raises price of 'bread of the poor' by 300 percent


>praxis is when cuck protests


Day of the tiles when?


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Thanks News Anon


>refer some migrants for resettlement
"Refer for resettlement", naisu, yet another euphemism for deportation.
Viruses don't do sexual procreation, comrade. But yes, it can mutate and do a number on us.



>Researchers have witnessed two viruses – influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus – fuse together to form a single, hybrid virus.

>While competition between viruses has been researched in some detail, this new finding provides researchers with an unusual example of one virus coopting another for its own benefits.


>Recombination is a pervasive process generating diversity in most viruses. It joins variants that arise independently within the same molecule, creating new opportunities for viruses to overcome selective pressures and to adapt to new environments and hosts. Consequently, the analysis of viral recombination attracts the interest of clinicians, epidemiologists, molecular biologists and evolutionary biologists. In this review we present an overview of three major areas related to viral recombination: (i) the molecular mechanisms that underlie recombination in model viruses, including DNA-viruses (Herpesvirus) and RNA-viruses (Human Influenza Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus), (ii) the analytical procedures to detect recombination in viral sequences and to determine the recombination breakpoints, along with the conceptual and methodological tools currently used and a brief overview of the impact of new sequencing technologies on the detection of recombination, and (iii) the major areas in the evolutionary analysis of viral populations on which recombination has an impact. These include the evaluation of selective pressures acting on viral populations, the application of evolutionary reconstructions in the characterization of centralized genes for vaccine design, and the evaluation of linkage disequilibrium and population structure.

Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again.

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