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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Portugal had a leftist military revolution that still ended up with a liberal government.
In Spain Franco died and Leftism returned to the nation only to see it surrender to the Francoist establishment (Not including ETA).
How did this happen?


Os cravos portugueses
Pelo sangue derramado
De negros e alvos.

Os cravos, o povo português
Os porta à mão como quem empunha um fuzil.
E ao cravá-los na lapela,
Pulsa-lhes um segundo coração.

Os cravos portugueses
São perfumados e encarnados
De hastes altas, altivos mastros.
Na primavera suas pétalas
São jorros rubros de vinho.
Os cravos dessa terra.
O povo os semeia, os cultiva,
Os celebra.

No 25 de abril,
Os portugueses adquirem cravos
Como quem compra pão.
Carregam cravos e desbravam trevas,
As mãos seguram cravos como quem conduz
Tochas de fogo e luz.

Portugal que criou a ciência dos mares,
Vê Lisboa alagada pela esperança,
Vê, novamente, nos punhos cerrados do povo
A bravura de quem venceu a fúria dos oceanos,
E a selvageria dos tiranos.

Os opressores argumentam,
– Os tempos são outros.
E para ter, eternamente,
Os trabalhadores como escravos,
Alardeiam: os cravos de Abril
Murcharam, para sempre, irremediavelmente…
Esquecem que eles,
São viçosos, teimosos e persistentes.
Desconhecem que a Revolução

Semeou suas sementes
No solo e nas mentes.
E feito vinhas e feito trigo
Elas brotam e vicejam.
E sempre cá estão os cravos
A irmanar e a encantar o povo
A lembrá-lo a cada dia de trabalho,
A cada livro aberto,
A cada retalho de tecido para um
Vestido novo,
A cada taça de vinho
A cada verso de um fado
A continuar lutando
Contra o fardo da opressão.
Até que as algemas se quebrem,
Até que um novo Abril renasça,
Se faça, floresça e, dessa segunda vez,
Permaneça e daqui não mais parta.


It didn't happen in Portugal because the Carnation Revolution was not just over ideology but because soldiers and junior officers were pissed at the direction of the colonial war and officers were afraid of the new promotion system the Estado Novo regime was going to implement. The military was split between a leftist faction lead by Otelo who was quickly isolated by the rest of the military. Also non communist liberal parties cooperated with right wing parties to prevent any communist advances in the polls. So effectively the movement was broken by a right wing loyal military and libs.
In Spain the PSOE and other "socialist" parties agreed to cooperate with the Francoist state and bent the knee to the Francos appointed successors before even arriving in Spain, giving up without any hint of struggle and dropped any advocation of class warfare.


The Carnation Revolution had a communist faction.


>How did this happen?
A global hegemon with unlimited resources that choked any leftist revolutions.


>TFW start turning the US into a leftist equivalent to the Jews
Have you considered that countries like Portugal and Spain have local elites and reactionaries and can themselves put down leftists of their own accord? >>1871504


>Portugal and Spain have local elites and reactionaries
that are downstream of the the hegemonic power and are funded and supported by it while left formations are suppressed. The sheer scale of anti communist actions by the US can be hard to grasp.


Yes but the actions on why it was prevented was mostly done by forces already in control of the country at the time or former opponents who liberalized.


Italy had a half-similar case where the CLN (National Liberation Commitee) was lead by the communist party, but it all ended how we all know


Hegemonic power on a grand scale supported the right and suppressed the left, anon. The USSR didn't have the wealth of imperialism to exert the same power. Imagine how Indonesia, Korea or Vietnam would be today if the hegemon didn't kill millions of communists. It applies everywhere to a greater or lesser degree.


For Spain it was a deal with the devil that supposed "socialists" took. The Francoist State would "transition" to a democratic model with elections in exchange for giving up on communism, supporting the monarchy and simply allowing the fascist generals, policemen, soldiers, politicians, capitalists etc to suffer from no consequences and to keep all the power and position they had before. In exchange the military would not engage in open revolt and do another restart of the Spanish Civil War.

>The Spanish revolution of the 1970s was shamefully betrayed by the leaders of the Communist and Socialist parties, who entered into an agreement with former fascists like Adolfo Suarez in order halt the revolutionary movement in its tracks. The result of this betrayal was the so-called democratic transition, which was merely a fig leaf to conceal the continuation of the old regime under the guise of a “parliamentary monarchy”.


They were unable to lead the working class


Because the CIA was deeply embedded in both the fascist governments and the anti-fascist resistance and as such was able to engineer a transition away from fascism that not only preserved capitalism but turned Iberia into an American colony. Leftists need to realize that you can’t ally with American Imperialism to fight fascism because America itself is fascist. Iberia today is just as fascist as it was in the 60s but in addition to still being fascist Iberia is also a colony of America.


Paraphrasing Kissinger, Portugal could not be subject to a coup because they were European, so the United States put tons of money into breaking apart the military and communist alliance through subtler means.


Yeah, and the US too

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