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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Samsung workers’ union announces first-ever strike for chipmaker
A major union representing tens of thousands of people at the South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday that workers will go on strike for the first time, potentially threatening key global semiconductor supply chains. A spokesperson said union members, around 20% of the company workforce, or 28,000 people, would use annual leave to strike for one day on 7 June, leaving the door open for a potential general strike down the road.

French Minister Says New Caledonia Capital 'Under Control'
French security forces have regained control throughout New Caledonia's capital Noumea, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Friday, two weeks after deadly riots broke out in the Pacific territory. Around 400 police had cleared 26 barricades and arrested 12 people in the Riviere-Salee district in the city's north, Darmanin wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Sikh separatist contests India election from jail, a worry for government
A win for him in an election to parliament could give Singh some legitimacy and spark concerns of a revival of a militancy that killed tens of thousands of people in the 1970s and 1980s.

Red Sea tensions: Yemen’s Houthis ‘attack’ US carrier after deadly strikes
Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree announced the attack on the Eisenhower carrier on Friday; the group earlier claimed that at least 16 people were killed in US and UK assaults on the Hodeidah province, the highest publicly acknowledged death toll from multiple rounds of strikes over the group’s assault on shipping.

Two SDF 2 fighters killed as Turkey attacks Til Koçer and Til Hemis
The occupying Turkish state carried out 8 attacks with Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) in Til Koçer and Til Hemis areas on Friday. The town of Topiz and the village of Herêma Şêxo in Qamişlo were also bombed. The invaders' attacks continue.

Israeli captives' families feel 'abandoned', told no deal will be made soon
Hanegbi told relatives that he believed that the first stage for a hostage exchange could happen in "a few short months" but admitted that fighting will continue in Gaza and in the north, referring to Israel's aerial bombardment of southern Lebanon. After that, he was reported to have said that only then would the government "sit down to evaluate the situation".

Diane Abbott allowed to stand after outrage forces Sir Keir into U-turn
The Labour leader gave the green light for her candidacy in Hackney North and Stoke Newington today, having previously refused to do so. His 11th-hour decision comes amid uproar at the party’s “purge” of left-wing candidates and accusations of racism levelled at its leadership.

Dutch MPs call for inquiry into reports Israel spied on ICC lawyers
Kati Piri, an MP in the Green-Labour alliance, submitted a series of written questions to the Dutch justice, home and foreign affairs ministers on Wednesday saying the Netherlands had a “special responsibility to protect court employees and people who [want to] bear witness to war crimes”.

Zuma big election ‘winner’ as South Africa heads for coalition government
With more than 90 percent of votes counted on Friday evening, the MK appeared to be on the cusp of grabbing power in KwaZulu Natal, comfortably leading in a province where the ANC has never previously lost since the first post-apartheid elections in 1994.

Argentina hosts naval drills with US fleet as ties tighten under Milei
The joint exercise, called "Gringo-Gaucho" in a tongue-in-cheek reference to slang terms for Americans and Argentines, is the first such operation since 2010 and comes less than six months into the libertarian Milei's administration.


UC officials seek legal means to end student worker strike
The union's strike is in protest of UC's handling of encampments where police arrested hundreds of students and employees at UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Irvine. Those academic workers — ranging from academic researchers and graduate teaching assistants to post-doctoral scholars who hold office hours and grade assignments — are also facing university disciplinary measures.

Florida sheriff’s office fires deputy who fatally shot Black airman at home
A Florida sheriff on Friday fired a deputy who fatally shot a Black airman at his home while holding a handgun pointed to the ground, saying the deputy’s life was never in danger and he should not have fired his weapon.

Police break up pro-Palestinian campus protests in California and Detroit
Campus, local and state police swarmed the protesters, and video showed officers telling people to leave, then taking away signs and part of a barricade, local news stations reported. There appeared to be some pushing and shoving between police and protesters. Officers carried zip ties and appeared to detain a few people.

Pro-Palestinian protesters enter Brooklyn Museum, unfurl banner as police make arrests
A large pro-Palestinian rally marched on the Brooklyn Museum Friday afternoon, setting up tents in the lobby and unfurling a “Free Palestine” banner over the building. Social media posts show New York City police confronting, tackling and arresting some of the protesters. Other posts show supporters holding banners, waving Palestinian flags and chanting boisterously on the steps of the grand, Beaux Arts museum, which is the city’s second largest.

'The New McCarthyism': NY Hospital Fires Nurse for Empathizing With Gaza Mothers
NYU Langone Health labor and delivery nurse Hesen Jabr, who is Palestinian American, was terminated over her May 7 speech accepting the award, in which she said that "it pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza."

US navy admiral arrested for alleged bribery scheme with training company
Robert Burke, who served as vice-chief of naval operations, faces federal charges including bribery and conspiracy for what prosecutors allege was a corrupt scheme that led to the company hiring him after his retirement in 2022 with a starting annual salary of $500,000. He oversaw naval operations in Europe, Russia and most of Africa.


836 - Pier One Imports feat. Derek Davison (5/28/24)(Chapo Trap House)
Chief Chapo foreign correspondent returns to take us around the wide world of conflict. We get an update on the war in Gaza including the bombing of Rafah, the failing floating Pier, and the Biden administration's attempts to broker some kind of deal between Israel, Palestine and Saudi Arabia without gaining any concessions or movement toward peace in the process. Plus, we discuss the death or Iranian president Raisi, the situation in Ukraine, and what the hell’s going on in French New Caledonia.

Could Raisi's death be a turning point for Iran?
From 1989, when Khamenei ascended to the leadership, until 2021, when Ebrahim Raisi won the presidential election, no president had been fully aligned with Khamenei. As part of the unification strategy, all major moderate and reformist candidates were disqualified by the Guardian Council in 2021, leading to Raisi’s victory. He was the favoured candidate of the deep state. This vote also recorded the lowest turnout in presidential elections since the establishment of the Islamic Republic. This trend continued in the first round of parliamentary elections this past March, where voter participation was around 40 percent. This is particularly striking given that years earlier, Khamenei had described a 40 percent electoral participation rate in some countries as a “disgrace”. In Tehran, the epicentre of Iran’s political developments, participation dropped to 24 percent. The situation deteriorated further in the second round this month, with participation in Tehran plummeting to seven percent of eligible voters. The top candidate in Tehran secured a parliamentary seat with just 3.5 percent of the eligible vote. Is this precipitous decline in electoral participation important for the deep state? Prior to the March elections, Khamenei remarked: “The enemy is looking for an unprosperous election … It is paramount that the elections be prosperous and full of excitement.” By holding elections, the deep state seeks to project governmental legitimacy on the international stage. The dramatic reduction in participation subverts this objective.

Class Struggle in the Roman Republic
The history of the ancient world provides a treasure trove of lessons for anyone who seeks to understand the class struggles and social transformations that have shaped the world we live in. We publish here the introduction to Alan Woods' book Class Struggle in the Roman Republic, in which he draws out some of the fundamental principles of the Marxist view of history and gives a concise explanation of the causes of the rise and eventual downfall of the Roman Republic, particularly the phenomenon of Caesarism.


>the village of Herêma Şêxo

tybna btw fwiw


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