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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I came across it several years ago. The owner would doxx veterans who had lost limbs and call them war criminals. The owner bragged about how he was undoxxable, and would only take profiles down if they made a video apologizing for imperialism. It's been totally scrubbed from the internet. Even Gibiru can't find it.


You sure it was real and not just a hallucination?


I remember discussing it with this guy who had an amputee fetish and it really pissed him off


Why does that sound like bad empanada



Hasn't been updated since 2015 rip


damn maybe this guy got him


>what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?


Is he back on Twitter?


doesnt seem to have no doxxing just info picked up from news and a bunch of mean words


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We break em
You bully em
True proletariat solidarity


>The owner would doxx veterans who had lost limbs and call them war criminals.
>would only take profiles down if they made a video apologizing for imperialism.
Coolest dude alive.


You know I get that everyone here probably thinks these vets deserves it, and I'm neutral on it, but one thing I will say, is that the threat of not outright killing the guy but just crippling him and forcing him to take on a new identity, so he knows what it's like is some classy movie shit, I like that. It's code of Hammurabi type stuff, not just a bullet to the head and done with it. If the guy has been napped by feds, I hope this happens to him.


>and would only take profiles down if they made a video apologizing for imperialism
Did anyone ever do it? If not kinda meh.


>Hammurabi type stuff
Oh you mean like how your dear veterans were made pathetic sub-humans for their crimes? I can't seem to find where the blog owner crippled a random guy.


I don't own Lockheed Martin, I wish I did, but I'm not saying the guy deserves it, I'm saying it's rad in the same way the blood eagle torture method was, I know that was done to real human beings, but like, that shit is rad, it isn't cool, but it is rad.
Is there a word for schadenfreude but for friends and allies like "I know that guy is on my side, but what the enemy is about to do to him is so intriguing I'm not even mad because it sounds epic?"


>That was cool
True, more vets should be in diapers.


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Exhibit A on why people hate on the Left.


Well, that's edgy.
But he's making fun of child killers, so who cares.


this cucklord biden-voting redditor >>1873077


Only counter-revolutionaries whine about dead children.
If you had read Marx you would be attacking the means of capitalist cultural reproduction, but that would mean attacking your own place in society, wouldn't it?


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