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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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TF2 players have more solidarity than the average American, people online are more willing to organize to save a video game than to unionize. Let that sink in


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It'll teach them that organizing, and perhaps direct action (creating a 3rd party preservation project in this case) gets the goods. Participating while using lefty language may get people curious about unions and stuff. I've stopped using Steam for a while now due to inconvenience, but I think this will have a positive impact for future unionization efforts, even if only marginally.


Reminds me of the time a bunch of Bohemians got so angry at their town brewery's shit products, they ransacked the facility, poured the entire town's supply of beer in the ditches & commissioned a few nerds to accidentally invent the first pilsner-style ale. The same spiteful insistence on improvement was at the heart of the 1848 German Uprising.

Never assume that communal demands for better conditions exist in a vacuum, never assume that they cannot or will not grow, migrate or mutate.


i don't think historical materialism can explain german autism


>Whoa guys did you know that if you make a militant nation state made out of every Taylor Swift fan they'd be able to rival Russia as a superpower or something gay like that.
Anyone saying stuff like this is so retarded that it isn't even funny, it's the basic ass shower thoughts quotes shit of politics.


Are you capable of seeing events as a result of a cause and a source of effect, allowing them to chain into other events; or do you see events as chapters, containerized by some metaphysical mcguffin?


Probably because one of those things comes with risk of punishment?


Moved to >>>/games/35840.

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