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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Since a revolution doesn't seem to be on the horizon, (and even if it was, what about in the meantime?) why don't we do the next best thing and live communally? Such a prospect won't be desirable or even possible for literally all of us, all in one place–we live in different countries, some folks are doing well enough that a commune would degrade their quality of life, some are in some way, shape, or form, dependents, others have dependents relying on them or are otherwise too rooted to their current location to move, some of yall are, let's be real, too anti-social to want to take part in a project like this, etc., etc.–but for the rest of us it would kill so many birds, the subject of many a post and thread here, with one stone: Inability to get ahead in life? Lack of a social life? Yearning for some greater meaning? Bored? Well then let's pool our resources, time and labour and start a commune!
Personally, I'm in Canada and working towards being able to buy a patch of land and live out of a yurt while I slowly build a house anyway and it'd sure be fun to do it with some like-minded people. Maybe that sounds too rustic for you and I'd be willing to compromise, the only dealbreaker for me is that I have room to garden to my hearts content.
The only hard and fast rule I'd have for such an endeavor is that everyone must have an equal stake in the project and in turn, pay their own way. I don't want to be a landlord or for you to be a tenant or vice versa. New people join? We'd all sell an equal portion of our stakes to make them an equal. Someone wants to leave? We'll buy them out and spread their stake equally among us.
Of course, I'm getting ahead myself and don't expect this to go anywhere but in the event this idea dies on the grapevine then maybe use it to post reading material about communes and communal living or to discuss the topic in general


i'm hoping to establish a commune of just me and my boyfriend in a house together (also we have separate finances)

but seriously i'm always too uncomfortable in groups for such a thing


Ok, but how find the people to build a commune with? How we will ensure that people have the minimal skills to run a isolated town, and how can we afford the money for that?


you gotta organise first i guess.


anon, it's time for your annual utopian hippy shit thread


>you gotta organise first i guess.
People here already have lots of difficulties doing that. To achieve communal living we need many other steps.
And what is a "Tulou" exactly?


>Since a revolution doesn't seem to be on the horizon
Wrong. The revolution is just on the horizon.


>>1875809 (OP)
If you want to do this I'd look into the history of comunes in places like Colorado. From what I remember reading about them in the early aughts their biggest problems were weird bourgeois zoning disputes.

This sounds like christfag "he's coming any day now" shit but what Lenin said about decades happening in weeks is good historical analysis and a sober reminder for would be revolutionaries that our time could appear to us like a "thief in the night"


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oh yeah we bringing back Detroit Commune


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>why don't we do the next best thing and live communally?
Communes are dying for young members. The answer to this is because it's hard lmao. I don't know about the Canadian scene, but in America they skew old. I can vouch for anyone affiliated with the Federation of Egalitarian Communes to be 100% legit not a weird cult. Highly recommend burgers visit one of the large ones: https://www.thefec.org/


Commune movements have literally never worked. They always break down.
The left is becoming larger than it has been in the last 30 years.
You're dumb.


Starting a new commune is harder than joining an existing one. Google search always helps in these situations.


>Commune movements have literally never worked
>Except the ones that do ignore those
Retard. I won't lie that there aren't many unstable communes that fall apart, but there are a few success stories as well. Read about East Wind and Twin Oaks, both going strong over 50 years.


thank you for sharing this, had no idea something like this existed.


Only a few successes left from a whole movement . Exactly.
And what have they achieved to further revolution? Nothing.
This was settled before either of us were borne, anon.


>Only a few successes left from a whole movement
About sums up the burger left as a whole…

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