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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Revolution is just adventurism with planning. The manifestation of a class-wide union of egoists. The only difference between the "bad" adventurism that people like Lenin denounced and the "good" adventurism (revolution) is that when you do risky shit that gets you killed in the good adventurism, you do it with lots of people, and spend years and years "planning" in advance. And how does that "planning" manifest? Turns out very little of it is actually planning the way you plan to build a building by drafting blueprints. 99% of the "planning" is people hyping each other up for revolution, convincing each other it's a good idea, and convincing each other to stand together and not back out when the time comes. The same way a bunch of college frat boys "plan" to ride an empty shopping cart down a steep paved road when drunk. This "planning" is really hyping. Admit it.


Just means educate people that the thing being hyped is good
Just means get them agitated so they would rather do it than not do it
Just means get them to do it all at once rather than alone.

"Planning" for a revolution is a lot like planning for a WoW raid except instead of 25 people fighting hundreds of monsters, it's thousands upon thousands of people fighting a handful of bourgeoisie and their well armed lackeys. Which brings me to my next point. Revolution should theoretically be easy. The "three percenter" reactionaries in the United States are always going on about how it only takes 3 percent of a country to overthrow the government. It probably takes even less! Washington would cave if 1,000,000 armed and half-trained civilians sacked it. And that's not even 1% of the USA.

This is why adventurism is based. If everyone capable went out and got a k/d ratio of 2 on the porkies, it would be over in a day.

>ooooh fed thread! fed thread! fed thread redemption!

The real feds are the ones demoralizing you from doing anything. The real feds are the ones telling you that this truth is "fedposting." I'm not telling you to actually do anything without planning, I'm just pointing out this "planning" should not take decades like people say it does. In fact 99% of it is people hyping each other to be brave. People lack the bravery to just fucking do it. YOLO that shit. Most of the "planning" is really getting them to a state where they're willing to engage in collective adventurism.


Based retard
>fed thread redemption


very true OP, I dont have anything to live for anyways


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>thing is like other thing if you stretch meanings a lot
useless philosopher thread


according to stirner revolution is a spook, he was more into insurrection


Get diagnosed.


>Washington would cave if 1,000,000 armed and half-trained civilians sacked it. And that's not even 1% of the USA.
Look at the Bolshevik revolution. It was bloodless. It doesn't matter if Washington was taken. Shit's been burned down before.

The civil war afterwards is when the planning really matters. Just ask PotD. Going on an adventure without planning is desperate or dumb. But to sit in an armchair all day is infinitely worse.


>Revolution is just adventurism with planning
what makes it adventurism is trying to do revolution before the conditions are ready anon. Basically the weathermen, RAF in Germany, etc. were all adventurists because they got ahead of the masses.


>getting ahead of the masses
A worthless measure. Because every time someone tries to educate and organize the masses, they're "getting ahead of the masses," because the masses aren't doing that autonomously. Every time a leader or theoretician is more class conscious than your average prole on the street, they're "getting ahead of the masses." What does it really mean to "Get ahead of the masses?" And what is with the fetishism of "the masses"? If the masses are against their own interests are you supposed to just wait? No. You're supposed to hype them up for revolution through education/agitation/organizatoin.


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>got ahead of the masses
If you're going to larp as a communist, at least be a competent zeeaboo


>Because every time someone tries to educate and organize the masses, they're "getting ahead of the masses," because the masses aren't doing that autonomously.
leading and organizing is one thing but ignoring the masses as hopeless dullards while becoming an amateur terrorist is another


synthesis: The masses collectively do amateur terrorism together, at the same time, boom, it's over. we won


Absolutely stochastic


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>fed thread
More like silly urbanite stank. How about developing some skills outside of shooting a gun or making like the first weathermen and leveling your own apartment? Maybe something practical like farming, or electrical work. Revolution's are a massive disruption in the day to day life of everyone. Otherwise you are going to lose to the organized infrastructure of the "state" like every adventurist larp.


The porky flag is a few further down


>adventurism is based
based on what


based on my dick in yur mum's throat


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>"Planning" for a revolution is a lot like planning for a WoW raid

My favorite part of State and Revolution was when Lenin wrote in caps "LEEROY JEKINS!"


a revolution is just retroactively adventurism that worked


Shtting on philosophy is sub-80 lQ behavior


shitting on philosphy but calling it "metaphysics" or "idealism" is 120IQ marxist scholar behavior thought


This but unironically. Your thoughts aren't more valid just because they went through multiple iterative steps, they still need material application to be taken even remotely serious.


>taken serious
Turn down your AI grammar retarder about three notches


>good grammar
<chatgpt post
>bhad grammer
<chatgpt post but you told it to sound dumb


Vladiroy Lenkins


>according to stirner revolution is a spook
I need a citation for that


I'm not an anglo. Telling how that's your reply.




prove it


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