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Genuine question. Will it be over for Cuba as a socialist country in a few years? I want to believe in it but how will they overcome these brutal sanctions and US backed color revolutionary attempts in the upcoming years? What do the people especially the young folk currently say?


Cuba is socialist politically. Not economically. It still is useful to have political socialist encalves left in the world. But yeah, in the coming years and decades many civil wars will start in many countries. And by virtue of wanting something new (and intervention from other powers), the socialist enclaves will fall.


I think it's more likely they Cuba is given more opportunities to manoeuvre with the shifting balance of global powers


People in developing countries want an affluent Western lifestyles and they will put their faith in whatever system gives them that lifestyle. So in a sense the writing is on the wall for Cuba. People don't care about revolution or changing the world anymore. They just want to jerk off, watch youtube all day, play vidya, and eat chicken. Its like that everywhere now.


Genuine question. Will it be over for USA as a capitalistic country in a few years? I want to believe in it but how will they overcome these brutal sanctions and Cuba backed color revolutionary attempts in the upcoming years? What do the people especially the young folk currently say?


Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, people also thought that this red enclave, faced with the most powerful capitalist country in the world, would quickly perish.
However, while socialist countries were collapsing one after another, it survived until the end. This country is not as fragile as you might imagine.
Guess how long Taiwan would survive if the United States were to collapse?



I wanna learn Chinese like you and speak Chinese to you, baby. I wanna walk down Nathan Avenue and look over at the harbor from Kowloon and admire the show lights as we read Li Bai to each other and hold hands and joke about how we could blow up the HSBC tower and have our own small time 9/11.


Cuba established diplomatic relations with that disgusting shit hole South Korea

In 1988-89 a lot of the Eastern Bloc recognised South Korea and collapsed the following year so that's where Cuba is right now.

Absolute tragedy

Incapable of charting a sovereign, autarkic, industrial development like Stalin's USSR, Hoxha Albania, Dprk and China…Cuba has succumbed to death by a thousand cuts

During Cuban missile crisis the North Koreans at Cuban embassy were ready to fight the Yankee faggots - whilst the Kruschevites blinked in face of imperialists

Now Cuba recognises those disgusting slavish faggots in South Korea

Only bright side is that homosexuals on twitter will no longer be able to point to Cuba for support of their revolting lifestyles(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>Only bright side is that homosexuals on twitter will no longer be able to point to Cuba for support of their revolting lifestyles


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Cuba will actually become a popular gay tourism destination.



More like a site for the refugees if the fascist establish the total Burger Reich


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I honestly think that the Cuban government is ridiculously incompetent. How is it possible that the DPRK, which is under much harsher sanctions, can still dish out projects like dams, hospitals, science centers etc. while Cuba looks like it is fucking frozen in time? For fucks sake, they still use colonial era buildings, for all the talk about "industrialization" aided by the Soviet Union I have not yet seen a photo of a single factory in Cuba. Also, it's 2024 how the fucking fuck do you still have shortages when it comes to basic foodstuffs and all that? It's only the US that sanctions you, the EU even has a commission for Cuba-EU relations.

No matter how ideological purity you have, no matter how progressive you are to LGBT folk, no matter that you good healthcare, when your economy is a fucking joke, and still doesn't get better after reforms and reforms the superstructure of a socialist state can only hold up this long.

>I think it's more likely they Cuba is given more opportunities to manoeuvre with the shifting balance of global powers
Oh will it now? Every country except the US opposes the sanctions on Cuba, they have the support of China, Russia, etc. yet they are still living in a 70s reenactment open air museum.


> How is it possible that the DPRK, which is under much harsher sanctions, can still dish out projects like dams, hospitals, science centers etc.
Because the friendlier China is directly next to them


Honestly, it's probably the same reason for why most Caribbean island nations are dirt poor. No raw resources for industry, just agricultural products, and if you want to refine those you have to import machinery (and the experts).


I remember an anon who went to Cuba say this pretty much, thinks to social media and ticktock they just want to hustle and grift


>They just want to jerk off, watch youtube all day, play vidya, and eat chicken. Its like that everywhere now.
Except Dprk
Curious 🧐


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Curious indeed.


>bourgeois sexuality
bourgeoir is majorily heterosexual and obsessed with mariage institutions, why are the gays the ones branded as bourgeous then ?.


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DINKs are the bourgeois wet dream.


I used to think horseshoe theory was just a meme until I started lurking and seeing dogshit posts like these


The Cuban Communist Party draws its legitimacy not just from its socialist system, but also from defending the Cuban nation and Amero-Hispanic civilization from the Anglo-Saxons. The Cuban people are used to going through great suffering to defend their freedom. I'm not saying that their strength is limitless, but the Taiwanese national idea has no such history. Taiwanese separatism is the result of island's inhabitants being able to integrate into the capitalist core by total accident: during the last periods of time in history when Western countries were still technologically superior, they found it strategically beneficial to allow the breakaway province to develop, as ensuring social stability helps to secure it as an outpost of the US army against China and in overall reinforce the neocolonial system. The separatist knows nothing else than the joys of relative prosperity (something that is disappearing quickly) and denies the history of his own nation that has its share of tragedies and heroic struggles. When this particular historical conjunction finally ends and the island has no authentic national identity to fall back on, it will rejoin the Chinese nation in all respects.


You would've cheered the bombing of Iraq and Syria 2007-2014 because "Isis(CIA) are throwing gays off roofs"


>Yet another Cuba doomer thread by a Hazite still pissed over the Cuban family code.
>Guess how long Taiwan would survive if the United States were to collapse?
About as long as the RVN would have lasted had the US collapsed in the 1970s. The US could overthrow Cuban socialism the same way it overthrew the Libyan Jamahiriya but good luck finding somebody to put in charge considering the sorry state of the Cuban opposition in Cuba itself. But this thread is, of course, nothing but a thinly-veiled call to overthrow the Communist Party of Cuba by the "Economically Left but actually reactionary" crowd because Cuba doesn't pretend that they live in the 1950s.
And you will be cheering when Trump or DeSantis overthrow the Cuban government in the name of God and family.


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So are most proles


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Cuba pivoting to tourism was the worst mistake they ever did. That's what happens when you only look for short term gain. Sure, North Korea had to go through a famine after they couldn't get their oil anymore but now, after changing international developments around them, they stand much more comfortably on the world stage and most importantly, on their own feet. Remember how NK cut themselves of from any trade just to say "Fuck you, we can survive on our own". And they did. Covid was nothing more then a ruse. Imagine if Cuba did that. Cuba tried to sway public opinion to their cause and against the blockade but how much did it really help them? Fuck Burgers, fuck liberals, fuck anti-communists and fuck appeasing them. They only know violence and treachery and we should never mistake weakness for kind-heartedness.


>Remember how NK cut themselves of from any trade just to say "Fuck you, we can survive on our own"
Fake history. It was cut off because Russia and the other Eastern Europeam countries it traded with ended the trade agreements they had with the DPRK and demanded hard currency. It has always wanted to trade with other countries and IIRC even tried to join APEC in the late 1990s.


>Some obscure Italian ML party noone has heard of and was probably setup by the ongoing Operation Gladio…this is you


No I won't
Cuba should actually embark on sovereign industrialisation, smuggle Russian nukes onto the island and aim them at Washington (and if US finds out actually be willing to go to nuclear war over it instead of Kruschevites pussying out)


You retards have been saying Cuba is about to collapse any minute for as long as I've been using leftypol, far to long.
The fact that it hasn't should give you hope.


How the fuck were they supposed to industrialize? Poach minerals off Haiti? Press sugar?


They at least could've got food security.




They have a lot of arable land. They were started as a plantation colony.

>But food scarcity remains an ongoing problem throughout the country, and overall food production is reportedly down 50% since 2018, officials said. How did Cuba get here, and what's next?



most of the agriculture production of Cuba is tobacco and sugar, products used as exports for revenue. That land could be used to the internal market, to maintain the internal prices f common goods low.


So they should do something that will either be used by the US to overthrow the Cuban government or end up as refugees from a radioactive uninhabitable island because they're so desperate for approval from some imageboard anon. Would sound extremely unappealing if I were Cuban.


You're probably seeing some fairly selected images from the DPRK though. Like, is that the reality for most of the citizens, notably those outside Pyongyang? I imagine overall living standards are higher in Cuba.



I dunno man I've seen pics of the White Party in Bangkok and most of the gay tourists looked like Chinese guys.

I think one thing that isn't mentioned much, but which did help them to survive, was developing a biomedical industry back in the 80s (against Soviet advice too, from what I've read, and which if that's true shows how much Soviet advice was worth).


Even considering that I'm a gay arab, no. You're simply a rightist who had the incredible misfortune of crawling out of a non-bougouise woman. You don't even know what we're fighting for, you're just driven by mindless ape-like hate at the outgroup. I feel sorry for you


>When Raul Castro made his farewell address he basically stated that they either capitulate to bourgeois sexuality or the gay internationalists will work for CIA
The lack of reading comprehension on this site. jfc.


>You're probably seeing some fairly selected images from the DPRK though. Like, is that the reality for most of the citizens, notably those outside Pyongyang?
DPRK is a very industrialized society. Even in the 80's over half of it's jobs were industrial.
>I imagine overall living standards are higher in Cuba.
<I imagine
I don't want to sound like a dick, but you're always coming here to post your assumptions and 'imaginings'. If you believe something might be true why not go and read about it and come back with an estimating or something that can at least be pointed to instead of coming to tell us your imaginations all the time?


Yeah, but he's not the one claiming that sexualities are either bourgeois or proletarian.


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>If you believe something might be true why not go and read about it and come back with an estimating or something that can at least be pointed to instead of coming to tell us your imaginations all the time?
Okay, fair. While I'm not sure about the statistics, Cuba appears to have a higher percentage of the population working in industry than the DPRK (17% vs. 14%), and a smaller percentage involved in agriculture (Cuba is 17% and the DPRK is 43%). Much greater amounts of trade too. Just seems like a whole lot of North Koreans working on farms using labor-intensive methods, and much of the industry serves the military.


If a person's politics is mostly an aesthetic fascination with forbidding, spartan, gray, militaristic things then they might not find Cuba very appealing. The culture is just too delightfully tropical.


Just keep reporting conservatives until jannies do something about the ongoing slow raid.


It's like, oh my God these people are laid back… ayee! Just because there's a socialist regime doesn't fundamentally alter the genuinely popular culture so much. If the Communist Party was turfed out, I imagine Havana will go on looking mostly the same. It really takes some very great disaster, like prolonged subjugation by a foreign enemy, to destroy a national culture. Cuba is still Cuba.


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How is NK so industrialized yet has such a relatively low percentage of people in industrial jobs?
Or do i have a skewed view of how many jobs this percent of GDP would provide?


I love you so much china anon you are the burning light of socialism for me


I've been to Cuba recently in 2024 AMA.

Overall, Cuba is in-between a rock and a hard place. They are in many ways advanced considering the underdevelopment and history of imperialism in the Americas. Cuba has decent infrastructure all the major roads are paved, it is incredibly safe No visible crime, prostitution, drugs, delinquent youth, etc. The healthcare system is pretty good, and overall developmental wise it feels like the late 2000s. Everyone has phones, electricity, running water, etc.

The problems are mainly a result of the blockade and Cuba not being able to modernize certain things as a result of the lack of Soviet subsidies and the effects of the blockade. There is a petrol shortage due to the blockade and oil prices being rigged by the US and Saudis.

Another problem is the lack of construction materials and a reliance on the tourist industry. The tourist industry has hurt the country's security and has allowed a sizable black market to develop. Overall, Cuba going forward really needs to fix its currency. I have serious concerns for the revolution if they cannot solve that pressing economic problem.


It's confusing but I think these percentages might be relative, because the agricultural sector is relatively backwards and doesn't contribute lot to GDP despite employing so many people, and they struggle with oil and agricultural equipment hence the large amount of labor required. Essentially most of the population in small towns and cities and rural areas are working on large collective farms and are in practice being exploited (this is not a moral judgement) in order to supply the well being of the more productive state industrial enterprises and the workers there, like China in the 1960s, 1970s.


I guess the recent announcement of the New Industrial Revolution (Regional Development 20×10 Policy) turn to agriculture machine production and localized village factories is probably an effort to somewhat fix this then.
In the NK press there is also a lot of stuff around construction in agricultural villages such as buildings to increase production as well as modern housing and so on.
TFW you will never listen to some quote "delightful peasants music" with visiting officials in celebration of your new house.*


Use the support of the USSR and profits from sugar.


Hemp could save Cuba's economy tell me why I'm wrong


Yes. The public in Cuba no longer believe in their government. The youth are USA-inized.


It hasn't saved Thailand or Uruguay's economy, or maybe it has idk


>It hasn't saved Thailand or Uruguay's economy, or maybe it has idk
Thailand is a legal grey area around Hemp and Canabis due to a quirk of politics, these things will probably be fully criminalized again however, again for kind of petty political reasons.


Because the way Thailand did it there were no age or ID restrictions so vendors immediately started selling THC infused drinks to high school kids and younger, very bad for public image and health


Basically the TLDR of what happened was that parliament dissolved before it could pass a bill to regulate cannabis and hemp so everything ended up temporarily legalized.
It was not some kind of plan like you keep implying in this thread.




so sweet anon 🥰


Honestly this is all China's fault IMO. America funds multiple governments in the tune of billions. If China had any sense they'd make Cuba what Taiwan is too China. Cuba should be China's Israel. If socialism fails in Cuba it's China's fault if you ask me. but anon they have increased aid yeah not nearly enough they need tenfold. But it's far away… GROW A PAIR DAMMIT!


Cuba needs a Communist revolution in Brazil. They cant sustain themselves with the embargo as they are a tiny island, but Brazil could be their new Soviet Union.


How many drones would it take to set the entire bourgeoisie on fire?


How is that more possible then what I suggest here? >>1878749
All China has to do is literally step the fuck up


But they aren't. Maybe they would rather have hegemony than anything remotely like losing everyone's chains.


China and Russia largely see 3rd world counties as chess pieces in geopolitics to utilize against the hegemonic West. The claims by liberals that they represent the new imperialist but even worse then the West are obviously hysteria. Also though the claims by multipolar advocates that they brave leaders of a international resistance are also misplaced but in a less malicious way. The idea of multipolar advocates is that the fight for hegemony frees up the global south. Are we really sure of that though. Russia and China don't push back like they can and should. They are very concerned with national interest and will not risk themselves for anything. Meanwhile the West will put everything on the line. The West won the cold war on aggression if they don't step up they'll win 2.0 on the backs of more Russia/China passivity. They don't seem to understand really fighting for the global south wins them earth and they seem to think half assing it will get them where only going all in will. The global south will be used for more proxy conflicts while the chokehold strengthens they will sit back thinking time will aid them meanwhile the west knows if it gets a kick shot like 1991 was they can continue domination.


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Actual cuban anon here. You are deluded, our revolution has 62 thousand milleniums left according to the most recent and accurate estimations


>Will it be over for Cuba as a socialist country in a few years?
>in a few years?
what makes it a socialist country now?


very good question indeed, especially since revisionist shit has rotten my society to the core



Is land, industry and means of production in the hands of the people? If so, then it is still socialist


Would you recommend doing a summer school/exchange there?


I hope you are still lurking here.

How long have you been in Cuba?
What was the general populace like? Do they hate americans and still believe in their system?


Tell us more


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If by the people you mean the government claiming to represent me, the big companies owned by our party oligarchs and military leadership (often the same thing) and the private SMEs that operate now (often owned by the same people or de rising petit burgueoise class of the island) then I guess yes.

not the same anon, but I was born here, I've been in many countries in the americas and europe, not in missions or diplomacy, just as a tourist and following the meme to look out somewhere to emigrate.

I have lived outside the country for 2 or 3 years at least.

>what's the general populace like?

People here can be described as: noisy, easy-going, talkative and xenophilic.

>Do they hate americans and still believe in their system?

That would depend of the political inclination of the individual. I would say that most don't hate americans, to the contrary as I said they tend to be xenophilic. They hate your governments, especially if they make life here more difficult tightening the blockade and sanctions.

Believing in our system is a stretch, the vast majority of Habana's youth is critical and don't believe in the system. The vast majority of the generation born in the 60s to 80s can be described as disappointed with the system they used to believe in.

The further you travel inland and east from Habana the situation is inverse. Main second focus of political disapointment is the second greatest city Santiago de Cuba in the east tho.


how much do people blame socialism as a failed system vs american sanctions as wrecking tools that have been very difficult to overcome


>homosexuality is bourgeois
anon i… i dont think that's true, and it really dosent take a genius


Marx told your fertility cult no


Another example of mods being unable to read.
Granted, you're are retarded too for opening with "homosexuality is a bourgeois luxury", and not "expressing homosexual identity is a bourgeois luxury", which is true.
t. gay man.


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>people also thought that this red enclave, faced with the most powerful capitalist country in the world, would quickly perish.
China perished in 1976 retard dengoid, long live the GPCR


holy shit you're illiterate.


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what's this, I have never talked about homosexuality which in my view is a personal freedom issue, all that's personal freedom is extremely important to me, so proletarians aren't homosexual? that's ridiculous.

Who you are even answering to, there's no 1892802 comment, it apears as a citation in greentext

sorry for the wait, I was working lmao, um, your question is extremely dificult because, there is no easy answer, I mean, there can be conflicting convictions, emotions and ideas in a single individual. You want a generalized view or a detailed answer of all the opinions I have seen?


>Who you are even answering to, there's no 1892802 comment, it apears as a citation in greentext
<Homosexuality is a bourgeois luxury


holy shit, I was…writing a lot and suddenly I lost everything because I accidentaly closed this…I am fucking tired now so I will see if I write tomorrow, perhaps…if I find the time and the strength

Thing is writing, sometimes emotion makes you write more and more and more and you can't quite replicate it in the end…tbqh, I am angry and sad…and perhaps destiny played me a better hand erasing it all because I was saying too much it's better to be safe than sorry.

I am angry, and sad at this thread, at this world, this country and at everything. I am going to lay down and sleep to see if my soul recovers a bit…stay strong and safe comrades


I don't want Cuba to fail though


>Identity […] is luxury
Take the borg/vulcan pill


>acts are properties
Category error


An expression of luxury then
You say tomato, I say potato


Yes, but def take sunscreen, meds and condoms. They can be hard to get there.


I wasn't there for too long, only two weeks and I stayed in Havana.The Cubans I talked to generally are either apolitical, lukewarm support the government or are anti-government and pretty open about it. Funny thing is that regardless of their politics they all hate the Miami Cuban Gusanos because of the Blockade. Don't let anyone tell you that "freeze peach" is a problem there. As long as you aren't trying to actively overthrow the gov there you can say what you want. I have some batshit stories about drunk reactionary Canadian and American tourists I met at some of the bars there.


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Despite a recent deterioration due to economic hardships, Cuba still has an incredible healthcare and education system, basically no illiteracy and a medical fleet they even eventually export to other countries.

What I have always wondered is, why can't they cash this same "human capital" base in a way to help in the development of the economy? If you can have the best doctors of the Thirld World thanks to your free universities, why can't you concentrate your efforts in raising a generation of, say, software engineers, that can work in SOE to bring more dollars to the system and overall upgrade the economy? The software industry is not capital-reliant (besides computers, which they already have, despite not being the latest models) and neither requires the import of intermediates supplies, it's basically farming and squeezing brains and if they can develop vaccines I'm sure they can put out some decent programmers too, right?



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