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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Communist Mayor Daniel Jadue arrested and given 120 days of preventative detention
The ruling took place in the fourth hearing where the charges against Jadue were presented by the Prosecutor of Metropolitan Center North and formalized. Jadue stands accused of bribery, tax fraud, fraud, and disloyal administration, while leading the Chilean Association of People’s Pharmacies (ACHIFARP). The Prosecutor’s Office had requested the judge give Jadue 120 days of preventative detention while they investigate the case.

Venezuela Opposition Presses Top US Officials to Halt Citgo Sale
Venezuela’s opposition is ramping up lobbying efforts in Washington, trying to persuade the Biden administration to intervene in the court-ordered sale of Citgo Petroleum Corp.’s parent company in the US. The company is the South American nation’s most important foreign asset and its shares are due to be auctioned by July 15. The opposition fears Nicolas Maduro could blame them for Citgo’s loss ahead of crucial presidential elections set for the end of next month.

'Dystopian': UAE Used Global Climate Summit to Push $100 Billion in New Oil Deals
The analysis showed that the UAE's Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) used the COP28 presidency of its CEO, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, to seek deals worth nearly $100 billion with oil, gas, and petrochemical companies in at least 12 countries.

A Yazidi woman and two children in Hol Camp rescued
The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria announced in a written statement that an operation was carried out after a Yazidi woman and her two children, who were kidnapped by ISIS gangs in 2014, were found to be staying in Hol camp.

Saudi Arabia 'continuing mass killing' of Ethiopians and Yemenis at border
According to the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC), Saudi border authorities have continued to fire indiscriminately at Ethiopian and Yemeni migrants attempting to cross the border irregularly from Yemen in 2023 and 2024.

Soldiers among 11 killed by separatist militants in southeast Nigeria
The soldiers were attacked on Thursday at a checkpoint in Abia state’s Aba town where the separatists were enforcing a lockdown to commemorate the short-lived Republic of Biafra which, in 1967, fought and lost a deadly civil war to become independent from Nigeria, defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Edward Buba said in a statement.

German AfD politician stabbed in second attack within days
A local candidate for Germany's right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has been injured in a knife attack, the party and police said on Wednesday, the second such incident in the city of Mannheim days after a police officer was killed.

France hurries to let New Caledonia vote in European elections after its deadly unrest. Few want to
Days after France lifted emergency measures in New Caledonia to quell the worst unrest in decades in its Pacific territory, it is hurrying to ensure that residents of the troubled archipelago can vote in the upcoming European elections. But many, especially among the Indigenous Kanaks who have long sought independence, don’t care.

Rightwing NZ government accused of ‘war on nature’ as it takes axe to climate policies
In its 2024/25 budget, handed down on Thursday, the rightwing coalition announced spending on law and order, education, health and a series of tax cuts, as the country struggles with inflation and cost-of-living pressures. Finance minister Nicola Willis, who delivered the budget against the backdrop of a technical recession and widening government deficits, said it was a “fiscally responsible budget” that was “putting New Zealanders’ money where it can make the biggest difference”.

From Ang Bayan: 5 AFP Soldiers Killed In Encounter With NPA Unit In Masbate Province
At least five soldiers of the AFP 2nd IB were killed in an encounter with the New People’s Army (NPA)-Masbate (Jose Rapsing Command) on May 23 in Barangay Lague-lague, Cawayan town, Masbate province. The NPA unit was in the area to hold consultations on the community residents’ situation and problems. The Red fighters withdrew safely.


American Airlines offers flight attendants 17% raises as contract talks drag on
APFA’s board will discuss the proposal later on Wednesday, according to Julie Hedrick, the union’s national president. She added that the airline’s focus should be on preparing a longer-term deal with the flight attendants. “This is not that,” she said. Also on Wednesday, the union said it opened a “strike command center” with dedicated phone lines and other resources to answer cabin crew questions.

Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza War
The covert campaign was commissioned by Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, a government body that connects Jews around the world with the State of Israel, four Israeli officials said. The ministry allocated about $2 million to the operation and hired Stoic, a political marketing firm in Tel Aviv, to carry it out, according to the officials and the documents.

Police arrest student protesters who occupied Stanford president’s office
A group of about a dozen students staged an occupation of the office of Richard Saller, Stanford’s president, while roughly 50 others linked arms outside, the Stanford Daily reported. The group entered the building around 6am on Wednesday, the final day of classes for the spring quarter, and said they intended to stay until the university met its demands.

Wisconsin warden and eight staff members charged following probes into inmate deaths
Waupun Correctional Institution’s warden, Randall Hepp, is charged with misconduct in public office. The other eight face charges of inmate abuse, which is a felony, and three of them — two correctional officers and a correctional sergeant — are also charged with misconduct in public office. All nine had court appearances Wednesday.

US: Columbia Law Review website shut down over article critical of Israel
The board of directors at the Columbia Law Review shut down its website after student editors refused a request to stop the publication of an academic article accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Phoenix using ice immersion to treat heatstroke victims as Southwest bakes in triple digits
Starting this season, the Phoenix Fire Department is immersing heatstroke victims in ice on the way to area hospitals. The medical technique, known as cold-water immersion, is familiar to marathon runners and military service members and has also recently been adopted by Phoenix hospitals as a go-to protocol, Fire Capt. John Prato said.

Another Boeing whistleblower comes forward over safety concerns
Roy Irvin, who worked at Boeing’s plant in South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 as a quality investigator, alleged that he was reprimanded as “insubordinate” for flagging safety and quality issues on 787 Dreamliner planes that he inspected.

T.J. Maxx is making some employees wear cameras to catch shoplifters
The parent company of T.J. Maxx is outfitting some employees with body-mounted cameras in the latest example of how retailers are trying to counter theft at their stores. Dozens of job listings for loss prevention employees at T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and HomeGoods — all owned by TJX — mention that those hired must wear a "company-issued body worn camera" as part of the job


The EZLN and Elections in Mexico
The disagreements between the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) and the political power in Mexico have been constant. Since the 1994 uprising, the Zapatista position regarding elections has had three key moments. Presidential elections are once again approaching in Mexico and, as every six years, more than one begins to question the Zapatista movement for its supposed “position” in the electoral process. But, what is the historical position of the Zapatista movement regarding the elections? We take up again three key moments to approach the position of the communities

Why Egypt's Sisi continues to protect Israel
This official Egyptian indifference, contrasted against widespread public anger, aligns with the regime’s stance since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza on 7 October. The regime’s strategy revolves around the Camp David Accords, signed with Israel in 1978 - its sole strategic framework across the military, political and diplomatic arenas. This strategy has consistently benefited the regime, which has exploited it fully. In a telephone interview with a Saudi TV channel, Diaa Rashwan, the head of Egypt’s State Information Service and unofficial spokesperson for the presidency, described relations with Tel Aviv as the greatest prize in the history of the Israeli state. This might be an accurate description of the treaty between the two countries, which removed the largest Arab state from the Arab-Israeli conflict and gradually became a sacred idol in Egyptian strategy. Since the presidency of Anwar Sadat, Egyptian regimes have internalised the idea that their importance to the American empire lies in maintaining relations with Israel. This idea has deepened under the Sisi regime, which has benefited from this arrangement since day one and continues to do so.

Rosa Luxemburg: The Political Mass Strike
The mass strike is not something that one can make whenever the parliamentary tricksters’ policy breaks down. A mass strike brought about under such circumstances is a lost cause from the outset. The political tricksters who believe that they can conjure up a mass strike and then terminate it with a wave of the hand are in error. This cannot be done. Mass strikes can only take place when the historical preconditions for them are at hand. They cannot be made on command. Mass strikes are not an artificial method that can be applied whenever the party has bungled its politics, in order to extricate us overnight from the morass. When the class conflicts have become so pronounced and the political situation so tense that parliamentary means are no longer sufficient to advance the cause of the proletariat, then the mass strike is urgently necessary, and then, although it may not bring unconditional victory, it is immensely useful to the cause of the proletariat. Only when the situation has become so extreme that there is no more hope for co-operation with the bourgeois parties, especially with the liberals, does the proletariat obtain the impetus necessary for the success of the mass strike. Accordingly, the mass strike is not reconcilable with a policy centred around parliamentarism.


>Jadue stands accused of bribery, tax fraud, fraud, and disloyal administration, while leading the Chilean Association of People’s Pharmacies (ACHIFARP)
God, I hate porkies so much.
Death to your pharma profits prokies and death to you and your families of inbred retards.


File: 1717647857650.jpg (78.46 KB, 1024x854, 1717537061659251m.jpg)

Thanks News Anon


>Israel Secretly Targets U.S. Lawmakers With Influence Campaign on Gaza War
<The campaign began in October and remains active on the platform X.
<Last week, Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, and OpenAI, which makes ChatGPT, said they had also found and disrupted the operation.
Is Musk's entire job just to give glowies free range to shit up Xitter?


>>1877442 (OP)
>Communist Mayor
You larping faggots really ought to separate communism from self-applied labels. Jadue is a fucking retard who signed a bunch of contracts and then didn't carry out his end of the deal for whatever reason, and the obvious happened. Let's not forget this asshole also shat on multiple union leaders, as expected from an opportunist.

I hold no sympathy for reformists, much less fucking politicians, and especially not the ones obfuscating what communism is when they're virtually indistinguishable from ghouls like Bachelet, and neither should you if you are such "communists".


Thanks for the info chilebro. Im an ostrich and I know jackshit.
>I just read headlines because Im tired of reading

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