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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Guns are fun and necessary for the revolution.

Why not have a gun?
Reactionaries are armed to the teeth, why should leftist remain unarmed? Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If you have kids at home keep the bullets locked up (or even at another address) and the gun unloaded.

At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight, handle the gun so familiarity can wash away the liberal anti-gun propaganda.

The more left leaning people with guns who learn couple things or two about guns the better. Objective fact!


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Shoot a revisionist with a gun


fucking americans


Wish I had access to guns, not everyone here is a burger.


>You wouldn't download a gun


i find guns boring


>Why not have a gun?
I don't want one. I'd rather die than shoot someone so there is no situation I would need one.


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I have five guns already. looking into getting myself a semi-automatic .308 of some kind


I would absolutely download a gun


How many do you own?
buy a beginner gun, see if you like it

if guns are hard to get, try black powder arms, more fun too. bit not too useful

well how do you feel about practicing the art of target shooting with an air gun? it can be very calming


They're illegal to buy, I don't have (nor want) the connections to purchase one illegally, and I don't have an appropriate place to construct one. I could get a sporting license but that's just time and money.

I'd rather just acquire potassium nitrate.


look into its spicier cousin, ammonium nitrate


>Why not have a gun?
Unless you're planning on establishing the armed wing of whatever your communist party is, you're more likely to end up causing trouble for yourself.


Yea, this.
LARP shot that will only seriously endanger people around you who are actually doing the work.




>TFW you live so paycheck to paycheck you can't even afford a shitty $200 pistol


lol, touch guns


>LARP shot
We call those "blanks"


tell me, what do you think about lefties smoking/snorting/ingesting federally, and depending on their state, state banned substances.

Is that not way worse than legally owning a gun. Especially in light of the police state. How many leftist have a criminal record or a straight up substance abuse problem due to violating drug laws.

If we could get less leftists on drugs and more on guns, things would get based.

Guns are good. Drugs are bad


The problem with guns are the people who own them.
Studies show that even well trained officers have a low accuracy rate.
Alot of crimes often onvoove blunt objects.
And alot of gun violence is often from mishandling.


>LARP shot that will only seriously endanger people around you who are actually doing the work.
>"the work"…phonebanking for the democrats


Shoot them.


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Where I live there is a lot of public land, once a while I drive out into the desert and plink away at steel all day. Maybe it isn’t for everyone but I think it is peaceful in some way, or cleansing maybe.


Chaddam Basedsien?


The only reasons I can imagine for gun ownership are for self defence and hunting purposes, because that’s the most important things to cover for many. OP, Militias require way more training, resources, and organization to get anything done. Don’t post stuff like this.


I am not saying form militias.

I am saying touch guns, own guns.

That is it. I am trying to shatter the liberal delusion some leftist have.

the problem with gun ownership in those studies you haven't posted is similar to the Bertrand Russell quote "
One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."
the most reactionary uninformed elements of society go and get and handle guns without any worries.

>trained officers

lol have you seen the police? Just because they have a badge doesn't make them an expert, lots of domestic violence, substance abuse, abuse of power, veterans trained for war- not policing.

You sound like a total liberal- "studies say" "the police are well selected"

Go out, touch grass + guns.


Having an armed party wing is illegal in most shitholes. You're going to cause trouble regardless.


Well, I'm not trying to blow up a McDonalds office.


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>fucking americans


We have r/liberalism for pacifist reformer faggots.


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I do in fact, "touch guns" since I was in fact, a police officer. And by police I do mean "police" not the thugs that masquerade as police in Uncle Sam's land.
>I am saying touch guns, own guns.
Oh so you are in fact, telling people to get guns for personal enjoyment and not for the purpose of revolution a la that "under no pretext" quote that the nutters always trot out to justify their security blanket collection.
Shoot yourself and save the world the trouble.


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3D Printer Ghost Gun Baby.


If you wanna get around needing a license or being on a list, black powder is an option. In a lot of polities they aren't even considered firearms.


Blackpowder is by the definition a FIRE ARM. Just because its not classified as "muh assault/pistol/modern small arms/light weapons guns sort of sense" doesn't mean its not a firearm.

Its easier to get a legitimate license for a hunting rifle.


In the USA, black powder guns do not fall under the NFA National Firearms Act.

Check your local state laws. In some states you can order them online with no background check.

My point is for leftists to familiarize themselves with guns. Muzzleloaders obviously have very limited conflict utility, as do pellet rifles.

At the very least get a pellet rifle, but only if you have some place to shoot.

LMAO at the cop telling leftists to not get guns.
>b-but those cops are bad cops, unlike the expert cops like me.

Get guns, I wish I could take you all shooting to demystify and de-fetishize guns. It is a good idea to buy hearing protection, guns are loud. At the very very least read the gun laws, and start saving up for a gun. A gun is a real good, something that can still work 50 years from now.


>left leaning
into the trash it goes


Go shooting? Aren't bullets like a fuckin dollar each? Who can afford that?


Thanks Obama


>you need to "hone your skills" (basically get a hobby that OP likes) for da revolushun
lol ok


guns are the fundamental substance of political power
-Mao Zedong


>for the revolution
Considering the revolution is 500 to 2,000 years away, whatever guns you get now will probably be pretty obsolete by the time it rolls around.


I overdosed on amphetamines one time and was let out of the hospital with a bipolar diagnosis. Can I still get a gun? How do I do this in a liberal state in the USA?


With the right attitude many things are possible


Your gun rights are automatically restored within a certain number of years at least in California. Also it sounds like you were misdiagnosed because if your episode was linked to drug use it doesn't count for bipolar.

>After a first 5150 hold, the person held is not permitted to purchase, own or receive a firearm for five years

You can also get a hearing to get them restored early but you'll probably need to pay for a lawyer.


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was he the most pro-gun socialist?


And if you gain residency in a state that doesn't have reciprocity for taking gun rights for psychiatric holds from your state you'd be able to buy a gun in that state as long as you are a legal resident and have ID from that state. There is no federal law that bans you from owning a firearm.


I confess I'm still to find a solid source on the whole guns thing in commie Albania.


seemingly so pro-gun it was to socialisms deficit, i think he was too obsessed with possibly being invaded by yugoslavia/cia and so focused on building bunkers and giving everyone tons of guns so they could to ppw if ever invaded, but when an actual almost civil war happened in 97, the salvation committees (pseudo-socialist hold-over after the fall of communism) failed to gain power and bill clinton destroyed any possibility of communism returning to albania. simply having a lot of gun is never enough.


>its another thread where retards strawman calls for simple gun ownership into acting like some prepper with multiple weapon types, tons of different ammos and some manned heavy weapons on platforms



Still fairly based though.


It's the socialist way


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glorious 中国 is setting the example for Americomrades


based and FUGA pilled


For USians


Check this daily. Place bids on things that catch your eye. Go for new or gently used. Look for things that nor.ally sell above $400. You will get high grade firearms for under $300 (estimate about $100 shipping)
I've gotten a $600 semi-auto shotgun for $200 this way.


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Don't skimp on the thing that you're betting your life on. You can easily spend $100 at one day at the range. Assuming you're going to be practicing you're going to spend more on the rounds than the gun itself even if you go for a slightly higher end one.

But good idea for looking for deals. A tip for USians in red states is do a person to person sale and you leave no paper trail legally.

I don't know about other states but in TX:

It's like craigslist for guns.


Remember not to give 9 year olds a full auto Uzi


You can get good quality guns at low prices through auctions like this. Its a matter of being regular in checking, making lots of attempts, and hoping to just get lucky once. But there is no cost to trying and lots of opportunities to try so there is no downside for making daily moonshots.


just a reminder, the taliban won


>Go shooting? Aren't bullets like a fuckin dollar each? Who can afford that?
Depends on the bullet. Average 9mm bullet is around 25 cents. If you buy in bulk the average cost per round goes down. It's a pretty expensive hobby though.

>Considering the revolution is 500 to 2,000 years away, whatever guns you get now will probably be pretty obsolete by the time it rolls around.
It looks like warfare is turning into a battle of flying death robots.

>Maybe it isn’t for everyone but I think it is peaceful in some way, or cleansing maybe.
For me I find shooting to be a kind of meditative experience. It's a combination of focus and relaxation.


Persuade me not to sell my gun (CZ PO-1 9mm).

I bought it mostly because of threads like this, that leftists should know how to handle guns to be prepared for the insurrection that is definitely on the near horizon. Well I have it, I have learned how to shoot it, but going to the range has never really appealed to me thanks to the crazy cost of the ammo and the reactionary clientele there.

A few years later I got chronic tinnitus after an ear injury and it's been absolutely awful. The injury wasn't gun related but I am deathly afraid now to shoot any gun even with hearing protection, since even a little bit of further damage might make the tinnitus worse (I have a perfect audiogram). I handed over the gun to a friend right after tinnitus onset because I was starting to feel suicidal; I feel better now but I'm strongly considering just selling the gun anyway because I don't think I'll ever use it again outside of very hypothetical political violence in the future.


A pistol isn't gonna be that much good in warfare anyway, I guess you can sell it if you want.


sell it to a reliable comrade for one dollar/yuan/peso/book/handshake/bushel of corn


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learn to wield a crossbow and become a stealth soldier


For warfare you would do more with a drone and homemade explosives than an assault rifle.


> I don't have (nor want) the connections to purchase one illegally
shitty leftist


they revoked my license for it


Is that the Mojave?


this is the future

even children are less scared and better trained than the antifun/antigun crybabies here


>At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight
What's the best pellet gun for learning to shoot straight?


what did you do?


Guns are like samurai swords in the Edo period, wherein in actual combat, spears were more effective, not to say the least of firearms.

They're a romantic cultural fantasy of masculinity when drones / mortars are far better weapons for revolt and insurrection.


>romantic cultural fantasy of masculinity when drones / mortars are far better weapons for revolt and insurrection.

lol you feds+libs have no arguments, comrades can use guns to get drones and mortars and even more appropriate equipment


guns are for faggots. real men use their fists


any recommendations


>Being a leftist is being a lumpen gangster lowlife


do want


Don't worry about best, just get an underpowered break barrel pellet rifle, the point is to learn to shoot straight. Do get a cheapo scope. aiming with iron sights sucks, in addition you will learn how to zero a scope

if you are an absolute beginner start with pellet rifles and air pistols. then buy a starter cheapo gun, then you will be able to decide on your own which gun best fits you. If you have leftist friends share the gun with them so they can practice too before they buy their own. It is better to practice in groups to share insights and tips, and being with friends is fun!


just to be clear by "starter gun" I mean a cheap gun for beginners, not the guns used to start races


Get a stribog. It's a pistol caliber carbine which means it's a carbine which is capable of rifling pistol caliber bullets in the mag while achieving more accurate fire across longer distances than a pistol. Stribogs are about $750.


this guys has some decent recommendations. +1 on hearing protection
depends on your location. smaller calibers are cheaper. a .22 is useful for practice and cheap to run. I hunt big game, and the ammo isn't cheap



I got a message for all you liberals out there.

You want my gun? My firearm? Come take it from me! Just walk through my door, come into my home and take it from me, with your weak, soft, liberal, girlish hands. Just try to put those hands on me, those soft, liberal hands, put them on me, on my body! Just slowly, gently dragging your fingers up and down my arm giving me goosebumps. You want my gun, come kiss me for it, but not like right away, don’t be too obvious with it, let’s do that thing where our faces get close to each other and you know whats gonna happen, it’s just a matter of time, you just stare at each others lips, but you’re waiting for the right signal to give yourself over to them completely, like in “A walk to remember”. Come do that for my gun! Bite my lip and play with my hair, for my firearm! If you want my gun, come spank me for it! Not like too hard, but like still hard, you know? Like hurt me, but make me feel safe at the same time. You pussy liberals!


>learn to wield a crossbow and become a stealth soldier
not bad either


For the guntards here.
How do i learn to use guns on a country where (legaly) it's Very hard to have contact with Guns(Brazil) ?.


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Really ?, thats the only shit i can do ?


Get whatever the highest cal stuff you can get and practice with that. Get a bb gun like OP said. You probably can get an air rifle.


join a gang, kill mafia boss, become criminal collective



American middle-class thread.



get into hunting


You make America sound cool as fuck, also lulz at the idea lower class don't own guns. Where do you live where this is the case pal? You have my sympathies.


Go into the favelas, see if the bangers can get you a good deal on a ghost 9mm with a full-auto switch. It'll probably be cheap (as guns go) and will do the job you want more discreetly.


Speaking practically for just a second here, if there was a community with an organized segment of the armed population, how EXACTLY would you go about using them for change? In my mind, they'd have to make some overtures of like surrounding a politician's house if he votes against rent control or something like that. Can you legally get away with this? Like assuming it's legal to open-carry and all, could you get together with 20 other guys and just stand around a politician's house with guns out? How far can you push this 'indirectly threatening aura' thing on the establishment and still stand a chance of not being put in a rape-cage?


become ungovernable, step one is get guns, step two is govern yourself


any recommendations on automatic crossbows? some seem like they are prone to failure after a couple dozen shots according to reviews. been bumping crossbow threads but those are dead


Okay but like I said, taking a step back from this goofy internet shit and talking about irl for a second. People irl have to deal with problems record rates of rent increases and evictions, there's no way and no-where to just go do our own thing, we were born into a government of the landlords and have to contend with that reality. I'm wanting to discuss how irl people can use guns to force change and influence policies that are adversely affecting them. Which is why I, in all caps, asked how EXACTLY would go about using them?


>some seem like they are prone to failure after a couple dozen shots according to reviews
breh I admit to watching some videos but you are keen on these things. What realistic scenario are you visualizing where the auto crossbow you carry everywhere saves the day?


Directly: Kill landlords, cops, corrupt union bossed, mafia elements, suits etc
Indirectly: Prevent violence/escalation due to the near same principle of Mutually Assured Destruction i.e. Piggies are not going to risk their lives over workers wanting 5 day paid vacation and a 2$ raise
>carry everywhere
not doing that openly lol, also looking for compact crossbows
>saves the day?
an arrow to the neck solves alot


I would suggest a steel limb crossbow would launch heavier projectiles than arrows quite well and quietly.


thanks anon





BBs are round balls with horrible ballistics(they are super inaccurate) spend

You don't own anything. get a breakbarrel pellet rifle or pellet pistol. Yes! Break barrel! having manually to reload will incentivize being a good shot.

The crossbow talk is either misguided people or the feds trying to get leftist to waste money on ineffectual equipment.

Become ungovernable https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff



crossbows hit much harder than pellets do, to the point where you can use a crossbow to hunt large game. one shot to a human in the torso and they are absolutely not going to fight you anymore. you can literally bore a 2in diameter hole through someone's body with a crossbow bolt, not even a bullet can do that. meanwhile a pellet is worthless anywhere but the head.

i already said that crossbows are only an alternative for people who cant get guns. guns are better than crossbows, which is why guns rendered them obsolete.

but before guns, the crossbow was king.


Gun ownership is a larp. Private firearms are just commodities you're not fighting a revolution without a logistics train from some external power. 9 times out of 10 it's some guy posting about it to be like "see, leftists aren't soy boys we also subscribe to cuckservative larping" but then they go buy some 80-year-old bolt-action and just get made fun of anyway.

I understand maybe one person on this entire site actually might need something at home to feel safe from meth heads or whatever but this not the posts I see. It's like the other thread where guys are debating crossbows for silently assassinating people like life is a video game.


guns are just tools that you can use to execute plans with.


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being anti-gun is an even larpier larp
>I'm going to pretend owning this piece of wood and metal is so sacred that my plebian hands are not worthy of owning it.

Life is a video game with NO RULEZ BABY.

So many people especially high schoolers assume the feds are omniscient and competent. They are not. they are far from it.


depending on the state just start a squatters mutual aid group. It takes a long time to evict people in California.

but the first step to any of this is have friends, actually organize.

If you can't make friends move to somewhere better. I know the USA has a lot of nowhere towns with boomers. If you're in such a place and don't any property there, LEAVE! Just do it. Those places are tar pits that will rob you of your lifespan.


Yes, but what can you do to prepare and outmanever the reactionary forces? Where is your army? What is your military strategy? How will you supply yourself and others? How will you kill as many of THEM and as few of US as possible?


>I am not saying form militias.
>I am saying touch guns, own guns.
>That is it. I am trying to shatter the liberal delusion some leftist have.
<"I have a political stance. My political stance is pro-consumer, pro-gamer. That's it.
Individualist consumer mode of politics? You are a delusional neoliberal, literally against the idea of a collective proletariat praxis, no different than any Fox news watching boomer.
>Go out, touch grass + guns.
atomized Walmart consumer drone NPC dialog


nah, cope


>but then they go buy some 80-year-old bolt-action and just get made fun of anyway.
Why would you get laughed at for having an 80 year old bolt action?


that anon has no idea what they're talking about. there's oodles of surplus bolt-action rifles around, many sporterized and used for hunting big game by millions of people who value their reliability


oh and I forgot to say, I have an old 6.5x55 rifle from the late '30s that works perfectly fine and shoots straight. should it come down to it then it'll do the job



>Directly: Kill landlords, cops, corrupt union bossed, mafia elements, suits etc
Do you just come to this board whenever you want to throw a tantrum or something?


some questions are to be answered while touching grass with people who aren't feds. to discuss your questions online is pointless. the point of this thread is to touch guns


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