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Guatemala lawyer who defended rural and Indigenous people killed in attack
José Domingo was with two members of the United Farmworkers Committee when they were shot by a group of men Wednesday south of the capital, said Daniel Pascual, a leader of that organization.

Top prosecutor charged for allegedly intimidating son of Colombia’s president
The disciplinary commission of Colombia’s judicial branch announced charges against the prosecutor who is investigating the son of President Gustavo Petro. According to the National Commission for Judicial Discipline, prosecutor Mario Burgos allegedly leaked evidence to the media and tried to intimidate the president’s son, Nicolas Petro. If found guilty of the charges, Burgos may be removed from the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Colombia to Ban Coal Sales to Israel to Seek an End to Gaza War
The ministers of foreign affairs, finance, energy and trade decided to halt sales of the fuel to the Jewish state, according to a draft decree published Friday on Colombia’s trade ministry’s website. The Andean nation is Israel’s biggest supplier of the fossil fuel.

Israeli army says four captives rescued amid heavy strikes on Gaza
The announcement about the raid in Nuseirat on Saturday came as Palestinian health officials said at least 210 people were killed and wounded in Israeli attacks on central Gaza. Local residents said Nuseirat had come under heavy Israeli drone and air raids, with children among those killed.

HPG: 11 Turkish soldiers were killed in actions by the guerrillas
On 1 June at 10:50, a Reo-type military vehicle loaded with a generator was hit by the guerrillas with sabotage tactics in Tabura Ereban Resistance Area. 5 invaders inside the vehicle were killed and 2 others were wounded. The military vehicle, generator and military equipment inside the vehicle were destroyed.

11 bodies retrieved from Mediterranean off Libya: MSF
"It is unclear whether the bodies discovered off the Libyan coast were victims of a previously unknown shipwreck." While out searching for the bodies, MSF sighted a boat and rescued the 20 people aboard, it said.

Mali financial workers union extends strike
A financial worker's union in Mali on Saturday called on employees of banks, insurance companies, micro-finance institutions and petrol stations to extend their strike until its secretary-general is released from detention. The National Union of Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions and Businesses of Mali (SYNABEF) held a strike from Thursday to Saturday after its secretary-general, Hamadoun Bah, was arrested on Wednesday.

Scottish Greens propose ticket tax on Swifties
The Scottish Greens have now proposed a £1 levy on stadium concert tickets, a tax they say could net £1 million a year from Scotland’s two biggest stadia alone. It could have brought in as much as £200,000 from Ms Swift’s three-night residency at Murrayfield to plough into supporting grassroots music, artists and venues across the country.

Polish police at Belarus border ordered to carry guns amid “growing aggression” from migrants
Meanwhile, the government today announced that new rules on allowing soldiers to use weapons in self-defence at the border will be presented next week. The speaker of parliament has defended the right of soldiers to “shoot at thugs who attack them”.

Russia Says Its Forests Can Absorb Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Climate Change and Poor Forestry Standards Make This Unlikely.
Researchers from the Moscow-based Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology found that Russia's greenhouse gas emissions appear to be higher than what its ecosystems can absorb. The report’s authors also warned that Russia's ecosystems could become a carbon source after 2050 due to increased methane release from the continental shelf and melting permafrost.

Manibela: 25,000 members to join 3-day transport strike
Transport group Samahang Manibela Mananakay at Nagkaisang Terminal ng Transportasyon (Manibela) said Saturday that they expect around 25,000 members to join their 3-day protest which will begin on Monday.

Nearly half of journalists covering climate crisis globally received threats for their work
A global survey of more than 740 reporters and editors from 102 countries found that 39% of those threatened “sometimes” or “frequently” were targeted by people engaged in illegal activities such as logging and mining. Some 30%, meanwhile, were threatened with legal action – reflecting a growing trend towards corporations and governments deploying the judicial system to muzzle free speech.


Thousands gather at White House for pro-Palestinian protest
Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the White House on Saturday to protest Joe Biden’s response to Israel’s ongoing military strikes on Gaza. Footage posted to social media showed police using pepper spray on protesters, who faced arrest at the mass demonstration. At least one demonstrator also held a canister that released green and white smoke near the southern side of the White House.

Los Angeles leader outraged after footage shows officers 'dump' alleged homeless man in front of office
Councilman Paul Krekorian released the video that showed the two uniformed officers pull up to the street in North Hollywood on June 6, get the unidentified man out of their marked vehicle in handcuffs, uncuffing him and then driving off as he appeared to get on the ground on all fours.

New York City police officer arrested in New Jersey road rage shooting, authorities say
Officers from the Voorhees Township Police Department were at the scene of a multicar crash on Route 73 when they saw that one of the drivers in the pileup had been shot before the crash, the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

Judge rather than jury will render verdict in upcoming antitrust trial
The decision Friday by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema was a defeat for the Justice Department, which sought a jury trial when it filed the case last year in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. But the government’s right to a jury trial was based largely on the fact that it sought monetary damages to compensate federal agencies that purchased online ads and claimed they were overcharged as a result of Google’s anticompetitive conduct. The dollar values associated with those claims, though, were relatively small — less than $750,000 — and far less significant than other remedies sought by the government, which might include forcing Google to sell off parts of its advertising technology.

Trump pitches himself as 'crypto president' at San Francisco tech fundraiser
Trump raised $12 million from the fundraiser hosted by tech venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya at Sacks' home in the swanky Pacific Heights neighborhood. "He said he would be the crypto president," Trevor Traina, a San Francisco-based tech executive and former Trump ambassador to Austria, told Reuters.

Hochul fails to reach revenue deal with lawmakers
That development, along with the lack of a concrete revenue plan to replace the anticipated revenue, has left urgent infrastructure projects set to benefit from the funding in limbo.The governor’s sudden reversal of support for the tolls also left the state government in turmoil as lawmakers were wrapping up their six-month legislative session. There are no plans to return to Albany before January, and many legislators are turning their attention to their primaries on June 25.


Communique Amid the Electoral Farce, The Capitalist War Against the Peoples
With the arrival of the “Fourth Transformation,” his government policy increased militarization toward indigenous peoples and communities, especially in Zapatista territory. Paramilitary groups and organized crime operate with complete impunity as guarantors of the imposition not only of deadly megaprojects such as the Maya Train, the Interoceanic Corridor and the Morelos Integral Project; they are at the service of the State and big capital to carry out the dispossession of land, Mother Earth and life. In the midst of their “ELECTORAL FARCE”, we see that, in recent weeks, nothing matters except their votes, their polls, their debates, their figures and their electoral preferences; but, above all, their strategy to attack and disqualify their enemies, as a campaign strategy. On June 2, a “democracy” is not in dispute, much less a leftist one. What is really at stake is an economic and political power that seeks to sustain itself through militarization, impunity, and the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few at the service of the big transnational corporations. Their plan is to sustain this “Fourth Transformation,” with a CAPITALIST WAR against indigenous peoples and communities. Faced with the impunity and violence imposed on our territories, from the National Assembly for Water and Life. . .

Why the Center Holds
The mainstream press is obsessed with Trump’s inner circle. In March, James Politi of the Financial Times wrote, “narrowly ahead in the polls against Joe Biden, Trump now has the backing of a small group of seasoned campaign operatives and a tightly knit entourage of former officials eager to apply his ideas.” In another article titled, “How MAGA Republicans plan to make Donald Trump’s second term count,” the Economist observes that “a professional corps of America First populists are dedicating themselves to ensuring that Trump Two will be disciplined.” Rather than allow the GOP intelligentsia (who, according to this narrative, constrained Trump’s America First agenda) to infiltrate the White House again, a cadre of true believers will unquestioningly execute his plans to shut down the US-Mexico border, unleash political retribution on his enemies, and slap tariffs on all Chinese-made goods. There is undeniably something appealing to this analysis. Vaguely Gramscian, such journalism promises insight into the “organic intellectuals” behind Trumpism. An America First inner circle also furnishes an easy target against which to organize, for now there will be no “adult in the room” to mask Trump’s authoritarianism. The problem with these stories, however, is that unlike Gramsci they do not follow the trail down to civil society, the hidden abode where we might find the social and institutional bases of the Republican Party. On such accounts, the intellectual movement behind MAGA emerged as if from the ether to undermine the once dominant politics of compromise. But the question of why Trump has been able to take hold of the Republican Party only becomes pressing in contrast to the inability of Bernie Sanders, or any other left-wing challenger, to do the same. Absent in the inner circle narrative is a discussion of the enduring strength of the Democrats. In 2008 and 2020, the party was able to hold together the New Deal coalition, relying on networks of association created during the Roosevelt and civil rights eras. So sedimented were these institutions that Sanders, whose program was popular with the multiracial working class, was unable to gain a foothold. The origins of the differences between the Republican and Democratic parties lie in the long history, and transformation, of both since the nineteenth century.

(1915) Rosa Luxemburg: The Junius Pamphlet: The Crisis of German Social Democracy Chapter 1
In the midst of this witches’ sabbath a catastrophe of world-historical proportions has happened: International Social Democracy has capitulated. To deceive ourselves about it, to cover it up, would be the most foolish, the most fatal thing the proletariat could do. Marx says: “…the democrat (that is, the petty bourgeois revolutionary) [comes] out of the most shameful defeats as unmarked as he naively went into them; he comes away with the newly gained conviction that he must be victorious, not that he or his party ought to give up the old principles, but that conditions ought to accommodate him.”[3] The modern proletariat comes out of historical tests differently. Its tasks and its errors are both gigantic: no prescription, no schema valid for every case, no infallible leader to show it the path to follow. Historical experience is its only school mistress. Its thorny way to self-emancipation is paved not only with immeasurable suffering but also with countless errors. The aim of its journey – its emancipation depends on this – is whether the proletariat can learn from its own errors. Self-criticism, remorseless, cruel, and going to the core of things is the life’s breath and light of the proletarian movement. The fall of the socialist proletariat in the present world war is unprecedented. It is a misfortune for humanity. But socialism will be lost only if the international proletariat fails to measure the depth of this fall, if it refuses to learn from it. ..




Didn't they rehabilitate Arbenz recently? They just made new ones.

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