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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Imagine being such a fucking dickless CUCK that when your liberal centrist coalition gets publically ass raped by the Fascist Right you justified surpressing the left for decades to keep out of power you decide to bend over for a second fucking helping, to give them complete control of the nation even faster then they otherwise would get it.
Like God DAMN Macron is a fucking BITCH.
Fucking absolute gay cock sucker for the far right he spent his entire career defining himself in opposition to:


It’ll be so entertaining to see what retarded nonsense this board comes up with a hen Big Mac wins kek


Cameron’s folly


As if he and "liberals" aren't fascists



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He was openly tyrannical during COVID, which is why he's getting his ass raped in elections by the reactionary far right. He sued a guy who called him a nazi. That wasn't even the only guy, another dude made a measly poster and got fined 10000 euros. He was larping as a dictator and this has gotten the far-right so much popular support.

Don't get me started on the "leftists" that tried to defend him and other leaders that acted like him during the lockdowns. What a losing issue that is.


i would be more surprised to see liberals NOT side with fascists than the opposite. of course maKKKron is a little fash freak, he is a liberal, and the only difference between liberalism and fascism is courage.


reminder: french liberals almost universally supported Hitler and/or the Vichy regime in the 1940s.


C'est fini


If your problem with Macron is that he forced peoploe to lockdown and get the vaccine, you are a retard.

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