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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1718210168344-0.jpg (79 KB, 502x512, Sukhbaatar.jpg)


Is there any information on Sükhbaatar and the revolution? And what do Mongolians think of socialism in general? I'm guessing that they lean positively, since Sükhbaatar still has a statue dedicated to him.


I remember spotting a Mongolian poster here and there occasionally. Perhaps last year or this year, I recall some anon identifying as Mongolian talking about a declaration issued by the government together with a few other surviving socialist states in the 90s about a commitment to carry on with socialism. More recently, on the DPRK general IIRC, there were news of a rare visit of Best Korea's foreign minister abroad, obviously in Mongolia and I remember the anon saying he was Mongolian.
Recently I've been reading something about this country and I've found the Battle of Khalkin-Gol particularly interesting. In fact, it was almost a rehearsal for ww2 and tactics used there to defeat the Japanese were also employed a few years later against Germany. The outcome of the battle seemed also to have convinced the Japanese government not to attack the USSR and go for Pearl Harbor instead. It's potentially one of the most important military engagements in modern history, yet only lunatics like me reading the most obscure stuff know about it, at least in the west.
Last year, I don't know why, yt dropped some suggestion with titles written in Cyrillic and three attractive women in the thumbnail. Me being an unrepentant coomer, I clicked on it and it was some cheesy sentimental love song, but I kept clicking on other suggestions and before I could tell I was deeply into the rabbit hole of modern Mongolian pop music. After a few cheesy ones, I stumbled upon something more interesting and I was impressed by the quality of some videos, plus I liked some of the electronic sounds, me being an unrepentant appreciator of Depeche Mode, New Order and the like. I also noticed that some videos have many millions views, which is basically a few times the entire population of the country, meaning they must already have some international audience, even if they are not remotely close to K-pop in terms of numbers.
Then, out of curiosity, I looked for books about Mongolia on the holy libgen, but apparently the only things about modern politics are papers from some German or Swedish foundations - which I guess have a pro-western bent - which I didn't bothered to read. I downloaded something about the language me being an unrepentant reader of stuff about linguistics and I got scared trying to understand how vowel and consonant harmony works.
Just last week I was scouring wikipaedo for the man after whom the current Mongolian capital is named and I found the article on Sükhbaatar.


Bumping because we have/had a Mongolianon.
You might want to ask or hope someone else can ask on the Matrix to come here and reply to you if he is so inclined.


File: 1718245968263.webm (1.59 MB, 720x720, trump temujin.webm)

she sukh on my bataar until I mongolia


Bumping this again, ffs. At this point /siberia/ is much faster than the main board, which is basically only trash amerikkkan political theatre and a bunch of trolls and sperglords throwing hissy fits about some obscure theoretical point no one except them give a fuck about.

Монголын анон, би чамайг дуудлаа


Here's some info. His name means Axe Hero. That's pretty badass.


I can read wikipaedo, thanks. Anyway, Sükhbaatar was genuinely badass and his life was really adventurous. Still, I would like to read some meaningful discussion about him on this board instead of the usual drama about some twitter grifter bitching about amerikkkan identity politics or shit like that.


maybe the problem here is sukhabataar died 101 years ago and didn't have much written about him. maybe it would be more worth it to just have a /mongolia/ general and then maybe every now and then some new stuff might trickle in



found this OP


I fundamentally agree. It would be patronising for someone not from Mongolia to open a /mongolia/ general, tho. I started the first /ita/ back on 8chan about 2018 - ffs, time flies… - then we have the /sea/ one, the Brazilian one - very lively and always full of oi caralho -, /britpol/, the German one, the Nordic one… And I'm forgetting some for sure. They've all been started by people from those places and they are often in the relevant language. Let's hope some Mongolian anon will pop back here soon and do the thing. Interestingly, there are Mongolian speaking peoples both in Russia and China, and IIRC they exceed in numbers the actual inhabitants of modern Mongolia. I also think some /heartland/ general about Central Asia would be really interesting, just like /sea/ and maybe it would be an even better solution, considering anons from every single country in the region may be relatively few, but all together things could be more interesting.


> It would be patronising for someone not from Mongolia to open a /mongolia/ general, tho
not necessarily. if you want to attract mongolian anons to the board having a place for them might be a good start. You could open a thread with full disclosure that you're not mongolian and then let someone actually mongolian take over managing the threads once the ball is rolling. I very highly doubt /ukr/ is managed by ukainians or russians.

Also I looked on libgen for books about sukhbataar and found nothing


Might be of interest.

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