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Linguist and activist Noam Chomsky hospitalized in his wife’s native country of Brazil after stroke
Valeria Chomsky said via email that her 95-year-old husband is in a Sao Paulo hospital, where she took him on an ambulance jet with two nurses once he could more easily travel from the United States following the June 2023 stroke. The couple has had a residence there since 2015.

Milei reform bill hangs in balance as riots rage outside Argentine Congress
The main left-leaning Peronist opposition bloc, closely allied to the unions, is likely to vote down what is known as the "bases" bill and a separate fiscal package. The main bill includes plans for privatizing public firms, granting special powers to the president and spurring investment.

Colombia’s teachers strike over pending education reform
The compromise agreed between the minister and the opposition includes the “opening of education to the market under the pretext of improving quality,” which would make it more difficult for poor people to get decent education, and higher education in particular. Fecode and Osorio additionally accused Vergara of agreeing to the controversial compromises without consulting with the teachers and their union.

Israel pushes out dozens of aid workers by not extending visas
Since the war in Gaza began eight months ago, Israeli authorities have been quietly hindering the work of NGOs by not issuing temporary work visas to aid workers, nor renewing existing ones. Dozens of foreigners working for NGOs focusing their work in Palestine have had to leave their homes, usually in Jerusalem, as their visas have expired. Israel has also changed its policy toward U.N. system organizations, amid the biggest crisis in the region in decades.

Yazidi Nationality Bill sparks debate and opposition in Iraqi parliament
Yazidi activist Maiser Saeed told The New Arab's Arabic-language sister publication, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the Yazidis have endured significant oppression under ISIS and deserve recognition as a distinct Iraqi nationality. Saeed stressed that the bill would treat Yazidi as a nationality in terms of rights and duties, while not negating their religious identity.

Opposition party agrees to join SA unity government
The leader of South Africa's Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) says his party has agreed to form part of a government of national unity that includes the African National Congress (ANC) and the biggest opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA). Velenkosini Hlabisa told reporters at a media briefing in Durban on Wednesday: "The only options were to become part of the government, or part of the opposition." "The people of South Africa who voted said that political parties must find a common ground," Mr Hlabisa said.

ITUC African body calls for action against child labour on the continent
“Worldwide, the agriculture sector accounts for the largest share of child labour. In Africa, agriculture accounts for 85 per cent of all child labour and 61.4 million children in absolute terms.” It said: “Many African children toil in private homes as servants, in farming, construction sites, mines, garages, shops and other enterprises in the informal sector.

US lifts ban on sending weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
Azov is the best-known name of the Ukrainian extreme right that emerged in 2014, following the Maidan Revolution. It is a political and military movement founded by extremist and ultranationalist elements that contributed to the overthrow of pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych. … Since the war in Donbas, the United States had prohibited the weapons it sent to Ukraine from ending up in the hands of Azov. This has been the case until Tuesday, when the White House State Department announced that the Azov Brigade will finally be able to receive U.S. war equipment.

Heat wave in Greece halts visits to Acropolis as drones with thermal cameras monitor temperatures
The ancient site in the Greek capital — which drew nearly 4 million visitors last year — was closed from midday till 5 p.m. as the temperature was set to reach 39 degrees Celsius (102 degrees Fahrenheit). Elementary schools and preschool classes were also canceled in parts of southern and central Greece where the temperatures were highest.

Starmer promises ‘long-term strategy’ in business-friendly Labour manifesto
The Labour manifesto will promise to not raise corporation tax, and to launch a new industrial strategy with clean energy at its centre and enact rapid planning reforms to incentivise developers to build new infrastructure.


Widespread outage hits Puerto Rico as customers demand ouster of private electric company
A widespread power outage hit Puerto Rico Wednesday night, leaving more than 340,000 customers without electricity after two of the U.S. territory’s power plants shut down. The capital of San Juan was left without power, as well as neighboring municipalities including Bayamón, Caguas and Carolina.

US court nixes order barring Amazon from firing pro-union workers
U.S. District Judge Diane Gujarati in Brooklyn ruled that Bryson's firing violated his rights under U.S. labor law and barred Amazon from terminating other union supporters. But the judge refused to order Amazon to reinstate Bryson, saying there was no evidence that his firing deterred other workers from unionizing.The 2nd Circuit on Wednesday said the requirement that Amazon not fire other workers was unnecessary if there was no evidence that Bryson's firing had a broader impact.

Sanders Leads Senate Dems in Call for US Board to Allow Airline Workers Strike
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday led 31 Senate Democrats in a letter calling on the agency that facilitates labor and management relations within the country's railroad and airline industries to allow flight attendants to strike if necessary. Sanders (I-Vt.), who chairs the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and his colleagues—including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.)—wrote to the three-member National Mediation Board (NMB), established by 1934 amendments to the Railway Labor Act of 1926.

Dozens of CVS Generic Drug Recalls Expose Link to Tainted Factories
One factory making CVS-branded pain and fever medications for children used contaminated water. Another made drugs for kids that were too potent. And a third made nasal sprays for babies on the same machines it used to produce pesticides. The drugs were among those sold by CVS Health Corp., the largest US pharmacy, under its store-brand label before being recalled.

Immigrant rights groups sue to block Biden asylum ban at US-Mexico border
The groups, led by the American Civil Liberties Union, argued restrictions implemented last week violated U.S. asylum law and that Biden failed to follow proper regulatory procedure. The lawsuit was filed in federal court in Washington, D.C.

Ex-officer in Mississippi gets 1 year in prison for forcing man to lick urine off jail floor
Michael Christian Green received the maximum prison time on the misdemeanor charge of acting under the color of law to deprive a person of their civil rights. Green, 26, pleaded guilty March 14 and is scheduled to go to prison July 26.

‘Abhorrent antisemitism’: homes of Jewish Brooklyn Museum leaders vandalized
On one home, red triangles – likely used to symbolize Palestinian resistance – were drawn on the windows and doors. A banner was also hung in front of the house that read: “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White Supremacist Zionist”. The phrase “Blood on your hands” was also stamped outside of the targeted homes. … The latest incident involving the museum comes after more than two dozen pro-Palestinian demonstrators occupied parts of the Brooklyn Museum on 31 May, causing it to close an hour earlier, Reuters reported. The protesters were calling on the museum to divest from Israel and other financial institutions that contribute to Israel’s war on Gaza.


Joe Biden Still Won’t Say No to Israel An interview with Akbar Shahid Ahmed
The Israeli war on Gaza has now continued for eight months, resulting in massive loss of life among Palestinian civilians and a request from the International Criminal Court (ICC) for arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, Yoav Gallant. Yet Joe Biden has continued to channel vast amounts of military aid to Israel and provide it with political and diplomatic support, at the cost of mounting anger among voters he needs to defeat Donald Trump this fall. Akbar Shahid Ahmed is the senior diplomatic correspondent for the Huffington Post. He has been following the Biden administration’s support for the Israeli war on Gaza since October 7 and has broken several important stories about internal dissent from US government officials. We spoke on Thursday, June 6, before the passage of a motion at the UN Security Council endorsing a proposal for a cease-fire. This is an edited transcript from Jacobin’s Long Reads podcast. You can listen to the interview here.

Britain’s housing crisis intensifies: evict the profiteers
A study by the charity Shelter has revealed the depth of Britain’s housing crisis. 260,000 social housing units have been lost in England over the past decade alone. Despite the fact that for much more than ten years, there have been millions of households on the waiting list, British capitalism has responded by massively reducing the amount of social housing for them. Today, 145,800 children are homeless – the highest ever figure in Britain. Rent levels are at all time highs, crippling the living standards of millions of people. Evictions are rising every year. Section 21 notices – ‘no fault’ evictions by landlords – jumped 38% in the year from 2022 to 2023. This has led to an explosion in homelessness. But councils, ravaged by over a decade of austerity, are unable to meet their statutory obligations to house the homeless. As a result, last year, hundreds of homeless families in London were permanently forced as far afield as the North East of England by local authorities. Many were disgustingly given just 24 hours to accept being rehoused hundreds of miles away, on pain of being classified as ‘intentionally homeless’ and thus denied access to social housing. That is to say that the public sector, crippled by austerity, and in the context of the blind forces of the market, is exiling people.

Clara Zetkin: Lenin on the Women’s Question
Comrade Lenin frequently spoke to me about the women’s question. Social equality for women was, of course, a principle needing no discussion for communists. It was in Lenin’s large study in the Kremlin in the autumn of 1920 that we had our first long conversation on the subject. “We must create a powerful international women’s movement, on a clear theoretical basis”, Lenin began. “There is no good practice without Marxist theory, that is clear. The greatest clarity of principle is necessary for us communists in this question. There must be a sharp distinction between ourselves and all other Parties. Unfortunately, our Second World Congress did not deal with this question. It was brought forward, but no decision arrived at. The matter is still in commission, which should draw up a resolution, theses, directions. Up to the present, however, they haven’t got very far. You will have to help.” I was already acquainted with what Lenin said and expressed my astonishment at the state of affairs. I was filled with enthusiasm about the work done by Russian women in the revolution and still being done by them in its defence and further development. And as for the position and activities of women comrades in the Bolshevik Party, that seemed to me a model Party. It alone formed an international communist women’s movement of useful, trained and experienced forces and a historical example.




Fuck you too, man


>Starmer promises ‘long-term strategy’ in business-friendly Labour manifesto
Bongland is gonna keep being a dumpster with that


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>US lifts ban on sending weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
fuc k this shit


all the media are saying the brigade with a far-right past. but to question it now is Russian disinformation


>the brigade with a far-right past
"I used to be a nazi. I'm still a nazi but I used to be too."

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