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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Normally federations are only discussed in science fiction, because most countries are not at the level of political progress to exist as federations. However, the deterioration of party politics in countries like South Africa, America, the Sahel states, increasing trade opportunities between neighbouring states across the African continent, and an increasing portion of the North Atlantic countries (what some call the ‘west’) might contribute to the rise of federalist policies and centralized governance in the coming years. What are your beliefs and proposals for the federalization of Southeast Asian, African, and South American countries?


federations are not a mark of political progress they are just other countries LARPing as USA. Germany is a federation because the US rebuilt them after WW2.

Federal system is based on confederation which is a native american idea based on a native american alliance which was in whats now the midwest.


Nuh uh. Human unity has been a process starting even before the Holocene. Federalism is just a stage in that process that precedes just before total human political unification.


The alliance of sahel countries is more like a confederacy than a federation. Usually a federation is more centralized under a single federal authority rather than a conglomeration of independent countries willingly choosing to become one, with their governments intact but the only difference being the establishment of a unifying government through consent.


If the Sahel states fully form as a formal confederation (which given the direction the continent in general is heading in it probably will), if the state is going to become federalized anyways, because it’s more tax-efficient to run centralized governments anyways.

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