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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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This is not a thread to criticize the appearance of present day building trends, but to criticize literally every thing else that’s wrong with the way they’re designed.
These buildings; they won’t last a generation. Many of the buildings (mostly homes, unfortunately…) in North America built today are made using cheaply processed materials, framed poorly, and built without many of the features required for a building to last. Many of the buildings built today will not last gen z—much less gen alpha. God forbid the climate crisis or a natural disaster hits this continent, because a shitload of people are going to end up homeless, because the buildings they live in (assuming they can even afford to live in or use these overpriced and underdeveloped units) are going to crumble instantaneously.
Of course, this design is intentional. The landlords that commission these projects don’t care at all about the longevity of the things they construct or their usefulness to society, because these people only care about the land that’s underneath these buildings, and the money making potential from investment into these buildings. The architects and engineers that design these buildings obviously don’t have much say in how the building should turn out. As a result of this combination of greed and negligence, what many North Americans receive are clusters of mass manufactured, cheaply produced, ‘sludge buildings’ that will crumble before 2050, and will exist as massive wastes of taxpayer money.
And some people on this dumbass continent have the nerve to criticize the Chinese for cutting corners in infrastructure development…


As a labourer who builds in cement and bricks i envy them.


I know we shit on American housing but environmental issues probably mean that concrete and steel kind of construction is probably going to need to be a thing of the past. Even brick and cement is pretty terrible for the environment.


Climate change will force people to build a lot of new buildings anyway as people have to relocate to places that are more habitable.

>Of course, this design is intentional. The landlords that commission these projects don’t care at all about the longevity of the things they construct or their usefulness to society, because these people only care about the land that’s underneath these buildings, and the money making potential from investment into these buildings.

The whole point of being a landlord is to set up the property and then collect rent on it with minimal further input. A landlord who pays for housing construction definitely has an interest in the building lasting because it will cost less in the long run. The material interests behind impermanent buildings is the building companies ensuring demand for their services.

The interests of corporate land buyers is another factor in the problem. Their interests are in treating the housing as an investment commodity, which means they want to inflate the "value" as much as possible while paying as little as possible. The result is a bunch of useless McMansions in the middle of nowhere that get traded around by speculators but that nobody is actually going to live in.


It’s easier to just evict and relocate people off income than any of that shit. Tf are you on about on the second part?


Not so long I've learned that Americans think that plywood walls are load-bearing.


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Agree. My parent's house was built in the 70's and the build quality is remarkably different from the cookie cutter shacks they prop up these days. Of course, most people do not know and do not care - as long as the countertop is "marble" and the interior comes in Millennial grey, buyers are hally.



Would you trust a shipping container over a plywood and drywall piece of shit?


I'm seeing a bunch of medium density housing go up near me that's just 2x4s and OSB because plywood is too expensive. I really hope the fire stairs are concrete at least


>>1885229 (OP)
> These buildings; they won’t last a generation. Many of the buildings (mostly homes, unfortunately…) in North America built today are made using cheaply processed materials, framed poorly, and built without many of the features required for a building to last.
This is such a lie. There is no reason for a stick frame to not last forever as long as you don't get insane levels of water damage that hurts the structure.

> As a result of this combination of greed and negligence, what many North Americans receive are clusters of mass manufactured, cheaply produced, ‘sludge buildings’ that will crumble before 2050, and will exist as massive wastes of taxpayer money.

You people are fucking idiots.

>Agree. My parent's house was built in the 70's and the build quality is remarkably different from the cookie cutter shacks they prop up these days. Of course, most people do not know and do not care - as long as the countertop is "marble" and the interior comes in Millennial grey, buyers are hally.
My parent's house was built in the 70s and it is a total piece of shit but there's nothing decaying on it.

Houses don't just magically collapse.


Shipping container is hot as fuck inside. It's certainly more sturdy, though


This is just a trailer for millenial hipsters.


Is the sheet metal on a shipping container thicker or sturdier than that on a regular trailer?


It won't dent from a heavy hit


Also, the shipping container itself is ribbed for extra sturdiness


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The real problem with American construction is really nothing to do with sturdiness or longevity but that it's all made of carcinogenic glues that off gas and fill your house with harmful fumes. Synthetic carpets, synthetic flooring, dry wall, plywood and osb, doors, etc.

But it's not like you can cut out your formaldehyde intake anyways. Your Ikea furniture, your mattress, your clothing, everything.


Food and water are also poison
There is no health in modern society


Housing developer detected. Enough of your lies.


listen man no matter how good of a building you build in the US hurricanes and floods will ruin anything and make it unlivable thats why everythign is built so cheap so it can also be rebuilt cheap


for her pleasure*


Yep. My house is falling apart bit by bit. I wish we could have something sturdier


Those are investment vehicles, not actual houses to live in. It's the same principle as GME stock, NFTs, shit like that - it's a good attached to a speculation "engine", and you have to buy the absolutely useless good to access the speculative value inside it. In case of housing, it's land that's getting speculated on, and houses on top of it exist to hide the speculation, that's forbidden in case of land, under the thin veil of legality


ITT: people who have never worked a day in construction tell you how things should be constructed


Are plywood walls load-bearing?


>please answer my irrelevant question


Ever thus with economists


Have you ever heard of the concept of larping and make belief?



What is working in construction supposed to teach anybody about the high-level economics of the industry? Is the guy installing the drywall thinking about macroeconomics while doing it?


We're not talking about macroecnomics, we are talking about construction methods and durability shit you faggots who know nothing about don't know anything about.

I swear you faggots are so dumb.
> Well I am a well versed in Marx, so let me tell you why the honda 4 cylinder is the worst on the market. But actually I have zero experience or knowledge of engines


You're supposed to be destroying capitalist relations, not "uplifting" them. Comtist retard.


>ackchyually particleboard is the most advanced and based building material, and europoors will never understand why their solid wood walls are actually a bad thing


>lemme just repeat 4chan memes some more
>this will prove I'm not talking out my ass


>muh europenis
They do stick frame in europe too you dumb faggot.


Bitch, if I’m seeing suburban ‘houses’ (they might aswell be fucking dog sheds these days) constantly falling apart a few years after being built the same way I see Chinese concrete shitsacks get blasted randomly, then I’m inclined to believe anything coming out of your mouth is nothing but bullshit


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>ruralbrain idpol



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>macroecnomics doesn't effect production
back to reddit liberal



back to liberal reddit


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For Atlanta/Charlotte
Everyone in these pictures could live with Comfort and space within the interstate circles.
As for Detroit everyone in south east Michigan could live between 102-39(then towards the river) in the same state as above. We need to completely remove most of the sprawl. We need a clean slate!


You'd have to be blind to live in the US and not see how shitty the building process has become. There's at least one building in my town with a façade made of STRYOFOAM painted over with a texturing paint. Builders today don't even learn basic shit because the boomers can't be bothered to teach anything and the companies don't give a fuck that basic shit is missing like >>1885939 this house not having proper wood brackets or other joining to stabilize it.


>capitalism is physical reality
>hurr back to reddit liberal


A four cylinder Honda engine will outlast any McMansion.

However CVTs and plastic manifolds are plaguing cars as well.


Did you miss me?


Good design principle, cringe aesthetic


well yeah its socialism


>>capitalism is physical reality
nobody said that.


Well, when you are no longer producing for value and no longer engaging in capitalist relations, "macroeconomics" as an enterprise of managing value no longer exists, and resources are managed directly without the idealistic fiction of "exchange" interposed.


Turn the square into a proper park or garden with the sidewalk going around it.


What's wrong with the aesthetic. I mean it's a bit old and dated looking and that plaza could definitely use some plants but other than that.


ok i will


Buildings are fine. Trees certainly would help but I don't think I can find anything nice to say about that broadening radiating effect on the walkways.


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6/10 paint's too loud, don't need old guys in the middle of everything


uh thanks that's too generous


my grandfather built his own house for this reason. not only was it cheaper, it was safer. The only downside was more labor intensive and took longer to move in. If you can buy an empty lot and slowly build up a sturdy house with a good foundation, you should. Most people can't though which is why the american dream (petit bourgeois aspiration) is dead


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Remember when you could buy kit houses from a catalog? Still can.


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Burgers are building TOFU DREG buildingz!!!


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As an member of the favela country, i cannot understand why you guys think your homes are shit, and cannot say if those houses are gonna go down in the future.

the only thing that is certain that is going down is the fascist.


This is what America would look like if we let the Chinese take over.


This is what America looks like already. A Chinese takeover could only improve things.


I prefer the older Bungalow/Craftsman look than those modern looking options, personally.


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Too bad, you'll get cappieblocks and like it


The last four almost pass as bungalows with the pitched roof over the balcony, although a basement would be nice. I'm sure corrugated siding is or could be an option for residents so motivated.


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Don't make me tap the sign
<15 Industrial Fires per day


On the plus side, they plywood is so thin it won't kill you when it falls over.


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these things aren't that expensive


>North American buildings are cheap and badly produced. Just like everything else made here
That's because we're working together with China, you goddamn liberals! If only we're not doing business with them, then we won't have any tofu-dreg buildings or low-quality products in our country!


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