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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Just stop.

Drugs are bad for mental and physical health, drugs destroy lives, drugs mate it easier for the pigs to lock you up drugs make you smell bad, drugs cost wages.



marx drank alcohol tho


That's not the reason to be anti-drug
Opium is the opium of the masses after all


>drugs are this, drugs are that
No matter your opinion, "drugs" is such a broad category it's completely useless to make general statements like this. Even the same drugs are wildly different depending on the context in which they are used. Amphetamine as a tool for productivity or ADHD treatment is not the same as railing lines of speed paste and jerking off for 12 hours. Anabolic steroids as a tool to recover from injury or counteracting the effects of aging, is not the same as doing endless cycles to become as swole as possible while destroying your body.


Drugs are bad you stupid druggie


I bet that if he lived in the late 20th century, he would do a shitton of acid


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Without Ritalin the movement will collapse. Also it's legal I've got a diagnosis.


did communist movements of the past need ritalin? Did they accomplish more?

Drugs are bad


umm but have you considered that i like them??


you can keep liking them, just stop doing them


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